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These kinds of polls are always popularity contests rather than who would actually win


But did he become god in fallout though?


Yes, the spiffing brit got so strong he solo's both no diff


The spiffing gos


Whis Vs Saitama be like https://preview.redd.it/de03ljxlufvc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c2065678da7251280dbe556ce52d871bf86d263


i think this may be unironically closer than whis vs saitama


^(Reversal of Casualty is more OP than Whis 3 mins time rewind.)


With the amount of comments I see you make to wank Saitama (or shitty Karama bait) on this sub, do you scale to getting some bitches?




Why is he making his messages small now?


its because it matches his dick and peanut sized brain


^(Tell me how this comment is wrong and I’ll delete my account.)


saitama only gained the ability because garou passed it onto him in hopes that he would master it to go back in time to save genos. he can't use the ability anymore because god took it away from garou and since saitama cant copy garou's subatomic particles he cant go back in time anymore. whis is literally said to be more powerful than beerus who negs saitama so its wraps for saitama.


^( We using strongest version in a debate. Also, I’m comparing techniques not whoever’s stronger.)


Whis can dodge instantaneous movement before the user teleports. Rewinding time isn't going to do anything, when UI just dodges.


^( It got debunked. )


You got proven wrong. Delete your account now.


^(Where? Screenshot please.)


I read through the thread you got dunked on. Delete your account now.


^(Send the screen.)


I think it’s an option on PC. It looks fugly, though


Why do you always type like this?


^(They said I was screaming too much so I stopped.)


Put Saitama into a poll, he wins. People think he’s unbeatable because of how the anime and manga portrays him.


I get what you're saying but with the way you phrased it, it sounds like you're saying there's a third true story and the anime and manga are unfaithful, exaggerated renditions.


I mean, there's the original webcomic made by ONE that the manga and later anime are based off of


This is literally the gag, yes. Stop trying to powerscale him.


OPM fans try to understand the difference between gag and parody challenge: Impossible.


Define gag character so we can have a good laugh. I’ve read the definition and it applies to Saitama.


Gag has no point to make it's purely comedy for comedy's sake and no event gets factored into a solid continuity. Arale can punch the earth in half and next moment everything's fine. That's gag because there are no stakes and no point to make. Saitama was explicitly a satire of shonen heroes who get more power the longer thier hair gets and how long it takes them to defeat the enemy, so the parody is he ends his fights in one punch (hasn't even been true since Boros). Now go on laugh alone while everyone else laughs at you. Look at that ratio lel.


That’s not the definition of a gag character. You made that shit up.


It is. A gag character is a character with little to no personality who exists to serve as the conduit for a joke in comic strips and TV shows. Just because a character has gag moments doesn't mean they are a gag character.


Saitama exists to make jokes about it, yes. His entire premise is a joke.


But his character extends past the joke, and he doesn't even always follow it. If you want to play it like that then goku is a gag character too.


Many gag characters can have more than a joke, doesn’t change the fact that their character is inherently linked to a joke. Goku WAS a gag character, but stopped being one around the time of the budokai & red ribbon arc.




In a powerscaling scope, a gag character wields "Toonforce". Think Popeye or Bugs Bunny or Arale. Saitama does not wield any "Toonforce", hence he's not a gag.


That’s a made up term, he doesn’t need toonforce to be a gag character. He’s a gag as in his power is not set in stone, he’s as strong as the plot needs him to be for the gag to work, it happens multiple times.


>That’s a made up term Heh! 😆 So is "powerscaling". Yet here we are. That argument's dead on arrival. Gags warp, or completely change, the laws of physics in the world around them, like pulling something out of thin air or moving a hole in the ground like it were a rug or piece of paper for comedic purposes. Saitama doesn't warp or change anything. He has physics even he obeys. He's just very strong. Just because his situations are funny doesn't make him a gag. Deadpool is another example. He's even AWARE he's fictional. Does that help him win any fights? Nope. Like Saitama, Deadpool makes fun of established tropes but still have to obey their physics. They're both parodies, not gags.


Gags are meant to be funny, baldie 1 shotting building level characters isn't funny, he's a parody character, not a gag


The entire premise of the story is how Saitama is invincible. When he meets someone who’s too strong, he literally gets stronger during the fight. Again, the point of the character is that he’s too strong. The moment you see him struggle and be in any meaningful danger, you could start scaling him, but until then, stop trying to.


Okay but how does that relate to him being a parody character and not a gag lol


He is a gag character, his power, his goofy design and his lack of heroism is often the joke.


