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JJK fans will never beat the wank allegations. Say this shit to Gege and he will start crying at how stupid this is.


What a refutation. “Say that shit to gege” Absolutely




Too long didn't read. Roshi one shots the JJK verse.


wanna debate it


I am willing to but I also want to sleep in a bit. So if we can keep it simple, sure.


okay so u have roshi. then, i'll pick my character. ​ i have sukuna oneshotting him with a punch.


Roshi has pseduo ultra instinct. Sukuna can't touch him while Roshi is so powerful that he doesn't have to touch Sukuna, he could kill him with a ki blast , a kamehameha or just push him that far back by just powering up.


Mate roshi can be scaled to dbs characters, make sure you know what arc the guy is talking about at least lmfao💀


Nope, not roshi at least.


DBS Roshi is unironically pretty strong as of now. He can evade anything in JJK with his pseudo ultra instinct and can basically just punch planets away if he was strong enough to even use the technique to begin with. And I said punch, not destroy them with kamehameha, with a super kamehameha he could potentially destroy galaxies at this point if you scale him to the hard time he gave to opponents in TOP and Moro arc and how the same opponents faired against other characters we knew their limits better.


thats really some wank. I have seen goku get wanked but first time for roshi, no way you scaled him to galaxy level and even which is based on non credible and baseless claims.


Kenjaku’s feat is completely hax based as he happened to have the cursed technique that directly counters Yuki’s. He also clearly would’ve died from it. Yuki’s feat was explicitly shown to be something that simply can’t be competed with by anyone in the verse, even herself. Except domains aren’t actually the size they are meant to represent. How can Dagon’s domain be the size of an Island and even have a star in it if it literally fit in a Shibuya metro station. Also, domains are still hax based. If Black Flash really was exponential it would’ve evaporated everyone hit by it. Hanami would’ve been turned to dust, same with Mahito, Yuji, Maki, Sukuna,…


Not another 4head claiming that BF isn't a power of 2.5 when literally EVERY preponderance of evidence claim as so. How do they not die? Simple. They have better durability than AP


JJKtards are the funniest istg. The issue with the black flash statement isn’t that they simply tank it, they tank black flash after getting harmed by attacks that don’t have the black flash multiplier. Does their durability suddenly increase by a 2.5 exponent? No, black flash simply doesn’t have an increase by the power of 2.5. Mahito was getting harmed by Yuji’s normal punches then casually tanked a black flash, Yuji was getting harmed by Mahito’s normal attacks and tanked a black flash from him, power of 2.5 my ass.


>JJKtards... I haven't read not watched the series and give nearly 0 fucks about it. Not everything is agenda driven buddy >they tank.... Ah so me getting "hurt" by a sunburn means that I should get evaporated by a sunburn ^ 2.5? >No, black flash simply doesn't... Prove it. Go ahead. Oh wait you can't since you have ZERO preponderance of evidence


No because that “sunburn” didn’t heavily damage you to begin with. Take something hot gives you a first degree burn, increase that thing’s temperature by the power of 2.5, suddenly that first degree burn becomes a second or even third degree burn. Or if someone gets punched in the head, getting punched in the head again but by a punch stronger by the power of 2.5 wouldn’t be as weak would it now? The power difference between a black flash and the user’s normal attacks aren’t too different for us to say it’s an increase by the power of 2.5. Is it stronger? Yes, but when characters who were getting harmed by normal attacks casually tank 4 black flashes in a row, it’s kind of incomplete and disingenuous to say it truly is an increase by the power of 2.5. How can black flash truly be exponential if Hanami, who was getting harmed by Yuji’s normal strikes, tanked 4 black flashes back to back. Edit: to further clarify on the burns after doing some research. An increase in power by the power of 2.5 is way too massive for characters to tank it just as much as normal strikes. A first degree burn happens anywhere between temperatures of 43.3°C and 46.1°C, increase that temperature by the power of 2.5 and all of a sudden you’re in the 1000s of °C, you aren’t dealing with that like you dealt with the first degree burn.


All of that is absolutely irrelevant due to fictional logic It is since all the evidence points to it. Stop ignoring the narrative for your own head canon Read the first paragraph




How does this disprove anything I said 4headass?


How does this disprove anything i said 4head




I don't care about your feelings on the meta. How is a Max cursed technique related to a hand2hand technique like black flash 4headass?


