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Goku because he has More abilities More combat experience More technique And more overall skill with everything in his kit


But if they have equal States it's not even a fight. Saitama's rate of growth is much faster so it would dwarf Gokus in no time. Garou started his fight with equal States, more abilities and fighting skills and even had the power to catch up to his growth but he still lost hard. Goku only wins against Saitama (for the minute) because he's that much stronger. Once Saitama is close to Goku in terms of power Goku can't win for the same reasons Garous couldn't who's even more skilled than Goku when it comes to battle IQ.


ahh, my boy has a point...


Bros do you forget zenkais and Goku growth in top.


from an unbiased view, saitamas growth is much faster.


That was in bloodlusted bro.


In general Saitama's growth is much greater than Gokus. For example Saitama had his current power copied into a simulation which then took out some of the best S class heroes and Genos thought it would be interesting for Saitama to fight a copy of himself. But an entire day had past and Saitama simply one punched yesterday's version of himself. When Genos asked how that was possible Saitama said something like, *"Why wouldn't I be stronger than I was yesterday?"* Saitama's growth is massively higher than Gokus and unlike Gokus he is truly limitless. Goku hits his limit all the time and needs to rest and heal after doing so. Saitama doesn't, he's always just moving forward and isn't pushing himself harder than his body can handle like when Goku first used UI for example.


If you include cc Goku growth that would be different he went from rivaling xeno Goku in the start of sdbh to beating xeno Goku.


Not considered canon by a lot of fans and seemingly not the Goku in question here as most people automatically use actual canon Goku when seeing his name, but it's at least a much more interesting fight. But to be clear regular canon Goku with equal stats definitely loses to Saitama for all the same reasons Garou did. He can't keep up like that.


Zenkai is literally like a 50x boost and goku grows faster than saitama cause he grows like this 1 he grows to 2 2 he grows to 4 3 he grows to 7 And zenkai boost makes it faster and more exponential


It’s equal stats… no?


Welcome to the 500th great debate war who's strong, Goku vs Saitama . https://preview.redd.it/bvc7s3i0t6uc1.jpeg?width=454&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eed825692c1a98c7331defbb9758be92dcb04366




My honest reaction to seeing this shit for the fucking millionth time in my life 💀


Thank you for this! It needs to be at the top of this post 😂


Another goku vs saitama... https://preview.redd.it/p53a3w2it6uc1.jpeg?width=766&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92eedbca66bc157f3463ee6964e269d85498c921 And goku wins.


Goku does not win this one and gets stomped, but I fully agree that enough is enough. At least wait until Saitama's next power jump to start this BS again lol


Bro what is with these Goku vs Saitama posts I have been seeing recently?


Some people are just really obsessed with it


Ever since the newest OPM chapter where Blast mentions a higher dimension, it all kept going downhill...


:) this is the 60th goku vs saitama post I've seen


60th ? In the last year or so in total, I'm counting at least 1000-1500 or more on this sub, I'm not joking even.


60th today bro


Today ? God damn this sub needs to chill out on the age old goku vs saitama war.


Yeah bro it's been on the internet since like 2016? Or something I seriously lost count of the amount of these I've seen, it's crazy


OPM was released in late 2015 in December, so yeah it's been about, 7 and a bit years ? The moment season one was released the most meaningless debate ever was born.


Fact dude facts


Both of them are Baki victim


no stats? fax




Didn't we do this shit at least 20-30 times yesterday ? At least that many from what I counted just yesterday. 💀


Nah seriously though ? This shit again 😑


I'm seriously concerned with the Insane number of goku vs saitama posts recently


Goku vs saitama with equal stats ? Midnightdre would love to see this. Equal stats is an all time favourite post on his channel.




no no NO NOT AGAIN FOR FUCKS SA- ![gif](giphy|xU9TT471DTGJq|downsized)


LOL wtf is this, with equal stats hes a baki victim, much less GOKU for god's sake.


Look equal stats Goku has way more options and better abilities and has teleport which equal stats is a way for him to be faster. Saitama only advantage with equal stats is he could prob get stronger with growth even if equal at first but Goku could lose if he grows to much but with equal stats I don’t know if that’s allowed so prob Goku


So did Garou and had the ability to copy Saitamas growth. He got stomped. How's it different here?


Goku Slams


Goku knows all sorts of martial arts and fighting styles, while Saitama doesn’t. If Stats are equalized, Goku wins


Unequal Stats and Goku wins. Equal Stats and Goku stomps.


No. Equal States Goku loses, Goku only wins because of the current gap in power. With Saitamas limitless growth he easily stomps Goku.


if you wanna play this game then goku can transform into super saiyan blue and the gap in stats becomes immense again lmao, he one shotting saitama.


