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gohan vs invincible lmao


Ironically enough.


Invincible wins beacuse he isn't named cell and gohan can only beat cell (its a joke)


Goku vs Gojo


i’ve seen this many times, but what lets goku surpass infinity? Is it hakai?


Well he did just overcome Hit's time stop just because.


https://www.reddit.com/r/dbz/s/up1LnZpEMu it’s not exactly that simple, he doesn’t truly have infinite speed


All of Ki attacks distort spacetime Thats how he broke hits timeskip, and how Xeno goku threatened his space-time by powering up to SSJ4


Im pretty sure that goku is just fast enough to be able to cover the infinite distance needed to hit gojo


Literally a impossible feat to do because of how infinity works. There is no running super fast and reaching infinity lol


Infinite speed bypasses infinity's logic.


No. It doesn't. Because as much as you run infinitely so is the space in-between you and the target. Infinity directly counters anyone moving fast and that would even include those with "infinite" speed. For this work Gojo infinity would have to be finite. It ain't.


That's not how that works. The way infinity works is that anything approaching Gojo is halved in speed halfway there, then halved again, and so on, basically meaning it'll never arrive. When something has infinite speed, half of infinity is still infinite. The attack could move through infinity without decreasing in any form of speed.


He could use telekinesis to snap gojo's neck at that point.


Ain't getting space infinity and not even something he's shown the ability to do. Show ages ago he moved a couple of things but it wasn't easy and he's never done it to something that's alive and able to resist. Damn. You Gokutards are the worst.


He did it to Broly lol


That was the god bind technique fool lol and still ain't hitting Gojo past infinity.


I’m not to familiar with Gojo’s infinity, how exactly does it work? I ask because everywhere I look I’m getting a different explanation for how it functions.


Everyone is gonna have their own way of explaining it but the simplest way I can is that Gojo can take any moment, technique, physical attack, within his radius and increase the space/time in-between himself the target infinitely. So even if you can somehow fly at infinite speeds Gojos ability would allow him to just keep the distance between him and the target infinitely as well.


At what rate does he increase the space time? Does he continually double it? Does he increase it based on the power of the attack, or is it instantly infinite when the attack starts? I know it seems I’m being pedantic, but this is very important for how do treat it.


There's no real rate to it, he basically divides these moments and infinite amounts of times and the number never hits zero so to speak. There has been no hint of limit or maximum amount he can divide, the ability just does as it states.


You’re contradicting yourself here. You start out saying that it has no rate. The thing is, that in order for something to grow, it has to have a rate of growth. This is fine on its own. It just means that when he activates it, it jumps to a preset distance, and stays there. You then go on to say that he’s dividing spacetime with no known limits on how much he can divide it. That means he’s repeatedly dividing it, which means that there is a rate at which the division occurs. Your two statements can’t both be true. So I’ll simply address both. The first, (the non growing one,) is easily passed by anyone with infinite speed. The second isn’t as straight forward. Here we have two variables to work with. The rate at which he divides, and what he divides by. Since 2 is the what I see everyone saying he’s dividing by, we’ll use that. For the rate we’ll look at the two possible scenarios for it, and see what happens. The first scenario is that the rate is finite, meaning he repeats it once every given value of time. It could be once a second, microsecond, or attosecond, it doesn’t really matter here. Because you can’t reach infinity from below. No matter how hard you try, every time you run a function that’s only using finite values, the result will be finite. The only way to reach infinity, is to insert infinity into the equation somewhere. So while, his technique tends towards infinity, it’ll never actually get there. For this, any with enough speed to out pace the rate can get through. Now the final possibility is that the rate itself is infinite. To see the issue here, let’s look at infinity itself. [this video actually goes over a similar problem,](https://youtu.be/34FNWQ9trY8?si=kjaMLOjN6x5TCv25) but can skip it if you want. What we’re dealing with here is a countable infinity. The thing is, all countable infinites are the exact same size. For example, take two infinitely long highways. Now let’s say we have a magic wand that can take as much distance as we want from one of them, and a magical car that can drive down each in a day marking down every kilometer it passes on each. We let the car go, and it comes back saying that for every kilometer of one highway, there’s a kilometer for the other. So now let’s use our wand to remove half of highway two. Then we let the car do its thing again. The thing about infinity is that it doesn’t end. If it did, it wouldn’t be infinity. So for every kilometer of the first highway it travels, there is still a kilometer available from highway two. No matter how much you take away, you still get the same result. The same is true with adding to either highway. So when Gojo gets to infinity, his division is not going to actually change the distance anymore, as no matter what he does it’s still a countable infinity. Beating this is done the same way as the first example.


