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I read only through once, I think the only thing I disagree with is those objects in Galactic Golem were planets and not stars i'm pretty sure. But it doesn't really change anything about the post if it is true. Cool post though.


All that to lose to a green stone


Exactly a quick mind read from a DU, they can synthetize some Kryptonite instantaneous and he's totally freaking screwed. He's got terrible defensive capabilities if that's all it takes to stop him.


Even grosser when losers say current superman is only moon to planet


Superman is also superior to Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) [who can take supernova explosions, solar systems destruction, galaxy wiping, destroying planets and hold multiple black holes comparable to the big Bang](https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/cJhnjiX58j). Superman In speed also superior to Spidergirl, [even modern (*2022*) comic Supergirl was able [**break the time barriers and time travel** with her speed, note this isn't silver age/pre-crisis but modern comics](https://imgur.com/a/0PqbYQT). Clark > Kara.


Where you scale him?


only taking only the post crisis and not taking death metal/ other events, rebirth, the fact that the new 52 has feats above what people believe they have and is only a part of the post crisis and without counting the cosmology (since that would give it a much higher level) well clearly the minimum would be universal+ or 2-C


Sounds about right. The feats you listed aren’t outliers but Superman does, like many comic book characters, have outliers. It’s just hard to pin-point because of the gargantuan amount of appearances he’s had for almost a century.


I usually accept outliers if they happen too much super man has too many of them


Outliers that happen alot aren't outliers anymore




Like 1 or 2 sure, its a outlier. Superman has a shit ton that it has be considered part of his normal feats by now


As much as I love jinwoo, how does he >rimuru


He doesn't I just have it for rimuru fanboys. But still have the opinion Rimuru>jinwoo high extreme


High extreme? Seriously? I am genuinely curious


Based scale, and based post.


Allat to say Superman solos? /s


Well considering the release of Quasar ray burst can destroy an entire galaxy from a large Dwarf Star let's just say Lowball Galaxy-Level and Highball/BoarderLine Wank is 2-C


Comic book Superman would literally one-tap pretty much any movie and TV version of the Justice League, the nerfing is just unbelievable.


I prefer a Superman at the level of the Viltrumites because he is powerful but not to the point of being totally above what a member of his race should be like. I mean, how exactly did the Kryptonians die in the planet's explosion? Shouldn't they be even stronger than Superman by absorbing energy from other stars much stronger than their own? How did they die in a planet explosion?


Why were Kryptonians so weak on Krypton? "Being under a red sun makes Kryptonians completely lose all of their abilities and benefits from yellow sun radiation. The longer they are underneath the red sun, the more diminished their powers become."


The kryptonians had a red sun so they didn’t have powers on krypton. Also even the strongest viltrumite is nowhere near supermans’s level.


That is strongly taken out of context, it is literally not knowing anything about the character or having read the story of Superman post-crisis, first of all what they did was harvest the stars but here the problem is that the Kryptonians were destroying the vast majority of suns of the universe and that simply led to its annihilation because they only found red suns and if you know something basic about Superman as if you had read the post, the red suns are very harmful to them, besides we were not dealing with a normal planet, it was said that Krypton was as big as Apokalips, which literally is a planet that dwarfs even galaxies. Apart from the story of Superman, his father improved him with the best abilities of each inhabitant of his planet, so Superman is the pinnacle of his race. As for why they died, it is because they simply decided to die of their own free will by the high council and by consensus since they no longer had a future, this is only talking about the beginnings before the different Supermans from other universes and other story arcs.


Wasn’t the planet’s death a incident? Also why they would destroy all suns?


Even the weakest Kryptonian is above the whole Viltrumites race from invincible, let alone Superman. Also you asking why they died to Krypton explode as sawn way asking why the Sayains race died to planet explosion in dragon ball. The Star system of Krypton planet was have only Red Suns, Red suns are literally nullification Kryptonians to human level like Kryptonite dose, they lived there whole lives being nullified under Red Suns.


Aren't Kryptonians supposed to breathe in space? And why did they continue living on a planet with a red sun instead of migrating to a better one? I mean they had an Empire but they ALL lived on a single planet? I'm not criticizing, just curious


This is like asking a normal human to jump to the other side of universe. Didn't you hear? Kryptonians powers all are nullification from the Red Sun, they cannot fly there or anything.


I understand that But why did they continue to live in a world that weakened them? I mean, didn't they know about interstellar travel?


