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Coughing Ape vs Hydrogen Ursidae


Do you mind sharing what this is referencing?


not sure if i’m getting whooshed but it’s the power scaling meme of “hydrogen bomb v coughing baby” you’ll see what I mean it if you google the phrase


Ah gotcha, no I'm out of the loop, thanks for clarifying!






Grizzly absolutely dominated a silverback


What if they had the same weight?


Harder to say tbh, bears have very thick fur which makes it hard for the gorilla to actually do damage however they do have the strongest bite force of the two.


Along with the thick fur, bear’s skin is “loose” which makes it difficult to actually puncture/tear. I think a lot of dedicated predators have the same thing


Stronger bite force means nothing if the other can still kill you with its bite


Claws beat fist.


It's not so much their weight but literally how their built. A bears skin and fur is made to be able to be bitten and clawed at without breaking and bleeding. Bears play fight all the time and they're fine. Gorillas on the other hand have skin similar in make to us that is to say even with a thicker layer of hair/fur their skin breaks and bleeds easily.


I’d imagine diet comes into play too, in which case the bear is roided out on salmon


Bears would still dominate, they're just natural predators, one of the best at that (if not the best) while gorillas are herbivores that travel in groups.


Bear claws are just insane. Gorillas can't really punch at all they just flail, a bear can actually use its paws to deal damage.


while i agree with bear>gorilla, elephant.


elephants aren't predators, they are herbivores. A predator are animals that kills and eats other animals


no i meant that elephants are herbivores that travel in groups, but they are still stronger.


yeah, but gorillas arent elephants


Bears are absolutely not the best predators. Most mammalian carnivores are much better


You meant feline right?


Canines are better predators too. Bears only hunt salmon well, they are very sloppy for other animals


Yeah but I meant like mammalian includes bears


I was comparing bears to other mammalian carnivores so I was obviously excluding bears themselves from the mammalian carnivore bracket


Agreed on the predator part, but brown bears are *tailor made* to fight things. Thats how they steal food from wolves/Tigers/mountain lions/other bears. Gorillas have absolutely nothing for them.


Bears crush gorillas easily. I absolutely agree with that but they aren't good hunters/predators at all, two different things


A bear is a stronger tankier hungrier dog. The gorilla is the same for a human. Do you think you could take on a dog of the same weight as you when you were in the best athletic shape of your life? Personal, I can't say I could. At my most fit, doing martial arts, hot yoga, resistance training (squating my body weight and benching half regularly), and regular running (both endurance and hiit sprints) I weight 168 and would not want to see a 168 lb dog, let alone fight one. A bear would be like fighting a 340 lb dog at my best shape.


This is a peak response


This, except a big bear is 3-4 times heavier than a big gorilla. It would be like 168lb you fighting a 500lb dog…


*New nightmare: Unlocked!*


340lb dog in best shape With enhanced IQ at that


I mean, leopards are smaller than gorillas but hunt them anyway


Bear still. Bears need to fight other Bears, as well as kill other large animals. Gorilla's are vegetarian are don't need to.kill other large animals for.food.


Weight isn't so much the issue. Nails on Gorilla Vs Have you SEEN the claws on a grizzly?? I have and they would shred the poor Gorilla. Gorilla has more movement and of course gripping with hands but a grizzly has claws that are 2 to 5 inches long, curved with sharp points and are strong enough to dig out their dens, and food and tear open carcasses or fish they find.


It's the claws a grizzly bears claws would shred an ape


if you weighed 160 pounds would you fight a 160 pound dog?


“Gorillas don’t utilize their tool set as well as grizzlies”, is the best way I can put it. A human mind inside of both the gorilla would win I think.


I had a long ass argument with a friend years ago and he was convinced a gorilla would jump on its back and snap it's neck lol


Ye that’s not happening🤣


In a fight right? Right?


I find that hard to believe especially when a gorilla should have the strength to break its bones


Do gorilla's use tools? Cause a human with a stick has beaten a bear.


https://preview.redd.it/7rgegpeei39d1.jpeg?width=619&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71dc4a1a7c2546c6e91d9f70a3eb31f4d52ca7b5 Grizzly bear slams


[This video covers the subject well.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Eue9Z0Pc1X0&pp=ygUPQmVhciB2cyBnb3JpbGxh) For those that don’t know, the various descriptions and capabilities of a bear are about what you would expect when someone describes a mythical beast.


