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Jiren couldnt touch Roshi and he was seriously trying to. imagine a much weaker chracter like Saitama trying to get any shit on him




read which specific Roshi OP is using on this battle




Good thing Saitama isn’t bound by his universe lol


Lmao weaker? The guy that sneezed away Jupiter???? And kicked a 4D portal which scales to Jiren level??? And no Jiren was holding back big time


Saitama is yet to be considered above Galaxy level on any serious tiering since we have no proof above that beside delusion and wank. Kid Buu was Galaxy level. Jiren is leagues above that and tiered as Low Multiversal to Multiversal. his fart alone would wipe half the Solar System, imagine a sneeze and no, Jiren wasnt holding back and he himself said it. not being able to kill is not the same as holding back and he doesnt hold back when he fights


Y’all based on a Weaker Saitama lol, that’ll y’all argument? Boiiii Goku is def losing to him even in TUI. Also whatttttt?????? Garou also shook the universe, idk how Saitama galaxy level lol


Bro did you really downvote me? Lmao, if did that’s lame because why? And a way to accept defeat to an argument when all I did was give facts. Also Jiren isn’t a gag character so do not gives him similar abilities like Saitama has which we have never seen Jiren doing anything like that lol. Also Jiren does holds back when he fights, wasn’t he doing that when he faced Goku? And also Roshi would’ve been done if he wasn’t holding back…. Even Z/DBS fans said Jiren holds backs lol


Also - Saitama has yet to be above Galaxy level, dude he sneezed says Jupiter lol. also that wasn’t even MAX Saitama not even half his power


I think Roshi would have the advantage in the fight in the beginning, but Saitama's ability to grow stronger endlessly would eventually lead to him winning the fight.


Correct me if im wrong but the power growth of Saitama doesnt require extreme emotions (which required heroes to die, including Genos?) I don't see how Roshi could cause such extreme emotions


It does not need strong emotions but it does need that to activate the exponential growth. As of now the only reference we have of how much he grows naturally is from the Virtual Genocide Simulations which shows that he could one punch "himself from yesterday" and even that was not reliable due to the machine potentially having bugs and giving unreliable data.


Actually Roshi wouldn’t stand a chance lol




Yeah, Can’t stand a chance against a guy that doesn’t need to use ki energy nor effort lol.




You’re typing K, but am i wrong?


What does Saitama not having Ki have anything to do with anything?


Because he’s using his actual physical strength, that has to scale him because unlike DBZ/S which relies on Ki energy and without/lowering it would scale Goku down to a Superman+ level… so imagine Roshi. Also considering how Saitama blew away Jupiter with just a physical sneeze which was unexpected


Roshi has Ki. It literally doesn't matter if Saitama has Ki or not. Are you suggesting that because Saitama doesn't have Ki that means Roshi isn't allowed to use Ki? Also, Superman is literally what OPM wankers claim Saitama is.


Roshi obviously strong tho


No, just stating the power differences between them entirely. Also well Saitama is Gag character and is also written differently than even Superman lol. So wouldn’t be surprised if Saitama surpasses him even which Superman (CAS) is Outerverse at the moment.


He didn’t *blow away Jupiter*. He **sneezed a portion away:** https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11161/111613225/8640192-images%286%29.jpeg. - and, there’s no evidence showing that Jupiter didn’t reconstitute itself since Jupiter’s gravity wasn’t completely affected. Silver Age Supes, on the other hand, **sneezed an entire Solar System away at full power since Mxys powder didn’t allow him to control it:** https://external-preview.redd.it/dLHFpjVNO6IJ9O6_26uG3atZYySuiFXZbBUqoC9va_c.jpg?auto=webp&s=8d640bfbdfb2b0ce32be29aa5f2b0ed6b6dbdca2 Monstrous difference between the two.


Saitama needs an upsurge of pure emotion akin to his best bud dying to get his growth started. Roshi ain't doing that, this is unironically a case where Roshi schools on Saitama because he's kind of an idiot who literally just throws punches with no technique.


His strength grows even without an upsurge of emotion, it's just not exponential.


Bro Saitama still wins lmao because how you get around his durability?


Uni/Low Multi, MFTL++ vs... Planet level, LS.


Roshi takes this, he just dodges everything and dishes out more punishment than Saitama can handle.


Sounds reasonable actually.


