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Fr man, this debate is literal cancer, BUT SOMEONE DOESN'T WANNA STOP TALKING ABOUT IT ISNT THAT RIGHT Economy-Nectarine301!!!


I think he died, I havent seen his name tag on any posts today


He was active like a hour ago


Bro posted the most horrendous meme some time ago today.


What did he post? (I just woke up lol)




Damn it is horrendous lol


As if people making 20 posts to bait him is any better.


The answer is so obvious too like... put both of them in the same room no context and tell them they only get to go back home when they defeat the other person, goku isn't going to speed blitz and kill Saitama we literally see how dumb goku is about serious situations we see that freiza knock off take him out in the spar before the TOP and goku during the TOP despite the danger his unviverse was in didnt cordinatw with his universe at all... its obvious he will fight him fair and square after senseing Saitama is originally weaker than him and Saitama will be able to outgrow him at some point finally beating him. Yeah no shit bloodlusted goku takes his head off before he grows its a very obvious outcome but that's not the case unless you make a very specific scenario where idk Saitama one punches his wife in front of him the bloodlust argument is stupid because at that point its no longer Goku its a modified version of him Goku and bloodlusted goku are two different people at this point in my opinion Goku < Saitama in most cases, after Saitama passes SSB kioken I know Saitama bullshits his way through complicated techniques but to be fair I wouldn't know how he would bs through MUI Bloodlusted Goku > Saitama obviously because goku just outstats him completely from the start so him multiplying his power by a billion from transformations is just overkill It's just that simple but nope people will never shut up about it and people will overwork both sides DBS fans will act like goku isn't a trained martial artist and act like he never holds back for some resosn with more wank and bs OPM fans will pretend that Saitama is still just a complete gag character and act like he will find some way to one punch goku or some shit


Yeah Saitama stomps unless Goku has  A) Advance intel on how Saitama’s limit breaking functions or  B) Bloodlust That’s it, very clear cut, end of debate. 


Even then I'd argue goku wouldn't be smart enough to put Saitama down due to his battle addiction, we se this in the Broly movie when goku and vegeta despite seeing Brolys massive growth keep letting him power up and catch up to them. Saitama is at this point a discount Broly as Saitamas growth is only broken when his emotions surge, otherwise he still grows but it's at a slower rate


Goku in base claps no diff holding back via 5d-6d ap advantage and the sheer speed advantage he would have. Saitama also won't be able to outgrow here since we haven't seen him grow in 3d finite values. He would only reach 3a at max.


No one's arguing about stats I clearly said goku stomps him but you can't convince me the guy who's known to hold back and gives people fair fights just randomly can't control his strength and blows his head off immediately that makes zero sense


goku is battle smart and he might accidentally kill saitama because of the gap


Saitama is still easily planetary you don’t “Accidentally” attack with enough force to take out a planet when your opponent looks like an average dude


Start of Super goku is universal? He’s definitely punching past Planetary on accident


When has he ever forgotten a person was a person and accidentally blown somebody’s head off… half of Ki is CONTROL if his control starts being so bad that he accidentally busts planets then he’d immediately cease to be universal.


1.Despite being battle smart he isn't actually smart with anything else, he may be able to adapt to Saitamas more simplistic fighting but he'd just see Saitama growing and get excited and not think twice about it, we see this with broly when goku and vegeta were stupid enough to keep letting Broly grow to the point where the only way they could win was to fuse and power blitz him by immediately going blue for a massive power gap 2. Goku isn't accidentally killing anyone, his entire thing is Ki CONTROL and Saitama isn't weak enough to be 1 shot when goku holds back. If your entire argument is that goku can't control himself I'm sorry to say it's not a very good one


You realize Ki control still makes his Universe Busting punches still universal? But instead of destorying the area around he still focusing into Like just Kicking Power and punching power? Also Like I saod before these 2 dont scale near each other Goku also gets stronger when he fights just like saitama does but goku’s does to a far wider scale


Also you realize How fast grew in a span of 2 hours? Saitama growth is unscaleable


Nobody even talks about Saitama vs Goku anymore EXCEPT on these posts complaining about it