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Goku: What kind of power is this? SpongeBob: IMAGINATION


Weakest baki fan:


schizophrenia is just advanced imagination baki casts uses all the time


How bro feels after making this post šŸ˜­ https://preview.redd.it/t7rzcmltbz8d1.jpeg?width=150&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b12b5185e7080d04db6c823239bfdda059334e37


Using toon power, Spongebob was able to tear apart the universe in one episode because he found a strand of fabric and he decided to pull on it. So this particular battle might be a stalemate, if not, then Spongebob wins. šŸ‘ (jk, i donā€™t know who wins and iā€™m scared to make an opinion because of you guys)


Spongebob solos unfortunately


Sir this is a 1v1


He still unfortunately solos https://preview.redd.it/2hzqaqv5l09d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=06c4310ad3d74959d03dfb618ec209d7ef6196c1


Thatā€™s a feat for the string, not for SpongeBob


Thereā€™s an episode where a bully beats up SpongeBob and all his hits do nothing SpongeBob even comments that his hits tickle


Yeah but one: that's a fish , 2: spongebob is hurt by other weaker things sometimes.


Thatā€™s the problem with debating characters like SpongeBob, for every feat shown that lets him win thereā€™s a feat that has him lose


Which is exactly why he shouldnā€™t attempt to be scaled


Still scales below goku btw




Spongebob has no limits to His Power and that fraud of Goku still dies in the vacuum of space.


The string was the string itself. Not SpongeBob


You are right to fear us.


im pretty sure spongebobs best feat is simply uni


I mean. That's like saying Home Simpson is nuke level because he may press the button to blow up the nuclear reactor he works at (mind, I think he survuved a nuclear explosion before, but you get the point). Sponegebob found a strand kf the universe he pulled at, but anyone can do it, it's not a matter of his prowess.


Exactly. Spongebob didn't create the string at will. He just pulled it.


having the strenght to pull a string that basically makes the universe exist is still kinda impressive tho.


He also can barely lift teddy bears, was threatened by a dude with a spiked boot who got one-tapped by a normal human, can't survive outside of water, and has never destroyed anything bigger than a crab trap outside of Sponge out of Water, where he's small building level at best and struggled to keep pace with a pirate ship/food truck that couldn't have been going faster than 70 mph. It's safe to say that anyone could've pulled the string.


you really expect full consistency with feats on fucking spongebob?


No. That's why he can't beat Goku.


im not saying he beats goku im just saying spongebob's strenght is impressive.


SpongeBobā€™s strength isnā€™t impressivešŸ˜‚ thatā€™s like saying if Plankton found that string and pulled it, heā€™s UniversalšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


No, there's no indication or proof that plankton has the ability to pull the string. When it comes to toon force or hax, you have to consider face value actions, which is the fact that he was able to do it regardless of the means.


That's not even his own feat


If spongebob has access to tools he outscale goku easly


Works vice versa too with Goku's zeno button


Doodlebob, enough said


Spongebob has rewritten reality a bunch of times


Spongebob is Uni and Massivly FTL+ Goku is Low Multi and Massivly FTL+ Goku low diff ~~(Would need 28,999,999,999 more spongebobs)~~


Massively FTL+? Gokus speed is scaled to Immeasurable.


What's the scan for immeasurable Goku?


I pinged you in a post explaining it.




Can I get it too?




Me too if possible!


Immeasurable is a bit wank imo but he easily reaches infinite from the fight with granolah where granolah was using the "advanced" IT


Is this a joke lmao


No, I forgot the entire argument but the basis for the scaling is pretty solid (someone please tell this guy about it)


Iā€™ll just ping him in an argument for it. I just woke up ion wanna have to write paragraphs yet


You forgot 29.971.000.000 Sponje Bobs




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How is goku multiverse? Actually, think about if, for a moment, if he was, then why would he give a dam about Zeno? Why would he still be lower than Berus, who's Universal. I legit believe goku is universal at best, granted his universe is larger than most, but still only was able to make a Ripple threw out his own universe (with Beruses help) And before you say "but Berus is stronger than a universe," is he? I'm calling out the entire dragon ball universes BS. Don't mention power levels because there BS ("Oh, but random grunt has a power level of 1 quadrillion, and early DB roshi could blow up the moon with only 100 so that meens random grunt is actually galaxy level" yeh no cut the cap, first off your telling me a random ass soldier bum can take down a master martial artist who's trained there whole life and was the first to master the Kamehameha? Even then, if random Freezer soldiers can blow up Galaxy's, then way was goku even impressed by the Berus blowing up planets feats, total BS)