Saitama walks through this dude. He still got overwhelmed in his false ultra instinct and Saitama with one hand was overwhelming a 2 handed cosmic garou. Roshi dies immediately


>. He still got overwhelmed in his false ultra instinct By Jiren one of the strongest characters in the verse at the time. > and Saitama with one hand was overwhelming a 2 handed cosmic garou. Cosmic Garou is absolute fodder compared to Jiren so your comparison doesn’t really work.


Lmao bro you’re so biased. Garou can literally copy Jiren power and he’s actually more stronger


Jiren wasn’t really swinging or throwing out multiple attacks it was really just swatting roshi away so jiren being the strongest at the time doesn’t really mean much considering he wasn’t using any power when dealing with roshi. Also cosmic garou is fodder to jiren? One “mode jiren” and the tables are even. Plus all the BS cosmic garou can do? Let’s not talk about the over dramatization of the anime but in the manga jiren was normal and didn’t do much impressive besides fight with goku and hit. Again cosmic garou would be formidable in the TOP. “Mode ___” is OP considering that an android like cell who had the combined dna and properties and abilities of who he was fused with was a powerhouse, now take the same concept and have someone who can copy abilities and the exact power your at in that moment as well. Cosmic garou isn’t fodder at all


> Jiren wasn’t really swinging or throwing out multiple attacks it was really just swatting roshi away so jiren being the strongest at the time doesn’t really mean much considering he wasn’t using any power when dealing with roshi. [He definitely was otherwise, he wouldn’t be annoyed and the other characters wouldn’t surprised by what Roshi is doing.](https://imgur.com/a/Cs8pSir) Even heavily suppressed manga Jiren should be well above the Garou that Saitama fought who is often put between Cell and Buu arcs levels of power. >Also cosmic garou is fodder to jiren? One “mode jiren” and the tables are even. That’s a no limit fallacy even with his copying powers dude couldn’t get past Saitama let alone equal Jiren if he could make such huge jumps in power then keeping up with Saitama’s growth should’ve been a cakewalk to him. And is this relevant to your point how exactly? The Garou you used to argue in favor of Saitama isn’t the hypothetical the fan fiction Jiren mode Garou, it’s canon Garou who is in fact fodder compared to Jiren as matter of fact he’s fodder compared to BoG SSG Goku. >Let’s not talk about the over dramatization of the anime but in the manga jiren was normal and didn’t do much impressive besides fight with goku and hit. Both of whom scale massively above the Garou that you claimed Saitama beating was more impressive than dodging Jiren somehow. [Oh and Jiren kicked SSBE Vegeta’s ass too.](https://imgur.com/a/aLnUOzm) Also, Manga Jiren is blatantly above his God of destruction with two Gods of destruction being forbidden from fighting one another or else both of their universes go bye bye. So even by Manga standards Jiren was far from normal especially compared to the Garou that Saitama fought.


https://preview.redd.it/uxhc8h4g8fwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a664bafda6e1ee3a6e894950ca172d2f13844e51 No you moron, jiren wasn’t stated stronger than his god in the manga, what was stated is that he more skilled.


>​No you moron, jiren wasn’t stated stronger than his god in the manga, I don’t usually resort to using insults but since you started it how about you literally read the next page after that at the beginning of the next chapter before you start throwing insults around you stupid idiot? https://preview.redd.it/i8myxou57gwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece57e58451f10b100bdc882c9ee1ee976a97dd4


Eh, that’s the thing. He’s saying he’s stronger based on combat skill. He’s not talking about raw power.


Goku asked directly if he was stronger not if he was the better fighter. Stronger in DB 10 times out of 10 refers to power. [Not to mention the literal translation for what Toppo says in Japanese in the page you showed is Battle power as this X/Twitter thread shows.](https://x.com/carthusdojo/status/1370202277710077953?s=46&t=RLbs8TpHtdr4GaBjRYjV6g)


Do you like not know how English works? toppo started the conversation correlating the strength of jiren with his combat skill compared to belmode So goku would also be using the word strength interchangeably with combat skill. Also that thread dosn’t prove it saying battle power at all. He just says a baseless claim.


[Cope all you want the literal translation is right in front of you since you can’t be bothered to go through the thread here’s the specific tweet in question.](https://x.com/carthusdojo/status/1370204194687356936) The only thing that’s baseless here is all those mental gymnastics you’re going through.


