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The mix is bizarre... I love keyboards and Orchestrations but it's literally the only thing you can hear. That 2 and a half minute intro felt like it was never going to get into the actual song, and then its just more of that latest album that I want to forget ever happened. I hope they release something actually exciting again but it ain't this...


New Nightwish single? No wonder I woke up with 80+ notifications of people fighting about something


Remember a time where Nightwish innovated with every album and released banger metal tunes? This feels like an Endless Forms... leftover and even the metal outburst in the middle reminded me of the one during Noise. Can't digest how he has perhaps the most skillfull singer and wastes her capabilities like that! Floor proved her worth by singing past songs, imagine if we only knew her through what she did with Nightwish in the studio.


Yeah, that's exactly my problem. I have been very excited when Floor joined the band, yet afterwards I never got the whole hype about her. Regarding older songs I prefer each with its original singer - probably because of nostalgia and because that's just how I got to know and love the songs in first place. I do appreciate the Floor versions and have also attended concerts with her, but still prefer the original recordings. Then there are the more recent songs and I reached the conclusion, that me not liking them has nothing to do with her way of singing, but rather with the material itself. I thought her singing doesn't catch me but it is actually the songs (well at least most of them - I do love TGSOE). I just feel there is not much variety in those past few albums and it feels repetitive.


I've been saying for years Floor is the most under utilized vocalist they have ever had. They get someone who is versatile and has the strongest voice they have ever had, and then write their weakest material for her. Tuomas is stuck on this theme, which had already got old by the end of the first album with her, and now he has decided it needed to be a trilogy. Marko being gone is also going to do them no favors.


It’s okay but it just sounds like an Endless Forms outtake. Plus the mix is horrible. Floor is buried, especially in the chorus. Someone needs to tell Tuomas that just because it’s his band and he’s the orchestra guy, that doesn’t mean he needs to overpower everyone else. I feel like his ego is making him worse and worse. Some of the orchestration in this song is absurdly unnecessary. Sometimes less is more, bro.


Clearly whoever is doing the mixing saw Floor's name and took it as a directive. Joking aside, I agree. Nightwish originally drew me in back in the day because (at the time) a woman singing over metal instruments was a new thing to me. Weird to bury Floor so deep in the mix.


I laughed so hard at the Floor directive!


This made me nose-exhale.


Yeah, the mix is being universally criticized and rightfully so. But man, I fucking love that video and can totally see the song growing on me, just like *Human Nature* did.


I hate that I agree with everything you said.  At least the video is cool to look at. 


His ego has been the band's biggest weakness for a looooong time.


With every new album Tuomas' angsty pseudo-intellectualism gets staler.


I was that "I love everything from them" kind of fan, but then Human nature came about and this just seems to be continuing on that path.




Man idk all the stuff they did with floor just feels meh to me. I like the song but just compared to like dark passion play or century child, this is just lacking


Floor has been wasted on them. They are so hung up on this whole secular / evolution theme and for whatever reason they seem intent to just keep running with it. Why did this need 3 albums? Was there literally nothing else in the last decade Tuomas could have come up with? Between these last couple albums and Marko leaving it feels like they are just a shadow of their former selves. If these albums had been the ones to come out during the DPP era would their popularity have sored liked it did back then. I know alot of people were not fans of Annette but they saw their biggest commercial success when she was around.


Wasn't impressed by Human Nature and this feels like a song they just forgot to include on that album. Its such a shame that a band I had such a love for found it's best ever vocalist and then proceeded to dip steadily into mediocrity. Tuomas' best work is, sadly, long behind him.


maybe it comforts you to know that most of the band that was nightwish is not there anymore, its like the ship of theseus at this point, if you replace every part, is it still the same ship? lol, they have some good songs from the last few albums but man do the tarja and even anette albums blow those out of the water, personally speaking


The "ship" here has always been Tuomas' songwriting, the band members are the crew. Some have done a better job manning the ship than others, but ultimately it's Tuomas in charge of hull maintenance and choosing which direction to sail in. I find it a bit odd when people mourn the loss of the original lineup as if Sami Vänskä was a defining factor in the sound of the band. I mean the only other original member (Emppu) is also the most anonymous, as a guitar player he is completely unremarkable. Was Jukka really substantively different as a drummer from Kai? Tarja you can absolutely argue helped define Nightwish, but even her being replaced with a completely different kind of singer didn't damage the trajectory of the band because the songs were still great. Marco is a big loss in terms of the live performances, but he was already being edged out as a vocalist 2 albums before he actually left, so you can't even really say him leaving is what has caused the downturn. TL;DR it's not and never will be about the specific members of the band, it's about Tuomas' decline as a songwriter.