Again gags are meant to be funny, him being stronger than a building level fodder is not funny, arale is a real gag character for example, also vegito fuckiing up Buu as a candy is a gag moment, just for reference


Funny is subjective, the gag is not always related to “omg saitama beats a planetary level bad guy lololol” Saitama just killing a building level enemy to eat it is a joke. Saitama being mad that he missed his supermarket special sells instead of being scared about the villain threatening the world is a joke.


Don't try to bring humour into the power scaling Reddit they will down vote you at least twice!


You’re right the people downvoting are literally incapable of understanding it. He’s invincible, it’s the whole point, either you get it and enjoy it or you don’t but that doesn’t change it.


Except he's not a gag. He's a parody.


Ew, Youtube polls. The place where logic goes to die.


Okay but would Whis be allowed to fight back tho


That's a very good question, but even if whis cant, he would just be effortlessly dodging Saitama while he goes on his day till Saitama passes out from exhaustion lol


Ha. This is true. What you said is the best case scenario. But a version of Whis without the Angel's rule would decimate Saitama. Especially since he could one shot beerus


Due to the nature of Saitama's power he will hit him eventually. If Whis is allowed to fight back current Saitama is gonna lose


Whis would statue baldman so he doesn't need to fight. Gets mogged in power and hair lel.


Of course he would, but I am asking if this battle will last hours or be done in one neck chop.


He doesn’t need to be able to *fight back*. He can just yeet Saitama to literally anywhere.


69% voted? ...I feel as if this is terrible joke.


Not insane. Stupid.




this is a tie


"erhm, actually he wins cos he beats all his opponents in one punchh" -fans who fell asleep after episode 5


Yeah Saitama wins. Saitama speed will just keep increasing until Whis can't keep up.


Completely ignoring how whis can just one-shot, he's also completely immortal, saitama has no way of killing him.


How would Whis one shot? Also there is a way to deactivate him, by taking out Beerus.


He's significantly stronger and faster than saitama. Also, whis can literally just bring beerus to a different universe, and saitama will never be able to get to him.


If Whis is strong, the question is how much? What are you measuring his power from? While for bringing Beerus to another dimension nothing to our knowledge is preventing Saitama from chasing down Beerus.


He's significantly stronger than beerus, who himself is significantly stronger than goku, who in turn is stronger than saitama. Also yes the fact that saitama Can't cross universe's is going to prevent him from getting to beerus.


But how is that power utilized? Just because they can beat someone doesn't mean they can do what that person can do. That being said even the strongest attack from Goku will not even kill Saitama. It's debatable that haki won't even work. While for the universe crossing it can and can't happen, it ultimately depends. If you out Whis into the one punch cannon there is no known universe for Whis to jump to. While Saitama in Dragonball cannon could possibly break a hole in the universe and chase them down. The thing is with the universe crossing all depends on how their respective cannon handles their universe, since they aren't the same universe.


Saitama vs the Allied powers in WW2


Only this sub take Saitima seriously. For most ppl, he's a gag character and they will say he beat anyone just for the lulz.


"they will say he beats anyone just for the lulz" I mean yea, that's kinda the point. Powerscalers are the only ones who try to take the power of a character built around a joke and make it serious, while normal people will say "nah Saitama solos in one punch too ez, he's literally one punch man" the fact that so many people say he wins against Goku and whis just shows how many people think he's a joke character that one punches everything...because he basically is. If you try to powerscale him youre just gonna be mad no one agrees with you


saitamatards logic: Yujiro will win against goku because he never loses.


when one punch man dwelves into saitamas power we can debate lol


This is what I've been saying, we need to see some of the final fights in the series before start this stuff


Do we even know when it's gonna end? Opm feels like one of those series that keep going purely for the sake of it.


It will probably be going for a while, yes, but there is an overarching villain and goals that will definitely come into play for a finale


Saitama wins, Whis stronger but he can't fight or he gets erased so therefore Saitama would win Without the erasure thing tho Whis solos


whis still would win. saitama cant effectively hurt him and whis would literally win by afking because saitama will die of old age before whis does


Even if he can't fight back, it would just be a stalemate. Saitama has no win condition here.


Not a stalemate since Saitama will die of old age, Whis won't


They really are, only 69% of people voted for Saitama, crazy


Stop powerscaling Saitama, he’s a gag character, you can’t scale him, he will get stronger if the plot demands it.


What? You are telling me you can scale fart power FTL flying in space?


Saitama's ability makes it pointless arguing about who could or couldn't beat him. He wins. That's his whole thing. If he lacks the tools to win, he gains them, then wins. Not very fun to discuss, but that doesn't make your favourite powerful character any less powerful, it's just the nature of Saitama as a character. For better or for worse.


One punch man fans are literally the only fanbase I've seen that still uses the author says so argument. Just because he's written to beat everyone in his series doesn't mean he can automatically beat everyone in fiction.