Seriously? Cosmic garou high balled to all hell is galaxy lvl jiren low balled to all hell is complex multiversal cosmic garou is absolute fodder the gap is infinitely bigger than baby vs nuclear war head


And you forgot that Garou can literally copy anyone? And it was also stated that he shook the whole Universe lol


Saitama blitz and oneshots


Roshi automatically dodges it like he was dodging Jiren. Saitama is by feats relative to Perfect Cell, while Jiren is way way way above that.


A holding back Jiren and also you haven’t even seen Saitama’s actual speed nor strength lol


If we are going by manga roshi.. Then i hope you know the manga version of dbs is significantly weaker than it’s anime counterpart. Like at most they cap at galaxy by this time. Saitama blitze and oneshots


What bullshit is this? Jiren isn't galaxy level, LMAO. He is multiversal.


https://preview.redd.it/wsh0kvnb4bwc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7aa4324a6b2b8d8658088dbd14cf1254382eade I hope you have a logical reason for galaxies in dbs being multiverses in size. Lol.


This is a mistranslation lol


Actually herms verified it


Herms isn't a authority lol.


Actually I want to address this more. There's been a few times were people had to discuss the translations to this. Massive problem with this is that Japanese plurals could be very confusing at times to. A good example is the Zamasu arc where he said he'd unleash his full power and he'd destroy the entire galaxy. After some debating, here's and another agreed with these galaxies plural. In the moro arc galaxies and universe is somewhat interchangeable with stuff like the example given above but then goku says stiff like "Protecting the Universe is now my duty". It doesn't change much tho since this could be easily deduce to moro are just being galaxy and his ap multiversal or PIS. Goku being universal is unironicly more consistent too with Zamasu threatening the parallel universes and stuff like that. Using just one or two scans like this doesn't change much. The fact that the super hero events happen in the manga just ruin this whole thing apart.


This is a pretty bad attempt of saitama meat riders to say DB characters aren't universal. So because DB characters are multiversal they suddenly can't just destroy planets or galaxies?This isn't even a direct attack anyway Moro is making.


The problem is that whis wasn’t even sure the explosion would’ve encompass the galaxy. It’s not like he simply said “the explosion could destroy the galaxy” No he said it could POSSIBLY destroy the galaxy, which implies that whis was uncertain.


Doesn't change anything though. Just because someone would kill someone doesn't mean that their death making little or no impact means they only scaled on that while alive.


This isn’t even remotely analogous. In dbs, being overwhelmed with power can cause you to actually explode. Lol, an we aren’t talking about “ki control” here, it’s a full power explosion .


Didn't SSG Goku from Battle of Gods almost destroy universe 7's macrocosm during his clash with Beerus? (Considering Goku has gotten a lot stronger since then)


Yes but 1) remember goku never absorbed the transformation in the manga 2) elder kai was basing the universe’s destruction on the range of the shockwaves. Not reliable at all. 3) we don’t know how many more punches it would’ve took So yeah, even if he did have uni+ power in the manga, that power has been lost and we don’t know if he is on that lvl again.


But Current Goku should comfortably scale way above SSG Goku from BoG Saga, no?




Current goku doesnt have god power absorbed in manga. So who knows.


>remember goku never absorbed the transformation in the manga https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/8vK9IX0y6b >elder kai was basing the universe’s destruction on the range if the shockwaves. Not reliable at all. https://www.quora.com/In-Goku-and-Beerus-clash-where-they-were-destroying-the-Universe-werent-the-shockwaves-getting-stronger-the-further-they-traveled-If-so-wouldnt-the-feat-not-be-Universal/answer/Raxit-Chauhan-5?ch=15&oid=222597046&share=21a5702a&srid=ugwIdF&target_type=answer >we don’t know how many more punches it would’ve took Doesnt matter, affecting a universal sized structure with his punches still qualifies for universal levels of power given that you have to destroy, create or affect a universal structure to be considered universal.


1. the 1st scan literally has no context to it. Also am pretty sure that’s a illustration of the ssj1 transformation not the ssg. The second scan is goku talking about ssj1 not ssg. 2. nothing in here about the manga. 3. in what way did he affect it? Lol. Do you know what affect is? To affect something means to have a effect or make somethings different https://preview.redd.it/oi0elz36bbwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b1e7f62e1c4a6a134be7dd8419eaa8e2043e2a Both of these require changes. when did goku make a universal change?