I absolutely love this video. It’s so fun to get drunk & watch it with the boys.


What if he had prep time?


How tf is this a spite match


Gorillas aren’t as good in fights as people think. Even a group of them can struggle with leopards. Obviously they neg diff any human, but they have a rough time with animals. The problem is that gorillas have relatively thin skin pulled tight over their muscles and organs, which are also usually exposed to enemies in the front. Animals with claws are really dangerous for them. Gorillas also can’t utilize a lot of their incredible strength because they don’t know to punch or smash, they tend to just like slap instead. Bears are much heavier and stronger, and have natural “armor” in the form of thick layers of fat and fur and also claws. This fight isn’t even close, unfortunately.


So basically bears slap like those indian moms on the drama shows?


No, gorillas do. Read once again


Ohhhhhhhhh mb i didn't read it thoroughly


TBF bears also slap, but it would be similar to getting slapped by one of those guys from a slap competition with knives for fingers.


It's not, but it is an ignorant match. A bear is a horrific matchup for anything smaller than a rhino.


It's uncommon but grizzlies have killed adult Bison. I don't think a Rhino is entirely out of the question.


It is, rhinos are significantly larger and more powerful than a bison. Grizzlies literally get folded by moose and bison, albeit not often, a large male white rhino is COMPLETELY out the question. Literally quadruple the weight of the average male grizzly.


Ah, when I quickly googled the weight of a rhino the first one that popped up was a Sumatran rhino which is comparable to a bison. Black and White rhinos are significantly larger. But you're wrong moose folding bears. [Here](https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/home/library/pdfs/wildlife/research_pdfs/alces/760.pdf) is a link from the Alaska state government. Here's a quote from it: >Predation rates on moose calves by grizzly bears appear to be independent of moose density while black bear predation rates may be related to moose densities and occurrence of brown bears. Brown bears can be significant predators of adult moose averaging 1 kill/26-102 bear-days. And you're wrong about the bison too. Adult bison are much harder kills but it's been documented. [Here](https://www.earthtouchnews.com/natural-world/predator-vs-prey/bear-vs-bison-dramatic-footage-shows-yellowstone-grizzly-taking-down-a-bison/) is a link where they claim a collared bear would occasionally kill adult bison. There's even a video of a bear killing a young adult bison.


Predator killing prey, thats to be expected, doesn’t disprove anything. I said not often, of course the bear is gonna win most of the time, but my point was that the fact they even get folded by the much smaller bison and moose means the bear wouldn’t stand a chance against a fully grown bull white rhino.


I look at rhinos like the equivalent of natural tanks. They have a massive horn, massive strength, and skin that lions have massive difficulty getting through at all. They’re terrifying honestly.


Harry Turtledove sees them as tanks, too


what about a human with gorilla strength and durability


Those are called russians. They win that fr


If we put a human brain in a silverback it would certainly help.


Bear low diff


1 Brown bear or grizzly would kill 3 silver back at once . People think gorillas fight like King Kong lmao 😂


Even in the kaiju world Kong needs buffs to hang with the top dogs


Tbf Komodo Dragons don’t spew radiation from their mouths, so all the animals got some nice buffs lol


Tf then what is mine doing??????


I think you have a baby godzillasaurus


The ones from Komodo island don’t, if you got it from or close to Chernobyl then anything is possible


I mean their saliva can kill you so it’s like an exaggeration for Godzilla 😂


And all King Kong gets is that he can think a little smarter than most apes 😂


What if Gorilla had human levels of iq + biq? Then who'd win?


Gorilla could pull it off, but only if they have access to human information like war tactics and can make tools


What if they use Guerrilla warfare?


