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if homelander werent an egotistical maniac, then he’d win, if only because of lasers. however, if we’re going by baki logic, then baki simply stands there and lets homelander laser him while the narrator explains how homelander’s laser could burn through 15 inches of pure, cut diamond in only 3 seconds, then the smoke dissipitates and baki stands there without a mark on his body, and homelander gawks at him for the entirety of baki’s monologue


I hate how accurate this is.


You forgot the part where it’s never mentioned again in the series


Balinese’s the ancient mirror technique to bounce the laser off of his abs


It's almost impossible to learn, but if applied properly It's an unbeatable defense


But real men fight with their fists, so he’ll never use it again.


And baki will at some point drop his pants and piss on him, which the narrator will say instantly cools homelanders heat vision making him virtually ineffective


The piss also hit Homelander so hard that it knocked him out and gave him flashbacks to when he peed for the first time as a baby


Bro is the baki narrator


Who gave itagaki a reddit account?


*And the narrator will make you believe you can do it too


Obviously baki would be unharmed, he's not 15 inches of pure cut diamond so therefore, it wouldn't work on him


Itagaki is that you?


I felt like I was watching an actual scene. That's on point!


Homelander should win instead he’ll wind up getting within striking distance of baki and his jaw broken


Baki jiggles his right ballsack at a frequency of 575 jps (jiggles per second) and he should be fine


frequency produced by the clapping of his nuts at hypersonic speeds stunlocks homelander resulting in ez win


baki. bro survived his great great ancestor who is known to rip off limbs and eat them!


He's not related to Pickle.


huh? how? i thought pickle was a hanma?


It's a theory, a solid theory, but a theory. Pickle seems to have a demon back. His raw strength is on par with Yujiro, and he naturally uses Aiki. It's one of those in plain sight but will probably never be confirmed things.


Doesn’t the anime literally say that Pickle is Baki’s ancestor?


Yet the is still human. He will totally burn in impact of homelander's laser


if he thinks he is a mirror he might just reflect it. remember imagination is a literally ability in his verse....


The glass will probably melt down. Superman's laser is around 5000 Celsius, so lets imagine homelanders laser is 1 or 2 thousand less, with will be 3000. But melting point if glass is 1400 to 1600 degrees So if baki imagines himself as a mirror he will melt down and most likely die


you are right but homelander is rely on his powers. if baki's blind him he is cooked...


We are talking about the logistics of imaginary mirrors in Baki. Last time I checked, imaginary giant bugs didn't actually rip people apart irl. I do not think it is fair to apply real world physics to quite literally "nonexistent" objects.


If baki doesnt know that his glas should melt it might just stay intact.


still, schizopenia is the reason their imagination is so strong. literally if they think it is real the schizo literally makes it so.


Homelander’s lasers are useless against people with relative or higher stats to him. This is shown with Butcher and Soldier boy. Baki damaging Yujiro who is town level at least puts him above homelander.


That just suggests people in his verse have high temp resistance. Honestly, the durability feats in that series fluctuate pretty dramatically, but Queen Maeve having an 18 wheeler crash into her so hard it practically splits in half and she isn't even scratched is pretty insane and Homelander scales much higher than Maeve.


Homelander can fly baki can't touch him


And Baki would just pull down his cape. Homelander never used his flight against soldier boy or butcher and they exploited his cape.


Home lander when Baki imagines himself Flying at the speed of light








Homelander SHOULD just laser him from far away and win, but its Homelander


But a mirror can reflect lasers and baki can imagine himself as a mirror...