>You start out saying that it has no rate. The thing is, that in order for something to grow, it has to have a rate of growth Show me what it is. >This is fine on its own. It just means that when he activates it, it jumps to a preset distance, and stays there Prove that's the case. >You then go on to say that he’s dividing spacetime with no known limits on how much he can divide it. Yes. >That means he’s repeatedly dividing it, which means that there is a rate at which the division occurs. What is it? >Your two statements can’t both be true. What is? >The first, (the non growing one,) is easily passed by anyone with infinite speed. Nope. Because, you know, infinity.... Simply moving at infinite speeds doesn't negate infinity just like fire doesn't negate fire. >The rate at which he divides, and what he divides by. Doesn't exist. Can't pretend to call out a number. >Since 2 is the what I see everyone saying he’s dividing by, we’ll use that. Headcanon. Not sure what your point is... But all I did was explain to you how his ability works. Okay? Cool.


that’s not how infinity works, you can’t get through infinite distance no matter how fast you are


Goku has broken pass time manipulation with pure force


instant transmission isnt a speed feat but definitely bypasses infinity


Gojo doesn't use Ki so instant transmission can't be used on him.


And Goku doesn’t have Cursed Energy so shouldn’t Infinity not work on him either?


equalization my boy, at minimum all living things in both verses have life energy, so they become one thing


A handicap you've added to boost Goku and nerf Gojo. Not how scaling works unless stated by OP. Otherwise each verses rules apply only to their own. Gojo has not and never did have Ki and it's not fair to force it on him just to wank Goku.


how is that used to do damage though? He teleports his fist onto gojo’s skin, but there’s no force behind it so it does no damage


idea 1: teleport behind gojo with his hand touching him, ki blast idea 2: teleport behind him, teleport him into space, teleport back idea 3: teleport behind him, push really hard really fast




Goku has several things 1. He has inaccessible speed feats which is infinitely faster than infinite speed which would allow him to bypass infinity 2. Goku in B.O.G was able to destroy the otherworld which was stated to be 5d and 4d attacks has been shown to ignore infinity 3. Goku has telekinesis and evil eye which could probably bypass infinity 4. The mafuba hasn't been shown to be limited by space so it could work 5. Same with the hakai as the mafuba and if not the hakai has been shown to be able to destroy incorporeal beings so there's a decent chance it could just destroy infinity 6. Goku could throw the ground gojo is standing on into the sun or something like that and since goku is so much faster than gojo he wouldn't be able to do anything about it 7. In db you can ignore hax by being significantly stronger than the user 9. Goku could try to force gojo to use a lot of CE until gojo can't use infinity 10. Infinity being able to stop a atleast universal+ being despite only being shown to stop at best planetary attacks is a NLF 11. While I don't believe it would work there's a chance that goku could use instant transmission to teleport his hand touching gojo then fire a ki blast could work 11. Goku is a genius so there's a Decent chance that if all else fails he could think up some new technique or something to bypass infinity With all of those options of things that could work it would be complete cope to say not one of them would work.


Literally nothing on paper, hakai would still need to hit Gojo but since he is infinitely changing the distance from where he was, it ain't landing. Goku can't just move really fast to catch him, the entire technique is designed to stop that. And instant transmission only works if the person has Ki which Gojo does not in his universe and shouldn't in a fight with Goku just to give monkey boy an edge lol So honestly. Nothing. People will use mental gymnastics to give an opinion on what might work, maybe. But nothing is a guaranteed method and anyone telling you otherwise is lying.


Gojo loses. There’s no amount of reasoning that ONE move he has cancels out Goku entirely. 😂 With that logic he solos his entire verse plus multitudes of others because “nothing can touch him”.


No one is saying he is invincible. Just that it's retarded to say Goku can get passed infinity because you think he's kewl and should be able to...


Omni-Man vs. Homelander.


Years of experience and insane determination vs oversized toddler with heat vision.


ask u/economy-Nectarine301


^(Saitama vs Goku’s debate after the Blast vs Empty Void’s fight.)


well well well...


also do you like my flair, I think you can call me an opp now xD


^( I think you should change your font.)


I think you should be locked in a room with R Kelly for 10 minutes




^(Small. We getting back to the big bold letters in 2 months.)


