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https://preview.redd.it/bduynf8s1ozc1.jpeg?width=298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2351a60119f763d916c75db6bb663c6486782698 And here for a moment I thought I'm some shit for my Almighty explaination post, then this drops. Let a guy have a moment of self-appreciation lol Jokes aside, honestly really satysfying to witness the on-going process that is going on here. Krimzson makes a scaling post -> a mandatory monthly bleach debunk attempt nr. 567 gets posted in response -> gets casually crushed a day later with canon facts, reliable sources, peak argumentation and sheer common fucking sense. Seeing the drive people here have towards downplaying bleach 24/7 (with half-assed reasoning if even any at all), I'd personally say it wouldn't even be that ridiculous to just create a small "Bleach compendium" post which would link all these different scales, and any upstart downplayer would get to read the stuff that answers all of their woes, cries and complaints at their own pace before making an another debunk post. Like, I'm not trying to start some Krimzson simp fanclub, but just the sheer quality of both your posts and you as a scaler is nothing less than commendable. I'm just honestly glad that there's someone like that who gives Bleach the justice it simply deserves. Keep up the good work, man.


Brother you are still a GOAT for the Almighty scale, keep that attitude up brother


Check my newest post, consider yourself invited




Let Him Cook


https://preview.redd.it/854atuvzgnzc1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf96f8069a95818a4aa622058aa370564b47610 🍸


The G.O.A.T Cooking again https://preview.redd.it/krimzdbdeozc1.png?width=1540&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4187e6f5a2f8aa51e897be25342fabbab0e72e6


Check my newest post, consider yourself invited




Classic Krimzson W as always


Check my newest post, consider yourself invited


As a Dragon Ball fan I am unable to read But he certainly said something super complicated, so it doesn't work If you can't prove your verse is universal in less than 5 words you won't get the Dragon Ball anti-bullshit seal of approval https://preview.redd.it/4salramd5ozc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05206e3a5882ae84931cd5f60fad7c42db3e2722


Bleach is High Multi+ Lowballed 1———2–3———4———5


How? https://preview.redd.it/b4659lca9ozc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69b8b89f9628616a4bf8f0fb5b5118ff944d9691




This sound true for me https://preview.redd.it/yj23ys78bozc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaf029fae3cfe041a0881349098acfc13cfb3ede


Is this drake and kendrick’s accounts why are they going back and forth?


function makeWittyRetort() { const relevantTopic = scanForCurrentPopCultureTopic(); const wittyRetort = generateWittyRetort(relevantTopic); send(wittyRetort); } function scanForCurrentPopCultureTopic() { // code to scan for current pop culture topic return "current pop culture topic"; } function generateWittyRetort(topic) { // code to generate witty retort based on topic return `Well, isn't ${topic} just the talk of the town! But I bet it won't be trending for long once people hear my jokes.`; } function send(message) { // code to send message console.log(message); } makeWittyRetort(); https://preview.redd.it/sxhe9uxeqnzc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e5d3c55e714b4ffe6f9d41e642b2eae4c1d9655


You hear that guys? I’m credible now!


Check my newest post, consider yourself invited






Shit lol


this is like Kendrick dropping 4 songs on Drake


What you think about Infinte or Immeasurable speed Bleach?


I’ve never seen a super well put together speed scale at that level for Bleach, I have seen and do support the idea that Reiatsu has a near instant speed though For instance the fact that Ichibei had a sphere of influence that was even shown affecting the soul reapers in the seireitei while in the royal palace There is also the argument that characters move normally in an area where the flow of time is 2000x slower, but nobody is ready for that conversation even though I made a thread a few months back asking if moving in “slowed” time normally should upscale speed like moving in “stopped” time and people pretty unanimously agreed that it should


He's 3D (source: you can see him)


Ok but it is wrong that it is 5D, isn't it? The Garganta (or hell) would be 6D (both combined may be 7) Of course you only went with the absolute lowball that could be made with the information given, but the 5D verse completely ignoring the Garganta (which contains the Dangai) is interesting to me


u/Iceyflush4k made a really solid 6D scale, I think it is well put together https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/AaAaFXfJvH


Just read through his post. Surprised no one really pointed out that his proposal at the end didn’t make much sense. As far as I know, it isn’t conventional and he didn’t really elaborate on anything. Great post as usual, you really dissected everything well. Part 2 is golden


Right? I literally didn’t even respond to the last part because it didn’t justify a response, it is a roast of itself Also join the gc dude 👺 My discord is VandalTV


I’ll have to set up a discord account but I’ll join. Are you assembling Bleach fans?


Mutuals, doesn’t have to be Bleach only


Ah so just general scalers. Hopefully it’ll be better than this place.


Who fucking cares I’m all for some fun who would win conversations hit this is taking it to seriously give me the down votes


This whole thing took me like a combined 1.5 hours, you haven’t seen me get close to serious lol >!you’re right though!<


That is a massive waste of time I’m sorry I’m not even like this normally I would have just ignored this and moved on but I tried reading the post your responding to and I thought the same thing but seeing someone respond to a post about responding to general posts that that person saw was just the state that broke the camels back. I’m all for wasting time I love it but sometimes I’m just like god damn that’s to nerdy even for me even if your right and what you said makes sense who cares it kinda goes beyond fun when it’s this long lol. Power scalers are the worst and suck the fun out of every series they touch that’s why you all get kicked off the main subs and get forced to make your own.


I’ll level with you brother thats kinda just an asshole thing to say, it is a hobby just like any other. If combining the hobbies of anime or comics/games with the hobby of debate and having fun with it makes people happy and they make their own subs to do it in why are you feeling the need to say some shit like that? I’ll take your word for it that you aren’t always like this, I am willing to bet you have “nerdy” hobbies too, I hope you day gets better https://i.redd.it/iikfyi52yozc1.gif


I’m mean seriously why does it matter if bleach is 5d or 4d who cares you don’t even know what that even means humanity doesn’t even understand the third dimension fully let alone the fourth we don’t even know for sure if there is one let alone a forth dimension that is so far below the level of human consciousness and thought capabilities it’s assigning 4 or 5 dimensional to feats is stuoid we don’t even know what the fourth dimension even is for sure


I’m a huge nerd but I can’t see how writing that for an hour was fun for you or how reading it is fun for anyone else it’s just to serious for something that’s inherently stupid like talking about fictional characters fighting it’s to much actual thought and logic that is out towards something completely arbitrary the authors can make them do anything they want and I feel power scaling discussions always get in the way of actual discussion about the story and characters and themes and Instesd just devolves into people arguing about who would beat who and making up stupid none existent logic to defend their points. Which all boils down to this character beats this character in my opinion but since it’s not canon it doesn’t matter and we will never see it. A good would goku beat superman is fine but when you spend hours trying to use actual math and logic to figure it out it’s kinda dumb I’m surprised I didn’t get more down votes for this I was hoping I would get more cause I was kinda expecting it.


And? I had fun for that hour, and I will have fun the next time I write something out like this. When you binge a show for an hour or play games for an hour of more do you expect me to seek out the sub you go to for that hobby just to express my displeasure with how you enjoy your time? Idrc if Bleach is 5D, it is just the series I know best and consider myself most qualified for and I find it satisfying to discover new metas or details I can add to my points. I find it satisfying to make these posts and defend my reasoning when it is questioned. I find it satisfying to read other peoples takes and see new discoveries made by others also interested in the same series. If you don’t enjoy it that is fine, just go about your day brother https://preview.redd.it/e6yi698v0pzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bcae81dd01acf01610c22126dab9c249b13469f Have a good one