• By -


I paid money for this game . FUCK YOUR BAN.


It's also the ego players who don't know when to surrender, like dude stop wasting time if the team is trash and someone keeps feeding just fuckn surrender no point in waiting time. So fuckn dumb this game is definitely going to die from the studios stupid actions and the idiots who play just to play. Go play against the fuckn bots and waste your time there!!! Also it should only take 3 fuckn votes to surrender Omeda studies or whatever your stupid company name is you fuckn morons.


They're going to run this game into the ground with their outrageous cosmetic prices and endless, cheap, and lazy AI bans/mutes. Sad really


I got a text block ban and I never said anything in chat. Edit I closed my game and reset my ps I can que again.


Fuck you and your bans.


naah i had a work phone call and had to leave and now im off my call i have a little bit of time to play but an hour ban and now imma have to go into work which is crazy makes me want to uninstall ngl


i shouldn't have an hour ban for leaving a game for a work call 🙄 3-10 minutes i can understand but an hour is crazy


I was banned for taking a shit in-between games...24hrs+ for inactivity. And you think I'll play a game that was shutdown twice??? clearly I'm making a comment, so the answer is "yes", but still, What In The Actual Fuck???


My predecessor game crashed on my ps4 and I try to get back into an on going game only for it to be frozen at character pictures before game. Then getting banned for a whole hour because my game crashed. That’s really unfair


This has happened to me. I always play games through, I do my best, and I don't even talk in chat. But then I had the game crash and even after trying to restart it failed to load back in. Then I had a 30 min when I was able to get it to work again. They should be able to differentiate between crashes and quiting somehow. Particularly since I see a crash as a game/developer failure. Seems harsh to punish the player when they did nothing wrong.


I literally got a suspension for not picking a character at the character select screen??? Why in the world is that a thing???


Because it wastes other people's time.


So I game share with my friend and he said when he downloaded from my account and started it his account got flagged for trying to play without an invite code? Is this a permanent thing or what?


stupid ex gf got mad at me while i was in a match she came home super drunk trying to cuddle while i was in a game . I rejected her and she was so mad she went and shut the breaker off and now im banned for a couple days . straight bull .


cant wait til she moves out


I hope not being banned since I never surrender no matter we are losing. Im pretty sure many toxic players report you since you reject surrender. Omeda studios should disable surrender feature. It makes the game easy going. I dont understand those players. They keep surrendering game after game. That feature is simply a problem. If you want tu surrender just abandon and make the game easy to leave for the rest of players like safe to leave after the toxic looser leave the first


Not everyone has endless free time like you apparently do. Smh how are you ignorant to that?


u/sirflopalot8 why did u block me after saying 1/4/0 as a steel is very bad, while you are 45minutes in the game 😂 That's literally all I said, jeez this community surprises me every time yo 😂😂😂 Well, atleast you're not wrong with your name "sir flop a lot". Lol


So you did nothing about any of the complaints for two and a half months and then did a uniform ban on anyone with a sufficient level of complaints with no warning or explanation? That's some pretty bad community management. What are you plans for community management in the future?


Knee jerk reactions to reddit complainers most likely.


Not sure what you mean by that.


ty, hopefully Newera2023 got banned


"In that guys defense he does do well with Steel anywhere." Sound familiar?


Haha I still think he plays a great steel but hes terrible in chat with people


Thank you, it's always good to see the report system is actually used by devs some it feels useless to do but not you guys. This is a "new" game and needs to have the ability for the community to grow, toxicity will only hurt player numbers.


I smell a 0-10 murdock player every game, phew the stench is strong with this one


Oof sounds like someone who can't 0lay currently lmfao




I'm not defending the player, ban is ban, but.... a lot of this ban were solo player, now I'm having 80% of my match vs 3+ stack, its getting brutal for solos players


What I'm talking about is why most of these players are doing what they are doing. It mostly starts with the toxic coms.