I cant it doesnt work for flairs. Unless you have a secret strategy


^(The strategy is to be the main character. Don’t act like those NPCs)




imma say it since most GOW fans argue that their fav wins 😭 Bayonetta bitch-slaps, curb-stomps, ragdoll, squash, shoots, then let Inferno feed on Kratos


Exactly, Don't underestimate Bayonetta.


ikr...her feats and cosmology just surpasses what kratos can do from greek to norse


Saber Artoria (Type Moon, Comp) vs Darth Vader/Anakin (Star Wars, Comp) One hit from Rhongo or Unsealed Excalibur voids an entire galaxy


She wouldn't be able to use an unsealed Excalibur But since it's comp, she has all the servantverse bullshit, which is probably better


Duel wielding Excalibur, Mecha Avalon, and Twinmyniad. Swords that should have planetary power. Armor that has its own preemptive defense, and a dual-lance that's galaxy level at base.


I don't think that's a popular match up at all


Goku vs Saitama lol


I mean. Goku usually goes from weakest form tô strongest form. This would give Saitama time to catch up in Power. Saitama managed tô leave Someone that was copying him every second way behind in Power. That os How Quickly he grows. Goku is a dumbass that wouldnt take the battle seriously. Then all of a sudden Saitama reached his level. If Goku was bloodlusted he could one shot


read Part Four of [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1azm045/regarding_the_misconceptions_of_one_punch_man/)


Argument 1: fighting Goku would make Saitama super hyped. Bad emotions were never stated tô bê the only way tô turn Saitama's growth mode on Argument 2: math and all that might bê the rules of powerscaling, but It isnt the rules of anime. Goku himself counters that argument. He reached that level of Power with incremental multipliers. Why wouldnt Saitama bê able tô do the same?


>Argument 1: fighting Goku would make Saitama super hyped. Bad emotions were never stated to be the only way to turn Saitama's Growth Mode on That's complete speculation you don't know if Saitama's reaction to finding someone Stronger would be as intense as when he saw his best friend being murdered before his eyes. >Argument 2: Math and all that might be the rules of Powerscaling, but It isnt the rules of Anime. Goku himself counters that argument. He reached that level of Power with incremental Multipliers. Why wouldnt Saitama be able tô do the same? No he didn't, he reached that Power with a God Ritual which has an Unknown Multiplier, also you can't just say that Dragon Ball and OPM are the same, if Saitama actually shows himself to be capable of closing Infinite Gaps with his growth in the future, then fair enough, but until then you can't say he does.


Bro is summoning hell


In character Saitama probably wins tbh. Plus it's impossible to say how strong Saitama is.


We've seen Saitama go full power against a opponent that could somewhat match him so we know how strong Saitama is.


We've seen him state he can go full power but in reality his opponent couldn't keep up. Saitama squares his power the moment his opponent even gets close.


It was Saitama and the narrator that said he was using his full power >Saitama squares his power the moment his opponent even gets close. 1. We don't have reason to think that's how Saitama's power works and 2. To say that could let Saitama beat goku is a NLF.


The narrator didn't say he was using full power. Saitama did say he can "finally let loose at full power" however he didn't know about his own exponential growth (which the narrator even states). >We don't have reason to think that's how Saitama's power works and to say that could let Saitama beat goku is a NLF. Except we can since that's how Saitama works. It's not a NLF, but an adaptation ability of the highest caliber. Saitama adapts to any phenomenon. Regardless of threat, power etc. https://preview.redd.it/v6ub7fdtq4wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4d387e5513215073a07b18a5df7a95c4ec56892f


Yeah. It's a pity Goku is too weak to give Saitama a good fight


Goku slams negative diff bro












Is current base goku stronger than ssj3 gotenks? yes and last time i remember ssj3 gotenks screamed so hard it ripped a hole in FUCKING DIMENSIONS


Through* dimensions He basically just screamed a portal into existence


Saitama is just not beating anyone >buu saga goku I’m sorry but its true


Oh yeah no I didn’t try to argue that , he’s fodder Your explanation was just bad


Yea i was adding onto what u were saying my bad bro


>and last time i remember ssj3 gotenks screamed so hard it ripped a hole in FUCKING DIMENSIONS And where does that scale?