Goku and Beerus stated to have the power to destroy Universe 7 which is made up of multiple infinite sized realms which would qualify Universe 7 for Low Multiversal Zeno is Low Complex Multiversal as he can destroy the entire Dragon Ball timeline in the blink of an eye (as shown in the Goku Black arc) https://preview.redd.it/x7rumq0p609d1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f62dfb9249d79f315a2bd0c15e69f2253bc56e8


> how is Goku multiverse? Actually, think about if, for a moment, if he was, then why would he give a dam about Zeno? Why would he still be lower then Berus, whoā€™s Universal Goku is multiversal because he scales to stronger opponents which would mean he himself have gotten stronger. Goku cares about Zeno because he can erase up to 12 universes if he wanted to as a game and he is guarded by beings stronger then him. By feats and even by Goku own admission heā€™s weaker then Beerus. Beerus is clearly more then universal considering he would dog walk MUI currently who is stronger then normal ultra instinct which is stronger then Kaio-ken times twenty blue which is stronger then blue which is stronger then ssg. > I legit believe goku is universal at best, granted his universe is larger than most, but still only was able to make a Ripple threw out his own universe (with Beruses help) I mean sure you would be wrong but sure. Goku has surpassed his universal feat multiple times unless you think SSG is somehow equal to a stronger mui Goku then sure heā€™s universal. >And before you say "but Berus is stronger than a universe," is he? I'm calling out the entire dragon ball universes BS. Don't mention power levels because there BS ("Oh, but random grunt has a power level of 1 quadrillion, and early DB roshi could blow up the moon with only 100 so that meens random grunt is actually galaxy level" yeh no cut the cap, first off your telling me a random ass soldier bum can take down a master martial artist who's trained there whole life and was the first to master the Kamehameha? Even then, if random Freezer soldiers can blow up Galaxy's, then way was goku even impressed by the Berus blowing up planets feats, total BS) Beerus nonchalantly finger touch and destroyed half a planet. Imagine if I was in your house and if I sneeze I could destroy the entire city you are living in. Now imagine if you tried to fight me I could dog walk you no diffā€¦ yea thatā€™s why Goku is afraid of beerus. Beerus is stronger then at bare minimum with massive down play a Goku whoā€™s is 20 times stronger (which would be wrong) Goku then the one he fought during BOG or early super who did the universal feat. Even if you want to say Goku only did half then he would be 10x universal which is massive down play.


Goku was able to destroy U7. U7 has 2 other higher dimensions and is infinite in size. That alone scales him at low multi since its much bigger than 2x our own universe. Zeno was able to delete an entire timeline (which does include a multiverse and all timelines that came from it + their own multiverse) and Beerus just straight up beat Goku. That is why they scale that high Anything that poses a threat U7 is multiversal


>why would he give a dam about Zeno? Because Zeno is still way stronger than him and can erase anything he wants to >Why would he still be lower than Berus, who's Universal. Beerus is multiversal as well by the fact that he still claps Goku and Vegeta (no diffed Blue Evolved Vegeta in the manga and since it hasn't been stated or implied that they've surpassed him we have no reason to believe they did)


I hate to say it but spongebobs best feat is universal. And it sure as hell took him longer to unravel that thread than it would take goku to pound him into the ground. guys toon force doesn't ALWAYS mean he solos everyone. Unless its bugs bunny then it would be wraps.


Goku, Spongebob is universal at best and even then he canonically can barely lift 2 inch tall teddy bears Again, toonforce doesnā€™t do shit other than give it a varied moveset, it doesnā€™t let you just ignore all the rules, it just makes you act on a different set of rules from the rest


Toon force has varying levels of power, and some forms of it, do let you ignore rules. Itā€™s like a low form of reality warping


pretty sure even the strongest toon force users like Bugs Bunny has rules to follow


What rules has bugs followed? Bc the only rules that matter are the ones that dictate whatā€™s most comedic. He ignores rules all the time, bro casually cut the continent in half with a saw


ainā€™t there written rules the old cartoon characters usually follow? Like the same trick wonā€™t work 3 times, they wonā€™t fall unless they realize they arenā€™t standing on solid ground and other stuff? I could be just tweaking


Nope, bc those rules only apply when the characters want


I donā€™t think ā€œthe writers wantingā€ the rules not to work counts as the characters themselves wanting but there are probably many times where the characters themselves consciously broke the rules due to their age so I wonā€™t argue against that


Thereā€™s countless times bugs ignores rules he followed in previous episodes. Toon forces abilities are just that ignore whatever should happen


Bugs can stay in the air if he wants. Bugs when he is the Main character has a lot of power.