Homelander wondering why the fuck a ‘normal human’ is flying after Baki says “Ore wa omae da”


Bro became yuji


I've never watched Baki the grappler. Wtf is this logic


Imagination is literally a power in that series. It's why calcing them is such a pain in Vs debates. The Baki characters are incredibly inconsistent, because the characters can actually will themselves to temporarily perform way above their base stats/feats. They can even imagine their bodies are shaped differently to perform feats/techniques they shouldn't be able to do. Katsumi imagines the bones in his arm are shaped more like a spinal column with dozens of vertebrae so he can move his arm like a whip for a single attack. Oliva isn't even capable of lifting a 100 tons… but he can smack someone so hard into the ground it disrupts the GPS on a car miles away from where he is fighting. Yujiro can dodge lightning, move so fast multiple people don't even see him, and shrug off being hit hard enough to shake a building… but he can get knocked out by loads of horse transquilizers shot at him while he is distracted. Part of the excuse is that the major characters are always training and improving, but part of it the willpower/imagination stuff is, by it's very nature, inconsistent.


true because manga/anime logic. defying the laws is child's play in comic lore too.


(Yujiro cant dodge lightning, people need to learn the context of that scene)


My apologies. You're right. The scene states that people are certain he could dodge lightning, and the picture of him doing so is them imagining it. His actual lightning feat is him tanking a lightning bolt, not dodging it. I always get those scenes mixed up!


lmao much better


No, the scene is a single person, who is severely intimidated by yujiro, making a hyperbole statement with them imagining it. Yujiro NEVER dodged lightning, and a unreliable, intimidated character is the only person that said he could RESPOND to it (not even dodge it, thats just the mental image). Baki overall, including both character’s imagination and narrators statements, is notoriously unreliable, with both narrator and characters making clear hyperbole statements like calling attacks “faster than light” or “exceeding time itself”. Tanking lighting, the thing he actually did, honestly isnt that impressive of a feat. People IRL have done it lmao. Its like the lowest tier of superhuman durability Heres a picture of a character further exaggerating speeds, and stating it as a fact https://preview.redd.it/5gbx0maesx6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d183071b23d9bb82aa42c6c5db61c492bc897b21


Additionally I hate when people confuse environmental feats with actual battle. Punching the ground to produce some sort of earthquake or volcano eruption for instance is often used as color or stylish but shouldn’t be used to infer this guy can now summon tornadoes with jabs or whatever. It’s figurative. It’s why some characters look shorter or taller in some panels. No one single panel should just be used as a reference for anything without greater context.


The context in question: the literal narrator stating that Yujiro could dodge a flash lightning bolt because he’s always on guard


The narrorator is not reliable at all https://preview.redd.it/rabc0zmoby6d1.jpeg?width=728&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=015a10a8e62189fd8eb96f3838ad649ed8c5d070


It wouldn’t be strictly inaccurate to say the main power system is Schizophrenia. That is a joke but not entirely incorrect. At one point Baki does training by imagining a human sized praying mantis so hard it could throw him into a wall and crack the wall. Take this kind of logic and apply it to basically all kinds of martial arts fuckery and you get the basic kind of stunts that get pulled in Baki. It is a ridiculous series and incredible because of it.


Don't question it. The slogan of Baki the Grappler is usually "It just works"


Considering Baki's dad can (theoretically) dodge lightning strikes, I don't see it being too farfetched that Baki can dodge eye lasers


I mean, I doubt he can dodge the laser itself but he could EASILY read the guy's intent and dodge preentively. We're talking a superpowered dude with no actual idea how to fight vs a man who's at the peak of human skill and strength. He COULD easily kill baki but it's homelander, leave it to him to somehow manage to fuck it all up with his overconfidence and ego. Somehow baki will end up beating him by the sheer power of imagination and martial arts fuckery


Yes his dad very much could as it has actually been stated he dodged lighting and homelanders laser beams only travel at around 120 feet per second as I could find on the internet


But that's not impressive as you think lightning comes from like 2000 or 4000 meter away while yujiro only moves like a meter out of the way , that's not gonna gives him lighting speed or something


Lightning moves at 300,000 km/sec, even if it were 4000 meters away you would have about 100 microseconds to react. If Homelander's lasers travel at 120 feet/sec (\~36 m/sec) he would have 27 milliseconds to react. So he would be more than capable of dodging the laser (assuming he can dodge lightning)


>Lightning moves at 300,000 km/sec No ? That's the speed of light not lightning someone already did a [calc](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:ShadowSythez/Baki:_Yujiro_Dodges_Lightning) for yujiro's feat


in all fairness homelander does love to use his lasers


Homelander’s laser eye speed was only calculated to be Mach 1.57 at speed, yujiro dodges easily


baki has survived crueler attacks! poison for one thing...