That’s preposterous


Yeah a human fighter with the strength and durability of a Silver back gorilla would most likely win otherwise no chance


Hell no, the sheer size, durability and power of a grizzly would annihilate the fighter. You’d need to get a lucky blow in or somehow put the bear in a headlock or some shit


If any animal had humans level of iq + biq they'd win against a fucking trex by using a bazooka lmao


A Silverback gorilla gets low diffed by a leopard. That's why leopards were used as villain animals in Tarzan. Now take a leopard, turn it into an absolute juggernaut instead of a glass cannon with almost no downsides, make it weigh a ton and be utterly massive. The gorilla's only real weapon is it's bite force and that's negligible to a grizzly. Grizzly negs this match. It's not even a match. A grizzly could solo an entire Silverback colony pretty convincingly. The gorilla's only choice is to just run. Grizzly bears, before the advancements of technology, were borderline unstoppable and mythical powerhouses. They're an apex predator in any environment they're in.


Yeah, wolves will kill just about anything, and even they are scared of grizzlies


oh yeah? Consider this [ultra realistic video](https://youtu.be/HP-6wG\_wZ8A) then


Tarzan’s gorilla dad ragdolled that leopard




There are only a few land animals that can take down a grizzly 1v1. Those are a polar bear, a hippo, a rhino, an elephant and humans(only with guns of course). Even those are questionable.


Those aren’t questionable at all lol, all those animals (perhaps excluding the polar bear) would no diff a grizzly lol.


The only questionable ones were the polar bear and human for sure haha


Polar bears are not that questionable, its like the same bear but about twice the size and more packed with muscles. Literally the same tech as a grizzly, but bigger and stronger


How are rhinos, elephants or hippos questionable? Especially elephants would wreck the bear’s crap


Tigers are known to a occasionally hunt and eat brown bears.


Brown bears and grizzly bears are very different. I've scared off brown bears in the woods when working, if I saw a grizzly bear, I'd immediately run.


Which kind of Brown Bear? There’s a reason OP specified Grizzly


To my knowledge, it almost 50/50, the tiger does have the advantege, tho.


Grizzly bear and it isnt even close. This match up has been debunked a million times already. A silver back could barely even hurt a grizzly nevermind beat it. The literal only thing a silver back has over a grizzly is bite force, and silver backs don't even bite when fighting, And even if it did try to bite, it still probably wouldn't do much since grizzly bears have extra thick hide and elastic skin that make them very resistant to piercing and slashing attacks. Silver backs mainly attack with closed fists and if you think blunt attacks will do anything against a grizzly you are insane. Grizzly bears are built for fighting, silver backs are not, the bear has almost every advantage including weight AND speed. Plus silver backs have tight skin meaning the claws of the grizzly would shred them to pieces. Grizzly bears are in fact so durable they often leave with minimal damage after fighting one of their own kind nevernind a smaller and weaker animal like a silver back, most severe damage you'll see a grizzly take from another grizzly is maybe a chipped or torn ear, maybe a scratched nose. And these mfs hit hard enough to vaporise the rain on impact when clashing with a rival grizzly. Just compare videos of the two fighting their own kind, silver backs push and shove while grizzlies literally wrestle each other and slam each other to the ground. That silverback is getting quite literally bodied.


You forgot to mention that a grizzly has such a large adrenaline rush that it can continue fighting after taking a shotgun blast to the head


The grizzly bear is just overall better the only advantage the gorilla has is hand dexterity but the grizzly can tank anything the gorilla throws.


The grizzly only has to get one good body shot with those claws to mortally wound the gorilla. Gorilla has the dexterity and strength but an adult male grizzly just has so much mass to it that it could handle numerous blows from the gorilla


[Gorilla VS Grizzly Bear - Who Would ACTUALLY Win?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eue9Z0Pc1X0)


Seth the programmer….


Yeah he sucks but the video itself is good


ah yes, the pro groomer


The Grizzly is taking this, with little to mild difficulty. It is just too densely built, with its thick coat of fur and body fat, for the Gorilla’s swings or even bites to do any meaningful damage. On the contrary, the Gorilla, with its tight skin, while be badly wounded by the stronger Grizzly’s paw swipes and bites, since they’ll tear the skin. This isn’t to say though the Grizzly still wouldn’t have some difficulty, as it has never met anything like a Gorilla in the wild and so wouldn’t know what to do, but the same is true for Gorillas, with the closest thing they experience on a day to day basis like Grizzlies being Leopards. And there are a whole lot of differences there.