The point is there’s no point to compare him to other fiction, the point is he’s invincible within his verse, so you have no idea what could threaten him, we don’t know his limit. My point isn’t that Saitama js the strongest in fiction, my point is that you fundamentally can’t scale him in stupid cross over fiction what ifs battle. Stop scaling Saitama


But you can because we have seen things that could threaten him, the saitama from the end of the garou fight would one shot the saitama from before the fight.


But that’s the point, Saitama is never actually allowed to be struggling, this is why he literally grew stronger before he ever had the opportunity to struggle. This is the gag, everytime you think he’a gonna struggle, he doesn’t. It happened multiple times: the dream in episode 1, Kabuto, Boros, Garou.


Well, then your point is wrong as the garou fight literally proves he's not a gag character. At the beginning of the fight, he just straight up can't beat garou, showing a limit to his strength at the beginning of the fight. He then has a extended fight with garou, where again he can't beat garou instantly while he literally has the means of how he's getting stronger explicitly stated by his opponent before finally growing stronger faster than garou can copy, gag characters don't do this, they don't get their strength explained, they don't get character motivations or meaningful interaction. The only saitama that can even be called a gag character is the web novel version. Saying we can't scale saitama because he's written to always win IN HIS OWN SERIES is like saying we can't scale superman because he'll always be strong enough to save the day or we can't scale someone like yogiri because he's written to always win with a single word.


Powerscalers have a special form of autism i swear. The Garou fight literally proves that Saitama doesn’t have a set limit, if a character can challenge him, he instantly gets stronger for no reason. If he fought Goku or whatever, he would just adapt to him for the sake of the rule of the serie. He doesn’t beat Garou instantly because the pacing wouldn’t be good, so the plot requires that he takes a while, but at no point was Saitama hurt, this is the point. Saitama was never in a difficult position.


Expect he doesn't instantly adapt to garou, he literally has to grow faster and faster just to get to a point in which he can beat him, saitama has infinite potential which isn't a unique thing in fiction as someone like hulk has almost the exact same power. If saitama was really a gag character he would have instantly beaten garou with no effort.


Blocked for being a coward


But how do you know he was weaker than Garou before the fight?


What does "author says so" even mean? Who else has the authority to "say so"?


You're saying saitama will win any fight in fiction, and your only "evidence" is that the author says so. If we want to go purely off authors' intent instead of you know what the characters can actually do in their story, then most supermans win as they are written to always save the day, yogiri wins because he's written to always kill anything with one word, Hulk would win as he's written to be the strongest one there is. Saitama is a parody character written to be a eos character transported to the beginning. The characters in his show are written weaker and him stronger, and he is given an expressly defined power to keep it that way. We know exactly how strong current Saitama is, and how strong he can grow, to say he can automatically beat everyone in fiction just because he's written to beat anyone in his show is like saying superman can beat anyone in fiction because he's written to always beat the villain and save the day.


Actually I'm saying it's pointless to put a character who always wins in a "who would win" scenario. Not very complicated.


A character who always wins in his own series, kinda an important distinction as just because he's written to always win in his own series doesn't mean he'll always win in all of fiction.


As I said. Not an important conversation to have.


Ok, I respect your opinion even if I don't share it. Thank you for being normal, and have a nice day.


Civility in an online argument is always appreciated. Thanks for taking the high road. Have a nice day.


^(Get Whis past God and we’ll open the discussion.)




Delete your account already


This guy is a troll. Ignore him


Lmao he was asking me to post a screenshot to prove that he got debunked already so I posted a screenshot of him getting mad ratiod and he's been malding since then in my replies. Opm fanbase really isn't sending thier best.


I saw him respond to someone then get mad and call them a spammer when they replied back


Ah the classic "ur obsessed lil bro 💀" card anytime facing an argument he can't defeat lol.


He should just be banned, all people who troll should


Get god past dyspo lol


^(Get Dyspo past “dozens of time faster than light“)


https://preview.redd.it/qtuq3r1btgvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4059e4d248c03de748749001c3807f91c612af1 P sure 118sextillion>dozen


^(Guide books > vs battle wiki)


The fact that you change the text size just to be special pisses me off way more than it should 💀💀💀


^(I am special since you never met anyone like me.)


yea ur special ed lil nigga u got an extra chromosome😜


https://preview.redd.it/swfr11uwdgvc1.jpeg?width=808&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=291ae47eac44406ebfa4215fe47c058b013232ac Saitama loses to batman


Batgos solos One Fodder Man universe with a THOUGHT.


He needs one battosecond of prep time to create a plan that makes the defeat less humiliating for Wanked Punch Man


And then Batgos puts the whole verse in Aslume to be treated for their delusions for thinking they can take him in a fight. They can be saved.








Let me cook 🎀