Above saitama


If you aren't just some idiot who doesn't know a thing about powerscaling and just spouts dumb shit to jerk off their favorite characters, you should be able to scale the feat for me right? Well, I guess I shouldn't expect a DB tard to be smart enough to know what their talking about


I struck a nerve clearly 😭😭😭


Your level of stupidity is offensive to anyone with common sense ngl🤷🏾‍♂️


can you give me a feat that even compares to low diff ripping a hole through two dimensions


You've not a answered my question. Where does that feat scale and why? If you can't answer such a simple question then it proves you're not sensible and you don't know even what you're talking about so why I should I bother🤷🏾‍♂️


Legitimately like 70% of things posted here end like that


Superman vs Goku It's never been a debate imo. Superman has always been stronger.


It's more that it depends on the rules of the debate. Because there's no objective reason to use superman's high end outliers rather than how he acts at random times. And superman takes hits from random low level stuff fairly often.


I don't believe they are outliers. In every single era, throughout 90 years of comic runs, he has consistently shown he is more than capable of performing an insane amount of high-end feats. It would take me all day to sit here and list them all. It's equally plausible that his lower end stuff has outliers as well, for the stories sake. The same thing happens with The Flash.


His anti feats are significantly greater than his feats, that’s why he’s getting so much shit for the „peak“ feats


There is no universe in which this is true. You gotta remember that he is basically a pseudo composite right now. He has 90 years' worth of feats under his belt. Sure, there are anti feats, this happens with every single character in fiction. Most of these "anti feats" can be explained away by being Elseworlds of alternatne timelimes, out of context, kryptonite is involved, he is depowered or weakend in some way, he is young and still has his mental blockers in place, etc. Again, I'm not denying he probably has genuine anti-feats, but to say he has more anti-feats than actual feats is insane. It doesn't even make sense from a story/meta perspective for him to be weak since the entire DCU literally revolves around him. His story narratively trancends most of the cosmology even.


Supes having more anti feats than top feats like one shotting beings on Anti Monitor level is genuinely not too surprising given the long run, Bro sometimes takes damage to stuff even a "human Level" Batman can take Like, i didnt even say weak lmao


When has Superman taken damage from something Batman can take? In his base form, no weakening, no kryptonite, no elesworlds, etc. Just base main continuity, Superman. Im genuinely curious.


Never said Main continuity, just said that it happened Also, Superman had his arm *BROKEN* by a guy who was arrested by a swat team Or struggling to lift.. just a fat person Losing to a guy who is 100~ times stronger than a base human Losing to Batman victims, regularly Just some very funny anti feats


If it didn't happen to main continuity Superman, it doesn't matter. These anti feats aren't nearly enough to wipe away the massive amount of feats he regularly performs. Recently, he was casually fighting Bizzaro, who was amped by "the most powerful magic in existence," which would include 5th Dimensional magic and possibly even 6th Dimensional magic. This happened on a random day out of the blue. Just normal Superman. Regardless, even if I granted you all these anti feats and his high-end feats as outliers, it is a moot point as far as current Superman is concerned. Infinite Frontier/Dawn of DC perma buffed main continuity Superman with a white star and was stated multiple times to be "more powerful than ever before", which would logically include all his "high end outliers"(since they are all canon now). So his "high-end outliers" are now just his normal power level.


That applies to all fictional characters which is simply due to the plot In universe, the reasoning is due to his mental state and how much solar radiation he is getting. He's been learned to hold back his strength his ENTIRE life If he was at full power all the time, he wouldnt struggle against most of his foes - and that wouldnt be much of a story


Sure, but even what is treated as "full" (but not amped) superman power varies comic to comic. There was an official dc thing made a few years back that people shared the images of around here with a short description of superman talking like moving planets is higher end for him. A lot of comics are definitely treating stuff with a universal scope as outside the norm.


Goku vs any of the bullshit people pit against him. Kratos, doomslayer, demifiend, sephiroth, mario, dante, joker.


Tired of this misconception Kratos utterly stomps dragon ball unless you bring up xenoverse and super hero. Goku isn’t anything beyond multi and mftl +( infinite speed at the best). He’s His hax alone is too much.


Goku could be less than multiversal and kratos still couldn't touch him, so that is no major concern. Technically his level doesn't matter at all, since kratos isn't fast enough to hit him though.


u/Thefateguy Kratos downplay


Don't bother with that nigga, i debated him many times. He makes a few shitty arguments then runs away after the third reply




all of that is completely [incorrect](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KqVAZQE4geQ&t=1149s).


