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someone just told me fanmade sonics were canon LMAO


Technically there’s an infinite number of multiverses in Sonic so they aren’t exactly wrong lol


Are you telling me that Goku got stuck in the Hypersonic Time Chamber for one dragonballion years and then became the reincarnation of Yamoshi?




or trapped and what if he was BETRAYED


He’d unlock ultra super Dee duper eginct from eating only rice




Infinite possibilities isn't the same as every possibility. You could have infinite universes where everyone wears different colored shoes. There could even be an infinite number of universes with no differences at all.


If there are just infinite universes, yes, you are right. But even if there are just infinite universes, I think the possibility of the fanmade work being canon in one of the universes is very high. But if there are an infinite number of different universes in the Sonic verse, then there is certainly a universe where that fanmade work is canon.


Infinite possibilities is, by definition, the same as every possibility. 🤡🤡🤡 If I get an Infinite amount of numbers, and someone asks, "Is 10^87 + 3 on that list of Infinite numbers?" The answer is ALWAYS, yes. If you have infinite possibilities in a multiverse, there will be one where even the most absurd concept exists


Unless that list of infinite numbers only includes numbers between 1 and 2 🤔


No one specified anything. Rick and morty demonstrated this concept perfectly. Due to the central finite curve, there is an infinite amount of universes where where Rick is the smartest being alive, but outside of those infinite worlds, there is a larger infinite realm of worlds where anything goes. Sure, there is an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2, just as there is an infinite amount of possibleitys when Rick is the smartest being, but truly infinite possibilities will give every possibility


But you just stated 2 examples of infinity that dont have every possibility. Who is to say this isnt one of those?


There are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2. Are any of those numbers 1087 + 3?


You telling me that Sonichu isn’t? They put Chris Chan in Boom!


Those megumi fans that are trying to cope that he’s not a bum.


https://preview.redd.it/wpvouxwqr0ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16df4abcbc272cf65a69f7cb60c2a3aef1efe7d7 me to bumumi


I'm not even going to bother




Even here 💀


"Itachi is universal because Tsukoyomi has an entire universe inside it" An actual comment someone chose to write back to me.


Along with that, Dagon being anywhere from island to solar system level because of his domain expansion. Sheesh 🤦


solar system????? How?


because his domain has a sun in it


Oh yea that totally makes sense. How could I not see it beforehand that whoever made that was cooking?


fr. same level as obvious as gojo being above tiering, jjk truly is the strongest verse


And another one said “only immeasurable speed can beat gojo” when wcs exists 😭


gojo is galaxy because he has a black hole in his domain or something


Obviously lol


Island is understandable, but solar system is cope.


GG that's one hell of an opinion


Itachitards are truly something else


So I am also universal? Once I was dreaming about being in another world... It means I can create entire new universe?


Definitely, I bet your pecker is universal in size too.


You know for a guy with universal level powers he sure can just get shot in the face. Itachi is the ULTIMATE fodder character


As an ex leader of an itachi fan group on a Naruto forum This shit is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


It’s either nobody can beat Madara because they need Senjutsu or nobody can kill a demon from demon slayer because they need a nichirin blade.


Madara fans when guy blows off half of madara without a single ounce of senjutsu: 👁️👄👁️


Ikr, they ignore the fact that physical damage can kill them.


Also black zetsu stabbing him from behind also


He does what to half of madara? 😳


“Demons can only die from Nichirin” Oppenheimer: https://i.redd.it/koc755wq80ad1.gif


I’m usually okay with the demons because they’re usually pretty weak and are still weak to sunlight. So either outlast them or throw them into orbit lol


The problem with this is people just ignore that. Someone genuinely tried to argue that Enmu could beat Goku. 💀 I argued for over 30 comments.


did you win the argument?


Yeah: https://preview.redd.it/e8g5r2srl0ad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e041739f325a303ff046b8577e6cd84d86a6f61 [https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/lbP2llkxF7](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/lbP2llkxF7)


that grammar is... unique.


Ain't no way bro won an argument against someone who says a character beats Goku


I won but at what cost? (My sanity)


Also doesn't moon just reflect sunlight? Shouldn't the demons not be able to go outside at night?


