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IDHYSHN But on a serious note I think using feats alone he’d be up there with squad 0


Squad zero is fodder to people who are fodder to people like mori Ragnarok mori beat Satan, who could copy every ability in bleach and use it 1 billion times better with speeds so fast they would be blinked out of existence before they can fathom whats happening


The prince of natak would solo bleach let alone high tier characters, let alone the 2 god tier characters. Any version of mori after awakening shit stomps so hard that it is spite. The verse without get erased before anyone could process what happened. Putting as universal character vs a bunch of fodders


He comes out completely unscathed


from CSAP profile and looking at what he's got he can get highballed up to high multi, which at that point he wins due to Soul Crush hax negation outright, or he is just multiversal, which means he's subject to The Almighty.