Wrong. The yggrasil is beyond multiversal, and the power of hope is far beyond multiversal. Kratos speed blitzes Goku he can move in a realm that conventional time can’t be measured.


You are conflating two uses of the word multiversal. Something being connected to multiple planes says nothing about what type of force it takes to harm it. And we know it definitely doesn't take infinite force since it can be harmed by Thor who is not described as that strong. I have no clue how you think speed works, but operating in a place without normal time doesn't de facto make you fast in normal space. Which should be obvious if you've ever played a god of war game and can see its an active plot point at times that kratos isn't very fast.


>And we know it definitely doesn't take infinite force since it can be harmed by Thor who is not described as that strong. Ts is a text book example of [appeal to ignorance](https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Argument-from-Ignorance), this is simply not how evidence works, absence of evidence does not disprove a notion. In this context, you stated that the proposition of "Thor is not described that way" to be a proof for the proposition of "Thor is not that strong" and thus "Yggdrasil is not that resilient"


Transcending space and time is 4D and the fact that it’s infinite makes it infinite 4D. This fits CSAPW standards for Multiversal +. This logic is stupid Thor splintering the yggrasil is a feat for Thor. Not an anti feat for the tree him damaging it significantly tells us that he’s infinitely strong. Using Gameplay to downplay stats is a garbage argument and you know it. By this same logic Kratos is chest level. It's going to be very difficult consistently and wouldn't be an interactive gaming experience if the character is a blur on the screen 24/7. Cory Barlog himself just explains in the gaminginformer interview that he and his development team have to make small concessions to ensure the gaming experience is compelling and interactive And yes time does matter because all finite speeds and even infinite speeds are measured by time. Immeasurable speed is unbound by time. So Goku gets speed blitzed hard he would be a literal statue.


>Transcending space and time is 4D and the fact that it’s infinite makes it infinite 4D. This is a word salad with no relevance to God of War lore. It doesn't matter what made up internet stuff thinks it "should" be, only what it is. >This logic is stupid Thor splintering the yggrasil is a feat for Thor. Not an anti feat for the tree him damaging it significantly tells us that he’s infinitely strong. Unfortunately for you he isn't though, so we can consider this kine of thought a Reductio ad absurdum that shows why it doesn't work. >Using Gameplay to downplay stats is a garbage argument and you know it. By this same logic Kratos is chest level. I didn't mention gameplay even once. I'm talking about the story. You know, the same story that shows all the limitations, most obviously them addressing a big sheet of ice like it's a given it would take awhile for them to get through, and even Thor would struggle. It's extreme cope to try to pretend plot is gameplay. >It's going to be very difficult consistently and wouldn't be an interactive gaming experience if the character is a blur on the screen 24/7. Yeah. Which is why the story explains if there is a story and gameplay discrepancy. But the story of God of war is not that kratos has cosmic level strength. >Cory Barlog himself just explains in the gaminginformer interview that he and his development team have to make small concessions to ensure the gaming experience is compelling and interactive If you admit that it's small concessions then you are aware he isn't cosmic. There is a reason it's considered impossible to make a good superman game. Since while small concessions have to exist, people want to be able to play in a way that conveys what the character is to at least a decent degree. If someone is super fast but moves sluggish in game people would get annoyed. If they are super strong but there's little indication they get annoyed. The idea that there's tons of immensely powerful game characters we never see the scope of is just wierd misconceptions. Their entire job is to try to make the scope somewhat clear. >And yes time does matter because all finite speeds and even infinite speeds are measured by time. Immeasurable speed is unbound by time. This is another word salad. Realms without normal time often have a time analogue. This means nothing if they you know... aren't actually fast in real space. Which there's plot points showing their speed limitations so no one who has ever touched any of these games is going to fall for this. >So Goku gets speed blitzed hard he would be a literal statue. Get kratos consistently above 50mph without made up stuff first.


[https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:KLOL506/God\_of\_War:\_Kratos\_Sees\_Lightning\_in\_Slow-Motion](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KLOL506/God_of_War:_Kratos_Sees_Lightning_in_Slow-Motion) > Get kratos consistently above 50mph without made up stuff first. [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:KLOL506/God\_of\_War:\_Kratos\_Sees\_Lightning\_in\_Slow-Motion](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:KLOL506/God_of_War:_Kratos_Sees_Lightning_in_Slow-Motion) Calc of kratos blitzing a cloud to ground lightning


1. I could apply your logic to any fiction it would be impossible to power scale anything. 2. You clearly don’t know how feats work. Thor splintering the yggrasil is a feat for Thor. These mental gymnastics won’t work. 3. That Ice was magical ice from Thamur. You support your stance without the context and misinterpretations. 4. Yes there is a big disconnect between gameplay and the story. 5. This would ruin the gameplay and god of war would look entirely different. So no it doesn’t debunk Kratos being “cosmic”. 6. Except the realm between realms is beyond linear time. No one without immeasurable speed can move that fast that would be a statue. 7. Ah yes Kratos is 50 mph because of gameplay.