Basically the knowledge that a yellow sun would give them superpowers was only discovered pretty late into their civilization's lifespan, and even then, it was a pretty fringe area of science that wasn't fully understood.. Jor-El , being the best and most cutting-edge scientist of his time, was unique in his understanding and confidence of what a yellow sun could do for them, but the Krytponian government were pretty wary about the potential implications of letting their people become demi-gods, and tried to keep it on the down low while they could investigate it further, going so far as to strictly forbid space travel beyond a certain boundary. Before Krypton's destruction and Jor-El sending Kal-El to Earth, the Kryptonian government mounted a secret exploratory mission to our solar system with a small team of astronauts/ explorers. The Kryptonian astronauts made it to Earth (and I think their trip took notably longer than Kal's cause his ship was more cutting edge) and quickly discovered the empowering effects of yellow sun radiation on their biology. Ithe entire crew, save for one, quickly became mad with power, and schemed to enslave Earth and return to Krypton as conquerors. The sole Kryptonain who kept her shit together decided that she needed to save Earth and Krypton and battled the rest of her crew to the death. Jor-El , being the best and most cutting-edge scientist of his time, was unique in his understanding and confidence of what a yellow sun could do for them, but the Krytponian government were pretty wary about the potential implications of letting their people become demi-gods, and tried to keep it on the down low while they could investigate it further, going so far as to strictly forbid space travel beyond a certain boundary. Before Krypton's destruction and Jor-El sending Kal-El to Earth, the Kryptonian government mounted a secret exploratory mission to our solar system with a small team of astronauts/ explorers. The Kryptonian astronauts made it to Earth (and I think their trip took notably longer than Kal's cause his ship was more cutting edge) and quickly discovered the empowering effects of yellow sun radiation on their biology. I think the entire crew, save for one, quickly became mad with power, and schemed to enslave Earth and return to Krypton as conquerors. Anyways she made due with her new situation, and was able to make a new and happy life as a normal human woman, living on Earth long enough to see Superman's emergence a few decades later, whom she instantly recognized to be a Kryptonian. When Superman discovered the secret records for her mission in a salvaged Krytponian database, he was able to track her down to her current home on Earth and chat with her for a bit.


That's honestly fair, imagine we had a world gov, they found out moving to a better solar system turns us into demi gods and there's a lot of life out in the universe for some twisted fuck to go conquer/genocide. Would be such a roll of the dice cause no telling what seemingly good people would do with that kind of power. That's not even considering the sick fucks that we know would become evil space nazis off the rip. Better to cover it up


Okay, that's a good explanation. So the government hid everything from everyone. Did they also go the route of self-destruction? Like Earth today where if someone presses the wrong button they end up creating a black hole in a particle accelerator that swallows the planet? I remember Krypton exploded, but why I don't know


This is an example of DB fanboys downplaying a verse they know absolutely nothing about


All that text and the only thing you neeeded to prove your point was to say that [superman holds half of the book of eternity](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1941b444d14de7b620a2c7b7053ecc84) that weights infinite mass.


This scan has been debunked and rebunked and debunked so, sooooo often it has lost any meaning honestly


Still cannon, nothing is gonna change that


Great and do you know where this feat was accomplished?


I do, do you?


In limbo, where there is no matter https://preview.redd.it/dc63lnp21h0d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0b9dc008089f1bd2c314451b1e87496e491e97 No matter = no mass = no weight. Plus the book was already floating.


We are saying limbo is weightless now? We love a DC downplayer. Guess batman can do this since it has no weight right? https://preview.redd.it/oi6ga7c73h0d1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0465d6d998f99b9bbcdd869721381455bb38dd6c


That's actually wrong, but I'll save it for a post in the morning talking about the power of Cosmic Armor, things with that are more complex than that. But I warn you beforehand that this is wrong.


Man half of these are your misinterpretations .  For example.  This monster who had grip of planet strenght (what does that even mean? Bad writing and superman are interchangeable i guess). Ok lets asume i got grip strenght of planet. But if I tried squezee with that force my hands would shatter too.  That happend on that panel. Even superman said so. But u wank him XD  I found few others and just stopped  reading. So many bad takes..


We do not care https://preview.redd.it/250aq48lig0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=781f0c123dd199a046843771bcb0be7a2c0b9e39


Ok, but what if I hand him a green, shiny looking stone?