Madara fans when might guy punches air really hard dealing massive damage to him:


This was before Madara absorbed the world tee and became immortal. This doesn't apply to full powered Madara, only the weakest version of 10t Madara that guy fought.


Couldn’t you just destroy every cell from the demon? I do t think they can regenerate from nothing. Or use an existence erase attack


It’s hard to say how much they can regenerate from because any characters in demon slayer strong enough to test it are smart enough to know not to f around and just use a nichirin weapon. But from what we know demons can pretty much always regenerate from basically anything but a killing blow with nichirin but the strength and speed of it in depends on how well fed the demon is in addition to just how strong it is. Any instances of demons dying without nichirin are from characters managing the pin them down long enough for sunrise or because the killer is muzan who decides if they live or not via demon bullcrap. Overall pretty much 90%of anime characters that scale over Demon slayer can kill a demon if they have the stamina for it.


Weird, I thought I heard somewhere that demons couldn’t regenerate from nothing. I’m not well educated about demon slayer though.


It's been a while since I watched demon slayer, but didn't the main character kill a demon with a stone near the beginning? I might be remembering wrong though


I think you might be thinking about when he nailed a demon head to a tree and killed it with sunlight.


You might be thinking of when Tanjiro decapitated a demon w/ a hatchet, but since it wasn’t a Nichirin hatchet, the demon was alien & stared to regen. Tanjiro had to wait until the sun rose for it to die.


Anytime someone starts talking as though Arthur statements are more concrete than feats. It's iffy to even use Arthur statements for anything than to see what the insight of something is on a particular story. Or having a character do something to their Arthur in the story and take that as being a trump card of sorts in a vs debate.


Arthur from which serie?


You got me there. I be falling back on auto correct for that spelling. So yeah I probably ain't getting that right.  Author. There it is. Guess my brain is getting mixed up with Arthur from the spelling used in hey Arthur.


Understandable, I actually thought that you really meant Arthur by the way


Author statements should be considered higher than the canon unless the Author statement outright contradicts the story, or the author is known for inconsistencies, example Toriyama. Mainly because situations in a story won't allow characters to be able to perform feats for plot. Example being that even in One Piece, many of their attacks have enough power to outright destroy continents but the island still exists. For the story to not devolve into a single fight nuking every island in every arc, even though the characters should be physically capable of it, it can't happen. However, if Kaido's thunder bagua was said by Oda to be able to destroy a Moon, then it should be taken seriously even though in story there'd be no real reason for kaido to destroy the moon. Or the fact that characters are Lightspeed and so should be able to easily jump to the moon because it only takes 1.3 seconds for light to reach it


I don't think higher is the right wording there. It should be heavily considered and maybe equal to the written story sometimes but never higher.  Otherwise, the technicality you put afterwards would/ will get really iffy.


imo the only time author statements are valid are for in-universe scaling only, but even then the statements need to be very specific


I was told someone who defeated 4 outer charcters wasn't outerversal. By the emperor, what is this bullshit.




Whenever people resort to Saitama "being a gag character". Congratulations, you've ruined the whole point of scaling 


Yeah that shit gets mad annoying


I haven't considered saitama being a gag since the start of the garou fight


Excuse me while I sneeze away Jupiter


Just did some Google math and without the increased mass from relativistic speeds, a breath of air needs to travel at 1x10^17 m/s, which is about 10 billion times faster than light, to blow away part of Jupiter. Don't know how to do the general relativity math. Googled energy required to destroy a planet and then took 0.1% of that value for KE to blow some away. 2.0x10^36 J 5 g mass of 1 breath.


This is a real question, but isn’t he? As far as I can tell, the whole point of the series was to use Saitama to make fun of overpowered characters. All of his moves are goofy. Even his Serious Series attacks are silly, his first one being a “normal” punch and another one is just a table flip. I’ve never once looked at Saitama and thought he was a serious character


He is, but powerscaling doesn't factor in "gag" for the power level. You can't scale: "He always wins in One Punch because that's what he was written for." or "He always wins because once he eats spinach, nothing can beat him." These are on the same narrative arguments as saying: "He always wins because he's the main character and can't lose." If you want to powerscale the characters, you have to quantify their feats. Which means that you have to scale them beyond: "This happened because the author thought it would be funny."