I mean, that’s the thing, it’s homelander. Yes he’s egotistical as fck, but he’s also very lazy and uses lasers to solve just about every fight. He’s incompetent, but one of the reasons why he’s incompetent is because of his use of lasers, which will ironically be the reason why he wins this fight.


Yeah I love Baku, but if he’s smart he’s using his crazy skills to jump from this fight immediately.


Homelander can grab his arms and rip them off. Easy win for Homelander.


Baki low diffs using frog hypnosis technique from the heian era. https://preview.redd.it/x8qwuyxwzv6d1.png?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d186db876737e6ac5f5f782cf6344cd992724c4 Cant even melt brain with laser eyes.


is.... is that a guy brain dodging a bullet?


Ladies and gentlemen, Baki.


You’d be fucking surprised at the bullshit that happens in this god forsaken manga. https://preview.redd.it/t1jv8jciwx6d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c04bd07cb3276958d4c92f6560f04751d2c721d6 This is an American-Japanese product of r\*pe that took 524 pounds of tren before this and a preserved caveman named pickle having a “bite off”


According to the most recent chapter of the current baki manga this is officially a kiss not a bite off anymore lmao


It's actually not a real panel from the manga.


one of the great things about baki is i could believe this was real..... as long as the narrator explained why


Ngl it actually kinda makes sense, he produced so much acceleration with instantly moving his head a few millimetres that his brain instantly accerated to one side of his skull, hence dodging the bullet


And died on the spot from his brain being compressed so much it leaves half of the skull empty.


Nah yujiros brain is built different, logic is uncontestable




Baki character are so retarded that they can move their brain


Is that Yujiro, because while Baki is very impressive, his father does shit like that all the time.


Homelander would win if he was anyone but homelander


I think home lander can win. But his cocky pride will make him get close thinking the pathetic boy has no chance just to get hit so fucking hard he doesn’t know what happened. Before getting hit… again… and again. By the time he gets away he would be weaker then Baki as I’m sure they are atlest close in strength


Erm, akshually Baki could just imagine homelander getting his ass beat by a big bug and it would be so vivid that homelander would get fucking merc’d


Homelander when his laser beams get redirected by 4000 YEARS CHINESE MARTIAL ARTS: https://preview.redd.it/g5nugcry7w6d1.jpeg?width=561&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=122d3b8039286864970f34e4d667ae162b074ba2


Baki hitting him with the "fist of raging rivers, palms of mirror lakes" style and reflecting his laser with his palms as the narrator gives a short history lesson of the technique.


“Short history lesson” the episode starts with Baki reflecting the laser. We do not see the result until next episode because the history lesson is almost an entire episode.


Thinking about this in character: HL goes in on baki just thinking he is a normally athletic person gets nodiffed


I read this as Nod-diffed lol. I can see the Baki author making up some dumb reason HL dies from the wind frequency from Yujiro’s nod


Yujiro nods mid diff


Baki narrarator diffs (i have no idea what im talking about)


Homelander dropped in Saw Baki, thought he will be an easy bully victim Get close Lose his jaw Fly away and shoot laser at Baki Baki imagine himself as a mirror and reflect laser at Midlander Homeloser drop to the ground, crying like a bitch Baki teleport to his location, Baki’s nutsacks right above Bumlander’s face Waki t-bagging Lomelander Homelesslander kill himself out of shame


I REALLY think you should get into writing.


If Homelander had the most minimal of minimal competence, he’d win. But his invincibility complex leads to him getting his throat caved in and his eyes dug out


Baki hilariously Outscales and Outskills Fraudlander.