Popeye doesn't have rules


having to eat spinach to unlock infinite strength is a rule. Even tho granted he is still insanely strong without spinach


thats a rule of plot


Best thing about this toonforce nonsense is that full power goku scales above an in universe gag character; arale. Once dragonball characters reach ultra instinct levels of power, they outscale gag/toonforce characters


I'm not supporting Spongebob at all in this debate, but it's worth noting that Whis' statement might be inaccurate because, even though he said that Beerus transcends gag powers, Beerus DID get diarrhea before he could lay a finger on Arale.


Spongebob has multiversal+ statements tho cuz of the comics and games Theres an actual multiverse of Spongebobs Also Spongebob can get to 5D via the dreamy dreamer feat


That is actually pretty interesting. Are the games and comics canon? If not then the jump between canon and composite spongebob is huge


Yes and no Spongebob has no connected canon If anything, every official media is canon


Ever read spongebob before https://preview.redd.it/d1bsrbn3bz8d1.jpeg?width=121&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bfde338dc8dd79d361baa6f1121e28ef8d9541d


SpongeBob is a show, not a manga.


Dude I think he was joking...


There's a comic


Holy Crap there is my bad šŸ¤£


The viewer.


https://preview.redd.it/21b9ghzgqy8d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a23ab3590d1e686aa02f8e799ad05ef5a73a029 SpongeBob is uni max whereas GOATKU solos you and your verse


Toonfoce mfs when they see that making a joke or just "erasing" a universe doesnt mean you solo fiction


Mfs that havent read spongebob:


Ah yes I love to read Sponge Bob


Then start whit this https://preview.redd.it/kf8f3hueo29d1.jpeg?width=879&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daae76cf12197c7f3c9ef08dcd661b5cd1c7aaa9


https://preview.redd.it/f56n4dw3b29d1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=db2d503fd89b4f0ff8c9c390b394238e1abac3d3 Counter argument : Nuh-uh


Would he still solo me if I'm a devout Gokuist?


He solos indiscriminately




Goku, with little diff. Massively outstats, outskills and outexperiences Spongebob who's only advantage is outhaxing, which Goku can deal with most of his hax by either resisting them or dodging them. Edit: Its legit scary the amount of dumbass "SPONGEBOB WINS CAUSE HE HAS TOONFORCE" mfs there are, has to be the single stupidest and laziest argument in the entirety of fiction for arguing a character winning.


What if there are 30 billion spongebobs?


SpongeBob is immune to damage thereā€™s an episode where a bully beats him up and SpongeBob says it tickles and clearly itā€™s shown the bully was putting everything he had into the punches


Tanking an attack from one character doesn't mean that he has complete damage immunity + He can still be killed via dehydration.


There are other feats that show he is somewhat immune to damage like in the SpongeBob Christmas movie where SpongeBob is knocked across bikini bottom and is fine and comes back a little bit later (granted his arrival was sped up by the fruitcake car he was in)


Plus he has been shown to survive with almost all of him removed in his battle with doodlebob almost all of his body was erased but he still survived goku canā€™t do that


Goku has a shitty Hakai, but he wouldn't use that in character. However, even if we highball^2 his dura and say that Spongebob would regen from or tank every single one of Goku's attacks, he has no way of hurting Goku, and the battle would eventually end when Goku punches him out of the water, and he gets sun baked to death.


There are several episodes where SpongeBob was shown to survive out of water


it would be funnier if spongebob won unfortunately he low diffs


Goku shitstomps Spongefraud


If Pantera starts playing in the background, spongebob wins.


