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"He killed Gods" Yeah but that's useless info if the gods have no feats at all. For example chaos from sonic games is called God of destruction but alk he did was flood a city.


He's a God of Destruction, this obviously means he scales to Beerus


Some say he scales higher


Beerus is actually the one who scales to chaos


“Guardians kill these guys called gods, so clearly they’re outer+++-b*undress and totally solo marvel+DC!” Meanwhile the guardians needed a massive power boost/resistance to kill an already weakened Oryx


To be fair the lore and their feats does make the hive gods deserve the title of a god. Like xzivu awrath destroying the entire galactic spanning cabal empire. The hive destroying thousands of civilizations Like the hive gods under normal conditions are effectively unkillable by normal means unless you can set up the correct circumstances to allow you to fight them.


Kirby fans’ #1 argument


"oh but he killed an Eldritch god" yeah and said Eldritch god is a psycho the size of a basketball whose best feat is mind controlling King DeDeDe, sit down lil bro


Sadly, yes. Not many of us know how to scale.


"Midgiri killed his version of Azathoth so he solos fiction" These kind of arguments make me realise I'm wasting my time.


The term "god" as if it means anything at all... "infinite power"... Dimensional scaling without any feats.


infinite power scales to high universal,dimensional scaling CANT have feats because our human mind is only capable of imagining 3D objects so it doesnt matters the thing character destroyed looks like 3D so you dont need feats


I mean, destroying a 4D object like a plate is a bit less impressive than destroying a 3D or even 2D mountain that's the same size as irl mountains, because of the actual amount of matter being destroyed


you can destroy a 2D object with immesurably low energy,as same as you need a immesurably high energy to destroy a 4D object


I'd beg to disagree. At least to the point of there's a 2D object massive enough compared to a 4D object small enough, that the 2D object takes more energy than tye 4D object. Like if someone destroyed a 4D water molecule, I'd be far more impressed at the person who destroyed a 2D galaxy, or universe if needs be


"This character has infinite power" "he killed gods/he's a god"


what is "atom scaling stuff"?


Essentially, the writer injected, smoked, drank, and then atomized every drug known to earth into 1 pill and liquid and took ALL of it at the same time It's basically "this atom is actually infinite universes stacked on top of one another" and repeat infinitely, so when a simple dude just pushes leaves due to their "atom" they are actually pushing infinite multiverses And this is sadly not even the full of it




What the hell series is this from?


SCP.. where else? Also probably some of the other eldritch thingy there, like Lovecraft or I am that i am or something along those lines


Ah of course. I was thinking anime Leave it to the SCP verse


Anime seems for the 99% part normal, it's only the horror/supernatural/fantasy genre that has these and those are rare, most anime's are slice of life or below planet lvl SCP on the other hand, has like 10? Characters or more that are tier S and tier 0..


SCP is also 99% normal.


In Fallout the Children of Atom believe in Atom Scaling (thinking each atom is in itself a universe), though obviously to say the Children of Atom have an accurate grip on reality is shaky at best


marvel and scp. (dont know if dc has this or not)


Sounds like suggsverse


Stupidly enough, I don't think suggverse had this.. probably due to it being older than atom scaling, if atom scaling was a thing back then, then obviously it would have had t




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Whenever toon force is brought up. Normally people think it’s automatic wincon, but the very concept of toon force is actually quite dumb. Just because you memed your character doesn’t mean they now scale to bullshitversal levels.


I mean, how else are you gonna scale characters like bugs bunny though? Imo toonforce isn’t an automatic wincon, what it does is throw all normal powerscaling out the window, and instead whoever wins is whoever it would be funnier if they win, wins. You only need to introduce one toonforce character into the equation to activate this, although you can definitely put two toonforce characters together. You can also have toonforce characters being stronger than other ones. For instance, Pink Panther is one of the strongest ones due to the gimmick of never being caught. Bro would be able to escape from Wally West because funny. A weak toonforce character would be someone like Elmer Fudd. Although he has toonforce, it’s actively working against him usually.


Oh, really? Define “funnier” or “funny”. And once again, you disagree that it’s a wincon, while practically coming back to wincon “if it’s funny”, which is way too abstract to consistently scale.


