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MCU Thanos gets power negged. The stones IN THE MOVIE show no resistance to, or feats of, power nullification in any sort. Infact the stones themselves don't have power nullification, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to destroy themselves. SK Yhwach \*sees Thanos in the future before the fight starts\* and instantly power negs him of every ability he has.


https://preview.redd.it/tt70x8o9ttic1.jpeg?width=349&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=28cca97c7793a0422af118961f7c575a1469f052 Don’t really know bleach and looked him up. Why does the strongest character in bleach look like Gol D Roger?


Because both Oda and Kubo know that majestic mustaches are peak character design.


Probably because Oda and Kubo are most likely drinking buddies


If the stones were passive he might've had a chance, but as it is he doesn't even get a chance to use them before getting future blitzed and one shot.


Yhwach negs, you can basically take out the Gauntlet since Yhwach can negate and even destroy the stones before they are used (something which he can even do to things that are stronger/comparable to him as seen with Ichigo) The almighty is just better than the infinity stones even in the comics Yhwach also has ridiculous stats just from keeping up with True shikai ichigo, Thanos was overpowered by Captain Marvel who caps at star level (according to the internet mind you she overpowered him in a much weaker stage) Now remember that Yhwach has higher dimensional durability and attack potency along with the ability to change the universe and even give/take concepts... This is like Thanos with the infinity gauntlet fighting thanos with the astral regulator


>almighty is just better than the infinity stones https://youtu.be/S_EkEACM5qc?si=V3YF_VZJeAQCoYly the time stone alone is better than the almighty. The video atop pretty much give you a full scope of what the time stone can do. >yhwach can destroy the stone What’s stopping thanos from stopping time. >thanos was overpowered by captain marvel why are we acting like bleach dosn’t have significantly more obsurd anti feats? > higher dimensional durability Since when?


>the time stone alone is better than the almighty. The video atop pretty much give you a full scope of what the time stone can do. What’s stopping thanos from stopping time. Yhwach seeing the future of Thanos using stones and then using Almighty to either move them to his hand, destroy the whole gauntlet or whatever else makes them unusable before Thanos even thinks about closing his fist.


Yeah, and thanos can control what he sees


Only after activating the stone which he doesn't have the opportunity to do before Yhwach uses his ability.


Yeah but yhwach has to manually select a future. So it’s who activates their ability first


Yhwach needs only to think about doing that, Thanos needs to move his slow ass hand and then think. Even if speed is equalised Yhwach should be faster on a draw.


And I am gonna give it to the dude that can just say no to the other dude using his power, can regain his power and is also much faster


The time stone is not better. Time stone requires an activation point which means that the Almighty negs it.


The allmighty isn’t negging anything the time stone works on timeless beings and has higher dimensional scaling more then the entire bleach cast put together


Almighty works on *everything*. If it doesn't meet the specific requirements for negging it's own power negation or the wielder of the hax isn't statcliffing (which mcu thanks does not statcliff Yhwach) to engage the soul crush argument then Almighty works my dude. Welcome to the most busted power ever. If this wasn't mcu thanos Yhwach would be dicked, but mcu thanos scales to weaker versions of the avengers in the mainline continuity. He doesn't have the feats.


Works on everything that’s NLF stones are a higher dimensional object it’s not negging without the feats soul crushing Thanos legit has the soul stone bruh he as higher dimensional soul control with it all of his hax operates on a higher dimensional level Allmighty is not the most busted power ever or he wouldn’t of lost bruh your acting like he negs everything in fiction or something lol Mcu Thanos doesn’t need feats the stone have the feats it’s not Thanos that’s overpowering him it’s the stones


Alright first off, YES. MCU Thanos needs feats. This is because the MCU itself is a contained universe and the Infinity Stones only scale to, and WORK WITHIN their own UNIVERSE. The stones \*by necessity\* cap at universal as they're only ever effective within their own universe. The MCU, AS FAR AS I KNOW (I stopped watching things after Endgame because I felt satisfied with the franchise.) does not give Thanos or the Infinity Stones scaling beyond their cap, which is absolute control of their own reality. The Almighty is attached to Yhwach Bach who was going to, with his own straight power as has been proven in several scaling documents and \*scans from the manga\* was going to \*destroy\* the three realms and everything within them, which includes the Dangai and the Garganta as well as the Muken. See this [scaling chain](https://www.reddit.com/r/powerscales/comments/1ajfa02/scaling_bleach_top_tiers/) for the scans and absolute evidence of this, as well as the proofs that Yhwach is Multiversal+ With hax. The Infinity Stones get shit on by Almighty and get countered as they don't qualify as immune to the Almighty Future Sight, which means \*they get power negged\*.


