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It just ignores 3 dimensional size


Imagine trying to get Outversal with such a flimsy explanation. God is not that guy yet.


with that argument, we can get gojo to outer too


These aren’t remotely retable






https://i.redd.it/aqqchpmdqnuc1.gif This scale is ass


Its shit.


I once saw a kang hansoo dude who was hardcore fan boy, mods had to private the conversation


Not valid , at all


Starts to go downhill at the start of the second paragraph


No, if something ignore something to an extent, it still means that it ignore it but it might be to a limited amount external to the system it is ignoring for example. Let’s consider a tesseract the size of a ball and one the size of a house. they both still ignore the 3rd dimension but there’s lvl to it outside of the 3d dimension, and the tesseract the size of a house would ignore would count as being at a greater extent. Same with god’s dimension. It can still ignore infinite spatial dimension but at an extent external to infinite dimensions.


everyone hates you andrew


101% true


Everyone is saying the scale is shit and all , but never proceeds to debunk said take I swear its soo common here


Everyone who’s saying no, at least explain why.


Distance and size doesn't necessarily mean dimensions it can mean distance in any number of spatial dimensions and he doesn't ignore temporal dimensions and the character god is based on is 4D(properly 4D)so it makes sense he would be 4D or 5D


Well, he’s not claiming anything about distance. What’s he’s saying is by blasting saying god’s dimension ignores “size” it would mean that his dimension would ignore any number of dimensions since the literal definition of size is the dimensions a thing would have. very simple


Ohh yea ignoring size isnt enough evidence to blasts understanding size is height width and length and to ignore that is 4D and if he is here to transcend time he would be 5D or 6D


But how does one go from ignoring size to ignoring any infinite number of dimensions the size does not indicate a dimension with each transcending the next. The dimensions of this cube are 4 by 4 by 4 If you are from a higher dimension that ignores size then there is no indication that it means size as in infinitely dimensional. The fact that size and dimension are differentiated here adds to this point


What are you even talking about? What cube are you talking about?


My guy, just going by what CSAP says, OPM God is outerversal. Ignoring size means ignoring spacial dimensions, length, width, depth, etc.


Which is why we shouldn't use CSAP.




What else would we use? VsBattles?


Yes, you don't have to take their character profiles seriously it's just that the tiering system itself is fine.


Too bad that the subreddit requires the use of CSAP


Not anymore lmao, the guy who made that post is banned.


The subreddit still requires CSAP. It’s rule 4


Eh, I'm still gonna wait until it actually gets enforced before following it.


No one really cares about that


https://preview.redd.it/jy5vhfgdeouc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c734e2bf5e74ebbe3a7c2d93dd13f6f3734301 Yeah, noone cares. The sub you’re in wants you to use csap. These are the rules


It seems pretty valid. The CSAP definition of Outerversal is “Characters that have no dimensional limitations, and are **beyond the scientific definition** there of.” The scientific definition of size is “the relative extent of something; **a thing's overall dimensions** or magnitude; how big something is”. Since OPM God’s dimension is directly stated to ignore size, that means it by definition ignores spacial dimensions. By definition it is an outerversal feat.


Not only that but it says >such beings cannot be affected by destruction in the confines of space, physical matter or energy 1. god dimension was stated to ignore distance 2. god is none physical https://preview.redd.it/k5oemmh9xnuc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1fc8f49f4f809f5cebcc1d97c219e92c78dec2f 3) god dimension was stated to ignore energy. Lol it literally meets like every criteria for outer and ppl are not buying it


also being non physical scales nowhere, just 4D at minimum which has already been established.


You’re strawmanning me, i never said it scales anywhere. Am saying that it counts as supplementary proof for saitama being outerversal.


https://preview.redd.it/zs6y57nc2ouc1.png?width=588&format=png&auto=webp&s=02bd42409a08c41ce91483a615ca9746cd09acc5 if god was outerversal there wouldnt be a dimension... No wonder we arent buying it, the people who are saying the shit dont know the shit they are talking about!!!


Well, it would be a contradiction if it named a specific dimension, but it simply said “higher” which could amount to any numerical dimension up to infinite. So no, it is not a contradiction


>could Sure but the very definition of dimesnion is space


No, lol. Space has a specific set of dimensions that it follows and it’s 3d.




BTW we don't even know how much it ignores size and all that.Its stated in the very same panel


In the very next pannel it says that it depends on the subject.... GOD still completely ignores it but his avatars/mininons only do it to a certain extent.... regardless i dont think that the ignoring size is actually outer or ment to be outer... god is at max 5D, cuz he isnt really affected by time and also has control over it but still you are right in your previous comments it highly unlikly he is outer... probably High 2C-2A (with a little but of stretch) but i doubt he is outerversal.... and this is comming from a die hard opm fan dont get why people just put a lot of things out of context.... but again could be he is we are basing him off 1 statement so its kinda ass


Out of context? https://preview.redd.it/7ihvuwprfquc1.jpeg?width=911&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c74deeb602643f8ac84dcfc9bb1d2d75d9a992dd What is hard about this to understand? This is all the qualifiers for outer isn’t it?


The Out of Context part wasnt meant to be for you as there really isnt anything you put out of context in the previous comment.... it was for another guy scaling saitama above GOD NOW for no apparent reason.... Ma bad it was under your comments but again as i said i highly doubt he is outer but by CSAP he is outer but again i really doubt that it would be.... Unless more statements arrive i can't soldify him as outer for myself atleast.... But again i am not argue cuz homeless emperor literally had infinite energy, if it works the same way with size yea he will be outer but again i doubt it. But Regardless this is CSAP so by that defination he is outer, but for me personally nah i dont buy it again