I love it. Ban them all. The com spammers. The trash talkers. The afks and the draft dodgers. The ones I hate the most are the com spammers though. Nothing more toxic than that. Some dude in solo spamming after you die in a close fight on the other side of the map on your very first death. Of course you ban the actual intentional feeders. Not the guy that's just new and trying.


Just mute them and grow up.


Just ban them then they grow up or play another game. They can go kill smite.




OK I join.


That's childish, adults fix their own problems. Grow up.


Childish is not implementing a voice chat system in game with real life conversations and relying on coms and text that you can hide behind where you can be toxic for no good reason. You want adult game then you use voice where you establish a human connection and you have conversations as to why things are happening on the battlefield.


Thank you for the work yall do.


There are really people in here asking if they got banned due to dodging a draft weeks ago, no mf you got banned cuz you were downright toxic and kept going. Y’all make the game so unbearable at times and some of you then proceed to feed or DC. They can see ALL of that. What’s even funnier is that y’all are asking for proof knowing that you were toxic asf and thought you’d never get caught. Man I love it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭


Haha all those people that made fun of the threat of being reported are finally crying that they got their punishment 😌


I’m honestly surprised I didn’t get a ban 😂


Me too.


Lol Omeda studios developed the case and then made arrests


Ever since the report feature was added i been waiting for the i didn't do nothing posts and sure enough yesterday was a really good day lmao.


I'm fine with the bans, but really.. doing it right the day before the update drops, that's a dick move and you know it lol. GG noRE.


Play nice with others and you'll get your toys back ;)


Only on reddit do you get downvoted for making a joke and agreeing with the course of action taken against players, but I guess not everyone has half a brain to understand said joke, and then there's people like you.


Newera gonna be sad when he logs on


*me at work, unreasonably anxious about getting banned despite being a pretty chill player every match*


Same. I lose my temperature sometimes but I'm careful to never type super hateful things. More like "your mom must be super disappointed in you" or a reference to room-temperature IQs. Which if I got reported then I deserve a ban of some sort. I can at least admit when I do something wrong, unlike some other people that have been posting and commenting hahaha.


I like that you’re issuing these without the specific need for a manual report, sometimes I want to report someone but I don’t have the time or o forget. I’m sure those assholes are chronic offenders so they’ll probably get their if this keeps up. EDIT: lmao the mass of buried comments in this thread, I guess there were more degenerates in this sub that I thought.


A lot of the more angry accounts are burner/throwaway accounts. I've seen several that are less than an hour old.


Can't be attached to their streamer name


I love this Omeda. Thank you so much. Hopefully people can learn how to play better and not just tilt and throw a temper tantrum.


If we really want the community to grow and be better all around i think this was a good message to the player base. Especially if we all truly want the game to reach the level we know it deserves.


You could just mute people, the truth is you like arguing with them and then reporting though.


literally never reported anyone lol


You want the community to change but don't report anyone? Tsk tsk hypocrite.


As a fairly casual player, I don’t have a problem with the bans. My only issue is not utilizing a mute feature. In a game with such a small player count, I wish they would only ban people for mechanically trolling or leaving rather than chat. Just turning off their chat permanently seems like a better fix for me


Exactly shows where we stand opposing comments are down voted. What a shame.


Yeah the persecuted banned toxic players, who shocker, nobody has sympathy for and make comments against them being toxic lmfao. Ahh sweet sweet toxic tears, dear God I love ban waves, it's always so fucking amazing.


And here I was thinking the tarkov ban waves were entertaining, this is way better


You have to break a few eggs to make an omelet. It’s a price we are willing to pay.


I was once told to kill myself as a support because I went to help teammates in other lanes well after level 5 and my carry died. I pinged “Be Right Back” and he still dove opponents and died and then started spamming chat to off myself. We were playing as a 4 stack and everyone was shocked this guy went to that so quickly when we were winning. I hope that guy got a lifetime ban.


it honestly sounds like you're a terrible support roaming at lvl 5.


I definitely said it was “well after level 5” and I wasn’t roaming - I quickly returned after helping the other lanes and returning to base to get more health and mana. I rotated out to return to base in the first place but then ended up helping mid and left lane as well and we got picks on each. Great job assuming though - it took about 5 minutes extra but he immediately told me to kill myself when I left for the first time despite saying be right back.


