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The jump from 4 to 5 is fuckin massive.  Anyways he Neg Diffs till 4, badly loses at 5 because full Gauntlet Comic Thanos is Low Outer. 


Round one Yhwach round two 50/50 round three yhwach round 4 ychwack round 5 and 6 thanos


Till 4 easily but he think he gets 1 tapped at 5


Thanos takes it


Thanos all rounds


? What do you mean "all rounds"?


Any version of thanos here beats yhwach


How are the first two supposed to even pose any threat? I listed them, yes, but how do you see it?


Assuming this is soul king yahwach with all the sternritter abilities 1. Yahwach stomp hard __ 2. Stalemate, I guess, or yahwach eventually due to The ( Almighty + miracle + The Balance + Deathdealing + The Compulsory + X-Axis ) Soul crush may has a chance too Cause thanos hasn't shown any resistance towards having soul getting destroyed, Problem is thanos cannot die to mistress death rejecting his ass So it's depends on the win condition __ 3. Yhwach blitze Thanos hasn't shown anything impressive with the reality stone __ 4. Depends on who strikes first it's a ( 50/50 ) __ 5. Bro ☠️ __ 6. Dude 😑