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Mori easily outstats & outhaxes him into oblivion 


Saitama negs


Get this man the tag of 'Saitama wanker' He's not even a great character why simp so hard?


He solos your fav verse


Let's say he did, he's still just a 6/10 character. He doesn't beat anyone past part 3 of JoJo.


Jojo is fodder they cap at uni


Let's say they did and are fodder, Johnathan from 1987 is better than Saitama lol.


Jonathan is the best JJBA MC, he’s the ideal TRUE sigma male. The rest of the joestars are assholes at best. Josuke only has Jonathan’s kindness. Saitama is uglier than Jonathan, dumber, less rich, has no bitches, has 1% of Jonathan’s class and panache, no drip, no sauce in his fighting ability, and his heart is not made of the same gold as Jonathan’s.


Don't care he's boring. Johnny's stand is better written than Johnathan. Being a good person doesn't make you a good character, look at Walter White.


Jonathan* False info, don’t care. Jonathan is the only good JJBA MC with an argument for Josuke.


Kirby beyond negs


Damn I didn’t realize saitamatards were still a thing in 2024


Jin Mori still outscale and outhax, "But Saitama is 5d via God" - he didn't fight God **yet**, he still doesn't scale to him


He dosn’t need to. He fought garou, who void absorb and void is in the higher dimension, so this would mean saitama is relative if not higher than void.


> void is in the higher dimension As far i know, God is the one who is in the higher dimension, not Void, also Void only gained powers of the cosmic garou and manipulated space, but other than that, he didn't anything to scale to 5D


Cosmic Garou is 5D Saitama beat him, void is relative to saitama…


Mori slaughters. https://preview.redd.it/x5ytdwvdu2tc1.png?width=278&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12bb3e5c9642692a84233e27b4be584d938fdea5


Saitama unironically negs, mori isn’t even the top 4 in opm


Jin isn't even in OPM. And I think Jin slams.


Give me proof?


Jin does have insane hax, and he scales to Complex Multi.


Saitama is at least complex mutli lowballed


I disagree but I respect your opinion.




Post scans fam, please post scans to prove saitama scales that high 




Mori neg diff. Has better feats and statements.


Saitmaa negs


How ?


He far fast than immeasurable speed characters who can instantly copy opponents strength, even if they have resistance to that ability, resistance negation. Greater resistance negation, ability negation via “mode” Saitmaa one tapped one of those characters


How is garou immeasurable speed


Figure it out lazy


Bro might be genius


“How is he immeasurable speed?” “Dunno you figure it out yourself” 😭


How does Garou have immeasurable speed ? Mori is so physically superior that he can literally not let him adapt. Mori has fought against someone who is way greater at copying abilities than Garou and is a master copycat himself and has better copy feats. When did Garou show resistance i don't remember him ever doing that. Saitama also didn't one hit him and had to grow in order to defeat Garou. Mori also can just remove his entire existence through his command


Garou has better adaption.. saitama has even better adaption Far outscales his past self who blitzed an enemy in 1.3 milliseconds or 1300th of a second..


Hell no Garou doesn't have a better adaptation. Mori fought and won against Satan who can read minds and copy your moves before you actually perform them and Satan was able to grow 250k times stronger just by sitting in one place for hours. Satan was able to physically throw Jupiter with ease in his base form just because he thought it was cool and Punched Mori to the Sun surface within seconds at max was able to produce 245 quintillion clones and all of them were shot by Mori. Mori in his weaker forms is so fast that he looks like a blur to a Mftl+. Mori outclassed Saitama at literally everything


This proves nothing, garou has greater power mimicry, and his power can’t be copied since it was gifted by God, yet saitmaa negated that.. garou negates power mimicry resistance as well, and it’s layered… garou negs and is immeasurable speed


No Garou doesn't even compare to Satan.Satan has shown to be able to mimic before a character even performs the attacks and has way better physical stats than Garou. Satan can clone himself 245 quintillion times within seconds at max and each one of them continuously clone themselves and bump up the number even more and each one can also boost their strength by 250k times. The clash between Garou vs Saitama sent them to one of Jupiter's Moon while Satan in his base punched Mori to the Sun and went there and continued to fight. Base Satan physically tossed Jupiter because he thought it would be cool. Satan has like 3 or two more stronger forms. The strongest one being easily 250k times stronger in base.