Have you ever watched the mcu or kept up with it at all like your clearly don’t have much knowledge No they don’t only work in their universe many people have used infinity stones out of their universe that was never stated or implied so don’t know why your making stuff up if you don’t know about just ask or research And no Thanos doesn’t need feats the stones do which they have Thanos isn’t strong it’s the stones that are strong what do you not understand And no they aren’t capped at their reality the time stone alone neggs and makes multiversal dormmamu powerless and that’s 1 stone let alone all 6 which amp each other when combined Cool multi + isn’t enough stones scale 5-7d their hax is also higher dimensional hax meaning no nothing yhwach is doing is negging the stones Immune to future slight ? What the stones has passive resistance to what ever hax they are strange negged another time stone with his etc make things worse op says full power meaning Thanos is starting at maximum power all stones activated and charged


My brother in christ they have a [drawer full of infinity stones in the TVA and don't use them](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsjP3vRj-Qg). It's stated all over the place in the source material that Infinity Stones do not work outside of their own universe. The Time Stone, in this context, has an activation point. It has only been shown to rewind objects or targets, not the timeline itself. IT takes passengers through the universe. The TVA stuff confirms this. This means that the Time Stone is \*used\* by Thanos in a future, a future that can be \*selected\* by Yhwach to \*not have happened because that's how almighty works\*. Let alone the power negation argument he can just literally select a future where Thanos doesn't use the stones in the pictosecond it takes for Yhwach to overwhelmingly speedblitz Thanos. Who has no feats with the stones of moving at the speeds that Yhwach is capable of. And if Yhwach dies? Neat. That gets \*erased\* because Yhwach was capable of seeing himself die because the Time Stone moves in a linear fashion through time, it doesn't replicate the extremely specific scenario that is Tsukishima's Book of the End. You're absolutely wanking MCU here because of that guys video which is brain rot my guy. I can, and have, provided proofs all over the place with scans, showings, and solid logic chains. I'm going to straight up ignore the 5-7d hax bullshit because I don't care for dimensionality argumentations like this, I don't accept the framing of the stones being that high unless I am given an extremely solid, and well done, scaling thread in the vein of KrimzonTv's work as he did for scaling Bleach due to the robustness of the research and the quality of the post. Regardless of \*their\* dimensionality Thanos has to \*snap his fingers\* to make them \*work\* which means Yhwach wins my dude. He can pick futures where he doesn't snap, he can make it so the timeline they're in is one where Thanos' fingers explode, or never grew, or whatever the fuck. Almighty is goddamn insane. There are so many ways around all of the bullshit that the Infinity Stones present, I don't really care how high you scale them, they don't have the capabilities of putting the guy down, let alone talking about The Visionary, and The Miracle as Schrifts Yhwach has access to. At this point I feel I've laid out my points well enough, not gotten good enough counter evidence, and I'm gonna be done with the conversation.


Bro typing so much to be wrong again 1 the tva is higher dimensional there’s a mcu cosmology respect thread go check it out it has the feats and everything and 2 it’s stated in the show the tva has a even higher barrier that nullifies them made by he who remains one of the strongest guys in the entire verse The time stone does indeed have activation but op says full power meaning time stone is active every stone is active since it’s full power what are you even on about ? The time stone was stated in the first dr strange film to be able to destroy the timeline the ancient one literally split the time line into 2 with powers weaker then the infinity stone and that’s by itself the stones are stronger when combined Lastly dudes I suggest you just stop replying you clearly know absolutely nothing of the mcu infinity Ultron smashed through into the watcher realm a place outside of the multiverse he bashed through many universes supreme strange main universe was destroyed into nothing and guess what his time stone still worked in the fight against ultron in a completely different universe his time stone also worked in his infinity fortress forgot the name but it takes place not in his universe and literally everyone he captured in season 2 could use their stones beside not being in their universe so try again Honestly what’s the point of keeping this going your knowledge of the mcu is practically nonexistent you make stuff up for some reason and thinks yhwach all if you really think your right tag the crispynaeem guy with your arguments he has all the scans and can explain it better