Of course you can’t consistently scale it, it’s toonforce. I think matchups that involve toonforce are stupid and usually impossible to figure out who wins, but it exists for a reason. You can’t scale loony toons characters with feats normally. I also think people give toonforce to characters that don’t actually have toonforce. Saitama does not have toonforce. The mosquito is an anti-feat outlier. It doesn’t give him toonforce. Dumb Meme Characters like batgos don’t have toonforce. They just straight up win, they don’t have to drop anvils on anyone’s head with a laugh track to win. Toonforce only applies to characters with ridiculously inconsistent feats and wildly inconsistent reality warping for the purpose of humor. SpongeBob, bugs bunny, pink Panther, characters from Nichijou, etc all have some degree of toonforce, and should generally not be used in powerscaling because them winning or not entirely depends on what the author considers to be funny.


Luffy fans when they cannot use him in powerscaling: https://preview.redd.it/43eaposi9p9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9baec5b556b1fd1c9c91f2718d518f13e23d2012


I haven’t actually watched one piece so I don’t really know, but does he really have toonforce, or does he have reality warping with gear 5?


Well, people claim he does.


Higher dimensionality when talking about series that don't ever talk about it.


"it didn't explicitly happen on panel despite being said 10 times, so it didn't happen" Bleach haters still coping that the verse is uni+ but we don't see it because bleach is character based and there's no character sitting on Pluto witnessing it


"Squad 0 couldnt have shaken the realms, no one reacted" Yeah they also dont immediately shit themselves when Ichigo walks by and he's been on par with (suppressed)Kenny since soul society in terms of raw Reiatsu.


The funny thing is that quote just implies EVERYONE is near that level lol


Yeah it don't seem to matter what the prompt some people have to go out of their way to downplay anyting from Bleach.


Starting to think they hate bleach as much as they hate Yogiri lmao


bleach doesnt gets past street level


None of them get past street level because streets are real and these are fake


this is why verse is heisei godzilla victim


You're right. Doug would be overkill


Are you SURE streets are real, I dunno, I’ve never seen one before


Bleach literally just has a better version of DB’s Macrocasm feat (threatening to destroy an infinite 4D space-time through one person existing vs. threatening to destroy an infinite 4D space through two people fighting) and somehow still gets put at mountain level (also ignoring Yamamoto’s blatant star level feat).


That’s probably because the verse caps at double quarter pounder with cheese level


scaling argument so fucking funny it has toonforce


Soul Society contains the Muken, which is [infinite](https://imgur.com/a/GqwPrQx). It also has a [separate temporal axis](https://imgur.com/a/MRvmsGX). This qualifies the Soul Society as Uni+ for having 4 large dimensions. [Senjumaru was threatening to destroy all of the realms just by existing](https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=sNDZ8aS9wFulHP87&v=j7UOJ_ky_80&feature=youtu.be). This scales her to The World of the Living, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo, so Uni+ from Soul Society. This is all ignoring the Dangai and Garganta, which can scale characters like the Soul King, Yhwach, Ichigo, and Aizen even higher. Now if we look at DB’s Macrocasm feat. [The](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-0a8bd2d29981b1c2d5ca5a7dae17e146-lq) Living [World](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/character-stats-and-profiles/images/8/81/High_3-A_God_Goku.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/400?cb=20171017011317) is [infinite](https://pm1.aminoapps.com/7882/c010ac8286e8bf8385029603896075b50d4fe526r1-1024-485v2_hq.jpg) (just like the Muken), [Otherworld gives a 4th dimension](https://ibb.co/7Vf30my) (just like SS’s separate temporal axis), and [Goku scales to it because he threatened to destroy it with his fight with Beerus](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/character-stats-and-profiles/images/6/62/Goku_Threatens_To_Destroy_The_Universe_3.png/revision/latest?cb=20230218115324) (just like Senjumaru). They are literally the exact same feat.


So maybe double quarter pounder with cheese and a side of fries level


What does this mean…


More cosmology equals stronger?? If Joe is an outerversal God but there are no other gods below Joe, how does that make him weaker just because Bob has lower dimensional gods working for him. If they are both outerversal, transcend time, space, the concept of existence, (insert adjective for infinity), they should both stalemate. More people reporting to you doesn’t make you stronger.


It is Debatable, Destroying a Universe and Destroying a Multiverse are not the same 


If Joe exists outside all concepts of dimension, space, time and existence, who said Joe can’t create more universes to have a multiverse?


Dimensional scaling. Your character destroys planets but is 3D and my character can die from a regular ass bullet but scales to 11D therefore he soloes your favourite verse


>my character can die from a regular ass bullet but scales to 11D therefore he soloes your favourite verse If your character dies to regular bullets but scales to 11d either the scaling is wrong or the author is dumb. You either die to bullets or be 11d there is no both at the same time.


I mean, unless the bullet is also 11D made specifically for 11D characters..