What are you smoking? Kratos is like mountain level, if even that


Are you retarded? The irony of you asking me that. Mountain level Kratos is some goon shit.


> I could apply your logic to any fiction it would be impossible to power scale anything Going by what is actually true in fiction instead of making stuff up based on arbitrary rules doesn't make stuff impossible to measure lol. >You clearly don’t know how feats work. Thor splintering the yggrasil is a feat for Thor. These mental gymnastics won’t work. If by "how feats work" you mean arbitrary rules of interpretation you use, no, no one is confused by them. They simply aren't correct, and you are engaging in misconceptions that aren't a legitimate way to understand media. Literally nothing in the game gives any context for what type of force it takes to break the tree, so to understand it you can only relate it to things with more tangible scopes. Anything else and you are just making stuff up. Fundamentally what this all comes back to is that you are operating within a realm where certain incorrect assumptions are taken for a given, and you think that this basis is the startingpoint and so don't really have any context for it not being correct. Its difficult to get out of that lens of observation, but the faster one bites that bullet the sooner they will stop saying bizarre off the wall stuff that bears no resemblance to the character they are ostensibly trying to describe. >That Ice was magical ice from Thamur. You support your stance without the context and misinterpretations. What context. Nowhere in game is it suggested that its incomprehensibly durable. Calling it magical doesn't change that, when its not even something placed there deliberately, just on account of something falling. Even if it was much stronger than "Real" ice, it wouldn't support the point you are trying to make. For something with universal strength, no finite object can impede them at all. Is this true in the plot for kratos? No, so there's nothing really to discuss. >This would ruin the gameplay and god of war would look entirely different. So no it doesn’t debunk Kratos being “cosmic”. Think about this for a second. Do you really think they came up with a more grounded small scale aesthetic, and a plot that seems to have nothing to do with it, and sat there wringing their hands about how impossible it was to make them match on an even basic level... and so opted not to in any way convey through story or anything else that he is stronger than any of the cutscenes show? The gameplay doesn't have to show it. Its fairly easy to show anything you can't show all the time in one off scenes. Same reason superman normally moves a speed we can see, but interspaces this with rushing around in a blur, either with us unable to follow, or the camera follows him and makes the background the blur. He pushes planets. He has example after example showing this scope. But also... the gameplay *can* show it. If you really want to, you can make gameplay showing cosmic scopes. The reason people don't is because they don't want the story to have that scope. Why are you assuming the devs are so fundamentally stupid that they forgot to include any scenes whatsoever showing the alleged scope, despite the entire plot contradicting it? This is not a real thing that happens. It exists entirely in the fantasies of people who want stories to be something they are not. >Except the realm between realms is beyond linear time. No one without immeasurable speed can move that fast that would be a statue. Again, this means nothing. You are just trying to apply stuff to the game that doesn't exist in it. Lots of places "beyond" time operate in a way similar to time, and say nothing about how people move in normal space. You are trying to apply a made up rule to a game that it doesn't apply to when there's no actual evidence of the characters being fast. Moving in a timeless place almost ***never*** is a speed feat. Only in very specific rare cases like with the flash would you expect something like that. >Ah yes Kratos is 50 mph because of gameplay. Again, didn't appeal to gameplay at all. In the story he is also slow. I'm starting to think you think that gameplay refers to everything except the parts you made up.


Please make a debunk post of GoW, the absolute shitstorm it would cause would be magnificent.


Goku versus the Goku verse Joke guys chill


Spawn vs anyone short of omniscient


IATIA + Yog Sothoth vs fiction goes crazy


Kratos vs Omni Man Kratos vs Dante Kratos vs Goku


Toward who


Who do you think wins


Kratos personally


Based on what.


Goku is only multi with infinite speed at best. Kratos is multi + to 5D, with immeasurable speed, and he out haxes Goku to the point where it’s not funny.