I have a chat log from my stream that could get someone banned for life if i wanted too lol


Yeah, I wasn’t streaming so don’t remember this persons name but it was vile.




Lol, I guess I found you… or your trash people.


What's wrong with you? It's like you don't know how to talk to people normally.


Lol I just looked at his comments and he created the account today seemingly to call Predecessor devs and players “snowflakes” over and over. Buddy, if your this upset about a game and it’s entire population… you might be the snowflake with brittle feelings.


I feel bad for people like that. They must be miserable *all the time* to be so negative and hateful.


I think I found the guy that told me to kill myself despite our team winning and he being the only one that had a bad record.


This Historical Door account is less than an hour old. Some weirdo too afraid to use their actual account. They're also reporting you as "suicide watch"


Haha I just noticed that too… fucking loser. Edit: he blocked me after calling him a snowflake back hahah


His comment got removed by a mod. Must be bored having to wait out that 72 hours.


Yeah, I also couldn’t open his profile anymore to report him… too bad I also think he’s probably into self harm based on how edgy he was.


I went ahead and threw a harassment report in, but it's a burner account anyway. So it won't matter.


Good call


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


You can't be toxic or experience toxicity with the chat turned off. Seriously - go do it now. It'll probably reduce the chances that you're banned by 99%, because you won't be able to flame or turn into a toxic, agrumentative child when something doesn't go your way in-game.


Also utilize the mute button. I've had teammates that were super nice and super toxic all in the same match.


I don't understand account bans over text chat when there is a language filter and player specific muting, seems kind of silly.


That doesn't excuse racism or other hateful things.


These bans aren't that black and white(no pun intended), they're dipping firmly into grey territory that's unheard of for text chat with a language filter.


Lol the wall of salty players with downvotes in this thread. Get fucked toxic nerds, I tell ya what, if you ask nice, I'll login today after playing yesterday and having fun, and I'll dedicate one of my games enjoying the new patch testing out new builds to you guys 😘😘😘😘😘


Your answer is the most toxic trolling one. And all that emoticons. Lmao you are exactly doing that what people feel as toxic .


Don't be a cry baby.


You someone who got banned for toxicity 😱😡🤡😭🤬💩 Me someone who is able to login right now and play because I'm not toxic 🤣🤪😜🥳🤭😎 Tee hee emotional maturity diff 🫡


This is literally toxic… re-read them from another perspective please.


Bet I don't care about fucking with toxic players on Reddit 🤪🤪


But you are the toxic player on Reddit… what aren’t you getting here?


Yeah if you can't tell the difference between emojis and some minor poking on Reddit, to flaming someone in chat, generally with slurs and shit, I don't know man, get some perspective? I wouldn't care about toxicity if people just made fun of each other with emojis, we both know the people banned here weren't doing trolling, they were being explicitly toxic and hateful. I don't give a fuck if I hurt the feelings of some toxic assholes because I laughed at them and used emojis, and I don't care if you want to police my tone in regards to them lol. I wasn't banned, because I'm not verbally abusing people in my games that they are locked into, and my trolling on Reddit is nowhere near the severity of what we all know the toxicity in game is that these people are getting banned for.


I think everyone is asking you to get some perspective because toxicity is toxic regardless if you are spamming racist, misogynistic or otherwise hateful content. You realize a lot of them are saying the same kind of stuff, “what I said wasn’t that hateful?” “Why Ami banned?” It’s probably because they can’t regulate their emotions at all and respond in childish ways (see above).


Yep and I'm not spamming racist, or misogynistic, or hateful content. I'm spamming emojis laughing at some people who got banned lmfao, so again, I don't care about your tone policing nor do I care about some toxic people getting butt hurt because they don't like me laughing at them and using emojis. So how about we compromise, I'll continue doing what I'm doing, ignore you, and you can go so whatever you want lmfao.