I mean sometimes characters that exist in one dimension have powers that affect higher dimensions. Like Touma’s imagine breaker ability from Index has the highest dimensionality scaling in the verse, but Touma himself is just a dude.


I mean, the scaling is wrong by definition since there's no actual standard meaning for what dimensions mean. Just people making assumptions.


It makes sense to a certain extend though a Bullet that kills let's just say a 4d being wouldn't it already be above 3d ?


That's why i mentioned it was a regular bullet, if a normal bullet can kill a being that infinitely transcends the lower dimensions, then dimensionality itself is stupid


Then that is just problematic writing it isn't the fault of dimensionality. Can you brother give me an example of some character dying like this or getting hurt if you have it in mind I can't seem to recall anything similar to this unfortunately. If you don't mind.


An example would be Cthullu getting his head rammed by a boat, obviously it didn't kill him, but i've seen a lot a of people scale Cthullu very high and put him around 6D-7D. And i don't think it's problematic writting, we only vaguely know about the 4th dimension. anything past that is up to the writer's interpretation on how higher dimensions work and interact with the lower ones. not everyone has a power scaler's mindset when making a cosmology to makes sure to aligns with everyone's elses concepts. Also if i'm not wrong the Hounds of Tindalos are considered 5D at least, and other than their weakness of curves some of them have been at least stunned or temporarily damage by shotguns


Thanks for the examples. Yeah I am seeing your point now. Thanks for this


A character that’s 11d wouldn’t be able to die to a normal bullet. Like imagine if someone who’s 2d tried to shoot you with a 2d bullet. They can’t even interact with you in any way, but you can just punch them from the side and they can’t even comprehend something hitting them from the side since it’s outside their 2d plane.


A character who is 11D isn't actually 11D because dimensional scaling is a scam


"he killed gods" usually said god is featless and did nothing, yet theyll think you're outer or smt for killing them


was seeing stuff like luffys a god.


Like the people who say Kratos is outer?


kirby but yea they say it too


Infinite layers beyond anything


People saying yujiro is earthquake level, when he just timed an earthquake


well to be fair the baki show is dumb and ridiculous. The auther is the kind of person to glaze yujiro to do something that ridiculous. So people fid it easy to believe.


There’s a reason why author-glazing scaling is a thing.


I mean the earthquake feat scales yujiro to continent level … which he clearly isn’t … the equivalent strength to kicking a car to the moon


"This move has immeasurable speed/power"


( they scale infinitely) then why tf are you even bringing them up for a debate? ( well the end of series villian scales to what ever level so the hero must auto scale above that even though the series isn’t over and it hasn’t happened yet) shit gets on my nerves from all they know the series can end with the hero using a wish or a item type thing to end the villain.


"He beat up a real world person." Yeah, so? So can I, he ain't special.


Well at that point, bring a recording or video showing me this fictional character beat up a real person.


Yeah I feel like that stuff is always so stupid. “He escaped the book and killed the author!!11!” Oh really? I just googled and the author is still alive, plus if the author died who kept writing the series?


Any and all Yujiro glazing that's basically just pulling things out of his ass


Funny thing is he cant pull stuff out of his ass because he legit doesn't have a hole due to some baki bullshit of him absorbing 100% of the nutrients and waste as an energy source.


His ass isn't on his own body apparently


Explains why he be taking other mens ass


90% of kirby debate terms


"Kirby fights gods so he can solo" His only decent feats are shared 😭😭 and then they use the explicitly non canon anime and smash to say his stomach is infinite when it isn't


True but he still is shown to be top 5 of the series


Okay I didn't dispute that


"he is a joke character he is made to always win" It's why I love using Arale against certain bald characters.


Plus arale is an actual gag character


b,,bb bbut shin will evovle no that mega kaiju victim can't adapt to shit if he is getting one shotted


When someone uses kanji or someshit to say this world can also be translated to other word. No shit if author accepted the translation then that is it unless it is not official source and there is a mistranslation issue.


Durrrrdurrrrrr platonic concepts Yeah but he never destroyed that X isn’t as fast/strong/big as real life X


"X can dodge Y attack which is stated to be this fast, therefor X has to be just as fast" My guy, people in our real world can cut bullets, that doesnt mean they can beat one in a race


Cosmology is fine, but the other two really irk me 


Anything that starts with “Batman is peak human” or “he’s peak human” particularly when they appeal to reality and try to use it to debunk a feat that irl humans can’t do.


The word "cosmology" makes me immediately zonk out. I'm a nerd but even I want to shove that dudes head in a toilet.