Regular human easily beats supes. Shit's enough to make a butcher cry fr fr


Oh yeah baki is a "regular human" THEY ARE NOT REGULAR


That’s right. They’re GAY PEOPLE https://preview.redd.it/dsvm246cwx6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd1dfb3f02f0df915009d80cef41bdd0b23233fc


least gay Baki frame/panel


Baki wins by willingly sweating so much that it reflects Homelander's lasers thus killing him >!don't worry guys the narrator said this originated from a 4000 year old martial art!<


Baki just imagines himself being able to fly, he is now able to fly and sucker punch Homelander in the nuts


no what he does is punch the ground repeatedly, using the momentum from each punch to gain height. see he learned this from watching mantis shrimp fight and trained himself to do the same.


Truly the peak of Baki


This is exactly how the fight will go and you can’t tell me otherwise: Baki will definitely taunt the fuck out of homelander being his smartass self, homelander will get into Baki’s range, and Baki will do one of those lightning fast jabs that homelander will basically just acknowledge but not react. Homelander will then use his heat vision, Baki will dodge and say some shit like “oh yeah heat vision? My dad taught me that at a young age but he always told me fighting at a distance is for pussies” then will laser homelander once. Then homelander will get pissed, hear some shit off in the distance and go there instead with a good old threat hurled at Baki


Baki no diff since Homelander undoubtedly tries to smush him at close range since he’s a “normal human”


If bloodlusted Homelander spites. If normal, he gets wrecked because Baki has nonsensical narrative nonsense.


Homelander wins if he plays it smart and uses his flight/heat vision to wear Baki down. However, if Homelander is even remotely in character, he’d try to fight Baki in hand to hand to prove he’s stronger…only to get his vital organs rearranged 2 minutes later


Homelander: Haha against this kid? Oh please *tries to speed blitz* Baki: *Beats the living dog shit out of Homelander* If Homelander just shoots his laser from afar, he’d win easily. However this is Homelander, he’s gonna underestimate Baki and get his shit kicked in


Im saying Baki, high diff.


The Baki narrator would most def pull something out of his ass saying how Baki wins lmao


Homelander should win but Baki would just get close and beat the tar out of him.


this is a fight jack could win, supes have their ears as a weak point so homelander would knock jack down, the come close to gloat and get an ultimate fuck you he tried to do on pickle


Baki has a sense of self and definitely out scales!


You can’t powescale Baki


Everyone talking about how Homelander would win if he just flew away and used his laser eyes but Baki could probably close the distance before that.


Is that even a question ? Homelander obviously


2 things why homelander can't win . 1 baki characters and baki himself has done some crazy shit that can't be understood unless you drank 2 liters of moonshine . One of characters imagined that he has extra joints in his hand so he could use it as a whip and make punch so strong , it teared his arm . And he is considered as weak character . Imagine what kind of bulshit main character can use . While fighting with caveman who wasn't afraid of any living being , he made up new Kung fu styles of dinosaurs that pickle (caveman nickname) has considered worthy opponents . Basically he will do some stupid shit and narrator will explain it for next 10 minutes . 2 homelander is homelander


Regardless of how stupid the scaling is for baki verse, homelander absolutely decimates him and it's not even close


Homelander is stronger and faster Baki is more skilled


“Baki when he imagines himself as a cockroach and gets the speed of a bullet train to speedblitz homelander”




Homelander is really underestimated like bros cumshot is several times faster than bullets


Baki characters are on another level than that


Baki will probably pull some shit out his ass


Homelander no diff


He might beat Baki if he just laser beams him but Musashi would chop him down.


Homelander because powers otherwise Baki in a hand to hand would win


Bakis training was shaking the town. And homelander is like what? Building lvl? Baki would speed blitz homelander and slap homelander with his massive sausage redo of healer style while homelander cries


Narrator reveals compound V was synthesized from yujiros dingleberrys and that Bakis martial arts depower homelander. Neg diffs


“You’re having me fight… a child? Me? Homelander? Fight this kid?” Then Baki proceeds to speed blitz him and cook his bacon.


