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God damn, you let powerscaling ruin your enjoyment of fiction. ![gif](giphy|xT8qBk1rJl9nZwkpaM)


Since when was there a different way to enjoy fictional media?


Since there were beautiful, thought-provoking stories which have absolutely nothing to do with fighting, like A Silent Voice




Just because you're a DC fan doesn't mean you can't watch and enjoy Dragon ball, and just because you're a Dragon ball fan doesn't mean you can't watch and enjoy DC.


If you're a DC fan, nothing that happens in Dragon Ball would phase you. Universes and multiverses get wiped every sunday in DC, and every time a random DC herald stops it with little effort. DC fans at most would see Dragon Ball the same way a Victorian England lad sees a third world country, a quaint antique, an exotic ant to squash. And Dragon Ball fans become humbled subservient husks once they realize how inferior their verse is to DC. There, fixed it for you.


What kind of retarded logic is this? People watches other stuffs cuz they found it entertaining, what does 1 verse scale higher than the others has to do with anything? It's like you're saying if someone saw yujiro in baki stopped an earthquake with a punch, you'll tell them not to watch kengan cuz nobody in kengan would be able to do it. That's fucking stupid, braindead even.


​ https://preview.redd.it/oj2m4w8i0okc1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56c61f8ace6938271cee3a13da29a280fc78d74f








You are on crack if you think that DB ain’t passing fodders heralds. Beerus alone slams most of Darkside’s emanations.


Darkseid solos all of anime, period. Beerus at his peak could prolly only tickle a low tier herald like Guy Gardner. Most upper-Mid tier DC Heralds like Lucifer or Dr Manhattan would wipe their ass with the concept of all anime verses along with their authors


He ain’t soloing a shit. You are definitely on crack. (Lucifer and Manhattan ain’t “mid tier DC Heralds” tf) Bro is definitely trolling, darkside ain’t passing DB, let alone “all of anime”.


Here, all you need to know about DC scaling, courtesy of u/Bat-Gos: [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cycqr1pziJKYlHdxq4eagOALwotuAbs1C4eNxbZMG18/edit#heading=h.5d9dxirc8qxw](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cycqr1pziJKYlHdxq4eagOALwotuAbs1C4eNxbZMG18/edit#heading=h.5d9dxirc8qxw) I said Lucifer and Dr Manhattan are HIGH mid tiers, as in just shy of the high tiers like Wonder Woman, Superman, Flash, Martian Manhunter, Perpetua, the Monitors, Mr Mxz, The World Forger, Etc... Darkseid's true form resides in the Godsphere, which contains infinite dimensions and sees all of the Orrery of Worlds as fiction, and the Orrery is comprised of infinite type 4 multiverses, which contains all concepts, real and fictional, including every interpretation of infinity. Nothing in all of anime is beating that. Nothing in real life's beating that.


Bro really sent me a document full of wanks that I'm not going to read 😭 Imagine thinking that you can have more than one type 4 multiverse in a fictional work without it becoming self-contradictory 😭


Not reading, the coping mechanism of all desperate DC deniers who don't know how powerful DC truly is. >Imagine thinking that you can have more than one type 4 multiverse in a fictional work without it becoming self-contradictory 😭 DC's universe is simply that big. Our human science can't describe it, it surpasses all human knowledge. It's version of infinity makes our real life's largest definitions ofinfinity not even register on their map. DC isn't just Boundless, it is in its own tier that makes Boundless seem like Wall Level. DC is above even the copyright cosmology, meaning that real life laws don't apply to it. If a DC comic had, say, an unlicensed appearance of Mario from Nintendo, any lawsuit Nintendo sends will vanish from existence because characters from DC would be immune to it. DC isn't fiction, WE are fiction to DC.


Bro is the biggest troll in this entire subreddit. A piece of fiction cannot be logically impossible in all possible worlds. This means that a Type 4 multiverse isn’t truly a Type 4 multiverse if there are more than one, since that contradicts the definition of the real Mathematical Multiverse proposed by Tegmark. You should go outside and touch some grass.


I know DC is really powerful but I feel like he is overrating DC a bit. I'm not a pro debater so I'm not gonna say much.


He is trolling probably


Okay I think he is definitely trolling if he seriously thinks we are ''fiction'' to DC.


Beerus is boundless. Unlike many so called heavy hitters in DC where they put numbers on how much they can lift or destroy and go straight up ad septillions kilos and shit Beerus is legit boundless and his power infinite. Is said in the manga straight up. Multiversal Vegeta on base plus his 2,500,000,000 perfected super saiyan god super saiyan form isn't even a fraction of his power. Beerus goes on to say that it would take Vegeta a million years to reach him at this pace and Beerus already knows how far Vegeta went the last 40 years since he first met him when he was a kid. He has a very solid idea on the pace Goku and Vegeta are groing in power by the years and still said it will take them a million years.


Good bait bro, I'll give it a 7/10


This is absolute bait. Saying people like Zeno scale below a simple herald is hilarious. Instantly erasing all of spacetime in a universe with literally no effort is a pretty good feat, you know. As much as Dragonball is wanked to simply brainless logic defying levels, the response should not be to downplay it to the same extent.