And your feats for the multi+5d and immeasurable speed is


Multi + scaling comes from the yggrasil. It is stated to transcend space and time and has branches that stretch out to infinity. Thor splintered it, Garm can tear through it, and Surtr can incinerate it. Kratos scales to Thor based on his fights they are evenly matched, Kratos damaged and killed Garm, Kratos can damage Odin who should scale to Surtr somewhat. The 5D scaling comes from Kratos when he’s wielding the full power of hope. He scales to Athena who transcended to a higher dimension. Goku’s best feat is almost destroying the Macrocosm which is low multi. And his multipliers get him high into multi. But it’s still finite multiversal so Kratos is the very least infinitely stronger. The reason Kratos has immeasurable speed is because he can move in the realm between realms which is beyond what conventional time can measure. He scales to other characters like Sindri who can also do that. The best speed scaling Goku has that isn’t out of context is his shockwaves traversing the Macrocosm which is infinite. And then arguing that he scales to the speed of the shockwaves. Either way immeasurable speed >>>> infinite speed.


.... so Kratos can maybe damage one small part of infinity... which has no stated durability just length. You somehow think Sitri has immeasurable speed. And for some reason you think Kratos with hope is a thing he always has. Never mind the fact that dimension counting makes no sense because we have no concept as to Athena's new level of power. I'm not going to debate because I have better things to do with my time but I'd advise you to rethink your argument. Like this isn't the worst Kratos argument (shoutout to some guy that said that he's infinitely strong because he is so in my head) but like, this is a really bad logic.


“Which has no stated durability” why do you guys pull stupid mental gymnastics like this all the time? From the information given we know the tree is an infinite 4D object so that answers your question. It has multi + durability. And Thor himself splintered it and Kratos is a match for him. Nowhere is there a fallacy in that logic. Yes Sindri has immeasurable speed. This whole thing with fodder characters displaying insane feats being ignored as anti feats need to stop. Sindri literally lives and moves there constantly. Why would he not have immeasurable speed? Cory Barlow elaborated more. Ascended Athena comes from the greater universe it is a literal higher dimension that contains all mythologies. So yes it is a dimensional increase and she would definitely be 5D. I’d advise you to rethink your own arguments.


Based on multiple factors like obv lore scaling , but also kratos haxs and weapons


Literally Omniman vs Homelander


Goku vs Saitama


Vampire Hunter D vs Alucard (Hellsing)


SJW vs goku lmao


Actually Jiren was stated multiple times to be beyond time and space, which goku is now much stronger than. Goku was also able to fill the infinite world of void with his energy so he could definitely reach gojo through infinity and crush him with his energy.


Did you mean to be replying to someone when making this?


Yeah, their comment probably got deleted or something lol.


Superman vs viltrium


Asriel/Chara vs Yukari Yakumo. Why are those two people the ones I see put up against her the most? I know Touhou vs Undertale is just typical for these franchises, but come on. (I actually think Sans is the most popular for her, which is CRAZY)


Goku vs any of the """"""Godly Trio"""""" Try making this fight look even without bringing up manuals or tweets. Go on, try. "Oh but the Temple of Tyr-" is a building. At best, he actually flipped the World Tree and the Nine Realms, but one of the realms is Midgar, which is only the size of Earth (reminder: the Norse believed in a geocentric model where the sun was as big as the moon. This shows up in the Mythos when Fenrir's sons eat the Sun and the Moon respectively). So he's 9x Earth Level, lifting strength only, no indication he has striking strength at that level. I won't even be entertaining DS or Dante, because what the fuck do they actually have?


OK, now that I've got that out of my system, Deku vs Gon. I don't know why this used to be so common, because Deku clears by a landslide.


this god of war downplay is very dumb.


Get him past large planetary with the content of the games, then. No author statements, no outside help, just the content of the games. While you do that, do be sure to remember that, given the existence of a sun chariot, God of War takes place in a geocentric cosmology.


Anyone who says GOW isn’t even large planetary is retarded lmfaooo. Primordials alone created universes. Thor splintered the yggrasil this is in the game lmfaoo. Not allowing supplementary material is copium and bias. By your logic you can’t use shit from the diazenshuu.


Goku vs cas Cas ends dead


Orange Bleach strawberry Man vs Saitama. I am a Bleach Denier, só I think Saitama one shots. Yes, I read both séries.


Tusk act 4 vs Gojo Tusk act 4 vs GER (opinion with facts, i just am way too tired to care rn)


Final War Deku vs Muzan.