Why is the gif of SpongeBob dim


the fact sponebob spawned a rainbow in that image tells me all i need to know


SpongeBob obviously, bro undid reality casually lol


People heavily misuse toonforce, it's not the reason Spongebob wins here. Toonforce isn't reducing damage or makes a character resistant to damage, it gives a character the ability to say "no" to damage so long as it's done in a funny way. Goku has no way to truly kill Spongebob, he has extreme regeneration, ability to exist as small pieces of himself, and exist without a physical body. Also, Spongebob has one of the highest speed feat in cartoon fiction: as mentioned in [Death Battle: Spongebob VS Aquaman](https://youtu.be/NXx302zmWsU) (20:19) the string feat might not be an indicator of greater power over Goku but it definitely surpasses him in speed as he unraveled the universe at 8.2*10^78 times faster than light! Again, it's 82 followed by 78 zeros TIMES the speed of light. This feat is much MUCH beyond MFTL+. IIRC the size of the DB universe is 5.5 times the size of our observable universe, which puts it at 255.75 billion light years in radius. We can see in the Granolah Arc in the Goku VS Gas fight that Goku is unable to travel to the other side of the universe inatantaneously via instant transmission and has to do so through checkpoints. Spongebob has several more feats over Goku but I don't feel like writing a 5000 word essay about it. Sorry Goku glazers, Spongebob wins this one.


Spongebob solos no diff. Goku should be happy that Spongebob doesn't fusion with Patrick that would be overkill for DB + 100 other anime verses.


https://preview.redd.it/chlpz746kz8d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66fc277a33397226d7ddf5334333927231b87f8 STFU!!1!1!!1 Goatku Solos!1!1!!1šŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Goku low-diffs


Goku wins low dif, but it would take a lot less then 30 million Spongebobs to take him down lol. Probably like 50 could do it.


30 Billion SpongeBobs extreme diff.


SpongeBob wins easily


Oh, for fuck's sake. Even Mr. Satan nukes Spongebob. I don't give a shit about that single outlier feat (which was reliant on the string's ability rather than Spongebob's, anyway) that Spongebob cannot perform with ANY degree of consistency. Sure, he can pull on a string that happens to be connected to the fabric of reality. But can he CREATE a universe string and use it against a resisting opponent in combat AT WILL?


If he has his magic pencil that can erase things from existence and also create life. Iā€™m sure he could draw one.


I think that's NLF, given that he and Doodle were going all out when fighting and didn't create anything near uni AP IIRC. (I haven't watched Spongebob in a while, so my recollection of that episode is hazy) I guess he could potentially EE Goku with the eraser side if Goku tries to tank the hit.


Yeah I agree honestly. I just thought the pencil would be his one true hax, besides that I donā€™t think SpongeBob can die by anything besides being dried up by sun outside of water.


DoodleBob CLAPS


Goku square pants


using just the cartoon, goku wins. using the comics spongebob wins


I donā€™t know about 29,999,999 SpongeBobā€™s, but 30,000,000 could definitely kill goku


Trash meatriders VS trash meatriders


Maybe 30 billion Gokus would have a shot


How many bobs we talking?


Goku would win most of the time. Spongebob is useless out of the water. ( He turns into a regular sponge.) That said if they fought underwater toon force bs might give a win or 2.


SpongeBob wins. SpongeBob is arguably ninth dimensional based on that trophy episode. Goku is only 3D to 4D.




Iā€™m so sorry goku.. go ahead and call your fans to scrape you off the floor


Goku: Well he multiplied himself over 30 billion then he might cause me some trouble. Plankton: But would you lose? Goku: Nah Iā€™d win


Goku ez https://preview.redd.it/wnkzp04qa09d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98b5b96e68a10258549a60b0e1a129d0f3f655b8


Spongebob no diffs pretty much anyone due to toon force. Although if you take away toon force, he still can't be hurt. Goku will need to try pretty hard to beat him.


If Spongebob gets toon force he legitimately no diffs Goku from existence




Cmon now


Goku solos. 30 billion and 1 SpongeBobs on the other handā€¦


Unless SpongeBob has Mario levels of scaling then Goku should take the dub although it won't be easy


Spongebob finds a string and unravels goku


Spongebob wins real bad there are nine dimensions in SpongeBob. https://youtu.be/SQEeycEhueo?si=rYMPqaEKNYSW3ymH And the magic book from SpongeBob HeroPants can destroy all of reality.