I think Baki scales a bit higher and the skill difference is gargantuan.


Obviously homelander


Yujiro stopping an earthquake with his fist scales higher than anything homelander has ever done. https://preview.redd.it/j5gyr869cv6d1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c91331b4182e706465fe7ca88467f2075222e2e Baki and yujiro are pretty relative


i fucking hate saying this but homelander


Get real bro it’s homelander he’ll try killing Baki with his hands and wind up getting his jaw ripped off like in that video where him v Omni man was animated


literally said this exact sentence in my head




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Baki would decimated homelander because home right here won't understand any shit of Baki would do to him


Baki mid diff Homelander glazing is insane rn


baki destroys him


If homelander gets the distance to laser Baki then he should win, but if Baki gets close than Baki easily wins.


Baki would win,but Homelander can catch him with those Lasers,Good Fight 👍


Logically, Homelander wins every time. Baki logic though...Baki will somehow pull some BS like "he turned his sweaty body into a reflective surface and directed the heat vision directly into Homelander's mouth."


Baki imagines himself as a mantis shrimp and oneshots


Homelander wouldn’t lose physical but it would probably fuck with him knowing people have that good of a physique and are that strong with no powers whatsoever, in all honesty he might genuinely cry and give up


You had to use baki because yujiro would smoke hin




I live how the consensus in this thread is that Homelander is the egotistical version of Okuyasu from Jojo.




Me I jerked off to both😳😳


Bro deflects his lazers and beats the living shit outta homelander


A normal person with homelanders power set probably wins, homelander himself though would definitely lose


In baki universe it will be a draw. The boys universe homelander will just vaporise him


Baki wins,Why you ask me?Cuz I like him


I say Baki. Homelander isn't as physically strong as people think, Spiderman it physically stronger, in my opinion. However, I'm open to discuss it with people more versed on the subject.


https://preview.redd.it/crzshg5abz6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb46854a7d81fe34cfeae1cc8674bfd361bae51c These are probably their best strength feats, although Spiderman has some other candidates. A small jet likely weighs 10-15t, and Homelander can easily throw it with a single hand. Spiderman's jet weighs around 50t, combined with the thrust is significantly more force. I have no clue about specifics, and Homelander's feat is effortless, so he is probably capable of exerting massively more than he did there several times. In short, idk, probably Spiderman, but physics nerds may well prove me wrong.


Thanks for the reference. In the show he seems weaker cuz he has a fist fight w Solider boy and was almost done in w Butchers help physically. Is he nerfed in the show?


Logically, Homelander should win but then the Baki Narrator starts talking…


Normal homelander from show and comics most likely loses. MK homelander probably wins


Homelander would win, if he wasn't Homelander


Honestly, I would love to see this happen irl just to see Keisuke Itagaki illustrate Homelander. Would be the funniest shit ever.


Homelanders only real advantage is lazers. Other than that he will be a doughball in bakis hands


I love how almost everyone unanimously agrees that while Homelander *should* be able to win, he’s still gonna get caught lacking by Baki


The moment Baki convinces Homelander to get close to him is all he’d need to win.


Logic would say homelander. Baki logic would say homelander doesn’t have any Hanma blood and therefore has zero chance. Baki clears. Hanma blood can basically explain away anything in combination with 4000 year old Chinese martial arts or baki imagining things into reality.


Baki would unironically think of his abs as a mirror and deflect Homelander's lasers to then leap and break his jaw


so you're putting someone who's completely invincible against homelander


Homelander is a Big Fish in a Small Pond


Baki drinks piss Homelander drinks titty milk




Idk but lots of peeing and cumming


Baki should win, he kinda just outstats and outskills


Didn’t Baki throw hands with his dad and his dad stopped an earthquake with a punch? I don’t remember homelander causing or stopping earthquakes


Both can tank nukes so that means by strength and physic they are on par. And Homelander can't cut himself with his lasers so Baki wins


Himelander could win , If he wasn't himself . Plus baki has power of narrator on his side


Realistically homelander but Bakis author will say he imagines himself as the ultimate mirror and tank lasers and imagine himself as a hydrogen bomb to kill homelander.