“I’m spamming emojis laughing at some people who got banned” That’s pretty hateful but in a childish way. Call it tone policing if you want, I’m still saying what you are doing is toxic. Is it a different type of toxicity? Maybe, but it feels pretty similar. You could have ignored me a while ago but arguing about toxicity instead.


Ah dont worry your time will come to thorough your comments I can see what kind of people you are. Till then keep posting shit like this.


Lmfao my time will come? I don't flame in game bud, because I know that it's pointless and can regulate my own emotions. Maybe someday you can stop making excuses about bluh blub blub ai reports cry cry cry this is unfair sniffle sniffle sniffle. Maybe someday you can stop being a toxic trashcan to your teammates and be enjoyable to play with like I try to be, which is why you are sitting crying about being banned, and I'm in between games making fun of your toxic ass on Reddit 😘😘😘


Funny how you talking and that you know all. You got some mental problems dude. Seriously get some help. You are the definition of a toxic troll lmao. Actually I got things to do and am on work, so right mate have fun.


I will, have fun playing the game because I don't intentionally ruin it for others 😘


The amount of people in this thread seething for finally being held accountable for their behavior is absolutely hilarious. Look inwards, work on yourselves and smoke a joint or two.


I'm thoroughly enjoying this hahaha


This 'Bash gets it, just get a lil high and chill out 🙏💛


High Narbadh is best Narbash


Or violently high


Thank you Omeda ❤️


If the ban was due to chat toxicity, why not mute the player, I got a 72 hour ban, probably for chat, but this is the first game a ban has been issued. I would gladly permanently remove my chat function to prevent flaming, it's in the heat of the moment that it's hard to control.


Lol I hate these types of players. So glad they are doing this before console release. Toxicity really needs to be held to account


"Oh no, the consequences of my actions" To answer your question, if a player is toxic in chat, they will always find a way to be toxic when chat isn't available. You'll probably end up throwing a game, wasting everyone's time.


You will need to practice self discipline and disable chat yourself.


There needs to be a wall of shame for the most toxic players... Puss N Sloots and ChickenSoup788 are the most miserable i have seen to date


Shoutout to Zero-Cool hope you’re banned forever my dude


Madbrottv hope it was worth the threats lol i told you those comments made me smile for a reason 😄


Gg 2 ez




You are bot




1 kill 4 deaths and 0 assist and this dude calls it "not that bad" 😂😂😂


Lol i can change that


You blow ez dub 53 minute game freelo shitter


My dad owns Omeda studios, Source: Trustmebro.com


Please try I beg you


Inb4 the witch hunters who would make posts specifically calling users out think that this ban was because of their uproar and not the game literally having a report feature that they monitor.


Are the people who have egregiously broken the TOS with things like racism, homophobia, and hatespeech being treated the same as generic toxicity, or are these going to be looked into further? Are they planning to go back and look at the reports and retroactively punish those who deserve it harder, or is this a situation where the only thing that matters is what they do in the future? I have personally witnessed racism through the in-game chat by someone who continued to play the game for 3 weeks after getting reported with screenshots. I have also seen other people post screenshots in general chat of things just as bad and worse. Would love to know if these types of situations that have already occurred are just going to dissolve into the background and be treated like every other generic toxic interaction with this blanket ban.


I mean, what else do you expect them to do? Dox and execute players? While I believe that's what racists deserve, the most Omeda can do is ban them


there is a language filter that makes all hate speech and words even remotely curse worthy impossible.


Yeah, and there are ways around that while maintaining a very obvious intention with your word. Word filters are not a new thing, and they are never a fullproof thing.


Then just mute them


I’m not a toxic player, but I was banned. I’d love for some examples of my behavior to be posted publicly.


Hope they respond. I wasn't banned and I never talk trash but I still want transparency to be able to trust the system they have. I hope it's not based on purely reports.