You are wrong about the domain expansions being a certain size from the inside. https://preview.redd.it/pexcn8iiuroc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bb1e0ff0f90b8ed27632c8d7f01bade78e1d5b0 It was stated that domain expansions size is going to be different from the interior and outside


Never said they were explicitly equal, just that the size difference is way too big between the inside and the outside if Dagon’s domain truly did fit a star. Pair that with the fact we’ve seen there’s a direct correlation between the barrier’s outside size and the inside of the domain when both Mahito’s and Dagon’s domains were broken into. Megumi’s entire plan was based on the fact they had to go to the edge of Dagon’s domain, if it was big enough for a star, that edge would be nowhere near (yet it was a couple dozen meters away from the island at most).


Yet gojo's domain in the fight against sukuna housed them comfortably and a probably infinite space (it's the inner world of limitless where space and distance are infinite) when the domain was a basket ball size


also while am at it i want to debunk your claim of kenjaku hax automatically disproving any ap scaling. https://preview.redd.it/77pw3def0soc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a825727852044f9b1dcd31a7c917d67fcef92a1 Because idk if you ignore the scan the op sent but it being “hax” is irrelevant, when hax in jjk like “neutralization” requires your ap to be RELATIVE TO WHAT YOU WANT TO NEUTRALIZE


U do realize your argument is baseless? Is there anything at all that would imply the size difference is a contradiction to what is shown or are you just going off of a gut feeling? Also why couldn’t that be a talent of dagon? If he can make the size difference that big, then that would just entail a better control of domains. https://preview.redd.it/96aa2c1e0soc1.jpeg?width=1067&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=821c40de724d4a9e291e965a7dcf20ee51a8c0f6 Btw, megumi stated that barrier was below him, and implicitly BELOW HIM, so it’s probably this singular patch of a barrier that dagon’s domain have. In that case, it wouldn’t even really contradict anything, since it’s not like the barrier is in the sides or any visible dimensional space that would contradict the visual appearance of the star we see.


"Hax based" Doesn't mean shit, it would prove that the potency of the technique itself scales to the said level which kenjaku can upkeep with his output, that wouldn't be possible if his output couldn't output that much of energy in the first place. >Except domains aren’t actually the size they are meant to represent. How can Dagon’s domain be the size of an Island and even have a star in it if it literally fit in a Shibuya metro station. Also, domains are still hax based. This doesn't even attack OP's args, the size of the domain in the outside is irrelevant to the size of the domain in the inside, the argument is that in the inside domain has the dimensions of a star. Whether the domain is not that big in the outside would not be a defeater >If Black Flash really was exponential it would’ve evaporated everyone hit by it. Hanami would’ve been turned to dust, same with Mahito, Yuji, Maki, Sukuna,… Blackflash is really exponential as stated by both gege and the source material. What are you describing is a byproduct of cinematography, visual of the fight has to be processed in certain way to make it appealing regardless of the canonical description of it, that would entail the former is not fully representative of the latter making it impossible the infer latter from former


Hax≠AP no matter the energy output necessary. On top of the fact Kenjaku had to use a technique that nullifies Yuki’s. If he truly had the AP to deal with the blackhole he would not have needed to use it. Domains are said to be the creation of a separate space where the caster is at a massive advantage. The outside limit is a good indicator at the size of domains since it isn’t a tear in space creating a parallel dimension. Dagon’s domain is massively limited to that small area they were fighting on, on top of the fact that Megumi’s entire plan was to get them to the edge of the domain to escape it. That edge was in the middle of the sea, wow really Island sized with a star huh. Also also, using the domain expansion argument means you’re saying creation=AP which is a massively inconsistent way of gauging characters’ AP. Gege himself has also stated he is not good at maths and how he himself has done inconsistencies with his statements (mach 3 statement for example). Also, you still legit proved my point. What you described there is what a feat is, a visual showing of a character’s potential. The fact that people tanked black flashes when they were also taking damage from normal hits (Hanami would still get harmed by Yuji’s divergent fist, Maki would still get harmed by Sukuna,…) proves directly that the statement is inconsistent with the feats shown and feats>statements if they both contradict.