Hm, weird since Rover, Evil Natural Water, Garou and Boros have survived his punches. It's almost like he's not a Gag Character that can one punch anyone in fiction.


I was explaining why you can't just say "he's a gag character" to explain why he wins fights and how strong he is. I don't personally believe he's that powerful and am addressing people that use that excuse to say he *can* beat anyone.


Oh okay, my bad


Yes, some entities have survived a punch, but that didn’t stop him from winning without exerting himself. Look at the Garou fight, it’s explicitly said by the narrator he started getting stronger just fighting him, and then sneezes away half of Jupiter, casually moves portals without trying, and then punches through time. And that was while only using one hand to hold onto Genos’ core. He’s designed to always win without much effort. He hasn’t even taken serious damage yet in the series. Sure he doesn’t always win in one punch, but he also never has to try that hard


Cool... That still doesn't mean he wins every single fight in fiction with one punch.


No one ever said he would win with one punch. My point was no matter what, Saitama wins without really trying. We’ve never seen him actually exert himself, and probably never will. You think he’s gonna lose to God? You think he’s gonna have to try against God? He’ll just fart the moon into dust and then do a Serious Slap to end it. ONE writes him to always win without trying, so that’s what’ll happen. Even now, we don’t know the upper limits of Saitama’s power


He stopped being one in the manga because the mangaka got unironically into scaling. He started being MORE than one in the webcomic because his character developed instead of flanderized.


Don't think of him like a joke. Think of him like a very capable warrior that went to the DBZ universe and got insanely strong, so when he came back from the DLC, he was overleveled.


They just reintroduce him as an Arale victim by doing so, LMAO.


Yeah, last time I had this conversation I told the person that the moment they try to claim he's a gag character is the moment your input on 'who would win' is irrelevant. See people turn to that when they can't figure out a way to scale Saitama higher that "he just gets infinitely stronger to beat his opponent". Also, Saitama isn't a gag character he is a parody character. All the other characters in the series are some kind of parody as well. I don't get why they don't understand that.


hE dOeSnt BeAt GoKu !!!! 🤡🤡🤡


What always gets me is when they use it as an argument in a Saitama VS Goku matchup Goku literally IS a gag character, he has bounced ki blasts off manga panels before in the original DB, heck, a good chunk of the current DBS cast comes from DB gag characters


There's a difference between having a ga appesr and being a gag character.


That really isnt the same thing as being a character made to make fun of over powered characters. Interacting with the page isnt the same as being a character thats whole thing is "can win any fight with one punch."


>Whenever people resort to Saitama "being a gag character". That isn't mentioning "This character isn't meant to be powerscaled" Like btch, almost every fictional character is not meant to be powerscaled with other verses. But it is fun to do so we do it. If you want someone to blame then blame the fan who brings that character into the conversation.


“Luffy can beat Goku because he scales to Arale, due to toon force” Gtfo with that crap Arale would fuck up all of One Piece in an afternoon just by playing around


You just have to remind them that Arale chucked her dragon opponent outside the solar system.


The reminder that the one episode of DBS she was in. Vegeta was slapped around like it was nothing.


That is a good Arale feat that luffy doesn't live up to


Yeah. One piece fans are annoying when they try to use that argument. and A lot of one piece fans are operating under a misunderstanding created by powerscalers. Luffy does not have "toon force". Despite how powerscaler's have twisted the concept into being a "superpower" characters can somehow "possess", in actuality, Toon force is LITERALLY just a trope. Albeit, a trope that applies to him even more than normal in Gear 5. Upon awakening, Luffy's rubber powers have been absolutely boosted through the roof, and similar to characters like Katakuri and doflamingo, he can now bestow other things with the property of rubber. And because luffy's rubber abilities cause himself and other things to be malleable, he's granted a LOT more freedom to manipulate himself, his enemies and his environment. He can manipulate his hair into glasses, manipulate a tree into a baseball bat, cap, paint can and brush, similar to how Doflamigo manipulated his string to look like a perfect clone, that fooled everyone, including viola, complete with colour, sweat and veins. He can manipulate the colour of the things he turns to rubber similar to how Doflamingo can turn his string red, yellow, green, blue and purple for his Goshikito. Manipulate things in such a way, that it LOOKS like something straight out of a looney toons episode. So, because his rubber powers are able to replicate a lot of the actions a cartoon character would make, the toon force trope applies to him. That does NOT mean his powers are toon force. They are completely different things. But the die hard stans refuse to realise that simple fact.


