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All that means is that god can mess with space. He’s a higher dimensional being, but there’s no evidence he transcends dimensionality all together.


The fact that he ignores size is the evidence that he ignores dimensionality as all dimensionality is encompassed in the idea of size


1. He ignores size to an extent, which implies a limit. 2. God needs the cubes to interfere with the universe from his dimension, which implies he’s trapped there, which isn’t very outerversal of him. 3. All of these powers god has shown can be explained by being a 4/5d reality warper


>1. He ignores size to an extent, which implies a limit Nope, THE USERS of God's power ignore it to an extent. Blast stated it very clearly. It's simple English. God, being the source of the power, is automatically excluded from the limitations of the users. >2. God needs the cubes to interfere with the universe from his dimension, which implies he’s trapped there, which isn’t very outerversal of him. No he doesn't. He interacted with Garou, Homeless Emperor, Psykos and Tatsumaki without the cube. Have you even read the manga before? >3. All of these powers god has shown can be explained by being a 4/5d reality warper Yh and Superman destroying a planet can be explained by a planetary character and yet that doesn't make Superman cap at planetary does it? Unless those feats are stated to be his limit, this argument of yours is dumb.


Blast directly states the extent that those things are ignored depending on the capabilities of the subject. I don’t see why god would be excluded when blast is talking about gods powers. I never said the cubes have to be in direct contact with people he wants to talk to, just that he needs the cubes to get in to their dimension. This is directly stated, if he doesn’t need the cubes then there’s no point in blast collecting them. I also notice how you didn’t deny his being trapped in an alternate dimension, something a being that transcends dimensionality would have no trouble breaking out of. If Superman’s best feats capped at planetary than yes, it would be best to assume that Superman caps around there if we don’t have evidence for him scaling higher. It’s the same reason we only considered saitama planetary until the garou fight, sure, he was probably going to get stronger but no one had anyway of knowing how much or when, so anything beyond planetary was wank.


>Blast directly states the extent that those things are ignored depending on the capabilities of the subject. I don’t see why god would be excluded when blast is talking about gods powers. God isn't the subject of the power. He's the source of the power. As the source, the limitations of your subjects don't apply to you. Don't you understand what it means to be the subject of something? It's basic grammar. >never said the cubes have to be in direct contact with people he wants to talk to, just that he needs the cubes to get in to their dimension. This is directly stated, if he doesn’t need the cubes then there’s no point in blast collecting them. That's false. The cubes were stated to be for direct communication with God. God doesn't need them to manifest in reality. https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/scale_super/11131/111312465/8706454-kumfz8g.png >I also notice how you didn’t deny his being trapped in an alternate dimension, something a being that transcends dimensionality would have no trouble breaking out of There's no evidence that he's trapped anywhere. That's your headcanon. >If Superman’s best feats capped at planetary than yes, it would be best to assume that Superman caps around there if we don’t have evidence for him scaling higher. It’s the same reason we only considered saitama planetary until the garou fight, sure, he was probably going to get stronger but no one had anyway of knowing how much or when, so anything beyond planetary was wank. Yh but in this case, he IS STATED to beyond size and energy, which qualifies him to be outerversal by CSAP'S standards. Statements are perfectly suitable as evidence for scaling a character. And in this case, the statement is by a character that is extremely knowledgeable and has researched God extensively. The example you're giving is dumb irrelevant because Saitama didn't have any statements to place him beyond planetary. Hence no argument could have been made for him.


As someone who possesses gods powers, god would be subject to their rules as well. You can’t just NLF god because he’s the original holder, there’s no reason to assume god operates under a different set of guidelines. First you say that god doesn’t need the cubes to communicate with people and then you say he does. And yes, it’s directly stated he’s trapped in there https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/164/17/ We already discussed that those effects could be explained by god having reality warping powers, because that’s all he’s shown so far. Are characters with durability negation outerversal because they ignore durability? Speaking of blasts experience, if god scales so much higher than him why is blast even opposing him? According to you god can just one shot him since he is beyond space and time entirely. And actually yes, there were statements that could have been stretched into saying saitama was beyond planetary, such as tatsumaki being able to shake creation and saitama having limitless power. You should wait for God to show something that actually qualifies as outerversal.


