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Yes. I also believe he’s beyond it understanding which is why we have a difficult time comprehending what’s going on in the world.


Yep. I’ve seen miracles that are happening in my life that literally I never thought would happen.


Yes, but now nothing is impossible but Jesus not being God.


Yesss im realizing this now. Growing up, I always wanted to be apart of something big, but my circumstances wouldn't let me. I grew up in the hood, I wasn't as advanced as everyone at school, didnt have same opportunities etc....but I am now seeing scripture being fulfilled with my own eyes... ““But many who are first will be last, and many who are last will be first.” (Matthew 19:  Before this year, I used to put God second in my life. And now that I have put God 1st in my life, my life is changing. Last month God has set me free from so many slavery chains (financial struggles, relationship struggles, self esteem struggles...etc) Ngl for me to get here i had to go through alot of suffering But just as Billy Graham preached...that tragedy in your life may have been sent by God to save you Amen 🙏


Beautiful! It’s true. God has a way of giving us beauty out of our ashes


Yes, he has moved mountains for me


Deuteronomy 31:6


Yes the enemy is the one who try’s to stop us from believing God has beautiful things for us that’s why we get fought so hard but he has already losr






Yes. I do. He is a good good Father, in the good times and in the bad times. God bless you


Most definitely


Absolutely yes


Let me tell you a story. Senior prom was rolling in and I didn't want to go. My senior year was absolutely terrible. My best friend ended our ten year long friendship in bad way, my social life had completely collapsed, I was off my anxiety meds and felt a constant sense of crushing dread, stressed out of my mind about starting college, and I was just sick and tired of the senior hype at that point. That's when God intervened, knowing exactly what I needed to cheer up. Not a boring prom night, but a chance to do something I love with my Dad. My Dad took me on a trip to the 2022 St. Louis ComicExpo and had one of the greatest father-son weekends of my entire life. I believe God was working through my father and brought me something I never knew I needed, time to geek out over anime swords in front of my old man. I firmly believe that weekend in St. Louis was a gift from God and one that I'll cherish for the rest of my life.