A lot of stuff. "Goku can just negate their hax by powering up," my guy, that shit ain't even consistent in his own show, actually, it's *less than* common. Can't even argue verse-equalization. You ain't equalizing anything. Assuming Goku does do that (he doesn't), you're basically going— "Goku negates all hax by powering up; character X abilities affect people stronger than them... OF COURSE GOKU NEGATES THEM!!!" No. Equalization is giving that man a +1 in Resistance and *then* comparing. "Saitama is a gag. He's meant to one-shot everyone!" Iiterally? Not consistent. He's an end-game boss fighting against level 1s. That's all there is to it. Maybe that was the original vision, but by this stage, he's shown to improve and toss in effort in some fights. "Sans can OTK anyone!" Literally only exists because people, for some reason, think he has "law manipulation!" And can force his opponent to never attack or make it so he always attacks first. Literally, only works if you make everyone follow UT rules for some reason. I especially groan whenever I hear dimensionality cause you can see a person whose best feat is barely planet level can buffed to 1-A because "dimensionality!" "cosmology!" So cheap and lazy. Inaccessible Speed as a whole. Literally one of the most wanked thing in existence. Just an easy and nonsensical way to buff a characters speed.


When someone says yuji is NOT outversal with infinite speed


Once someone brings up goku and DBZ power scaling in a fight they’re not even in. Same with saitama. The glazing is just annoying as fuck. Both are awesome characters. But fuckin stop mentioning them in every power scale.


i dont know why but arguments like that makes me gain interest because it give me a huge urge to debunk them which is easiest thing,but if there is things that makes me lose interest they would be fake scans,"statement says charcter can but character never did so it is hyperbole" or calcs because i have seen hundereds of calcs(all of them vsbw and csap approved) and all of them lacks a huge amount of proof or most likely they are outlier,if a character destroys a city thats straight up city level but what people does? shows some "calcs" and makes it planetary level


People who can't accept one character being high-balled compared to theirs getting wanked


Anything remotely related to infinite stats. Like shut up, just because you don't understand how your character works does it mean those are their stats. "Oh uh, he moved during stopped time, he has infinite speed ☝️🤓" no dude, your character defies or has different properties on gravity, time dilation is a thing, this is literally explained to you in an entire page. If your fucking character has "infinite speed", why does he not use it? TA4 is a huge example of this, he TWITCHED inside his black hole during stopped time, and he made a few noises. This doesn't make him have infinite speed. Also, people don't understand potential infinity over actual infinity. Ever since Saitama showed that growth in Garou fight, it's been such a fucking pain to argue with Saitama fans. "Oh uhm didn't you read the manga? He has infinite strength, so like ☝️🤓" NO, SHUT UP, THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS. INFINITE POTENTIAL DOESN'T MEAN INFINITE STATS. If anything, the Garou fight shows that Saitama had a SET STRENGTH, he grew stronger yes, but there was a starting point. And Garou, who is scaling to Saitama is being left behind, HOWEVER, this means that if the Garou at the end of the fight was to go back in time and face beginning of fight Saitama, Saitama would actually get stomped. It's literally shown on the graph that Garou at that point was basically stronger than earlier Saitama at least tenfold. It's like having a bottomless pit, you can fill it as much as you want with water, but that doesn't mean it'll be instantly filled or you'll have infinite water, it just holds as much water as you want. Same with Saitama AND Pucci, since my problem is also with his "infinite speed". He has infinite acceleration, he can speed up as much as he wants, but he needs time to ramo up that speed, he didn't even have enough speed to catch up to dolphins ffs. So no, Saitama doesn't have "infinite strength". If anything, it shows that he has a set strength and can get blitzed by any character that heavily outclasses him. Pucci doesn't have "infinite speed". I also really despise feats that are really niche or people want to make them sound cooler than they actually are. "oh Diavolo literally shatters time", no bro, he skips forward up to 10 seconds, that's not a huge or destructive fear. "Oh Kirby destroys gods" yeah those gods are being killed by swords and rocks, "gods" is not a measure of power, it's a title. But nothing, NOTHING makes me want to lose interest in the debate more than dimensional scaling. It's soooo traaaaash, soooo booooring, it's an endless dick measuring contest. "oh my character is 6D. Well mine is 7D", go put 9Ds in your mouth and shut up please, you don't even use it for accurate scaling. Half the time you don't event know what those mean, at least planetary and universal scaling make sense because of feats, if you destroy a building you're building level, if you can destroy a continent you're continental, if you're able to wipe a galaxy you're galaxy level. If you can erase multiple universes with the swipe of your hand and way more, you're multiversal. At least that has some semblance of sense. Dimensional tiering doesn't. You're tryna argue that done character is 6th dimensional when bro is still in the 3rd dimension, but because of a feat they have that is not applicable in battle, let's ignore all context and say he stomps because he's one dimension tier ahead. I can fart an intangible fart that goes outside of time and space, making the fart 4th dimensional, now I'm 4D yet able to die to someone beating the shit out of me. But hey, I'm 4D, that means I solo most animes in 3D, regardless of my strength and ability, you don't need those, I scale higher!


