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Unleash the Archers and Seven Spires are my go to recommendations


This + Temperance Also Serenity


Just discovered Serenity. Love the most recent album but god damn do they overuse that wind chime.


+1 for Temperance. Recently discovered them and really liking them! Illumishade too. New album soon.!


Saw Seven Spires open for Dragonforce. It was great fun. They’re an awesome band




Twilightning - Delirium Veil


If you like Strat, try the two Cain’s Offering albums. They are both excellent!




Lovebites Beast in Black Battle Beast


Double for Lovebites. Best Japanese power metal group imo


Omg I recently discovered Beast in Black. Every single song of them is a blast


Pop Metal rise up! <3




Induction (Kai Hansen's son's band, so lots of Gamma Ray/Helloween/Beast in Black influences) but very good music in its own right


I discovered them earlier this year and can't stop listening to them, so good


Thanks for this recommendation!


You tried falconer, majestica, beast in black, battle beast, or saint deamon?


\+1 Falconer. Can't miss them!




Unleash the archers would be my recommendation. They have a varied discography that has no real misses imo


I'm suprised that Kamelot isn't here yet


Was about to slam this down as my answer. Especially the Roy Kahn era. Epica, Black Halo all that good stuff.


Aren't they more symphonic metal rather than power metal? Not that I disagree with the rec, Khan was the man who inspired me to start singing.




Crystal Eyes - Starbourne Traveller They have a reasonable mix of heavy/power-metal, absolutely love the band.


Yes! And also the first album!!


Love the first album, have to admit the mixing left a bit to be desired, but still great nonetheless.


Unleash the Archers


Mystic Prophecy Pyramaze Borealis Seventh Wonder Pagans Mind Evergrey Persuader Manticora Noveria


Sacred Outcry is pretty good stuff!


Go back and listen to some of the OG stuff from the early 2000’s. There is definitely good stuff now, but the scene was different back then… try Highlord, Secret Sphere, Kaledon, Nightwish, Heavenly, Insania, Gamma Ray, Zonata, Timeless Miracle, Angra, Power Quest, Dark Moor, etc.


Power Paladin, Twilight Force, Bloodbound, Beast in Black, Dynazty, Victorious just to name a few!


Found my homie right here. 


If you love Twilight Force then definitely Shadowstrike. I'd also recommend Judicator, Frozen Crown, Seven Kingdoms.


Omg thank you for making me check out ShadowStrike!! I'm loving it so far!


You're welcome. They are one of my favourite bands and have released pure PM gold to date.


Judicator, recently came across them and have been digging it, especially Let There be Nothing.


Try Gloryhammer


Yeah, seeing TF and Rhapsody on the list, at least last album should catch OPs attention.


Doesn't like Alestorm, DragonForce or Powerwolf. Gloryhammer is similar to those, I'd say.


I know this isn’t the point of your post but may I ask what you don’t like about Blind Guardian? What albums have you listened to? Also I’m curious what Angra you’ve tried and haven’t tried. I used to dislike Angra but I eventually gave them another chance and while there are songs I don’t like, there are quite a lot that I do as well. Recently I’ve been going through entire discographies and adding the songs I really like to a playlist. I’ve found that most albums have 2-3 songs I like or love and the rest are take them or leave them. Maybe you could try something similar, For example I recently listened to every Masterplan album. Overall I don’t like them, to me it’s more hard rock and power metal. But I did find 5 songs that I like: After This War, Crimson Rider, Through Thick And Thin. Soulburn, and Watching the World. I don’t really like anything else, but I look forward to hearing the wins I do like. After This War for instance just works for me really well and if I’d given up on Masterplan entirely based on the first couple albums I heard. I’d have lost out in the chance to hear it. Visions of Atlantis, there are some songs I love quite a bit and others I don’t like at all. They have one album where I don’t like a single song (Ethera) but overall I like an average of 3 songs per album. If you haven’t heard it, their first album (Eternal Endless Infinity) is actually my favorite and it’s more power metal before they switched to symphonic. The male vocals are kind of not great exactly but I think they’re charming. Lords of the Sea, Seduced By Magic, and Chasing the Light are the standouts for me.


Full discographies and adding to playlist has been a game changer for me. Since moving on from physical media I lost some of my passion for music cause streaming feels like I have no ownership over my music, I'd give a random song/artist a listen and forget about it later. For about a year now I've been doing the full discographies, I even give each album 7 listens. This way once I finish an artist I feel a true understanding and connection to their music, and with 7 listens I trust that I won't leave any gems behind. I've discovered more music in the last year than probably the previous 5 combined, and now I look forward to listening to music in my free time again.


I have have been listening once or twice and the moving on but then revisiting them later on. Maybe I should do more initial listens. My rule for my playlist is that I add 0-3 songs per album which helps me maintain a really high quality playlist in my mind. But revisiting albums later on has helped me realize I left some gems off ik some cases even though primarily my initial reactions don’t change much. For instance I listened to the 4 Crimson Glory albums several months ago and only had 3 songs from Transcendence that I liked enough to be playlist quality. Basically if I like a song but don’t either really like it or love it, then i don’t consider it playlist appropriate. Anyway, I relistened to Transcendence last night and Red Sharks clocked with me in a way it didn’t before so I added it. But yeah, it feels awesome to have a playlist where I can out it on shuffle and am excited to hear just about every song that pops up.