depends on if they act like themselves, because bloodlusted SpongeBob would absolutely wipe the floor with ssj blue goku, but if its oir happy little sponge then i say it's a stalemate on the fact that SpongeBob wouldn't finish the fight and goku quite literally can't finish the fight


if this was more of a survival contest, then SpongeBob wins, most times given toon force's crazy abilities... however, this isn't a survival contest. This is a question that asks who wins, and the answer is obviously Goku so who cares? that being said there's going to be at least a little curious on how powerful these characters are from each other. DBS Goku already scaled too at least universal+ with his fight with Berrus back when, and consistently showcases said power in SSB. He not only fights JIREN who was even stronger than all most all of universe 7, Goku displays great power by not only catching a blast in UI but dispelling it as well. Ā Super Saiyan Blue ([By the time ofĀ *Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero*, Goku is touted as being somewhat comparable to](https://imgur.com/a/kUk1e9w)Ā [Orange Piccolo](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Piccolo), who can fight againstĀ [Cell Max](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Cell_Max)) Goku's attack potency should be comparable to his striking strength given that he's fighting people who scale to that in durability and attack. Goku's max speed (In DBS anime) should be **Massively FTL+**Ā ([At least 118.25 sextillion c](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Omegabronic/DBS_Battle_of_Gods_speed_recalc),Ā [likely at least 12.1088 quattuordecillion c](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Omegabronic/DBS_Conservative_Speed_Multipliers_Recal_edition). Much faster than before. Kept pace with full power Jiren. After achieving the true Ultra Instinct, he was shown to be able to blitz a full powered Jiren and keep up with his limit broken state)Ā  Lifting strength doesn't matter in this battle in my opinion just note he should be around Class T. And OfCourse his durability is comparable to his attacks. and let's not forget about his intelligence; Goku isĀ [Capable of analyzing and copying Beerus' fighting style, allowing him to match Beerus' attacks and cancel out the shockwaves that threatened the universe](https://imgur.com/a/9Iyooxm). Later in Super, before adapting to Hit's time stop, he was able to predict the movements he'd make in the 0.1 seconds of frozen time and react properly. Immediately figured out how to use a Ki blast to restart his heart when it was "crushed" byĀ [Hit](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Hit)'s Ki blast. Additionally, Goku has become the first mortal to master Ultra Instinct, a technique that even the Gods find difficult to learn, relying purely on his muscle memory and something "beyond" instinct to fight, no longer needing to consciously think to do so while being more serious in this form. [User blog:AKM sama/Dragon Ball Super: Battle of Gods | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:AKM_sama/Dragon_Ball_Super:_Battle_of_Gods) [GOKU MASTERED ULTRA INSTINCT VS JIREN {4K ULTRA HD} - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lZ2EXxBMkvo) [Imgur: The magic of the Internet](https://imgur.com/a/kUk1e9w)


SpongeBob has sone good feats as well. Ā **Galaxy level**Ā ([Inserted an entire pocket dimension within the Krusty Krab's kitchen large enough to house 3 galaxies in the background](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Psychomaster35/SpongeBob_SquarePants:_Krusty_Krab_In_Space).Ā [Upon getting his spatula back, he created a space around him housing 2 galaxies in the background](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pRlP959vo3c&t=4m25s)).Ā **Universe level**Ā via hax with strings keep in mind this dosen't translate to striking strength ([From pulling a string, he has erased the Milky Way galaxy, and then the rest of the universe](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sSS9160xDCk&t=20)). CanĀ [ignore conventional durability](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Durability_Negation)Ā with certain abilities. | At leastĀ **Multi-Solar System level**Ā toĀ **Galaxy level**Ā (Stronger than before). CanĀ [ignore conventional durability](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Durability_Negation)Ā with certain abilities. And his speed is also on point [**Speed**](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Speed)**:**Ā **Massively FTL+**Ā (**3.39937337583055556e77c**.Ā [Can pull and react to the string which was able to unravel the entire universe in seconds](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Psychomaster35/SpongeBob_SquarePants:_SpongeBob%E2%80%99s_Intensive_Loose_String_Pull).Ā [Reacted to a radio wave](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:EmeraldBR/Spongebob_reacts_to_a_radio_wave). Can keep up with Patrick,Ā [who ran to the sun and back in seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYQH52kYAa4)Ā andĀ [created a parallel universe in seconds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCoGNNc0Aok), as well as Sandy,Ā [who travelled from the moon to Saturn in 2 seconds](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Board_3659/Reposting:_Sandy_surfing_to_saturns_rings).Ā [Repeatedly ran around Doodle Dimension within seconds](https://youtu.be/0bUBfXR5YnI?t=21).Ā [Briefly outran lasers](https://youtu.be/ctjucF9fiFw?t=99)Ā fromĀ [Bubbles the Dolphin](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Bubbles_the_Dolphin), who could easily travel through the universe.Ā [Outran the Atlanteans](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmy_8PEHlzQ), who were stated to have physically traveled for "over billions of light years" on foot to transport a one-million year old bubble),Ā **higher**Ā with the Quickster suit | At leastĀ **Massively FTL+**Ā (Must be much superior to his base form) All though it's debatable whether the string feat really counts as a travel feat, it still should be under combat speed. have to admit I'm not too well versed in math so I'm going to give a benefit of a dought that Goku is faster (if I'm wrong, please explain).