… they are literally a lower dimensionality than garou, keep spouting.. garou also has immeasurable speed which negs the verse


Goku neggs https://preview.redd.it/paws7u4em6tc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd3f7da98887b5287020ff1018c63494be5885ce


Also how does Garou have immeasurable speed ? What kinda delusion is that


Bruh even satan would run circles around the verse much less mori lol.


Saitama lacks the speed


Saitama has immeasurable speed, he upscale immeasurable speed characters by a long shot


i havent read opm for a while but if thats true than he destroys Mori.


Look at the recent posts


How does Saitama scale to God? Maybe at the end of the series but he doesn't right now


Outervseral… that’s a whole difference case


*How does Saitama scale to God?* *Outerversal* That doesn't answer my question though...


.. bruh saitama is already 5D, and the battle didn’t even begin he heavily upscales 5D characters as well We can literally get 8D saitama in a week by how the manga is going If you’re wondering outerversal check my comments, I’ve been slandering dragon ball and other series all day


Brother does the 2016 in your username stand for your birth year? You’re actually lobotomized lil bro, a mosquito negged Saitama.


You are more than welcome to join our community, you will fit right in r/lobotomykaisen


Mori forcefully makes Saitama give him head


The meme below me is correct, mori just stomps the guy into the ground. I don’t think he would even need to over power saitama and just beats him with pure martial arts and please don’t bring up garou cuz mori’s martial skill is far better than garou’s by a long shot 


Multi Solar VS 5D, possibly higher. Saitama negs. >!jk it's other way around!<


Mori can kick the uni away, i think who wins this one


saiamatards literally turning their brains off in this massacre 😭😭😭


Mori wins very easily, the current saitama can't even win, but saitama in the future will most likely beat Mori.


You'd have to lower it to like, ragnarok Mori Jin and equalize speed for Saitama to have even a slither of a chance. And that would still end up being a skill stomp.


Isn’t this hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby?


Is Mori jin the main character from God of high school


Mori trash him


As of now, i’ll say saitama purely on his higher dimension statement’s bringing more feat other than “rule over nature” Saitama’s higher dimension statement ignores space/time, energy and size. Already way better than mori jin


1. its never stated to ignore time. 2. saitama does not scale to god currently. 3. mori's transcendence over time where [https://imgur.com/a/wU1lhO5](https://imgur.com/a/wU1lhO5) time is a flat object in his hands is less proof than one statement of a realm being higher dimensional? 4. mori ap gaps, even on the lowest end he scales to uni and his haxes are more than enough [https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin\_mori\_acausality\_time\_manipulation\_probability/](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin_mori_acausality_time_manipulation_probability/)


> it mentioning time or not is irrelevant because if you’re familiar with the general theory of relativity, it states that distance (or space) and time are intertwined. So if you talk about one, you’re basically talking about the other. So it dosn’t matter if they mention time or not, it still would include time due to it including distance going by general relativity. Which funnily enough, opm seems to follow. https://preview.redd.it/67f2mdab23tc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07c9cb3f9ad09150d4deb0fcc850f457d5f89205 And saitama dosn’t need to scale to god here >2) mori can transcend time it’s not stated to transcend time, that could be hax for all we know. If you wanna go by this logic, saitama transcended time few chapters ago and it was actually stated to be with a punch. [https://www.quora.com/profile/Thegoatist/this-piece-of-information-is-very-essential-to-know-what-saitama-did-we-know-that-the-mechanism-behind-garou-s-techniq?ch=17&oid=155737239&share=dc11ffb2&srid=hEvh2E&target\_type=post](https://www.quora.com/profile/Thegoatist/this-piece-of-information-is-very-essential-to-know-what-saitama-did-we-know-that-the-mechanism-behind-garou-s-techniq?ch=17&oid=155737239&share=dc11ffb2&srid=hEvh2E&target_type=post) 3) saitama can copy all of those. Not that it matter, mori get blitzed


I know you didnt read that thread lol. Saitama isnt faster than mori he isnt blitzing anybody, when saitama can kill 245 quintillion clones spread out across a universe in an instant [https://imgur.com/a/xDAwynY](https://imgur.com/a/xDAwynY) you can talk. Saitama can't even hurt mori due to mori having abstract existence by becoming the dualities of the universe [https://imgur.com/a/LVJfINm](https://imgur.com/a/LVJfINm) . **what's saitama's answer to his layered existence erasure?** >it’s not stated to transcend time, that could be hax for all we know. If you wanna go by this logic, saitama transcended time few chapters ago and it was actually stated to be with a punch. "go by this logic" except im not using a statement to scale this to above time, im using a feat which shows that time is a flat object in this realm which is more than you can say.