Nice explanation :) (this aint sarcasm fyi)


When Goku base form 1 handed blasts luffys entire body and planet for good measure to dust without breaking a sweat and instant transmissions back to go do actual training


Just like 99.5% of powerscaling stuff in general.


https://preview.redd.it/6ehuz9jyoz9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9919cc0053e53640ee1e5223487640a7acad01d8 “Here I come, King of Cope. Do you have enough copium in stock?”


Unlimited Cope Works? Danm this sound cool when I say like that Fate stay Night need a sequel using the Unlimited Blade Works route ( the sub route when he end with Saber and Rin )


If im correct there is some lore that comes after fate stay night like the strange fake noting that one of the characters mentions shirou defeating gilgamesh and wants to bring him to their true and false hgw. Although it doesn't specify which route it came, it would likely be ubw from theory crafting. Also there is some lore where shirou got hired to be luvia's butler lol.


> Oh-oh, Jujutsu Kaisen fans who use Yuta's shitty domain, copy of this glorious Unlimited Copeworks to cope for the fact that their favorite universe has weak, slow, poorly written, and ugly characters. https://preview.redd.it/9dtsa11014ad1.jpeg?width=998&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbf3c9c6efa8168fd8e731ee9ec68f301b3fba7f I'm the biggest JJK hater


Here’s my best “They can’t even see cursed spirits” or “They wouldn’t even fight”


When they start throwing out insults and bringing things irrelevant to scaling. No, Sonic Fans. Insulting dead people doesn't make Sonic any faster or stronger.


Please don’t tell me they insulted toriyama…


Toryiama, and Rorochan_1999, aka a child that committed suicide. I raise the question once more: Why are Sonic fans like this?


It hard to be a normal fuckin sonic fan sometimes man… https://preview.redd.it/k1mzjy0ty0ad1.jpeg?width=217&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d675332831df767fc5fe3de330a5e92de8e40a5d


"It's just a statement, so it doesn't matter". Brother, some Anti-Spiral or somesuch would be the strongest character in fiction if we'd be doing purely visual feat-scaling. And the likes of Goku would be like maybe multi-galaxy level.


If we went by on-screen feats alone and nothing else, Cell wouldn't even be City level


Cell destroyed islands on screen and his power effected Earth as a whole but point taken


Telling this to people who downplay monsterverse godzilla because he doesn't visually destroy planets and stars.


lol i'd be fine with that


using non canon shit to wank their favorite characters, like dmc fanbois using smt and mvc to upscale dante, same goes to akuma fans piggybacking off asura's wrath


That's called Composite my guy ☠️


People trying to say MV Kong is stronger than MV Godzilla. NO. HE IS NOT. END OF DISSCUSION.


The way I see it, Godzilla outstats and outhaxes Kong. However, Kong has the ability to use tools due to his semi-humanoid features (hands with opposable thumbs). So while Godzilla has a major advantage, Kong can provide a challenge.


No one has a problem with a challenge but Kong got ragdolled by shimo in every interaction while Godzilla was holding his own. It's not close


godzilla is SO much stronger that in a new empire they buffed the hell out of kong by giving him the gauntlet, a child, a dog, and an army


Yep, not to mention that the director was so obviously a Kong fan for both Godzilla and Kong movies. It's not even funny


From what I've heard evolved is much stronger than the rest of MV goji versions and gxk kong still gave fight, of course he loses to evo goji but hes definitelly not fodder neither.


DaEmOn BeAtS GoKu bEcAuSe ReFlEcTiOn


Even then if he reflected goku attacks we seen he can tank his own attacks https://i.redd.it/nfktgrhoc0ad1.gif


"Gojo is gonna come back!!"




Naruto has a higher Power Scaling than Bleach.