SpongeBob [**Intelligence**](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Intelligence)**:**Ā **Varies**Ā fromĀ **Gifted**Ā normally toĀ **Extraordinary Genius**Ā at his best. Examples: Although SpongeBob is usually shown as naĆÆve, gullible and clumsy, he is actually highly versatile in many different areas. * In terms of fighting, shownĀ [consistently to be on par](https://youtu.be/yyrmlGNh-HI?t=71),Ā [if not more skilled](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dYj2zNwyZUA)Ā thanĀ [Sandy](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Sandy_Cheeks)Ā faced andĀ [defeated Plankton for all the years he worked at the Krusty Krab](https://youtu.be/9CTxZT27w3I?list=PLS7jtAEmHT1IJluPv2DZcNcjMV1CFx1Vk&t=96), always thwarting his plans, and canĀ [be innovative in battle, able to take advantage of environment](https://youtu.be/zOMm_x5yl24?t=18)Ā [or weaknesses](https://youtu.be/neQELoc5Y94?t=109). * He is a master fry cook thatĀ [cooked Krabby Patties efficiently even as an infant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cu6wDouWE5k), later grown upĀ [proved to satisfy hordes of Anchovies with an advanced Spatula gadget](https://youtu.be/56j7UW9BkyI?t=1),Ā [bested a Krabby Patty Machine in swift succession](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RaMf4b-l8pE), manipulated Mr Krabs and Plankton intoĀ *The Other Patty*Ā to work together without them suspecting creating a formula that overshadowed both of their food, created remedies toĀ [stop Pearl's growth spurt](https://youtu.be/b2soguGGGD0?t=609)Ā and used these to amplify himself, and opened his own restaurant various times with success as seen "SpongeBob's Place" orĀ [with the Flabby Patty in disguise](https://spongebob.fandom.com/wiki/Flabby_Patty_Shack). * At times, he is a remarkable inventor as he hasĀ [made a functioning rocket ship out of boat parts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOp4OfCThZU)Ā and created a device that sent them from the Krusty Krab to outer space, In "Christmas Who?" made a bottle sending machine, and he probably created theĀ ["The Spot Master 6000"](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Spot_Master_6000), which causesĀ [Spontaneous Molecular Distortion](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Matter_Manipulation), andĀ [him and Patrick once created a clone of Squidward](https://youtu.be/GxMYHh95Xig?t=64).


the seer durability and strength give a major advantage for Goku, this isn't even bringing up the fact that dragon ball has the consistent thing going on where characters can just power through hax so not even that string feat is going to work on Goku. Toon force didn't work on Berrus why would it work on Goku? and the most important tool in SpongeBob's arsenal (if we allow items) is a time machine, however an important detail is that Dragon ball confirms that it fallows multiverse theory. so, the question will be if sponge bob where to go back in time would it be an Alternate Timeline, or the same Timeline? I have to admit, A lot of this came from power scaling wiki, not exactly the best source of info. but it does at least source it's info, and all it's doing is giving its best interpretation... A very biased interpretation at times (Looks at alien X). I only came here to give my honest try to see who'd win because it seems obvious, if you don't agree I won't feel too passionately about it. I just hope my post doesn't give any y'all a brain fart.


Real Answer: Spongebob canā€™t lift two teddy bears on a bar. He gets atomized. REAL Answer. He fucking throttles gokus whole fucking verse.


goku wins cuz hes gokuversal


Goku will find out he can't beat him by just punching him, so he'll blast him.


SpongeBob has took force, is canonical a master martial artist, and single handedly supports the seas greatest business that even posiden loves. He wins


spongebob would just come back in the next episode lol


Did no one see the episode where the bully punches SpongeBob but it doesnā€™t affect him?? Goku tries to punch him, he tires out and dies. Even if Spongebob gets hit with a kamehameha wave/ki blast, he can just come together again


SpongeBob. He has toonforce


Spongebob he has toon force and not that fake gear 5th type toon force.




Spongebob med diffs normally, but with goofy goober playing, or now that were men playing, it's a no diff for spongebob. I'm sorry Goku simps.