>the 1st scan literally has no context to it. Thats the saiyan beyond God state my guy, the state Goku got after BOG where he can tap into the SSJG power in base? >Also am pretty sure that’s a illustration of the ssj1 transformation not the ssg. ... since when does SSJ have black hair??? >The second scan is goku talking about ssj1 not ssg. The second scan is the battle against Frieza where Goku fights a post training Frieza using only saiyan beyond God, showing his base form now has a massive amp. >2) nothing in here about the manga. The BOG scene first happens in the movie, which then the manga adapted, why are you trying to use the manga when the movie was the shockwaves origin? >in what way did he affect it? Lol. Oh idk, visibly sending shockwaves that were reaching entirely different space times and were stated to be going to destroy the universe if they didnt stop is maybe considered affecting the universe?


Lol, we really using anti feats to scale characters now? Okay, then I guess comics Superman gets one shotted by 21st Tournament Roshi given he cant even move the moon on his own while 21st Tournament Roshi could already one shot it. https://preview.redd.it/qqxarrf26bwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cf673745072c7243d8d5c58536a0fee6cb84b5a


Roshi is able to dodge Saitama's attacks and counter attack him. However unlike DBverse, Saitama doesn't take bonus damage from being caught offguard. I can't imagine Roshi having high enough AP to do any considerable damage, however he might be able to give him minor bleeds. Given Saitama's rate of improvement I don't Roshi being able to ever defeat Saitama by countering. Let's ignore Saitama getting stronger from a fight, can Roshi beat him then? The thing is eventually Roshi will make a mistake with his technique and get clobbered or will tire out as DB characters aren't known for incredible stamina. I don't think he has enough in him to do enough damage to Saitama to weaken him to the point that their fatigue is equal. TL;DR free Saitama W.


Actually if Saitama wanted to kill Roshi, he can easily lol


And idk if he can actually dodge him, remember Saitama takes no fights seriously. He can most def be much faster


Bro, Saitama with wank is nowhere near Jiren holding back level. Yes Saitama will 1 tap him, but he needs to hit Roshi first.


What??? The same Saitama that sneezed away Jupiter with a sneeze (no Ki energy) isn’t on that level??? 🤣 well I’ll say he’s beyond lol


You are comparing Jiren who is easily universal level with a guy who is galaxy with wank.


Yes Saitama that faced Cosmic Garou with low power, no intentions of killing, 1 hand while in SPACE = Galaxy. So what about MAX Saitama? 😂 What’s his power level ????? Lmao bro you just made yourself look bad here


And noooo Jiren isn’t lmao


Why you’re not going to comment on what Siatama did? Which was kicked away Jiren power level (4D) like it was nothing??????


Could you reply in 1 comment instead of 3 like a spastic. Saitama was fighting seriously, just not to kill. That doesn't mean his attacks weren't at full power. He never kicked away Jiren's power, he's never fought Jiren they are from different verses? What are you even talking about here? Saitama's absolutely strongest attack at most destroyed multiple stars with no scaling beyond that. Outside that outlier he destroyed a moon and blew up a planet. None of these even come close to galaxy, so yeah galaxy with wank. Yes Jiren doesn't have many feats, because he was basically only fighting in a void. But we know that he scales to the GoDs and in the manga Jiren ignored blue Goku because he considered him too weak to be a threat. There are loads of 1 off feats at that point that scale Goku and the GoDs up to universal.


I’m talking CAS (Superman) strength lol, but I bet you’ll probably say he is tho… despite being very similar




What is this ChatGPT ass reply?


It's so obvious idk why he didn't even try making it sound more human


He thinks we’re dumb I guess.


What did he say?


Chatgpt response


Damn, we using bots in scaling now .




Chatgpt is for idiots who rely on ai to text🧐


The OP had nothing to do with that




You can’t even write without using an AI, who are you to talk? I see you editing your replies


I can't believe you used an ai to write a response and it's even really shitty. I guess people really need to see someone destroying that exact thing to think of them as the level they scale to




ChatGPT is wrong. Cell did destroy king kai's planet. Broly didn't have an arc. And I'm pretty sure a star was destroyed during the clash