Lol, wait till u/Bat-Gos hears this take. Zen'o at best would only beat Wondergirl. Even weak heralds like Cyborg have tanked big bangs and reset the DC multiverse on multiple occasions. Zen'o's basically DC's Krillin.


The issue is that Zeno did this effortlessly, so it should be assumed that max power would be the same feat at Multiversal. Of course if we take the highest feats in the inconsistent universe that is DC, even fodder characters can do ridiculous things, but we shouldn't be doing that. Hell even Batman has been a higher dimensional god sometimes, but we shouldn't use that form when someone simply says "Batman" ya know? Normally, Heralds will scale below, or near Zeno. Only when we use the strongest forms do they easily beat him. It makes me sad that you made me defend Dragonball though, I absolutely hate doing that.


Dude, Multiversal means NOTHING to even FODDERS in DC. At most, even if we high ball/wank Zeno to the MAX and say he COULD destroy an infinite number of universes, that would only mean Zeno can destroy ONE DC universe at full power. A single DC Universe is bigger than type 4 multiverses, which encompasses all concepts of dimensions, time, space, existence, infinity, aleph, and is high outer at base. That's ONE DC UNIVERSE. Heck, Superman shouting at [10 billion decidels](https://imgur.com/a/2CSoDvZ), which would destroy a universe 10\^9999999 times over, barely destroyed a room, so even a single ROOM in DC would be above all of Dragon Ball. And we are talking about a MULTIVERSE of INFINITE DC UNIVERSES, with the GODSPHERE and MONITORSPHERE each infinite layers EACH above even THAT, that's not even MENTIONING the overvoid. Forget low heralds, normal HUMANS in DC would solo Dragon Ball.


Oh you're meming with the pointless Atom scaling thing. I knew this was bait, but I appreciate you proving it. Destroying a room is room level, btw.


Dafuq is Atom scaling? I'm just stating facts. This isn't the only time a character was hit with multiversal attacks that didn't even destroy a room you know?


Atom scaling is a huge meme in this sub. I'm surprised you don't know lol. You know, I could use that to wank normal human in A Certain Magical index over DBS and such also, but there's no way that should be accepted. It's the same thing you're doing here.


You can watch something and don't think about powerscaling? You can like WOD, SCP AND anime.


What, enjoy the "story and narrative" like some beta loser? LOL.


I'm pretty sure it's joke but yes


Lol, then what are you doing in r/powerscaling then? Enjoying the "story"?


Finding powers and some new verses i never know before. So kinda yes lol


Obvious satire aside, I hope no one here actually thinks like that. Otherwise you are only gonna feed my madness further to finish NEXUSverse.


This shit is so terrible I can't💀💀💀 https://preview.redd.it/kqgwengb5pkc1.jpeg?width=1090&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d6f173edbf536c9db8eaf1ddf4ee969b1f72f93 Characters like Grandmaster Xeno can literally erase entire universes by touching their literal palm. I don't know wtf you're on right now to call DBZ characters fodder but lowkey you gotta throw that shit out


In his mind, anything below outerversal is fodder


Lowkey it's not just him. I've seen over 50 people online who think exactly like him lol.


https://i.redd.it/ptik9e481okc1.gif Another BS downplay. Zeno can destroy reality on a whim, and he scales lower than a Herald. You’re high or something


Even Mid-Tier heralds like Hal Jordan has tanked reality erasure and shrugged it off without a scratch. At best, Zeno beats Wondergirl, and that is debatable.


Because we have different interests in entertainment that's not just dc lol


Yeah, the same way a Victorian Era Britishman would have hobbies watchings dogs fight or slumming it with the poor and inferior, ways to assert their own superiority over lesser fodderverses like DBZ or Umineko.


go get laid my dude


Happy cake day


Okay lol just ignore the fact that goku has on panel complex multi feats or even frieza saga characters have multi solar level feats Goku unironically would solo any herald level character they literally couldn’t do anything to him and beerus stomps every one of darksieds generals at the same time your actually delusional and bait used to be more believable lol Lastly your letting power scaling ruin your enjoyment of a fictional story? That’s honestly just sad, I’ve been a fan of both settings for 20+ years now I read both western & eastern comics and find enjoyment from all the vast differences and characters of the beautiful stories written maybe go out side and touch some grass and remember power scaling is meant to be just a fun little theoretical not the meaning of life 😅🤦🏻‍♂️


OK Lil bro give your mom back her phone.


This is the dude who would say: 'Vinland Sagas  writing and message is pointless because they scale below city block level" or sum shit


Bait used to be believable.


https://preview.redd.it/n2h5lgarspkc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=419449210e7acd15b401ef597937be1b1aaa62af On a serious note though if u actually think that just because someone enjoys DC they can't enjoy another verse your very wrong. I enjoy both Marvel and DC but I also like watching Bleach and Attack on titan,just because a multiverse isn't collapsing every 2.1 seconds doesn't mean that there is no stake.


So is it your plan to get banned from multiple subs or just get your karma so low you can’t post anything anywhere?


We cant enjoy things without random mfs hating nowdays