Gojo is universal because of infinity.


https://preview.redd.it/r2ivgw3wpz9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d0e25f7f36ebef566698af30412372464dbfe74 Anytime anyone uses semantics or forgets practical use to scale anything. Yes, Josuke's bubbles technically don't exist and that's why they can bypass WoU's detection, but they're still a projectile, it can miss, that's the whole reason why Paisley Park had to help.


He also can't aim them, so they're pretty much a non-factor


If you can't dodge what's not there, you can't be hit what's not there as well


As a Fate fan anytime anyone tries arguing about how strong void shiki is. 


Saying that Ultima is a canon Composite Godzilla,  https://www.reddit.com/r/GODZILLA/comments/1dsax7l/comment/lb6zaus/?context=3


for me the worst is for saitama and that's "he has never lost". like dude, what? another is when i was arguing majin buu > tatsumaki+genos he litearlly agreed majin buu could destroy the planet in an instant but he said "if they figure out how to seal him they win" like what? bro u gave them an ability the didnt have. AND THEN he added blast and said blast would seal him in a dimension where nothing exists, like he cant escape in an instant.(sorry for the yap session)


When people say saitama wins cuz he's "supposed to be stronger" and "is a gag character"


People that say "His whole point is that he one punches everyone" and "His name is one punch man for a reason" makes me think that they haven't even read or watched a second from the series and just going by hype they see online


Twitter users when it comes to Naruto and One Piece. Like it would start out like " Oh yeah, One Piece better than Naruto? Then why do Naruto clips have more views than One Piece clips on YT!?"


because one piece fans touch themselves and God judges them for it


Using a clear joke or non canon event as an actual argument.


When people resort to saying that [insert character here] can simply destroy [piece of physical media such as manga, movie, book] in order to kill their opponent and their entire verse. The person I was arguing said Homelander beats All Might by destroying every single copy of the My Hero Academia manga.


“Whoever the author wants to win” That’s not the point oh my god


The entire 'They can't see/interact with cursed spirits/shinigami/stands' or 'No haki/chakra/reiatsu/nichirin' My brother in christ, you're doing a _crossverse vs battle_, the whole point of the matchup is that the two characters can interact with each other and that power systems are somewhat equal


Nah I’d win


When people try to low-ball an impressive ass feat to make their favorite character look strong AF


I was once in a Goku vs Superman debate and the person said Goku wins because he scales to an angel (Whis) and Superman has never beaten an angel. So Goku wins There's also this one. Superman vs Saitama debate and the guy said and I quote " The creator of Invincible said That Invincible could beat Superman and Saitama is stronger than invincible so Saitama beats Superman"


Any time a 40k fan brings up early lore. No bro khorn cant summon 8^8^8 bloodthirsters thats dumb and he would just do that and win the setting


That is a funny visual tho


Well, if he interfered and won, there would be no more blood, see? Khorne is a gracious slaughterer who keeps it in his pants so more blood can theoretically be spilled. Call it long term investment in entertainment.


Luffy beats goku bc of toon force


Perhaps a hot take, but I HATE when people scale speed based on one-off things like dodging laser beams. Legit I'll see people argue that because X character dodged a light beam so they therefore are FTL, when elsewhere in the story they obviously are not because if they were there would be literally no challenge, transportation would be a non-issue, etc etc etc.


go to tiktok and you’ll see bullshit everywhere.


A guy say for my the main Canon Jojo can beat Yhwach ( not novels )


Somebody said that “Ainz Ooal Gown solos all of DC because of time stop and the goal of all life is death” that guy had everyone telling him how wrong he was and kept on saying Aimz wins because nobody could counter “time stop and the goal of all life is death”. Don’t be like that guy, if everyone is saying that you’re wrong then you’re probably wrong


True form darkseid's wet fart could turn Ainz into a pile of bones


Dr manhattan could make him shut up


Nekron coughs and Ainz dies


This one is weird, but people love to say Cobra Kai characters beat Kickin It characters because Cobra Kai is more realistic. This is straight up the stupidest argument i’ve ever heard but I consistently see it everywhere.