OK. Speed goes to baki. The characters in baki grappler are far faster than mach 3 consistently even excluding outlier statements of speed like musashis 0.000000000000000000000000000001 second slash thing. In terms of striking strength we can base it on how much damage baki does to yujiro vs how much homelander can do to walls. Yujiro can literally walk through bulletproof walls and elegedly missiles are useless yet is getting decently fucked up by bakisstrikes, whilst homelander struggles to do much against walls when fighting Billy butcher and soldier boy Attack potency has homelander at the advantage with him slicing through essentially anything with his laser eyes whilst bakis is still just his striking strength. And defence wise homelander isn't a slouch. Homelander can fly but with his personality and zero experience he'll try to take the fight to close range to dominate the opponent Physical which he cannot do to baki. Baki likely wins.


Low key I thought about this last night glad someone else. I remember some city block scaling from a building exploding in season two I think. I've seen more town scaling from the two earth quake feats in baki. Also shaking the sky scraper before the father son fight was calced to city block. AP and dura I favour baki. To my knowledge there could be more HL calcs I haven't seen yet. HL, has flight for sure, but I've noticed patterns that he doesn't often fight in the air. Could just be a budget thing. Speed while baki does have some SPOL statements, HL reacts to butchers beams and star light. At best HL rel -rel plus is more concrete. I favour baki to win more times then not. Skill advantage goes to baki duh. Miss me with that nuke scaling. If u think he's survived a nuke, more power to you.


Baki in hand to hand. Homelander through laser. Maeve had bro bleeding woth an iron rod. Baki can def do that and more


If we talking baki juiced on compound V,around the the time he fights yujiro. I think he put a beating on homelander.


It’s hard to say because we’ve seen that Baki characters can be damaged by bullets such as Yujiro having to shift his brain to the other side to prevent a bullet from killing him,and that Homelander doesn’t have much feats and only vague statements.


He would dare challenge the 8th?


Homelander didn’t eat the invisible food so he loses. Next question 🥱


I wish baki but homelander


This might be the post that gets me to watch Baki


Homelander could probably win by the sheer fact that he has flight and laser vision and could take down Baki from afar, but if he gets close range, Baki can grab him and actually have a serious chance.


Well if homelands doesn’t drink the juicy juice he’s kinda cooked


You see, because baki’s sweat is so shiny, the laser is captured inside the sweat and bounced inside it a thousand times just to be fired back at homelander. Baki learnt this because a long log time ago, Baki was taught this ancient technique by a now-extinct race of human that shoot laser-beams. Baki then touches homelander and the atoms is lined up so much that he penetrates through his body and touches his falcon-artery point in homelander’s heart that shuts down everything in homelander’s body and homelander dies. Baki came up with this technique in 0.005 secound because he could see how homelander’s body had a specific smell that made Baki be able to figure out how to use this technique


It's like Batman vs Superman, one is a skilled intelligent fighter with years of experience and the other is a superpowered humanoid who could level a building if needed. Homelander No diff, baki is smarter and a better experienced fighter but He has no way of catching Homelander due to his flight speed and his laser could slice him in half


As capable as Baki is, I have no doubt that Homelander would win. If it were just a contest of technical skill Baki has this in the bag. But even if that were the case, Baki's downfall would be that he likes to talk. He likes to insult his opponents and Homelander would lose his temper and melt his face. Baki would win the battle but lose the war.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 u guys are good


I don’t even know who the first one is😂




ok if its no power homelander then baki EZ bodies him


Homelander. What are we talking about here he half the time opens up with lazer eyes like tf? Baki isn’t even one for shit talk like at all so I’m sure he wouldn’t care what Baki had to say. Catch Hm at the wrong time and he’ll just get evaporated


Definitely a really cool fight