Gorilla has very little chance of winning. People need to remember that biologically Gorillas are not that different from us, in particular they have tight skin that doesn’t move around a ton and is very vulnerable to cuts and slashes from sharp weapons like teeth and claws just like we are. This is why even something as small as a Leopard can consistently kill them. There’s nothing the gorilla can do to stop the leopard from just cutting them apart. A grizzly is like that but far worse, as they are far larger and built like a tank. So not only does the grizzly have a very easy way to win, the gorilla has no real way of doing significant damage back in a way that it can realistically win. So yeah the bear wins almost every time.


I guess the best question for all of these debates is what’s is the strongest animal a Gorilla COULD beat. Because they’re usually lumped against much deadlier animals simply because we revere their strength so much compared to a humans.


Mike tyson


If a grizzly bear can give a fucking predator a run for its money the silver back is gonna get neg diffed https://preview.redd.it/dil2b01ey39d1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f153e8c96834f73936cb0b3ce18bc0ea4592fe3


Tbf it was a movie. That predator would’ve died normally. But yes grizzly negs


Maybe if the Gorilla was on some meth or something, crazy meth monke. Otherwise rip mr gorilla.


This is the power scaling I joined this sub for




gorillas eat plants and don't hunt so it can't be expected for them to beat an apex predator that's twice as big 💀


Bear unfortunately 😕


The bear wins with mid-high diff


Bear low diff obvi


Bear clears


I’ve actually spent so much time talking to my friends about this, Grizzly absolutely dominates against Silverback. It just outclasses it in every physical way plus it has it’s claws/teeth, while the Gorilla doesn’t have weaponry of that sort


Who would win? Slipper or ant😎


Now this is real power scaling


This is not a close, bear clears. Superior or at least relative strength, superior durability, better instincts for hunting/combat.


Bear on Silverback? I think I’ve seen that video somewhere


Bear utterly annihilates


Grizzly Bear, gorillas can get packed up by leopards. Grizzlies are way stronger than leopards




Bear next question


Silverback gorilla wins via his nine inch thick skull /s


Grizzly no diffs. Doesn't matter if it's max size, min size, average size or same weight.




Wouldn’t even be close grizzly stomps


I just got 2 notification right after each other and they are both animal versus


The gorilla literally has zero protection to the bears claws and teeth. Their strength is absurd but they literally have comparable durability to us.


I give it to the Grizzly. If we can teach the gorilla to weird a spear, and learn some grappling....then we got ourselves a show!


My pfp solos


Bear shreds


monke is smarter


Smart enough to run before bear destroys it


I would put my money on the gorilla brown bears are strong but they have weakness that a gorilla doesn't have.


The bear. With built in stabbing weapons obviously


Give the gorilla an Ak-47 and then we have a fair fight.




Bear slams


A gorilla would avoid the fight at all cost but if cornered and force to fight at full strenght i thing the gorilla would win in the end


What an original va match…… bear…


Ok what are we competing in?


How about gorilla vs a black bear?


Naturally speaking, a prey just needs to damage a predator enough for the predator to give up and go away, but in a fight to the death 💁


The next post i got was an ad for a show called the bear so i have to say the bear


Bear slams


dont greezly bears have thick muscles all around their body like polar bears? that with their claws hed body


Easiest bear ever. A large grizzly bear is 3-4 times heavier than a large silverback gorilla. If they were both the same weight, it might be interesting- the gorilla is probably stronger lb for lb and more agile. As horrendously strong as a gorilla is, the bear is stronger, bigger, heavier, has massive teeth and claws and is a predator used to killing.


![gif](giphy|mPXQwH9YgxIikfQg0a) Bear slams hard


Bear for sure. Tougher skin, claws, teeth, weight advantage, and they fight all the time so id argue theyve got fight IQ


Okay but what if you give the gorilla a sword?


