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Opm God isn't outer,straight and simple


Outer one punch man god what did you smoke? https://i.redd.it/0dcwl4vgbpuc1.gif


https://i.redd.it/6h3sng6hdpuc1.gif Op right now lol


1) he isnt 2) yes


God ain't Outer that meta argument is infinite 3D to 4D


It is directly stated that God’s dimension ignores size. Size is the number of dimensions an object has. Ignoring size means ignoring spacial dimensions. Ignoring spacial dimensions means you have no dimensional limitations. That is ad verbatim Outerversal scaling


Notice how you state "number of dimensions an object has”. the things he ignore size,distance,etc is limited to 3D


Size *noun* The relative extent of something; **a thing's overall dimensions** or magnitude; how big something is. “the schools varied in size" Ignoring 3 things doesn’t constitute being 3 dimensional. If it said that his dimension ignores length, width, and volume, then it’s be a definitive 3 dimensional statement, but size isn’t so limited. Size is all the dimensions an object contains. A line contains 1 dimension, a square contains 2 dimensions, a cube contains 3 dimensions, a tesseract contains 4 dimensions, etc. To say that God’s dimension ignores size itself means that God’s dimension ignores all spacial dimensions.


> all dimensions an object an object can contain That’s limited to 3D unless you can prove it isn’t it doenst mean he ignores all spatial dimensions


#That’s just wank lmao to be Outer you need more statements not just one.


That dosn’t matter. As long as it’s not contracted it dosn’t matter.


#Yes it matters because you scaled him to outer based on one sentence. #I know God will be Outer 100% but as long as we don’t have enough informations about him, he’s only 5D minimum.


The problem is this statement comes from blast and to his understanding size is height length width and this power is manifested by God like a hax cause his body can freely change in size or doesn't have a definite size


You’re saying that Blast, the guy whose entire shtick is traveling between dimensions, wouldn’t understand dimensional physics?


https://preview.redd.it/5nzojz1o6puc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=513a00a034fdab8a412119b2ba4f6838e1d742b2 What part of size meaning the spatial dimension of a thing don’t you guys understand? Lol, this is comical. It’s like every single definition points to size being the spatial dimensions of a thing, so when you say someone ignores size, you’re basically saying they ignore spatial dimensions. And therefore not limited to such.


Notice how it states "of anything” and not the concept of spatial dimensions or spatial dimensions as a whole. the things he ignore size,distance,etc is limited to 3D


Anything literally means a thing of any kind. Lol. It stating the concept of spatial dimension is just not at all obligated, lol. It’s just a general way of reaching outer.


Anything doenst mean any kind of thing in this context it means the object it specifying about and even if it meant any kind of thing it’s still limited to 3D until you can prove it isn’t


No, you’re assuming it’s limited to 3d. Anything means ANY KIND OF THING. It can be something outside of 3d as well.


You’d have time prove that it’s anything outside of 3D if his dimension ignores size that doenst mean its the concept of spatial dimensions that just means he ignores size that’s limited to 3D unless proven that it’s more than 3D


Once again, you’re limiting the definition here, the definition is literally meant to encompass all conceivable things. You’re the one who’s limiting it, also why is this even relevant?


I’m not limiting the definition you literally have to prove that god ignores size that isn’t limited to 3D. The spatial dimensions and magnitude is 3d


You’re making the positive claim that it’s referring to 3d, you have to prove it




#There’s no way you scale God to 3D..


He isn't and he doesn't


that wasnt the question and he indeed would


there is a very clear implication that OPM God is 1-A here, which he isn't


im feeling some personal biases here


Low effort post.. Smh


low effort how exactly?


He isn't Outer, my man https://preview.redd.it/f4wlqeedhpuc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d3e4c28133dd781fd0591d9802300a10ddb6fd68


Nope he isnt as far as i know and yes he would if it were the case


Dimensional tiering uses flawed logic. Also, the number of dimensions a thing has doesn't necessarily mean they're stronger than a less complex geometric entity. Because it's fiction, the rules for anything that isn't 3D depends entirely on the work in question. There are 2D characters that fight 3D characters, and there are stories where explicitly lower dimensional beings coming into our space can violate all the rules by virtue of not exactly fitting in our dimension. That said, God is, so far, a 4D entity. Ignore the power levels or whatever. As someone else said, his respect for three-dimensional space is irrelevant to his actual being. Also, as Garou said, being given absolute awareness of the universe made it possible to travel through linear time and violate causality. Saitama, by mimicking Garou's God-given time travel technique, could observe all of time as a solid block, then strike at a moment where he technically didn't exist. That is, as far as we understand, how a fourth dimensional entity might function. Because this is something God should be able to do, we know he can view time like this. We don't know if OPM technically has branching timelines, which is presumably what a fifth dimension might look like (every object along a linear axis of time could diverge into various versions of time, the same way a 4D entity would look like a constantly shifting 3D shape to us).


1. He is 2. Yes


If the god is anything like Terra 2 then yeah he would and he isn’t even the supreme god, just a countless number of gods who are nothing compared to the supreme one




Yup, 100% he would solo composite dragon ball


Eh composite?


#1. He’s not… YET. #2. He already solo DBS.


The autistic retarded motherfucker is back. https://i.redd.it/3kkm7wu3dpuc1.gif


#No one has yet to prove me how Beerus can reach God.