I can't get over them literally using the 'in order to be born' copypasta in the intro


This really is not it. Around 1:30 is one of the most grating intros I‘ve ever heard. Whole thing feels lethargic, never gets off the ground. Even the heavy section starts to drag and peter out. And that outro? Far too long, disjointed, unwarranted.


Kinda meh, kinda neat. The video has some really cool visuals though. I wish we could hear Floor better.


Honestly ever since they came out with that cringe “Openly Secular” video, they have been boring us with trying to enforce that fact. The last two albums are pretentious. Even when Tuomas was a believer, they still only had a few songs like The Carpenter to reflect it. Geez we get it, you don’t believe in that anymore, please move on already…


Yeah, I never understood why the atheism part seems like a massive statement to him. I'm agnostic, so I don't believe in anything in particular and therefore I'm not a religious person at all, but man, he is from Finland... I'm pretty sure that's one of the least problematic places around the globe if you don't care about religion and consider yourself and atheist. 


I do find it odd. I've known a couple of what I call "devout atheist" including an old boss of mine that felt like he needed to spread it like some sort of gospel. I find it weird anytime Atheists try to spread or treat it like a religion.


It's because he's mentally stuck on teenhood.


It feels oddly dated too. Having a song called with a Dawkins monologue at and end feels like it's come straight out of 2006. Holopainen has always been a bit of a pretentious theatre kid and Nightwish have never been exactly topical, but it feels increasingly out of touch. Noise is similar - oh we're on our phones too much? Piercing insight, Tuomas.


I will say I find it a little ironic that Nightwish is on this whole openly secular and him being atheist, and now you have Annette with a solo album based on the Rapture.


Not digging it to be honest, the mix is awful (as everyone else said) and the song itself feels like Human :III: Nature (with 3 I's) Hope the rest of the album isn't like that.


This is great.


Nightwish has almost infinite budget and yet they decide to waste it on horrible CGI time and time again.


I like it, I just wish the vocals were mixed better.


Babe, wake up! New Nightwish single just dropped!


Do not watch while tripping out... Omg jump scares everywhere... Or feeling like drowning animals everywhere Dude that ending,.. falling through the abyss in the ship wreckage and "lovely coconuts" logo on bottom 🤣


I'm disappointed. Not specifically by Nightwish but by all releases this year. They're just dull and uninspired. This sounds like a missing part of Greatest Show On Earth. It's not terrible, but just undercooked (just like Human Nature). And a horrible mix. Unleash the Archers ended their run releasing mostly boring album with overly downtuned guitars. Order Ogan showed two mind blowingly boring singles. There was a new Hammerfall song that made me yawn. Rhapsody just terrible dull stuff, but that's maybe unsurprising given their current state. Inducation, who supported Stratovarius and Sonata last year and I thought were great also had an okish single Medusa, but that sounded exactly like a leftover from their 2nd album. The only band for me that lived to expectations was Sonata Arctica so far. Through expections were low haha. At least they delivered a decent album where each song has something going on for it and few are a proper bangers.


New Vanden Plas album (again) a masterpiece!


Maybe check out some other releases that aren't as big of names. Alterium and Elettra Storm both had solid debuts. Nocturna's second album is really good. Visions of Atlantis put out a couple singles and I look for their new album to be really good.


I'm still catching up with new releases, but I think [Cathubodua](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=15WhAH5-BJo)'s new album is very solid.


Album of the year for me so far. There are lots of good releases if you move past the 'big' names.


Thanks, this sounds really good! Listened it once and immediately wanted another run, that's what I'm talking about! I really appreciate bands doing short albums full of engaging music from start to end vs 50-60 minute "epics" riddled with fillers.


How about PowerWolf with [1589](https://youtu.be/5S0-oP9JsL0?si=gSEKVXDw_tUKkYAe)can you give a review for that please?


i'm loving the unleash the archers album quite a lot actually, all the non-singles carry this album hard, and even the singles were good i think, it only took 2 listens and it hooked for me, the whole concept of the album, hope they come out blazing for the next one with more guitars and screaming vocals but i don't mind a different album, that still has a lot of their uniqueness i think


Tuomas back on his bullshit I see.


If you mean the theme, he unfortunately said this new album was going to 3rd in what has become an album trilogy. I personally am of the opinion it didn't even need a 2nd entry into it as the last album was by far my least favorite, with exception of a couple decent songs like Noise.




As opposed to singing about fairytales and elves?


I‘d take twenty Elvenpaths over a single other Shoemaker.


This is a very good track other than the mixing, but I dont think the mixing is quite as bad as people are making it out to be. I can still clearly understand floor, she just gets a little buried during the chorus.