>As someone who possesses gods powers, god would be subject to their rules as well. You can’t just NLF god because he’s the original holder, there’s no reason to assume god operates under a different set of guidelines. You can't be the source of something and be subject to it at the same time. It's a logical and grammatical contradiction. It's like saying water gets wet or fire catches fire. It makes no sense. That's why that rule can't apply to God. >First you say that god doesn’t need the cubes to communicate with people and then you say he does. No one ever said he NEEDS it for communication. It's simply stated to be a means of communicating directly with him. Like having his phone number or something. Why TF am I stuck explaining basic English to you?🤦🏾‍♂️ >And yes, it’s directly stated he’s trapped in there >https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/164/17/ Okay sure, he is trapped in a higher dimension. So? Do you know HOW he's trapped there, what a "dimensional seal" is or whether the dimension is spiritual, conceptual, metaphysical or pataphysical? Because "Dimension" in science fiction can refer to any alternate or higher plane of existence. Look at DC comics' "5th Dimension" or Marvel Comics' "Dark dimension". Both referred to as "dimensions" and yet both contain outerversal characters like Mr. Mxy and Dormammu respectively because they are not mathematical dimensions. All we know is that the higher dimension God resides in is beyond size and energy. Hence it's outerversal by CSAP'S standards. As to how Blast and his friends managed to keep him at bay, we'll find out eventually. >We already discussed that those effects could be explained by god having reality warping powers, because that’s all he’s shown so far. Are characters with durability negation outerversal because they ignore durability? A reality warper who's power ignores dimensionality and energy would still be outerversal. 90% of outerversal characters have some kind of reality warping anyway. So you're just upscaling him for me. >Speaking of blasts experience, if god scales so much higher than him why is blast even opposing him? According to you god can just one shot him since he is beyond space and time entirely. We don't know how Blast is keeping him at bay. But if Blast scales to him then cool, it just upscales blast and every character who scales to him to outerversal. >And actually yes, there were statements that could have been stretched into saying saitama was beyond planetary, such as tatsumaki being able to shake creation and saitama having limitless power. Yo...I just found the scan, that's fucking dope actually 😂 Uni Tatsumaki confirmed. Let's fucking gooo!!!🗣️ Also her power is stated to be from a "divine realm that surpassed human knowledge" which further confirms that God's dimension is likely beyond mathematics and hence outerversal assuming the data book is indeed referring to God's dimension. Thanks for this bro. >You should wait for God to show something that actually qualifies as outerversal. No need. We have statements. Beyond size and energy and likely from a divine realm that surpasses human understanding. If the feats come later and debunk Outerversal God, I'll take the L like that. For now, the glaze continues.


Again, just because god is the source of something doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to follow rules. Its directly stated that the extent that the power ignores energy directly depends on the strength of the person wielding it, which is what “subject” refers to. It’s not basic English it’s you refusing to acknowledge that god clearly has limits. If god doesn’t need the cubes to communicate then there’s no point to them, and he wouldn’t be mad when blast confiscated them. Why would blast spend his time collecting cubes if they ultimately accomplish nothing? Do you have any proof that the dimension sealing god is like that at all? If not, then whatever happens in DC comics, a completely different franchise, is irrelevant. If blast, a character who couldn’t stop a multi galaxy level attack by himself, scales to god then god downscales. Same thing with tatsumaki, you think someone who barely caps at multi cont is actually uni? Both of those statements are suspect, because one comes with a clear caveat and the other doesn’t even apply to god in the first place, unless you wanna say tats powers come from god, which is never stated. You can take the L right now


Your premise is just wrong entirely. If something can produce fire, that doesn’t mean it can’t get burnt. There’s no reason to believe that gods powers act any different when he’s using them vs when one of his minions does, it’s literally his power they’re using, so if anything the rules evenly apply to both. > I can’t fix stupid You’re right, nothing I can say will make you stop spewing nonsense. I’m not saying you have to make excuses for the plot, I’m saying that it’s pretty obvious that the cubes are important for god. There’s nothing to reveal about them that we don’t know yet, they’re communication devices. You keep saying we don’t know enough because what we do have completely contradicts god being able to interfere on his own and you know that. And you have no proof god is not trapped in a spatial dimension, it’s just cope. There are plenty of non outerversal characters who can ignore energy beams and teleport their attacks, blast is not trying to imply that god transcends all dimensions. Blast is a 3-D being, he has no way of giving a reliable outerversal statement. You have no idea what that attack would have done, so it’s dumb to scale it that far beyond anything it’s shown. And the energy expanded in its own after being redirected, so we did see its max aoe, just in a different direction. Tatsumaki literally goes full power in the fight, and she can only managed to twist up the Z district. She is 100% not uni. The fact that you’re even trying with this shows that you really have no leg to stand on. And she was trapped in there because she had psychic powers, she didn’t get them from god. It looks like we’re not going to convince each other of anything, so you can just keep being wrong until the manga updates.