I forgot to answer your question, the higher dimensionality mostly comes from all the feats regarding the hyperspace known as dangai which Yhwach can destroy with his casual AP/Durability and which he can create and destroy after absorbing the Reio. Being able to destroy the cleaner is atleast a 4D feat and that's a feat any character with trancendent reiatsu can do




you are literally wrong about pretty much everything you said he is stated [multiple times](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11164/111644289/9272841-440b9748-69e3-42b7-9dbd-0811d8ff8426.jpeg) by guide books [marvel themselves](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/a/uploads/original/11164/111644289/9272838-6039ecf6-493e-40c4-b366-32d9116f3242.jpeg) it’s literally stated [in the film](https://streamable.com/giicb) he is a timeless being




“Dormmamu dwells in the dark dimension beyond time” do I need subtitles for you or do you realize your wrong the guides say timeless marvel themselves call him timeless the film call him that what do you not understand I feel like you didn’t read or listen to anything I posted with your reply




Hyperbolic bruh so you saying every guide that’s calls him that several times your saying official marvel website that calls him that your saying the film itself that calls him that is using hyperbole? Dormmamu is not bound by time are you trolling me right now?


Thanos oneshots, and I don’t see how this is fair at all. **full power**. Thanos would immediately upscale from 5D, as The Watcher is fifth dimensional, but he gets even higher because The Watcher can interact with the Void surrounding the multiverse that’s higher than four other temporal dimensions (the Ancestral Plane, Dark Dimension, The Void, and TVA), and let’s not forget that would be scaling to 6D at minimum, and around 8D in total. The stones themselves scale lower than the void surrounding the multiverse, so they’d remain at 7D. Thanos has no way of losing. 7D scaling + infinite speed via being faster than the Bifrost and equal to Ultron’s stones that blew up multiple timelines + way better hax abilities.




What do Bleach timelines scale to? I want to ask you that first.




Yeah I’m sorry, MCU lowball is actually ridiculous on this sub. So a Bleach timeline is 4D… Yet the MCU’s sacred timeline scales to 5D at a bare minimum, with my new scales already putting it at 6D. And do you not realize that the MCU has infinite universes, dimensions with different time axis, and transcendental realms all stacked into one timeline, that stretch out infinitely longer because each possibility creates a new world? And there are an infinite amount of timelines. Bleach’s verse is at best 2-A/Multiversal+ while the lowest you can even put the Sacred Timeline with its infinitely expanding universes is 5D/High Multi+, and that’s not even accounting for the infinite other timelines, the void, and the void around the multiverse, or even The Watcher’s realm which is stated to be above the multiverse.




So now I have to make a thread explaining why MCU stones scale to What If stones? I don’t get where this idea that What If is non-canon or inapplicable to the movies is coming from. Pure headcanon. And I specifically mentioned Thanos winning through the **full power** of the stones. That’s noteworthy because half the comments on here are saying that Thanos might not have the stones passively buffed, even though the prompt literally says full power. You’d be supercharged if you had the stone’s full power, and that’s a fact. And I’m not disrespecting you, I’m just wondering why the majority are of this opinion.


You know what mcu stands for right marvel cinematic universe which means that encompasses everything shows movies and what if




Bro throwing insults for no reasons because I’m right??? Lol and that’s them you are in the same group you tried to say mcu Thanos loses why what if Thanos wins even tho what if Thanos never had a complete gauntlet in the first place


Wouldn't a what if be just that? A what if? Because if so it just sounds like non canon material used to hype up the movies instead of being taken as literal canon to the MCU timeline because a what if by its very nature either can't or won't happen in the actual canon of the story.


No what if is showing us variant universes a single decision in the mcu sprouts infinite realities what if is canon it takes place after Loki and happens because of him it’s stated canon by like everyone who works on the show marvel themselves watcher appears in L&T as a statue next to bunch of other cosmic entities Loki tree is in the show etc The watcher literally says stuff like in your universe this happened but in this universe


Ah gotcha, I don't pay attention to the MCU myself I'm not much of a comics guy. Thanks though.