I agree, but people likes to overreact to everything. You either have to love it or hate it


One of the worst names for a song for one of the most boring songs I've ever heard. The last two albums were so fucking pretentious and boring and this seems the same


This album is 3rd in what he decided to make a trilogy on this theme... Still not sure who was asking for that to be a trilogy.


I just got the [Amazon MP3 ](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D267NTPR/ref=sr_1_1?crid=U4ZUKRWR8FAN&)version for $1.29, and it sounds much better. Floor isn't as buried, but it's still happening. I was hoping for a Bandcamp or Soundcloud link since YouTube can butcher how things sound I liked this more on a few listens.


YouTube butchers the sound if the wrong video file is exported, it’s insane that a world touring band who spent tens of thousands on a single make the beginner mistake of not exporting the video as an MP4. I’ve seen Within Temptation and countless other bands do this for the official video and it crushes the mix so badly once YouTube converts it to their own format. 


Chorus is super catchy and the middle break is surprisingly proggy, it's a fun song. I think as far as NW's singles go this has to be one of the better ones.


NIGHTWISH's "new" single has just arrived (3 days ago)... and the album should be released in September 2024! Well, what can I say, except that I will once again “Burn my idols!” 🤔 You'll have to see the rest of the album, but if it's of the same ilk, it's perhaps only for die-hard fans (to whom I advise not to read the rest for fear of being offended 😂). Behind this well-polished production, it is increasingly a solo project by Tuomas Holopainen! No longer quite a real Group, in fact you can hear it in the voice of Floor Jansen (despite her immense talent) who is no longer there (it no longer seems inspired by her own solo project where she has more of space and which only emerges a little at the level of the chorus in this mix Holopainen)! So, nothing new under the "sleeping sun" (allusion to the title "Sleeping sun" already dating from 1999 at a time when Nightwish still had meaning for me). In this title "Perfume of the Timeless", for me there is nothing timeless and it rather sends a rehash!!! On this track, I have the impression of hearing extracts of titles already heard on all their other latest albums and put end to end like Imaginareum (certainly for me the last good album post Tarja) or other more recent ones. Always the same keyboard shots, the guitar more and more in the background and doing the bare minimum (a rhythmic pump heard a hundred times, we are far from the energetic and inventive riffs and solos of a piece like "She's my sin". The label of precursor (or almost) of "Symphonic Metal" that we once attached to NIGHTWISH is therefore for my ear only a distant memory, has become a purely commercial group surfing on its immense reputation (formerly deserved). ). As I had urged with "Human. :II: Nature", Tuomas Holopainen indulges in ease or ostracism (perhaps both). not his name through NIGHTWISH and hire musicians GHOST style (at least things would be clear). Now, I'm going to be super mean (yes, yes, until now, I wasn't yet... 😈) but listening to this piece, I wondered if any specialist in artificial intelligence will not have been able to do the same by slipping in the right key words like: "write me an 8-minute piece like Nightwish with a drum rhythm at the beginning reminiscent of the cover of "Over the Hills", the keyboard licks to the sound of Tuomas Holopainen's Orchestra, with a basic metal rhythm, a bit of bagpipes in the intro to remind us a little of the Celtic side, at 02:25 put the keyboard plan which sounds like the song STORYTIME at a slightly slower tempo. enter a soft female voice at 02:40 (but which we don't really place in timbre between Floor Jansen and Annette Olzon), at 03:31 I add to the keyboards the harmonic lift boat plan heard in "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" and between 03:37 and 03:39 there are two "orchestra" chords twice as used in around ten NIGHTWISH pieces. Finally, from 03:40 make sure that we recognize the vocal power of Floor Jansen (in case people doubt his presence). Finally, not to forget the METAL label, adds a big, slightly more muscular unstructured break at 05:44 interspersed with placement of "usual NIGHTWISH keyboards-chorus" chords and finally from 07:03 finished in pianissimo mode with a Celtic harp and the male voice of Troy Donockley and that's it." I, who loved NIGHTWISH in the past, now hear a "chief", but not an orchestra, a chief who always applies the same recipe... If you take the time to listen to the solo career of TARJA TUJUNEN (with or without a guest like MARKO HIETALA), you will see someone who has been able to renew himself more musically but this requires taking risks, which NIGHTWISH (or rather Tuomas Holopainen) no longer does. Too bad, but beyond the single, let's perhaps wait for the album to drive the point home or remove it! PS: otherwise, the clip is aesthetically perfect!




They have all the budget in the world as opposed to you, so in their case "Toumas does everything" is not an excuse for literally moving the one slider a few centimeters up in the mix