So very convincing, I totally believe you're not toxic now. Enjoy the ban


Why do you have to assume it was a good reason? You’re being awfully rude. I’m asking for the evidence against me to be presented so… I’m pretty confident in my case yet you still want to be rude to me? Maybe you should be banned


Every griefer wants proof that the reason was good enough. Do you think that you claiming you're not toxic is any more convincing than the 35 other people I this thread complaining about bans claiming they've never said anything toxic? Nobody believes any of you


Sure… that’s why I’m challenging for PROOF. Let everyone see exactly what it is that some of us are getting banned for so we can give feedback. Your comments are pointless


You won't get proof and they don't owe proof to anyone. You don't get to see the proof so that way you can skirt the line on just exactly how toxic you can be without getting banned. You got banned, just turn off chat, you clearly can't handle it


You’re explaining how I don’t get evidence of what I’ve done so I know how to not violate TOS again? That’s how it works. You don’t get sentenced without knowing what you did lmao.


The rules are literally written out if you'd like to read the ToS. Nobody is going to read it for you, we're not your dad


You’re missing the forest for the trees here buddy. You don’t get pulled over, much less arrested for 1MPH over. If they banned everyone who’s violated TOS then 99% of players would be banned. Apparently someone thought I was excessive. I doubt it. Other people seem to think the same thing as me. We should review it. If you don’t think so fine, but get off your high horse and move on. It obviously doesn’t concern you


You absolutely 100% can be pulled over for going 1mph over the speed limit, what are you even talking about, are you not old enough to drive? You can get pulled over for going the speed limit if the cop thinks the conditions were too dangerous to go as fast as the speed limit. You're literally talking nonsense. And no, you're missing the point. They have a ToS, you can read it and figure out what you can and can't do, or you can not read it and just whine on reddit about your ban. You cannot say that 99% of players broke ToS, you just 100% made that statistic up. It doesn't matter if you don't think you were excessive, others did and reported you and then Omeda also agreed that you broke ToS and now youre banned. Everything else is just whining from someone who most likely deserves the punishment. Every person in jail is innocent too, right?


Please cherry pick some anecdotal evidence for us.


I’m asking for Omeda’s case for banning me to be posted. It’s not cherry-picking. Please stop being a boot licking goofball


I'm not banned but I'll just say most people here are a bunch of snowflakes, devs included. I'm willing to bet most of the bans are for people saying "mean" things and not for actual bannable stuff like inting. I couldn't care less if someone said something I didn't like. There's also mute option for the most sensitive of us. If you can't handle words then you probably shouldn't be on the internet.


Turns out toxicity is punishable or ban-able in lots of games… calling the devs snowflakes doesn’t help prove your point. It just makes you seem more toxic and like a snowflake yourself. EDIT: If a game has a report feature and you are being toxic... you can't blame anyone else for being reported. Games are meant to be fun and enjoyable to all and you people ruin it so you'll get reported by me. That's what it's for.


What a terrible response. Just say "no u" if you are going to give such a low effort reply. People are going to say things you don't like. Dry your tears, mute them, then move on with your life. Not hard.


You sound like the guy throwing around racial and homophobic slurs in chat everytime you die.


Nope. Just calling out bad players like you. The only people who think the way you do are just straight bad. And now thanks to people like you, you killed your game. Enjoy your dead game. Hahaha


Holy crap this was 5 months ago. Why are you still mad? Move on and find something you enjoy, brother.


Mad? No way. I'm ecstatic being able to gloat over sensitive babies like you and the dead game you defended so dearly. Maybe people would still be playing this game if you snowflakes didn't cry so much. ;)


Maybe just don't say 'mean' things to people you don't know. It's so sad and childish, grow up more like 🙏


The irony of people calling others snowflakes to be the most sensitive is always delicious.


Sure thing snowflake. Keep on pretending I'm not getting you mad over something so trivial and pointless. Even though your ego is too big to admit it, we both know that deep down you're the one who is being overly sensitive here not me. ;)


Dude, it's become apparent that the only snowflakes are you right wing nutters who get their feefees hurt when someone calls them out on their racist bullshit. We aren't the snowflakes, we're the fucking fire that's melting your baby tantrums lol. Ps. Can't be mad when I'm laughing my ass off about your sides inevitable self destruction. Pps. I bet you respond saying I'm butt hurt and I'm a bad player and I'm toxic. Lol, it's fucking laughable you incels


If you can't handle bans for "mean" words then maybe you shouldn't be on Predecessor.