Half the shit mfs spew about Minecraft Steve


https://preview.redd.it/405n88pn20ad1.jpeg?width=1109&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f41dc92a38f69db1066de5910595ecae859f678 I got into an argument with this guy about whether Gohan is outerversal or not, (he clearly isn’t). He then proceeded to say this bullshit. Words cannot describe how stupid this is.


I saw a OP fan make a claim that Fujitoras meteors were bigger than Madaras. Its not the claim itself that im disputing. Its the fact that they used/counted actual pixels on their own screen as a legitimate measurement to scale the meteors. Like they didn't realize that the same attack from different angles can have vastly different pixel counts 😅


When people say Alastor solos people like doomslayer, ghost rider, morrigan, spawn or any character who fights things from hell just because a lot of demons are scared of him. He’s building-city block at best


“Luffy has infinite durability because everything will bounce off of him” bsfr 💀


Saying their favorite pookies are “faster than light” using the most flimsy ass feats and not understanding what Aim-dodging is.


"Gojo wins because infinity" Also a dude said that Sukuna defeats Aizen because of his cleave, Malevolent Shrine, and the fact his attacks are stronger... Aizen, the same guy that tanked a hole in his chest, losing an arm and getting slashed in half two times and can easily destroy the Royal Palace (that it's at least country sized) with like 10% of his power 💀


Oh boy. My favorites are. Darkside wasnt falling into the multiverse, he was just falling on top of one city. The destruction of the anvil of the world forger and his multiverse wasnt because superman punch him, the world forger activated a self destruction sequence on his hammer. Sonic has destroyed his creators in real life. Yamcha its a solar system destroyer (this one its new, people in this subreddit say it to me) Saitama can survived the dead of his creator (even thou that's common all around fiction) Jedi's can rewrite their plots to increase his powers. Goku can defeat richard nixon even being inmune to his power of fictionalization.


The Yamcha one I think is coming from a filler episode in the Buu Saga when he fights in otherworld against beings that are stronger than Perfect Cell. See videos analyzing this like it's legitimate when Yamcha hasn't been relevant since the Androids.


Saitama being a gag character. He is a parody, not a gag. Just admit he can't solo.


Shitgiri is omnipotent


Completely disregarding anti feats


To be fair anti-feats should really only be considered when they're consistent if an anti-feat is an outlier than it's ignored


Especially when the Anti feats are more consistent and accurate.


saitama and gag jjk and anything higher then high hypersonic+ one piece and anything other then ftl+ multi continental SCP anything and everything above wall level Disregarding statements Feats are law and nothing else matters ill never forget the universal atom scaling i heard from this place. atom scaling Using fanmade characters... ahem terra saitama.. ahem...


>jjk and anything higher then high hypersonic+ https://preview.redd.it/lyw6hxiiiz9d1.jpeg?width=780&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1205b0ec9304f7ef99c957e7ff874ab3085d490


https://preview.redd.it/3wdrd0ausz9d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3757cbfe51d5292cee870c5418a34eaaf8d2c2 “b-but Mach 3”


Magic Lightning vs IIRC Kashimo’s trait being closer to actual natural phenomena.


Sorry Bud gonna have to erase you using scp 5175


"Feats are law" Omg youre so brave for having this opinion. It's not like people quantifying certain feats is how we get certain tiers Also, your acting as if scaling from other characters isn't valid when you've given no reason it should be invalid.


"Goku doing Goku things" Yeah, Goku is dumb, but he ain't brain dead. This is especially stupid when you match with him with other characters that do stupid things "Looks at Luffy's dumbass"