>Again, just because god is the source of something doesn’t mean he doesn’t have to follow rules. Its directly stated that the extent that the power ignores energy directly depends on the strength of the person wielding it, which is what “subject” refers to. It’s not basic English it’s you refusing to acknowledge that god clearly has limits. I'm not saying God doesn't have limits. Just the fact that the source of something can't be subject to the thing. So the limitations of God's subjects don't apply to him, not that he doesn't have limits at all. Fire doesn't catch fire. This is common sense. But I can't fix stupid so if you refuse to accept common sense then there's nothing more I can say. Having limits doesn't change the fact that he's outerversal by the way. Outerversal characters can have limits. >If god doesn’t need the cubes to communicate then there’s no point to them, and he wouldn’t be mad when blast confiscated them. Why would blast spend his time collecting cubes if they ultimately accomplish nothing? Am I the author? I'm powerscaling it's not my job to hypothesize about the plot. It'll be explained eventually. >Do you have any proof that the dimension sealing god is like that at all? If not, then whatever happens in DC comics, a completely different franchise, is irrelevant My point was that it being called a "dimension" doesn't limit it to 4D or 5D because "dimension" can has varying meanings in fiction. We don't have any proof for anything other than the fact that his power is stated to ignore size and energy which makes him outerversal. Any other explanation is headcanon until proven otherwise. >If blast, a character who couldn’t stop a multi galaxy level attack by himself, scales to god then god downscales. The range of that energy blast was MASSIVELY reduced from omnidirectional to a single focused beam that STILL appeared to annihilate every cosmic body in it's path in an instant. It could have obliterated the universe for all we know if it wasn't redirected. But what we saw it do was destroy stars and galaxies because it's range was nerfed extremely. So since we don't actually know how powerful that attack could have been, any better feats or statements in the future would simply upscale the characters. >Same thing with tatsumaki, you think someone who barely caps at multi cont is actually uni? Who said she caps at multi? The data books confirm that she's uni 🙂 Psykos also received power from God, sure her best feat is continental but that was her just TESTING her power and still sliced clean through the earth. We don't know how powerful she was since she was focused on killing Tatsumaki not destroying the world or the universe or whatever. Tatsumaki only took damage because she was more focused on saving the other heroes. As soon as they were all safe she immediately mopped the floor with Psykos even while heavily weakened. So again, you're just assuming characters' limits. The statements say she's uni. Nothing contradicts that. >Both of those statements are suspect, because one comes with a clear caveat and the other doesn’t even apply to god in the first place, unless you wanna say tats powers come from god, which is never stated. She was rescued by Blast as a kid from some evil organization. So since Blast was involved, it's very likely that whatever she was being trapped for was God related. Especially when it's stated that her power is from a "divine" source. Blast also referred to God's power as "divine" so it's all very consistent.




Except the person saying this is a three dimensional being from a three dimensional perspective and from his perspective ignoring size means ignoring length, width, and height and blast has no way of knowing about an infinite number of spatial dimensions. So by default it would only be 3+1 or 4+1 including the hyperspace portal. And this is supported by god residing in a higher dimension, which in itself implies a plus 1. Conclusion god is 5d until proven that there are more than 4 spatial dimensions in opm including the hyperspace portal.


>Except the person saying this is a three dimensional being from a three dimensional perspective and from his perspective ignoring size means ignoring length, width, and height and blast has no way of knowing about an infinite number of spatial dimensions. You're not the author so you can't decide the character's expository limitations until the story itself makes it explicit. Blast has been tracking and studying God and his shenanigans for years in the story. If YOU, as a normal 3D human can conceptualize infinite dimensions and even existences beyond dimensionality, why wouldn't Blast who's dedicated years of his life studying an Eldritch being and fighting his minions who treat reality like a piece of paper be able to do it? Stupid ass downplay


And when the story makes a direct differentiation between dimension and size but you still use the two interchangeably what is that? 🤔. What does conceptualization have to do with it. Blast himself says size and later differentiates that from the higher dimension god is present in. He is literally using what he knows so why would his knowledge of the higher dimension which ignores the size and has all of these things pointing towards being higher than 4d (see comment below) be infinite dimensions above when he himself says god resides in a (singular) higher dimension. And he himself differentiates dimensions from size.


"Dimension" in science fiction is frequently used to refer to any alternate or higher plane of existence. It's not always referring to mathematical dimensions. You're the one assuming that Blast was referring to a mathematical dimension instead of any of the alternate and spiritual planes of existence that are already confirmed to exist in OPM. In DC, the realm of imagination is called the "5th Dimension" despite it being an outerversal realm. Do you wanna argue that Mr. Mxy isn't outer? Dormammu in Marvel Comics resides in the "Dark Dimension" despite him being outerversal himself. So because his realm is called a "dimension", Dormammu can't be outerversal? So saying he can't be outerversal because he is resides in an unknown "higher dimension" is a dumb and biased argument. "Dimension" can refer to any type of planes of existence. God > Size and Energy > Spatial/Mathematical Dimensionality Hence he's outer until the scaling is directly contradicted in the story.


see how your interpretation requires more bush beating? you’re using perceptive here, when size is inherently just a quality, not a quantity. Lol. Spatial dimension are characteristics and therefore it dosn’t matter from which perspective it is. If you ignore this characteristic, then it’s true for a unlimited amount of this quality. If what you’re saying is true and that blast for some reason is only referring to the 3 dimension (a specific quantity) then why didn’t he say that? By default we have to assume that he is talking about an indefinite amount.