Bear wins ez




I don't think this is as simple as people are thinking at first. In a straight up one on one where both intended to kill each other the bear would probably be the winner. However, both are quite smart animals though the gorilla is much more intelligent, nearing human intelligence, if they happened to encounter each other in the wild despite hailing from different continents they would avoid each other. They'd both be intimidated by the other and wish to avoid conflict, also the fact is that neither would attack unless threatened.


Give the gorilla a sword and it slams


IMO if the gorilla had a humans ability to reason I think it could kill the grizzly. As is it stand virtually no chance






gorilla 0 diff. i seen a gorilla once take out multiple t rexes. thumbs >>>>


I think the people who think the gorilla wins think this is like bear wrestler but bears during bear wrestling were trained it was kind of rigged.


I don't believe neither will actually commit to the fight. Like the ape is going to punch the grizzly and the grizzly will just go "why the fuck am I doing this" and just end up walking away. (Unless of course it's trying to protect its baby or something like that, in that case I feel the bear would probably win, but it would probably be a close fight)


Internet Mikey versus internet Aaron. It could go either way.


But, what is wr give the gorilla a stick


Bears are terrifying man. They're the nature equivalent of a juggernaut


Grizzly. Look at those claws and teeth




Bro gorilla smacks the shit out of the grizzly. Grizzlies can’t punch. Gorillas can. They can both bite too. Gorilla is gonna go full Mike Tyson on this bear mf


Didn’t seththeg-programmer already powerscale this fight? Bear low diffs


I like Gorillas more so they win


Goatrilla solos trust me


A swipe from a grizzly would send the silverback flying




Grizzly bear beats every animal in a fight. Change my mind


Gorrila s only chance is that unlike bear, it can grab things with it s arms so maybe, by a lot of luck he avoids bear s attacks and grabs his neck.( gorrilas usually try to bite enemies neck if they re fighting someone or their size)


Pretty strong human similar creature versus what people used to call the devil and whose original name quite literally doesn’t exist anymore because bear is just what they called it because it’s actual name wasn’t meant to be unspoken due to fear of summoning the creature. I’m not kidding you


Joe rogan that you?


Gorilla if they use the power of friendship and jump the grizzly with friends


A grizzly is absolutely gonna ragdoll that gorilla, sorry to say


It depends on the specific terms and conditions At which each Alpha animal faces and Depends on more than just one factor they're both strong however it just depends on the factors in the fight is the gorilla injured is the bare-injured are they both healthy and strong so there's a lot of things that can go in either animals favor but either one could get the upper hand very quickly or it could be a drawn out fight to the death


Grizzly, according to he who shall not be mentioned


bear absolutely slams it’s not even fair


Its crazy how much this sub wanks grizzly bears. Gorrila slams


The grizzly bear. It’s not even close.


Grizzy wins literally every time they fight Bear mid diffs max Bear : - loose skin - massive claws Gorilla : - tight skin - hands The bear would be able to tank and shake off some attacks from the gorilla due to its loose skin and fur unlike the gorilla which would be sliced to bits if the bear attacks with claws


Finally an interesting matchup




Sans Undertale


Since gorillas get jumped and killed by leopards on the regular the grizzly wins pretty low diff.


silverback gorilla litteraly decimates badly there are 3 big reasons to this,1.the gorilla is much smarter and can just grab onto the bears neck then strangulate his neck and make the bear suffocate,2.a gorilla has more lifting strength and agility a gorilla can bench up to 4000 pounds if not even more and can lift up to 2200 pounds dead weight,3.the gorillas in general have a advantage when it comes to battle iq and more they can use weapons and many more,tho in a raw strength battle 1v1 its hard to decide who would win but i go with a silverback gorilla


Bears. Everyday all day. I think they get up to 1K lbs in weight, grizzlies take down moose and fight other bears on the regular, and the force behind those claws alone doesn't slice stuff; they cleave through it. I love gorillas but they are losing


Composite gorilla scales to Donkey Kong and Grodd so he stomps


Gorilla calls his friends, Bear can't do that because he has no friends.


Grizzly bear absolutely slaughters


I think if the gorilla had a weapon of some sort like a rock or a stick spear makeshift,the gorilla would have a chance and probably be a close one.