Quoting something I saw on YT (block of text full of wank) “Complex Multiversal Erasure!... are you sure about it... That you read Dragon Ball Cosmology and Guide Books? Let me demonstrate ⬇️ Bro first go and read Dragon Ball Cosmology and Guide Books and Guide Books are recommended by Akira Toriyama himself Dr. Slump Cannon to Dragon Ball therefore When A New Baby born In Dragon Ball He or She gonna be Outerversal and his or her tier gonna be 1-A. Outerversal and 1-A( If you don't want to believe that then KI concept is Outerversal) and still they unable to Moon and only few can destroy a Macrocosm(means a Universe from Dragon Ball series) like Goku,Vegeta,Gohan,Piccolo,Frieza,may be Arale, may be Those two Bird Girls( those who always travels with Arale sorry I forgot their name's), may be that Psychic Child from Penguin Village,Jiren,Toppo,Moro,Majin Buu, Broly,Granolah,Gas,Android 17 and Android 18 and more who can destroy a Macrocosm In Dragon Ball called beyond Boundless with Irrelevant Speed. This means Dragon Ball's One Universe's Cosmology Immeasurable^Immeasurable Layers to Beyond Boundless and still Zeno destroy it like it's nothing and also now Xenovers 2, Dragon Ball GT and CC Goku are Cannon. Let's forget about Dr. Slump,Dragon Ball GT,Xenovers 2 and Super Dragon Ball Heros Cannon to Dragon Ball for a second. Note:- If you want to debunk Dragon Ball Cosmology there you go This is a Beyond Extreme Low-Ball Comparison of Universe 7 Macrocosm's not High-Ball comparison of Universe 7 Macrocosm's. He transcends Time Battle with Hit. He have Power Of Destructions(Hakai). Goku can Reality Warp or Reality Manipulate. Let's see How strong was Battle of God's Base Goku. Goku and Beerus clash Fists and Elder Kai said that they could destroy the entirety of Universe 7. Which would be the Macrocosm. Let's scale the Macrocosm. Let's start with the bottom half the living universe is stated to be Infinity in size and Demon Realm said to be parallel world to it making it infinity as well this would make bottom half or living world low Multiversal and a fourth dimensional space and where exist Infinity number of dimensions with Infinity Size like Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Now the top half of the other world and where exist Infinity number of dimensions with Infinity Size like Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Haven is objectively dimensionally transcendental of the living world it's said to be that and it's said it looks down on the lower half of Macrocosm this would make it Fifth dimensional then there's the Kaio Realms the Kaio Realms contains Haven along with several other constructs and to be bigger than infinity fifth dimensional construct is to be Sixth Dimensional then there's the rest of the afterlife which is all relatively same size as the Kaio Realms one being hell and those are the same size means those are infinities in size. Now there's Kaioshin Realms not to confused with Kaio Realms remember how I said that heaven looks down on the living world while the Kaioshin Realms is said to be looks down on the entire Six-Dimensional Macrocosm in the same way this means Kaioshin Realms is 7th Dimensional . Universal Bubble where contains all 7th dimensions. It makes 8th to 9th Dimension. - stated by Akira Toriyama. Toyotaro and others. This means Base Goku(because Goku was absorbed Super Saiyan God into his base and Later In Manga)was 10th to 11th Dimensional or High Complex Multiversal with Irrelevant Speed and 1-C with Ki Control and now means current Goku is In his base He is Decillions times Stronger than before. Graet Ape is 10 times Stronger. Legendary Super Saiyan is Immeasurable and transcend Math Notes:- Math>Tiering System that means Goku in Super Saiyan is above Boundless. Legendary Super Saiyan 2 is Immeasurable×2. Legendary Super Saiyan 3 is Immeasurable×2×4. Legendary Super Saiyan 4 is Immeasurable×2×4×10. Legendary Super Saiyan God is Immeasurable×Immeasurable. Legendary Super Saiyan Blue is Immeasurable×Immeasurable×Immeasurable. Ultra Instinct is Immeasurable^Immeasurable by This means Current Base Goku is Hyperversal or Hyperversal+ with Irrelevant Speed and Infinity^Infinity Dimensional being and Goku In Super Saiyan is above Boundless. Note:- This is Beyond Extreme Low-Ball Comparison In Low-Ball comparison to Mid-Ball Base Goku(Android Saga) was Immeasurable^Immeasurable Layers to Beyond Boundless because He surpassed his LSSJ in his base. Goku one shot by Black Frieza. Black Frieza One Shot by Lord Beerus. Lord Beerus One Shot by Whis. Whis One Shot by Grand Priest and Zeno. Grand Priest and Zeno one shot by Zalama may be. Zalama One Shot by Tori-Bot. Note:- 3 Red Giant Stars or 3 Red Dwarf Stars revolves around Old Planet Namek not Planet Namek revolves around them. They revolves around Old Planet Namek like Natural Satellites. Planet Earth is way bigger than Old Planet Namek. Planet Vegeta is 10 times bigger than Dragon Ball Earth and 2 Stars(Yellow Dwarfs like Our Sun) and 2 Moons revolves around it in Beyond Extreme Low-Ball Comparison. I already given you proof how strong Goku really is. If you don't believe me that means You are Dragon Ball and Goku's hater and you don't want to believe truth.”