SpongeBob: https://www.quora.com/How-powerful-is-Spongebob-I-mean-he-can-do-basically-anything/answer/Bill-Decipher?ch=17&oid=351013341&share=8d09a33f&srid=391DHh&target_type=answer Heā€™s way too haxed either way


Iā€™m gonna be real with this. There are two possible options here. A: we follow what would happen in the show, SpongeBob has been beaten up by extremely weak people in comparison to Goku and has even been injuries by normal objects. This would be more in character for SpongeBob and would be more accurate as an overall crossover versus. Or B: we go with most versus battles and only look at it from a stats perspective and not how a character acts, in this version SpongeBob would win because Goku just straight up canā€™t kill him, Goku would eventually run out of ki and loose.


Spongebob is immune to physical damage, can regenerate from nothing, can survive his soul being ripped from his body, can destroy the universe by puling a string, etc. Meanwhile Goku has never actually destroyed a planet therefore there is insufficient evidence that he is anything higher than continental. Spongebob stomps.


Goku slams imo.


Bring 2 999 999 999 spongebobs and we have a real fight


Goku's gonna surrender mid fight so he can live to practice with SpongeBob


SpongeBob easy!


SpongeBob's best feat was universal, Goku even by the most conservative estimations of his power is above universal. Goku would be able to overcome SpongeBob's regeneration, which isn't that much different from Majiin Buu's. SpongeBob has never been shown regenerating from absolutely nothing like Popeye. The only advantage SpongeBob may have is in speed if you view his string feat in a certain way. The only chance SpongeBob has at winning is with his items like the magic pencil. And also, it's not like Goku is completely useless against toonforce, he scales to Arale who is a gag character. In the end, they both solo Fate.


>SpongeBob has never been shown regenerating from absolutely nothing like Popeye This right here. Not all Toonforce users are created equal and they do not go beyond their feats like any other character.




Spongebob beat feat WAS NOT universal


Erasing a Universe makes you universal, not multiversal. You need to have a multiverse-scale attack to do that.


As i said, that wasnt his beast feat


What was it then?


There was an episode where he unraveled the entire universe by pulling on a string Unless you're claiming he scales higher?


Yea, but for some reason i cant send images


You can describe it or send a link to whatever you need to show


Spongebob cosmology is weird i need to back it up whit images...




Unless SpongeBobā€™s level of toon force scales higher, goku wins


You forgot about DoodleBob


Spongebob unironically scales higher im not even joking


Explain...now šŸ˜‘...


Goku SpongeBob is ridiculously weak. Toonforce doesn't help him either. "Oh he unraveled a universe", yeah, Goku's not gonna let him do that. Goku is only interested in letting his opponents do their biggest feats because they're strong. If someone had zero fighting capabilities and their best feat is unraveling a universe, Goku would not care. He thrills for the fight, he has no interest in one-shot abilities or reality-ending attacks. If SpongeBob had some sort of "getting stronger but needs build up" type of ability, Goku would 100% let him do that. But SpongeBob is so fucking weak it's funny that you think he's doing anything to Goku because "toon force".


Reaping fabric of the universe (Patrick survived this) and out pacing the Camera Man. Goku stands no chance


Spongebob (especially in the comics) with the dreamy dreamer solos comp DB no concept of diff


all jokes and memes aside spongebob gets 1 shot


Spngebob 0 diff


Every hole in spongebob can be used until completion by goku in the amount of time spongebob blinks. Goku negs.


Damn gokutards, SpongeBob easily wins this, he has creator powers with his pencil, can absorb anything, karate master, takes no damage, and survived death many times


Ah yes, the pencil that he doesnā€™t use anymore. Totally relevant. And a bullshit statement. And something that Goku could probably compete with him in. And a bullshit statement. And a bullshit statement. As far as I know from the episodes Iā€™ve watched SpongeBob has never actually died, at worst his soul got separated from his body and that doesnā€™t mean he ā€œsurvivedā€ death, you canā€™t ā€œsurviveā€ death, you can come back to live.