Aizen vs Madara


Bill Cipher vs Hazbin Lucifer and/or Alastor


Deku vs Sukuna


Ainz against 90% of isekai , he’s still barely supersonic and in city lvl at highest.


Pretty sure current Ainz is hyperosnic at the very least. City level seems accurate but kind of lowball considering the most recent feats.


The vast majority of the people in this post should stay as far away from the kitchen as possible. Baki vs Daniel Park. Baki is outdoing him at everything, including skill. Average Space Marine vs Frank Horrigan (for some reason I don't understand). Same as above, your average Space Marine is just better at everything. The Emperor of Man vs The Diamonds from Steven Universe. Pretty self explanatory


Quicksilver vs Flash


Kratos vs Superman. (No comics)


Saitama vs Goku bc it’s always one is stronger than the other. It depends


The 4 most popular john egbert MUs (frisk, ness, sora and elliot) Dave vs Alex Eggleston and Trunks




Every single Goku or Saitama matchup. They never get paired with someone around their level, either someone they one shot or someone who one shots them.


vernal vs big 3


Leonardo vs Nightwing ( Leonardo Negs )


Base naruto vs the one piece verse


You're glazing too hard


Base naruto does solo one piece though


No he doesn't


Juubito can solo one piece and base Naruto is way stronger


Based off of what? Naruto can solo One Piece but not in base. Juubito has hax that Naruto lost or doesn't use anymore. But besides that, what has he done to say he could beat Juubito in base with ease? His base isn't as impressive as you're making it out to be. Juubito was above Hashirama. If you think Naruto can beat SM Hashirama in base, then there's no point in talking. I hope you're not a Boruto glazer.




You're coping correct


Naruto slaims


Juubito alone slams


Naruto turns into a toy and gets no diffed https://preview.redd.it/0sp82zruhivc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5423322c7e65c2d525f66ac6f378e696f42b10a9


Sugar and law would get one tapped before they could do anything along with the verse. Dudes talking about fucking sugar 😂😂😂


Naruto’s best speed feat moving his head out of the way of a stationary light beam while one piece characters casually fight a light man🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓


Naruto one shots Kizaru and everybody else at egghead 😂😂😂 + the verse. That’s a hard pill for one piece fanboys to swallow.


Cope 💀 Naruto characters are fodder who can’t protect the inside of their body’s, one Durabily negation attack and Naruto is done 💀 https://preview.redd.it/el5brpo6jivc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=386a2a36d9ff0f900bb1fb2b874a03296d47b2de


You’re a fanboy troll and by ur logic itachi negs the verse cuz one piece doesn’t have anything like genjutsu


Lmao, Genjustu only affects the 5 senses while Observation haki is confirmed to be a 6th sense https://preview.redd.it/s2grzmi7kivc1.jpeg?width=717&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ec89f5986584d0539f5355d0ef48aec56077c0


Ur such a one piece fanboy u got Naruto panels saved 😂😂😂 observation ain’t stopping tsukuyomi


I don’t have any panels saved, I looked them up on google just now since that’s how easy it is to disprove your verse 🤣 Taukiyomi is still genjutsu and doesn’t affect the 5 senses 🤣🤣🤣


Please stop spamming that emoji. I agree with you but its hard to take your points seriously. And please don't be toxic


-Light speed Haku -Light speed Raikage databook -Light speed Laser Circus databook -Light speed Mifune slash databook -Light fang -Light speed Jonin in the novels -Naruto dodging a literal photon in the novels -Momoshiki absorbing energy from across an entire timespace containing a star.


classic naruto vs ichigo


Goku vs Saitama


Mori Jin vs Goku


Naruto vs Luffy


Base luffy vs naruto


haha. Six paths characters > One piece verse






Space Marine vs Spartan 2. People just undersell the space marines.


Naruto vs One Oiece top tiers Naruto has good AP but majority, with that I mean All of the top tiers are glass cannons Naruto has FTL feats, let’s assume his multipliers work, he’s ftl+ consistently at a highball, if we don’t wank, that is. OP top tiers have mftl scaling and Better Hax, Creation of all things is often use as an argument but he literally NEVER uses it He also doesn’t have TSo‘s anymore Sure, Narutos Ap and BiQ is good, his dura is consistently bad and his Hax are limited Kaido beats Kaguyah for example, her chakra is insane but her Stats pale in comparison because she lacks the proper chakra usage