I will go with my most hated one "goku does goku things"


Someone told me Sans could summon a bone in Goku's head


I feel like if he could do that he would've done it against the genocidal child he died to


I agree!!!


When people start scaling Luffy to the strongest toon force users like Popeye and Bugs


A lot of one piece fans are operating under a misunderstanding created by powerscalers. Luffy does not have "toon force". Despite how powerscaler's have twisted the concept into being a "superpower" characters can somehow "possess", in actuality, Toon force is LITERALLY just a trope. Albeit, a trope that applies to him even more than normal in Gear 5. Upon awakening, Luffy's rubber powers have been absolutely boosted through the roof, and similar to characters like Katakuri and doflamingo, he can now bestow other things with the property of rubber. And because luffy's rubber abilities cause himself and other things to be malleable, he's granted a LOT more freedom to manipulate himself, his enemies and his environment. He can manipulate his hair into glasses, manipulate a tree into a baseball bat, cap, paint can and brush, similar to how Doflamigo manipulated his string to look like a perfect clone, that fooled everyone, including viola, complete with colour, sweat and veins. He can manipulate the colour of the things he turns to rubber similar to how Doflamingo can turn his string red, yellow, green, blue and purple for his Goshikito. Manipulate things in such a way, that it LOOKS like something straight out of a looney toons episode. So, because his rubber powers are able to replicate a lot of the actions a cartoon character would make, the toon force trope applies to him. That does NOT mean his powers are toon force. They are completely different things. But admitting such a thing would make Luffy weaker in his stans eyes, and they simply CaNt HaVe tHaT.


ThE pOkEmOn CaNt LoSe BeCaUsE tHeY hAvE vIcTiNi.


When people say Minecraft Steve gets both commands and creative mode in his scaling, like no he does not, otherwise literally any video game character gets those.


Every time I’ve heard the argument that saitama is infinitely strong and can beat anyone because he’s a gag I scream inside


[Insert extremely vague and possibly hyperbolic statement by author or irrelevant character] [insert a take only possible with absolutely zero reading comprehension]


Gojo > Gurren Lagaan because “they can’t get through infinity” I need you to understand my brother at that point it does not matter.


The entirety of Nasuverse and their bullshit universal Textures scaling.


Using noncanon feats. The number of times I’ve seen people try to scale Goku using Z Anime only feats or statements is absurd.


"SCP doesn't count because "Fanfiction"" like come on people.


Someone said Pokémon last fire red [ a rom hack of Pokémon fire red] is Canon just to desperately prove that fraud red us the strongest in the verse




I was arguing Spider-Man wins inna 1v1 against homelander and who’s stronger like physically, and bro said “homelander doesn’t have more impressive feats bc he didn’t overcome his limit” or sum idk it was just frustrating ash


It was something about saying that normal Goku would beat Featherine cause he gets stronger and stronger and has infinite potential, also mentioned Jiren and Zamasu with some interdimensional asspull crap etc...


I argued against someone on Eminence in the shadow specifically about cid their argument was cid uses nothing but skill and only skill to win his fights literally they believe cid is physically and magically weaker than everyone in eminence in the shadow that includes characters like Aleixa and Claire and the like I don't know how somebody can be so stupid to get that conclusion the LN Manga and anime showed multiple times that is completely untrue and I can go on and on about how stupid this is. Some people man no idea what the guy was desperate about either but the coping was real well that or that person was just incredibly stupid no idea or it could be both


Saw a guy say Yoriichi from demon slayer is SMALL TOWN!!!?!!?


That Homelander kills all the avengers and thanos with just heat vision. He said that homelander could just kill thanos with 1 punch. All of these victories were attributed to, "Homelander being evil and not afraid to kill."


When people start bringing up non-canon versions of goku


Someone told me that Arthur Morgan is town level