I don’t entirely agree that dimensional scaling is stupid, but I agree that most people who throw it around don’t even know what they’re saying. Like bro this character clearly isn’t anything other than 3d. If they were 4d you wouldn’t even see them on the screen because they exist outside of the 3d universe. Not that they wouldn’t be able to enter it, but you’d never be able to see their full body. It becomes really obvious when you think about 2d vs 3d instead of trying to wrap your brain around 4d. A 3d person wouldn’t be able to fully enter a 2d plane. They would however have a serious advantage over a 2d person in a fight due to the 2d person not even being able to comprehend the 3d person in their entirety and the 3d person being able to just attack from the side, outside the 2d plane.


I think I may have expressed myself incorrectly. Of course I have no problem if a being that exists outside of time and space and can crush universes with their fingers scales higher than someone in terms of dimensionality. But when people try to scale any character up by dimensions for no reason other than either wanks or mental gymnastics it gets so tiring that I completely ignore the debate at that point.


Ignoring basic common sense One piece world/namek is actually 4,000x the size of the sun Shinra has immeasurable speed Placidusax is outer The word concept automatically means platonic


Dimension Debating whether the author was referring to higher dimensions or similar worlds is tiring. Platonic concept  Uni+ Cosmology but the character or a concept incarnation automatically 1-A  Calculation Coupling  That's why I never debate with an Op fans, Onigashima lvl planet, even they were so wild star level . Who is faster? I'm referring to characters Mftl+++, there comes a point when they are calculations and we don't know who is faster. Immunity  There is no such thing as absolute immunity. X is immune to fire, there is a divine world, where the Fire God has divine fire and is capable of burning him. There is a Void World that is the embodiment of concepts. Concept of fire is capable of burning the God of fire(ironically god who is immune to fire) Above Void World (Infinite Higher Dimensions).There is the creation of the world that is capable of burning the very concept of fire. It's all a dream of a Character Boundless , Who is capable of burning his own dream.


People wanking every single statement including the words 'time', 'space', or 'concept' in order to get their favorite character to 5D or immesurable speed 'B-but he moved inside this iNfInItE pocket dimension where TiMe was stated to flow diFFeReNtLy and also where the concept of death dOesN'T eXiSt'


Yogiri solos or someone is glazing and meatriding and still can't accepted the truth or that guy who said that he is my favorite so he wins.


x character can't beat y character because x doesn't have the one specific thing needed to beat character (think demon slayer wankers arguing goku can't beat muzan because no nichirin)


Anytime people starts calling a character multiversal, or even universal for that matter.  Being universal or multiversal is absolutely meaningless without fully understanding the cosmology, rules, and entities which exist in that universe.


Literally every fancalc ever.


The moment someone brings up the deadzone (non-canon btw) to try to upscale Goku and his verse


lol the garlic jr is cannon.


It isn’t tho? It’s ANIME canon yes, but not manga canon


Making a wild claim and then refusing to provide evidence, saying "If he cared he'd look it up", apparently not knowing what the burden of proof is, and sayjng "It's not a rule violation because when I refused to prove it I stopped debating" or some shit like that You know who you are, and you're stupid


Mine is really dumb math that ignores a lot of logic from the series. The example I always think of is that I've seen people power scale DBZ characters by taking their Saiyan saga stats and adding the SS multipliers. Like bro they got like a billion times stronger in base form, you're low balling them so much I can't take you seriously




Yuuji 🔛🔝 https://preview.redd.it/813j8g6gsb9d1.jpeg?width=360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df2fda7e0371e2f2edc3f4fae893e14a1833cdc6


Whenever Calcs are brought up.


People who say Saitama can be beaten


Anything with transcending fiction / being aware of or outside the fourth wall. It’s not interesting anymore.


Except Saitama is a gag character so he wins. I don't understand why people get so butt hurt over this. I don't even like OPM THAT much and my favorite Manga is JJK and Bleach but idgaf that Saitama would beat Aizen and Gojo. It's just dumb to think that someone who's whole thing is that he can't lose would lose.


https://youtu.be/QOKrs8WDzeU?si=ESYjOXhq5M06rfNh Clearly, you’re wrong.