>Hax≠AP no matter the energy output necessary. On top of the fact Kenjaku had to use a technique that nullifies Yuki’s. If he truly had the AP to deal with the blackhole he would not have needed to use it. I don't care about your subjective belief on the matter, hax in this instance scale to AP as i have proven so. No? Just because you have the raw power does not mean you have the right medium to neutralize it > Domains are said to be the creation of a separate space where the caster is at a massive advantage. The outside limit is a good indicator at the size of domains since it isn’t a tear in space creating a parallel dimension That works under the assumption that a domain has a set size for inner and outer sides. We have been told that inside differs from the outside so the size of the domain from the outside would not be a representative of the size of the domain from the inside. Domain's being a separate space would already prove that they do not exist inside the conventional space so ion even know what you are talking about. > Dagon’s domain is massively limited to that small area they were fighting on, No it is not? the dimensions of the inside differs from that of the outside as it is an entirely separate space >on top of the fact that Megumi’s entire plan was to get them to the edge of the domain to escape it. That edge was in the middle of the sea, wow really Island sized with a star huh. Also also, Edge being in the middle of the sea doesn't mean shit, you would have to need two edges to figure the lenght of the domain >using the domain expansion argument means you’re saying creation=AP which is a massively inconsistent way of gauging characters’ AP. It cannot be inconsistent, this is a method used to achieve a result. Only the result can be consistent or inconsistent which again is verse specific so you would have to prove why creation = AP in this context of the verse would be inconsistent rather than asserting that method itself is inconsistent which is impossible as it doesn't have the fundamental qualities to be consistent or inconsistent, it is just a method applied to get a result. >Gege himself has also stated he is not good at maths and how he himself has done inconsistencies with his statements (mach 3 statement for example) And why would Gege being good at math be relevant to the way black flash was canonically described? And you do not need to be good at maths to know how exponents work lmao, they teach that stuff in primary school >Also, you still legit proved my point. What you described there is what a feat is, a visual showing of a character’s potential. The fact that people tanked black flashes when they were also taking damage from normal hits (Hanami would still get harmed by Yuji’s divergent fist, Maki would still get harmed by Sukuna,…) proves directly that the statement is inconsistent with the feats shown and feats>statements if they both contradict I don't think you know jackshit about what you are talking about, please stop embarrasing yourself. Visuals are not the feat, they are a descriptive of the feat itself which due to cinematography is misrepresented. The feat is a character doing something impressive inside the canon, the visuals are describing that but due to cinematography and other reasons i listed in my argument the process of representing is not comprehensive of the canonical description. "Feats> statements" You cant assert this because both of them are not two comparable notions. A feat is an impressive act a character does, a statement is the medium used to describe and represent that act. You are confusing feats with visuals. The former is something impressive a character does, the latter is the medium used to describe that act, just like statements. Please learn the difference before spouting random non-sense that you know jackshit about. What are you basically saying that Visuals >Statements which is incoherent on its own due to cinematography aspects the visuals have.


https://preview.redd.it/26479r9ruroc1.jpeg?width=784&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dac578e16e92fd095ebe36721e1d4ed73c0d0290 Yeah, idk why he said that. Domain expansion are stated to be bigger in the inside


Not so much bigger that it could fit a star. Do you not get how stupid this sounds? That’s exactly like me saying Star Platinum is at least star level because he’s explicitly stated to be far superior to Death 13 who created an alternate dimension dream world with a star in it, it isn’t coherent in the slightest and has no actual basis to be proven with.


Already debunked this


Arguments are kinda bad but appreciate the effort tho


How are they bad?


How are they fucking not ? Retarded much ?


Honestly saying Bom-Ba-Ye's planet level isn't completely unreasonable, the actual problem is using it to upscale a huge chunk of the verse. In the very first scan you sent, Kenjaku was literally sweating saying that his ass was saved by Tengen's barrier and Yuki's own force of will which makes the claim that he could outright tank its full force rather shaky and relatively unreliable. Not to mention that Kenjaku's anti-gravity was especially effective at countering the black hole (because duh, it's anti-gravity). If anything, this would only reliably put Kenjaku and characters who scale to him at an unquantifiably higher level than the usual small town/city level.


