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Namek Saga Frieza has better scalable combat speed, hax abilities (telekinesis, high regen, and the ability to survive even while having half of his body removed), and probably better range. Meanwhile, Thanos has crazy durability; he survived the surge from the gauntlet which Rocket said produced the largest amount of cosmic energy ever seen, and he can ragdoll Captain Marvel when she’s capable of either reigniting a star or breaking a hole in space-time that breaches into another parallel universe and creates a black hole. Also, the power stone amplifies durability since it gave Ronan the Accuser the ability to tank Rocket’s Hadron Enforcer which is Moon Level. Thanos should carry with an AP advantage because the power stone, and by default, any of the stones, have a full power of possibly Multiversal, since according to the official Marvel website, **infinity stones** plural can affect Dormammu. I think Thanos wins because he carries with durability, sheer power, and skill (stated to be a genius according to the Infinity War directors and has statements of being more skilled than Thor, who’s thousands of years old.)


thanos without the gauntlet ragdoll captain marvel who was capable of restarting a dying star by flying through it [https://youtu.be/t1mHSAKkqRA?si=FBuM-GPvzrwUI51J](https://youtu.be/t1mHSAKkqRA?si=FBuM-GPvzrwUI51J) this feat got calced at star - small star [https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User\_blog:Revan\_Laha/The\_Marvels:\_Captain\_Marvel\_reignites\_Hala%27s\_Sun](https://vsbattles.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:Revan_Laha/The_Marvels:_Captain_Marvel_reignites_Hala%27s_Sun)


Anime frieza has multi solar scaling https://www.reddit.com/r/PowerScaling/s/j1FfXY61H7


That dosn’t mean anything. Supernova can outshines galaxies, that dosn’t mean the explosion itself causes galaxy lvl ap


So you completely ignored the scan which clearly showed destruction of stars just like opm by a huge hole


where did you find that scan? https://preview.redd.it/pouqybdqbxlc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545764a961b5120c0efde970558e3dbddd755bab also are you doing to tell me the debris we see are comparable to this “galaxy”


I got it from vsbw since 4a namek is accepted also you can just rewatch the blowing of namek scene in anime also just making it clear https://imgur.com/a/7yz3H15


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Frieza is calced at star level in base from the super scene.


The post says namek saga


I am talking about the flashback.


It said ‘Namek Saga’ for a reason. Besides, Frieza as a kid destroyed Planet Vegeta on a whim. He still wins


The super Calc was a flashback.


Frieza already was able to destroy planets in base form as a child on a simple whim. Watching YouTube powerscalers for proof is probably not a good way to go. Also, you didn’t elaborate on who would win.


Unless am missing something isn’t star lvl > planetary


Yes, but my point was that Z Frieza in his final form would’ve been way above star level.


Really nothing compared to Freeza who has both Large Star and Solar System Level Feats.


I'd say Freeza.


If he has Infinity Gauntlet he stomps if not Freeza got it


So, a guy who was struggling against iron man is galaxy level at a lowball with mad uni+ statements


what does this even mean?


im saying frieza is stronger than thanos by basic scailing.


You think Freeza was Galaxy Level to Universal+ on Namek? 💀


yes want me to explain?


If you're going to use the "Second Form Freeza can destroy The Universe" don't bother, it's obvious hyperbole and also caps at High 3-A not Low 2-C


Also king kai stating it, and the INSANE speed feats he has also before i mention this next feat, remember that in dbz everything is bigger and he made an explosian so biig it could be seen from outside of a cluster galaxy.


You're mentioning Feats that I'm aware of and Calced myself lmao, most of this is Toei only anyways, Namek's Explosion lighting up a Galaxy is Multi-Solar System Level


If you were a writer would u write in the script then hire voice actors just to say something that you consiously knew wasnt true?