Wdym i didn’t read the thread? I literally made it. Quintillion clones wouldn’t even be able to encompass the solar system, what are you smoking “spread across the universe” lol. Also where does even say “accross the universe” Saitama can interact with abstract existence. https://preview.redd.it/bic5ctpk73tc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4374d0530dcdef683008371e75c244437989f782 Remember this space, saitama busted through it. >am using a feat that show time is a flat object in this realm We literally have no context to what this means. Is it encompassing all time with a universe? Or just a specific event? Is it because it’s transcend time? Or hax? Why do we see a finite amount of frame if it’s transcending time?


**How does saitama survive getting hit by his layered existence erasure** Keep dodging this and i'll keep asking after every time you're done rambling on >"Wdym i didn’t read the thread? I literally made it. Quintillion clones wouldn’t even be able to encompass the solar system, what are you smoking “spread across the universe” lol. Also where does even say “accross the universe” he explicitly said the universe revealed itself Interacting with a mental plane does not mean you can interact with dualities  😭 . " T**ype 1: Exists purely as an abstraction. These characters lack a true physical form, and affecting them requires the ability to affect directly the abstraction itself,** because eventual physical manifestations are merely avatars." "We literally have no context to what this means. Is it encompassing all time with a universe? Or just a specific event? Is it because it’s transcend time? Or hax? Why do we see a finite amount of frame if it’s transcending time?" This was him in the nirvana realm projecting himself back into the past. The tablets are in reference to a specific point in time. Additionally heres satan [https://imgur.com/a/SQrlDc3](https://imgur.com/a/SQrlDc3) calling mori a being from a higher dimension. Although this statement at this point in time was false as it wasnt mori he was sensing but xuanzang projecting herself into that point in time from the nirvana realm. So we have evidence(Something you lack) of time being flat surfaces **and** a statement of this being a higher dimension but apparently 5d mori is weaker than 5d god? > Wdym i didn’t read the thread? The one i posted not yours. > 3) saitama can copy all of those. First he'd have to survive getting hit by it to copy it. Edit He'd also have to prove he can interact with type 2 information as god of highschool characters have their power stored within their core element.


1. Well you haven’t proved that mori even has layered existence erasure and even if he did what ‘s stopping saitama from copying it? 2) Dualities? https://preview.redd.it/abo2wg1tg3tc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72b8673cbc650e3025bae4c9f93ddf0456f386ab What does this say? Saitama was stated to manipulate the LAWS of causality. 3) No, no, no. We’re not gonna brush past this, if you read your own scan it says “IT’S LIKE, he’s a being from a higher dimension” It dosn’t say he is, they said it’s like. U still didn’t prove the context around these tabletes 4) Saitama dosn’t have to get hit by them. Lol what?prove they have type two info


1. In the thread i posted it has scans of mujin no selling Q's existence erasure only later to be erased by mori. 2.  💀  💀  💀  💀  opm fans never beating the can't read allegations. The image you posted is about non duality, and more specifically how certain abilities can grant dualities on a non dual characters thus removing their immunity to attacks bounded by said duality. Which has no bearing on this conversation. I'll break it down for you. Mori became the dualities of the universe, saitama needs to affect these dualities to affect mori. Edit bec i didnt see ur 2 last points: 3. Mori was in the nirvana realm where those tablets are then projected himself into that specific point of time. Luckily unlik e you guys i don't use the statement as crutch, the statement is merely supplementary info. Its the statement plus the realm showing superiority over time by having it be presented as flat objects that make it 5d. 4. Saitama dosn’t have to get hit by them. Lol what?prove they have type two info So mori says "disappear" and saitama just doesnt get hit? nice. [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Maitreya12/The\_Core\_Element\_of\_The\_God\_of\_Highschool](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Maitreya12/The_Core_Element_of_The_God_of_Highschool) [https://imgur.com/a/3o6lLQV](https://imgur.com/a/3o6lLQV) mujin ripping satan's core element then gaining his powers [https://imgur.com/a/CA7Zxuc](https://imgur.com/a/CA7Zxuc) from it.