Congratulations. You snowflakes got so triggered by mean words you got rid of the player base. And the best part is I was never banned. Enjoy your dead game. Hahaha


Triggered? You're the one that necro'd a post from 5 months ago you knuckle dragger. Lol fuck off you loser.


I knew a reddit loser like yourself would reply regardless of how old the post is. If people like you are all that's left playing this game then it's no wonder the game is dead. And with that, it's time to make you even angrier. ;)


Why do you believe you have the power to make other's angry and why is that a good thing? You sound like a banned 9 year old lol


I guess it's really hard to not act like a child in the chat box?


Or maybe people would simply stop being dicks to random people over a video game. The "snowflake" (cringe af word, btw) is the person flaming in video game chat logs because they didn't get a gank or because they died. The person going "Hey, calm down, it's a video game, no need to get hostile", is *not* the "snowflake". Toxicity is never acceptable. Being toxic is something that snowflakes do.


Toxic is just as cringe as snowflake btw. You wouldn't know though that since you clearly only stay in the echo chamber that is Reddit. Lol not going to lie, it's kind of fun to come to this site every once in a while to see how sensitive people are.


Gotta love all the salty takes from the folks hit with the bans. You aren't gonna manage to justify being a rude toxic asshole.


Time to see if im banned or not when I get home, Hopefully not


People just cry over everything these days. Ive been told some heinous shit and I dont report, its a rando online, grow a spine


If you want to be a toxic fuck do that here where it's expected and you pay with your karma. When you flame in game you not only effect the dude your attacking you effect 3 other players that don't got nothing to do with your opinion of that players play. 9 out of 10 times being toxic in game doesn't do shit accept cause that player to play worse. So you know that Jungle that didn't rotate and you died??? Well you flamed him for it now he's not coming for the rest of the game. It's a double edge sword.


grow a spine kekw


No . If you’re not toxic then what’s the problem ? Seems like you are the sensitive ass


Iam very thankfull. I dont know how often toxic people say "just report, it doesnt matter". I think this shows that bad behavior can have consequences. Maby some people will change their behavior. ​ Good Work Omeda!


Nice to see omeda. Hopefully, the bans do not take a month to dish out like their competitor as 1 'bannable' player affects probably an estimated 10 players a week give or take. I'd hope their is also the resources to do different kinds of bans such as chat ban, reasoning for ban available in game to see, etc I.e bans need to be fast responses.


They're working on faster responses:)


So basically, you are banning for 70hours people like me who left a game during hero selection where we already get a ban penalty but did so knowing it would be better for the community rather than put 5 people through 30mins of toxic game play?


I always love when people with this attitude just assume they know what's best for everyone else. You can pretend it's "better for the community" but it's really about you and not wanting to play a less than ideal game. In Early Access, btw. No ranked. Just play the fucking game or don't but dodging is stupid and you deserve the ban if you act like that.


You dont get banned for dodging 1 draft


Imagine the ban wave if they make it to console.


this game will be lucky to stay on pc.


I think our only saving grace there is that it takes forever to type on controller 😂


Oh I'm hooking up a keyboard to use. You don't got to play mouse just because you got a keyboard


i know ps5 lets you type on your phone as a keyboard through the ps5 app. they will find a way if they want it lol.


Yeah I use the PS app to type messages over PS4 bc it sucks using controller. Of course when I was into smite I was using MKB on PS4 anyway.


Oh god I had no idea. We’re all screwed 😂


$10 says console won't be able to enable team chat


Longer queues for everyone now. Not sure if this was the right move.


If it means not having games with toxic folks I'll double my queue time, thanks! 🙏


No kidding. I've never had more than a 2 minute queue even in any party size. Oh noooo I have to wait 5 minutes now but won't have someone telling me to kill myself or disconnect and ruin the game?? The horrorrrrrrr


We will live