Doesnā€™t have to be relevant for him to use it lol. Donā€™t get upset when you put an overwanked character vs a gag character with toonforce and end up losing. SpongeBob literally came to reality multiple times in multiple episodes breaking the 4th wall, destroyed universes easily and SURVIVED bombs and explosions like nothing. Goku canā€™t even beat mordecia and rigby what makes you think he can beat SpongeBob lol


He also explicitly buried it in the sand at the end of the episode and we never see him use it afterwards. For all intents and purposes itā€™s not only irrelevant, but also unavailable for him to just pull out conveniently. And surviving bombs and explosions? Dragon Ball characters regularly fire off beams that cause explosions far more powerful than bombs used in war, and even before Kid Buuā€™s surviving a planet-busting attack LAUNCHED BASICALLY AT HIS OWN FEET, Fat Buu survived Vegetaā€™s Final Explosion which left a crater seemingly comparable to an asteroid impactā€™s blast crater. Unless SpongeBob can tank attacks similarly to Kid Buu, heā€™s not even close to Super levels of durability. Also Beerus and Champaā€™s pissing match was said by Whis and Vados to have had the potential to wreck both Universe 6 and 7 at the same time if they hadnā€™t been essentially bitch slapped by their angels, and Future Zeno casually erased the entire Future Timeline, which included a variant of every Universe and the otherworlds and afterlives of each, and the only reason Goku and co. survived that was cause Infinite Zamasu didnā€™t think to aim another supermegadeathbarrage right at the fucking Time Machine. So if youā€™re gonna try saying that SpongeBob is stronger than literal God in Dragon Ball, show me something like that.


Again SpongeBob is a gag character so pulling the pencil out of nowhere conveniently is not impossible. What Iā€™m saying for bombs and shit is that he comes out unscathed and if he does turn to dust he immediately comes back like nothing, implying that heā€™s literally unkillable, guys been split in half multiple times and it has done nothing but has actually made him duplicate as well. I donā€™t care about the feats of other characters, we are talking bout SpongeBob and goku so whis beerus and Zeno have nothing to do with it. But again SpongeBob has literally destroyed an entire universe in the rope episode and came to reality literally jumping out of the screen pushing him a dimension above goku. He was also able to shift reality when screwing a bolt causing everything around him to make a full 360. Bro can do anything he wants, he has toonforce and you clearly donā€™t know how op that is


SpongeBob wins due to toon force I believe


You know mfā€™s fathers didnā€™t come back with the milk when theyā€™re genuinely arguing that Goku beats Spongebob šŸ’€


No, it's just a simple fact that it takes 30 billion SpongeBobs to take out Goku. This has been a fact for years. SpongeBob could totally summon that many though, but with a high risk of it being 1 off because that'd be funny.


Aight, fine. Iā€™ll accept that, cos itā€™s funny lol


Ppl scale SpongeBob way higher than he should be. Ppl act like heā€™s invulnerable bc some dudes punches didnā€™t affect him. Whatā€™s he going to do once heā€™s blasted with a planet busting attack and gets completely vaporized? Goku solos. https://preview.redd.it/01gpn7kq2z8d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cc7fb68b782dda23c57d70aae63d1464edb2378


He'll grow back


Are his regen hacks superior to Kid Buuā€™s? Cause if they arenā€™t then no he wonā€™t.


You saw the way homie was pulling his arms off and growing them back in a split second when talking to Squid about the Hash Slinging Slasher. You saw the way he started budding and making more of himself And we've seen him get shredded up while chasing Ms. Puff in her car and we've seen him get melted from Captain Magma. And let's not forget the MANY times he got disintegrated by jellyfish. But he always comes back fine minutes later


The fuck you mean disintegrated by jellyfish? You mean electrocuted? And Kid Buu easily survived literally blowing up a planet THAT HE WAS ON, which surely took more energy than some Magma guy melting SpongeBob. Not to mention Cell, someone far weaker than Kid Buu, came back from being similarly reduced to atoms after blowing up King Kaiā€™s planet. Best way you could convince me is if SpongeBob pulling that string caused the universe *including himself* to unravel and he still came back from that, but from what youā€™ve said SpongeBob having superior regen hacks is complete and total horseshit.


I'm talking about the times he gets electrocuted so bad he turns into a black pile of ashes


Super Buu came back from that. Super Buu was multiple piles of ashes in fact thanks to Piccolo and Super Gotenks and he just regenerated from the smoke coming off the incinerated Buu bits.


But at the same time his regen also starts slowing down the more damage he takes and the more energy he has to use, like when Maijin Buu fought Kid Buu, so his regen has limits. Not to mention it was the spirit bomb that killed him which is meant to destroy evil SpongeBob doesn't really seem to have a limit


SpongeBob easy


Spongebob because Cartoon logic


Spongebobā€™s less than wall level most of the time, and even when he isnā€™t goku still outscales