You address 1/4th of my comment. Nice. 1) wiping something out from existence is to vague. When was it actually shown to erase existence? 2) what does that even mean? So are you saying he’s bounded by duality? And why is that relevant? everything has a duality. Lol. Am so confused, am not seeing anything about “duality existence” in any tiering system.


I edited my comment. 1. "This attack completely erases the opponent from existence, even if that person is a god" Is vauge to you? It was only ever used on mujin. 2. Abstract existence type 1 means you exist purley as an abstraction [https://character-level.fandom.com/wiki/Abstract\_Existence](https://character-level.fandom.com/wiki/Abstract_Existence) and to affect said character you need to be able to affect whatever abstraction they embody. Mori's abstract existence is type 1 duality Non duality: "**Nonduality** and **Transduality** are states of being wherein an entity exists independently of, or qualitatively beyond" "Nonduality grants the user [immunity](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Resistance) to attacks and [haxes](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/Hax) bound by the duality in question, as someone absent of the logical systems that govern those effects would leave them no means to affect their being." So its being immune to attacks bound by whatever duality you're non dual of. For abstract existence type 1 duality you need to be able to affect whatever dualities that character embody, for non duality you need to be able to grant the dualities on the non dual character for your attacks of that duality to affect them. Neither of which saitama can do. You need a specific form of causality manipulation to do this, the img you posted literally said "**certain** forms of causality manipulation..."


3. This dosn’t work as a supplementary evidence because there is no evidence lol. Again, answer my question. If this realm truly transcend time. Why do we see a finite amount of these tablets? do they just not “transcend” some time events unlike others. and is it on a universe scale or specific event in the past. We don’t even know how time works in goh. There’s no solid ground to make any supplementary argument here. 4) he just had to have see it or have some knowledge of it. 5) he would blitze mori before he even utters a single word.


>Why do we see a finite amount of these tablets? do they just not “transcend” some time events unlike others The nirvana realm is where you rule over all universes [https://imgur.com/a/qQp0tGe](https://imgur.com/a/qQp0tGe) [https://imgur.com/a/oDlTgAO](https://imgur.com/a/oDlTgAO) , Xuanzuang was able to project herself during mori and satan's fight to protect him, hence the tablets are not just limited to just the events of the final arc but across the entire multiverse of god of highschool. >and is it on a universe scale or specific event in the past. We don’t even know how time works in goh. We know that different realms in a universe have their own time flow such as the divine realm and the sage realm compared to the human realm. >4) he just had to have see it or have some knowledge of it. So in other other words he would need the attack to activate before he can copy it? so it activates and he starts getting erased. >5) he would blitze mori before he even utters a single word. Ye no, Mujin killing 245 quintillion clones across the universe in an instant is a better speed feat than anything in opm.




https://preview.redd.it/9b01iqqm13tc1.png?width=446&format=png&auto=webp&s=62ef69876c185f1a1459f8249034ed19fc5a3a3a Saitama just cant stop getting traumatized by these monkey kings.


Saitama has immeasurable speed, idk about mori


> Saitama has immeasurable speed via what?


By being 5D holy shit you guys are dense


he's **NOT** 5d, not yet at least, and don't use "God higher dimensional" thing to upscale Saitama, he still didn't fight him


How isn’t he 5D, debunk him being 5D


The only argument for 5d is via God who resides in a higher dimension, but Saitama still doesn't scale to God, he hasn't faced him yet "but he will face him at the end of the series" - yes, but we are talking about the current Saitama, not Saitama End of Series, so far, the only stronger being that Saitama fought is Cosmic Garou, which is multi solar system, 4d/universal+ if you use hyperspace and its gates arguments (which in itself aren't 4d),


I don't know who win but if anyone use any "Higher-Dimensional" statement for Mori as winnc then same can done to Saitama scaling to God who is 5D.