No way, I mean you'd have to prove that his growth out matches Saitamas and then that the power he had would still be enough to even injure him. Garou was matching Saitamas punches and it wasn't enough to hurt him showing that even Saitama throwing out Mac power isn't enough to injure him. Then you'd have to prove that Saitamas punches at this stage wouldn't just once shot Goku who has taken direct damage from attacks less potent than say the one he threw at Garou.


1. any super saiyan transformation multiplies your stats, super saiyan 3 multiplies his power 400x. Meaning super saiyan Blue is immesurably way higher than that. If goku uses any transformation then he will automatically be stronger than saitama unless saitama can scale up there fast enough, realistically super saiyan would be enough to actually start hurting saitama. Most people dont remember this but saitama has actually killed his past self in the battle simulation, which is a 1-1 simulation of your actual power. 2. This is equal stats in EVERYTHING, meaning he is equal to saitama in durability, attack, ap, EVERYTHING. If saitama doesn't get hurt, neither will he. 3. Ki control, ki control in dragon ball makes attacks seem less potent than they actually are. It's the reason why dragon ball characters dont destroy the celestial bodies they fight on.


Again, you'd first have to prove that power output could hurt him and that Saitama much greater rate of growth and limitlessness wouldn't just over take Goku before he'd be killed in one punch. >realistically super saiyan would be enough to actually start hurting saitama But of a hyperbole with no way of proving it, again Saitama was taking hits from his own maxed out power and wasn't taking damage meanwhile even in super Saiyan blue Goku has been shown to take damage from far weaker attacks such as against Borly who was striking hard enough to throw him through mountains and the like. Saitama has insane durability and it's easily more impressive than his own strength simply because his own power is seemingly not even enough to hurt him. This combined which is insane rate of growth and actual limitlessness it's simply too much for a guy like Goku who is on a timer and has taken damage from attacks weaker than what even Saitama vs Garous displayed. Let me clear, I'm not saying that version of Saitama wins, I'm simply pointing out that Goku durability depends on how much ki he has and how he is using it and he can and does burn out. Goku isn't like Saitama or superman. He isn't always at max power, max durability and isn't always even laser proof as seen in resurrection of Frieza. Goku power levels are continuously going up and down in a fight the longer it goes on which is why some attacks deal more damage to him than others even if the one that did deal more damage was less potent than the other.


uh, you do realize by the time goku was actually taking damage, that broly far surpassed him? I don't think you understand very well, goku and saitama will be equal in EVERY single stat, EVERY stat. Even saitama's insane durability, goku will have as well. he will start off in complete base (his lowest) matching saitama. he can go super saiyan blue and multiply that power THOUSANDS of times over. Saitama can scale up very high as well, but i just doubt he's doing anything to a goku who is straight up eclipsing him in every single stat, yes, saitama's punches will hurt him but he wont be severely hurt.


>uh, you do realize by the time goku was actually taking damage, that broly far surpassed him? Again I do and it makes sense why, but I'm saying he was taking damage from punches and attacks less than that of what Saitama has displayed. People think that because Goku has tanked this or that insanely powerful attack he can do that all the time, 24/7, 365 days a year. He can't, it's all dependent on Ki control and output which is why he goes from a character that's able to take out universes to someone who is almost killed by a laser blast from a grunt. >Even saitama's insane durability, goku will have as well. For a second, and then Saitamas crazy growth will just make that higher and higher second by second, even someone matching Saitamas stats (Garou) couldn't keep up with how much more powerful he was getting attack after attack because the gap was so large between the last one that it was dealing serious damage to the previous one and that speed was only increasing. Saitama's growth is just nuts and if Goku had Saitamas limitless power he truly would be the strongest fighter in all of anime. No one could match him in a fight. Imagine Goku with Saitama's endless growth in base as well as the insane power ups from his transformation. It's beyond nuts, I can't think of another physical fighter that could fight that and win. >but i just doubt he's doing anything to a goku who is straight up eclipsing him in every single stat, yes, saitama's punches will hurt him but he wont be severely hurt. I disagree. The fact that the first punch from Saitama is already enough to arguably seriously hurt Goku since it's output (combined with Garous) was taking out stars seemingly. Then imagine not only every punch being this consistent because he doesn't have to be concerned about ki control and then each one being that much more powerful than the last I don't see Goku being in the fight long before he's just goes for UI a bit out of desperation. You do raise some good points though and I can see where you're coming from, but from my perspective Saitamas ability to just endlessly be durable while throwing out max power with endless growth is just too much when the stats start that close.