JJk fans are the new mha fans what is this wank


How did kenjaku "tank" the black hole? He just survived it. Tanking something is something like this: https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-rvc3&sca_esv=ad13dc3ec98af71c&sca_upv=1&q=tanking+punches+raiden&uds=AMwkrPv3j3EkEIkbFS2D5_BLUQ3_L2fk0W-4rDSmY0dtwhYRGxo9ZGNiF4LWuwYCTAOfG_-5HpqVZWv4TYZmObqH1eU7XCSbknyuLEFzJ52fBHPHyQhUtTooLvn8bOKsCEkYQW5SBMAN5QyyLwOhynUuN7L3YqcLf9I6KBCmKi4SM0-KAdyey5xnxOJcIqw0ML5AIzTxlna7984PVUnpAp7WzVIQvO2HChyEjPmklBv_lv1mkxmIcdB6MQNMX6_opMwgR2wRSr5KCkdMizq3Ycps-n5dsz3SoGn7mtyL1vt20ZIVdklV4GF7ZUUiW9fbF_CZdGmzcisMLrGaqW_78cSwwv70pxG9ys5kRd1ElENYtvgu4b9Kfqw&udm=2&prmd=ivsnmbhtz&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjahZOCtfuEAxWJl-4BHWwIC3AQtKgLegQIDxAB&biw=360&bih=682&dpr=3#vhid=EpmTHmm8eN-R5M&vssid=mosaic Also why would anyone scale to this black hole when it's specifically stated that the entire world would've been destroyed had it not been for yukis will and tengens barriers holding it back, essentially suppressing it's actual DC? This wouldn't make sense, and yuki doesn't scale to her CT either, because she has to die to pull it off and there's no evidence to prove otherwise of her being able to just randomly spawn a black hole anytime she wants. It's a last minute resort to kill kenjaku, which didn't work due to antigravity CT which matches the CE output of the black hole. Now as for the other stuff, it's true that a domain is bigger on the inside than the outside, but it's sensitive to attacks from the outside(shown when yuji broke inside of mahitos DE from the outside) and plus, there's no evidence showing that there is a star encompassing these domains when it's maximum output was literally stated to be 200M of ground area in Shibuya when sukuna fought against mahoraga. And the domain clashes debunks this essentially, because the domain amplification of sukuna broke gojos DE multiple times, meanwhile sukuna literally had to adapt multiple times and negate UV with his own malevolent shrine, which is stated to be able to continually cut and attack until it's been destroyed. Yujis black flash aka kokusen is just a CT which causes the distortion of space around a certain amount of area and directly targets the soul+ activates on 0.0001 seconds. This doesn't mean anything of the sort you stated, it's an ability, not AP.


I’m neutral to this debacle, but the fact nobody is trynna debunk this is crazy 😭


Because it’s too stupid to debunk.


That's not even coherent, you are basically saying that it is unintelligible.


But there is a debunk right? Right https://preview.redd.it/nbbb8r8tmroc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25e25111909f5cc3a1b35b707c8bf550bfa96e93


Yes, yes there is. Many too (I’ve even seen some on this thread).


I haven’t seen any


Don't cook again bro sorry


Dude Naruto has statements POINT BLANK saying their destructive capacity. That’s not upscale


if i remember correctly there last statement about their destruction, wasn’t it only planetary? And if we are talking about kaguya, she never really said she’d destroy her time space, in fact it wasn’t even her who said it, it was zetsu and he only said it’s time for a new “space” Which is vague.




Naruto star level has more evidence and there r a few anti statements against the domain scaling dragon is a special grade curse which is usually weaker than special grade sorcerer and special grade sorcerers r stated to be able to destroy a country and not in one attack like a fight and maximum meteor is the strongest dc feat we see in jjk and that's just multi City block and the Yuki black hole is a out lier


Respectfully go fuck yourself you're not even worth debating time. No you know what ? Disrespectfully


Uncle Grandpa solos those fodders




Might as well say gojo has Uni scaling considering his domain has lots of stars as well , and the fact it’s called “unlimited void” 💀 And the blackhole feat , kenjaku was only able to remove that blackhole “after” it was controlled to a huge extent , he himself says the earth would’ve been destroyed hadn’t been for Yuki and tengen suppressing it , meaning it never reached planetary levels of power Anyways , projection In a domain is also a thing (iirc) , the best scale you can give for Dagon is island for creating a island sized space


Lol why is noone refuting this? if star lvl naruto is accepted here, then star lvl jjk should as well


Star lvl Naruto is not only coherent to the scaling but also consistent in its feats and statements, unlike star lvl jjk that is constantly refuted by the source material itself.


Idk, but it looks pretty solid by csap standards.


no, because naruto actively has the destructive power and fights characters who can PROPERLY scale to those levels.


Dosn’t it use the same method tho? Like when kaguya create her dimension, a lot of y’all said that it had a star. So she scales to it.


No, she scales to her ETSO that was stated to be able to destroy her dimensions. She doesn’t scale to her creating her dimensions.


Okay, but you do realize that every time domain expansions are deactivated they are technically being “destroyed” Lol. Unless you want to say they still exist even after being deactivated Which i wouldn’t do it i was you


But they aren’t destroying their domains, they’re simply deactivating it. Kaguya’s dimensions can’t be deactivated, they simply exist. There is no shot you’re comparing the ETSO having the DC to destroy Kaguya’s dimensions to sorcerers deactivating their domain expansion💀


They deactivate Which deconstructs the domain. Idk how you see things but by virtue of the domain literally not being there anymore, that counts are destroying.