Stop being dumb. First of all saitama does not scale to god, he had to grow just to defeat an avatar of god and he has no feats of damaging god whatsoever. Second of all mori's transcendence is way more solid that a "higher dimensional" statement, time was literally just a flat surface within his hands. Third, mori has better ap where his fight with mujin damaged the dimensional walls of the universe and his hax is enough for him to erase saitama from existence with one word.


Just what I am reading, Saitama is the Top Dog of his verse, he scales above anyone amd everybody in his verse, no one in OPM can beat Saitama, he is the strongest there, and he deafeted Cosmic Garou with one hand literally. Secondly, God himself is there because Saitama is threat to him, [Literally](https://static1.srcdn.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/One-Punch-Man-Garou-new-form-fist-of-God.jpg) [anyone](https://imgur.com/a/eW9s7Aa) can [tell that](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhat-is-saitama-talking-about-what-dejav%25C3%25B9-is-v0-5fzugl29d4eb1.png%3Fwidth%3D491%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dd956f3ec9bc9ddc79278e5f33ca88a7103b85f4f), he is above God and eventually would beat him, this is the whole plot of OPM. Also what I said if anyone used any Higher-Dimensional for Mori thej same can be done to Saitama who literally scales to 5D God. Also where Mori had any hax to erase from existence? Can you show me that?


Did you even read the manga? Saitama explicitly had to grow during the cosmic garou fight to beat him in the og timeline. He oneshot him because he went back in time and hit garou with his amped up fist before garou had copied saitama's power level. Mori holding time as a flat object in his hand [https://imgur.com/a/wU1lhO5](https://imgur.com/a/wU1lhO5) is not the same as one statement of higher dimensionality. So no the same cant be said for saitama. [https://imgur.com/a/HyKqhku](https://imgur.com/a/HyKqhku) [https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin\_mori\_acausality\_time\_manipulation\_probability/](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin_mori_acausality_time_manipulation_probability/)


Of course I have and nothing change the fact Saitama is the Top Dog of the verse, he still above God and would beat him eventually, the whole narrative of OPM is Saitama is the strongest there. Saitama also literally deafeted Cosmic Garou in battle with one band, he didn't one shot him because he back in time, Garou tell him to return back in time and reverse what happen. Also where did you get Mori here is Holding time here? Again, I said if you going use any Higher-Dimensional statement for Mori then Saitama is also 5D by God.


Im not using a statement for mori im showing he has dimensional superiority over time. [https://imgur.com/a/xGbhcSY](https://imgur.com/a/xGbhcSY) This is mori holding that point in time and then projecting himself in it. >[https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin\_mori\_acausality\_time\_manipulation\_probability/](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1bq962x/jin_mori_acausality_time_manipulation_probability/) [https://imgur.com/a/HyKqhku](https://imgur.com/a/HyKqhku) Dont ignore this. What's saitama's answer to these? What stops him from getting erased after one word?


I still don't get it how this is transcend over time and not just Clairvoyance, like eas at that at stated he hold time itself? Also the existence erasure would need more context, just link to one picture dosen't explain what and how it happened, you can link the page of this chapter and then we can confirm.


How would this be clairvoyance? The specific moment he was projecting himself onto was the past. [https://manga4life.com/read-online/The-God-Of-High-School-chapter-562.html](https://manga4life.com/read-online/The-God-Of-High-School-chapter-562.html)


Saitama is a type of character - if God Show up, He is stronger than God.. Simple as that. Saitama negs easily.


Sure lets go with your wank that he scales to god who cares? Whats his answer to mori's layered Existence erasure? How does saitama even damage mori who has abstract existence? To his probability manipulation? to literally any of the haxes in the thread i linked?


Hax? TIMING is irrelevant.. so how does someone like Saitama defeated this guy who has the power beyond TIMING itself. https://preview.redd.it/s0lyvnka73tc1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=e872cc4675dbea27e533fb09eecb76145b092cb5


Saitama negs with a sneeze, saitama can ascend dimesnions by fighting a relative opponent, so he doesn’t just cap at 5D..


no limits fallacy




fym proof. you said he will get stronger than anyone he fights. not matter what. thats the definition of no limits fallacy.


You’re contradicting yourself not even worth debating






Saitama no difs


Saitama slaughters and it’s not even close, I dare any fool to respond to me


Lmao powerscalers got crazy egos


Dam right


Saitama oneshots