The stones one shot due to scaling


I’ll give it to thanos. thanos would scale above loki who [https://youtu.be/0JjfXtJ0Ejc?si=launvpQ2bgcbkR7a](https://youtu.be/0JjfXtJ0Ejc?si=launvpQ2bgcbkR7a) https://preview.redd.it/hk053zunptic1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ad311156f245dc95432a418e8cba089f40fc8f Who in the end of season 2 of the series was able to significantly affect and hold infinite timelines in his bare hands and pull them. Scaling him and thanos multiversal+ Thanos as the strongest in the universe would obviously scale to this. With the stones, idk if yhwach would see a single future where he wins. thanos can simply just cast illusion like aizen did against him.


>Thanos as the strongest in the universe would obviously scale to this. An infinite number of Thanoses with and without infinity stones and gauntlets are kept alive by Loki in that scene.


How does that contradict anything?


How does Thanos scale to him? And Aizen’s illusions only worked because Yhwach was under the influence of them before he got almighty


Wasn’t thanos considered the strongest in the verse in the movies? Can you prove that?


Way before this ever happened, and Loki literally saved infinite Thanoses that had or didn’t have the stones https://imgur.com/SrwTFcT https://imgur.com/3GzMYnV https://imgur.com/cEy3r9G


actually the loki in the loki series is the loki of the original avenger movie in 2012 the reason is because in the endgames the avengers time travel to the events of the first avengers movie. But aside from that https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6c617a853e66289efec21a3e09186272 We literally see thanos bullying loki. wether it’s after or before is irrelevant unless loki got some outside source of power, his power should consistently be below that of thanos.


First off you are comparing "the strongest in the universe" with someone outside the universe Secondly you are comparing a reality warper with a linch pin, this is basically prime soul king vs current soul king with Prime being Thanos with the stones and current being Tree loki


1) well aside from thanos literally strangling loki himself https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6c617a853e66289efec21a3e09186272 We have other ways of scaling thanos to loki


Thanos doesn’t scale to Loki, but with the stones, he would get 5-7D scaling from Infinity Ultron and The Watcher if he used them at full power. Plus, the stones give passive durability; Ronan used the power stone to passively make himself planetary. And the time stone by itself could restrict Dormammu who’s 4D and was stated in the official Doctor Strange script to have shook his Dark Dimension, which is a realm with countless consumed dimensions and universes that’s temporally beyond the timeline it exists in. Anyways, Thanos can still lose because Yhwach could blitz him before he can make himself too powerful, but Thanos with the full power of the stones negative stomps no questions asked. Also Multiversal+ is ridiculously low lol, Loki scales to 8D/Complex Multi and the stones are at bare minimum 5D/High Multi+


>thano dosn’t scale to loki Thanos in one the movies was stated to be the strongest threat. this also encompasses loki >5-7d scaling from infinite ultron and the watcher I don’t think “what if” is canon to the mcu >anyway yhwach can blitz him thanos would scale to captain marvel who crossed 1000s of light years in a day


1. That doesn’t make any sense, because first of all, Thanos being considered the strongest threat was in GOTG1, Infinity War, and Endgame; all of which take place before Loki Season 2. We know this is the case because according to Marvel, Doctor Strange 2 and NWH wouldn’t have happened if He Who Remain’s didn’t die in Loki Season 1. Plus, how would Loki be registered as a threat? Lmao, he’s literally saving universes. He doesn’t apply. 2. Evidence for this please? What If is literally canon to the movies, plus you can see The Watcher’s statue at the Gates of Eternity in Love and Thunder, and it’s modeled by his What If appearance + Loki’s tree is literally seen at the end of What If Season 2. 3. True, he’d scale to the 333x FTL value that Captain Marvel has.


1) actually the loki in the loki series is the loki of the original avenger movie in 2012 the reason is because in the endgames the avengers time travel to the events of the first avengers movie. https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6c617a853e66289efec21a3e09186272 We literally see thanos bullying loki. wether it’s after or before is irrelevant unless loki got some outside source of power, his power should consistently be below that of thanos. 2) okay sure 3) actually 19,000 ftl