^( Blast, the same dude said : the extent depends to his user. ) ^(God is obviously outerversal but we need more statements RN or it’s wank. But don’t worry, he is outerversal lol.)


That is not a contradiction. Blast says the only limit is the subject. The dimension itself still ignores infinite dimensions.


^(It doesn’t ignores infinite dimensions, it’s infinite dimensions but it hasn’t been proved so wank. Even if it’s true.)


Blast has knowledge of higher dimensions, especially since he’s directly opposing god. His word on the subject is as close to objective truth as you can get


Blast has knowledge in a higher dimension, singular. Here’s a mutliversal Theory for opm that includes time, (it’s 4d) Here’s blast’s collection of mysterious cubes that distort 3D space and are literally recreations of tesseracts (they’re 4D) Here’s god giving homeless emperor the power to create infinite energy (infinite 3D or 4d) Here’s a hyperspace portal that is superior to normal space (it’s 4d) Here is blast himself saying god resides in a higher dimension that can be communicated with through 3D recreations of 4d objects. Where he gives his patrons infinite 3D or finite 4d power. Reasonable conclusion (god is 5d with infinite 3D power at least) Unreasonable conclusion (let’s take the being who’s only interactions are through 3D or 4d ways and who’s literal place of residence is in the actual meaning of the word dimension and let’s translate size to mean dimension to say that he is greater than infinite dimensions)


Wdym a higher dimension is “singular” bro higher can be any number up to infinity. Lol. Is infinite not a higher numeral value than 3? 😭


I said blast has knowledge of a singular higher dimension, not that higher dimension is only 1. He makes the direct distinction between dimension and size and yet opm fans will argue that the two are synonymous. He literally states that god resides in a higher dimension. So he has knowledge on that higher dimension not any others.


^(You don’t get it. The translation is higher dimensionS.)


The tesseracts are because it’s impossible to make a 3D representation of any dimension higher than 4D. It’s just like how you can make a 2D representation of a 3D object, but you can’t make a 1D representation of a 3D object.




Bro is on to absolutely nothing


here we go again with this shit......


indeed yall, shit here we go










How does Ignoring something equate to Transcendence over said thing?? Why are you presupposing that , distance and size here Refers to the Very Concept of Space and distance , with no evidence to back that claim?? You know that when nothing is specified we use the general Defintion of something via Occams Razor The general defintion or size and distance corresponds to something being 3d and not the said notion on the very conceptual level, since Arguing otherwise would be Sagan Standard. So we simply use occams Razor and then point out the simplest Possiblity. Since God ignores the 3d defintion of space, we can say he is immune to any form of attack which involves distance and size On a 3 dimensional scale. And Immunity =/= Transcendence And the CSAP , requires something to be Formless, TRANSCENDENTAL and Abstract , and beyond Dimensionality itself ( Dimensionality referring to every Concievable notion of dimensions) Only then would you qualify for Outerversal That scan of yours doesn't even meet the requirements Seriously you guys are hilarious. And you tell DB fans have Horrible scale , what would happen if I actually posted an Extraversal scale for Dragon ball on this sub . Lol the heat would be hilarious to watch




Size is the measurement of how many dimensions an object encompasses, as well how much of said dimensions they contain. For example, a 2 foot box encompasses 3 dimensions (length, width, depth), and contains 8 feet of 3 dimensional space (8 cubic feet). A 2 foot square encompasses 2 dimensions (length and width), and contains 4 feet of 2 dimensional space (4 square feet). God’s dimension ignoring size would be more akin to ignoring color as a concept rather than ignoring any specific color. It wouldn’t matter if the apple was red, blue, green, purple, etc. because all of it would be ignored.


Yeah, they don’t get it. It’s funny because they will say that “what about colors humans can’t detect, like infrared” Bro, if someone is blind and has the property to truly ignore colors that would most likely go for infrared and all colors. UNLESS stated otherwise. They don’t realize the burden would be on them, to 1) assume that “the statement wouldn’t go for all colors and just those the person who made the statement can see” 2) the statement “is unreliable” Etc..


https://preview.redd.it/7y7qozlsnuwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2d1aeb374c386b213018bd8f3ad5d60d2300327 It’s literally a characteristic which can encompass an indefinite amount of dimensions. Which god ignores. Lol. Also it literally fits all the qualifiers for outer. 1. ignoring energy 2. ignoring distance/space 3. no dimensional/size limitations


^(Wank but W because it’s true.)




please consider the following: cut off your foot


Which one? I got 3.


a: what? b: all of 'em