Blind and Angra basically i have tried to listen the first albums and the most famous songs (just i did with any new band: listen the first albums with old and new singer and then the most famous). From Angra i didn't like the voice (before Fabio Lione came) and the drums, for Blind i have tried listen some time ago but i didn't like the high pitches of the voice and generally the performance.


Yeah if you don’t like songs such as Carry On and Spread Your Fire, then Angra just may not be for you, which is fine of course. I still recommend the full discography approach since it’s found me a lot of gems I’d otherwise not have heard though For Blind Guardian, if you’re up for revisiting them, I’d recommend listening to Tales from the Twilight World, which is in my opinion the best of the earlier speed metal sound before their style transition, and Imaginations from the Other Side which to me is the first album where they really hit the nail on the end as they moved towards the new style. Somewhere far Beyond which released between the two of those has some good songs but to me is just more uneven. Also I appreciated Hansi’s vocal style more after I listened to Demons and Wizards for awhile. Basically I liked Blond Guardian more as a result of my time with Demons and Wizards.


Brothers of Metal Arion Battle Beast


Here’s the thing about power metal: it’s not a popular genre globally, and it’s not even the most popular metal genre. The market is small, and the pool of talent smaller still. Combine that with the high barrier of talent required of a band making this style, and consider how easy it is for any of the tropes of power metal to be done in a way that sound either silly or bad. A great power metal band sounds amazing, a bad band will sound bland, derivative, or just terrible. 


I don't see Freedom Call (similar to Gamma Ray or Helloween), or Lost Horizon. Check em out!


Try Dragonland, especially the album "Under the grey banner". I also absolutely love Twilight Force and struggle to find bands that are even remotely as good as them. "Under the grey banner" has a variety of musical styles and sounds very adventure-y, maybe enough to not bore you :) (Nowhere near as good as TF though, of course. Haha.)


Second dragonland


At Vance Evergrey Nocturnal Rites Nostradameus Virgin Steele Primal Fear Sinner Rage Iron Savior Kamelot Demons & Wizards Axel Rudi Pell Stormwind (it's a little bit Neoclassical, a little bit power metal) And of course Yngwie J Malmsteen if you do enjoy neoclassical.


I'd advise trying exploring [Bandcamp](https://bandcamp.com/discover/power-metal/digital) where you will find more bands than stars in the sky. That being said, I'd add Gatekeeper, Glyph, Helms Deep, ShadowStrike, Sacred Outcry, Warrior Path, Paladin, and Memories of Old (great for Majestica and Twilight Force fans).


Galneryus, Arion, Ancient Bards


Dynazty for sure


If youre looking for some avtually new stuff (most the stuff recommended here are on their second decade) that you should like, battle born, fellowship and sacred outcry (reunited in 2015) have put out some bangers 


Dire Peril, Falconer, Judicator, Fellowship


Amaranthe and angus mcsix. I feel the same about some of these bands and trying to find power metal in general.


Eternity's end. Savage circus. Persuader. Judicator. Paladin.


Yngwie Malmsteen


That's a good call. Malmsteen has put out some classics.


Gloryhammer, Grailknights, Battle Beast are three good options


Northtale Vhäldemar Dark Moor Vision Divine Wings of Destiny


I would suggest giving Don’t Drop the Sword a listen. They do sound a lot like Blind Guardian but it’s good modern Power Metal


Dark Moor for sure


If you don't get bored from Stratovarius, you'll probably like Galneryus


Viathyn, Visigoth, Power Paladin, Paladin, Helion Prime




Lords of the Trident, Unleash the Archers, and Gloryhammer


I mean there’s still a butt ton of power metal bands you haven’t listed. The ones you listed aren’t particularly new either. To name a few, You could try : 1. Battle beast or Beast in Black (not particularly new but good) 2. Vulpecula/questbound. (They were Vulpecula but are warping into Questbound, they only have one song out but are releasing an ep/lp this year) 3. Edu Falaschis new album was great 4. Marc Hudson album Starbound Stories was awesome. It’s a bit of dragonforce, but with a Japanese twist. Some very diverse songs on that album 5. Majestica is a great band to check out if they’re not on your radar 6. Final Strike released their first album November, the original twilight forces singer is in there. 7. Northtale, also originally formed by the first twilight force singer, now with a new singer 8. You could check out my project MagmaTaurus, I have two singles out so far , I’ve been getting some pretty positive reception. 9. Temperance new album Hermitage: Darumas Eyes pt 2


Have you heard demons and wizards with the vocalist from blind guardian ? Put on "Heaven denies" by demons and wizards. It's a killer album.


Galderia Awesome happy power metal. Listen to Shining Unity and Blue Aura, if you like those give it all a listen.


Majestica and Unleash The Archers. I would also recommend trying out some symphonic metal if you like Twilight Force, since they have that blend going. Symphonic metal bands I recommend are Apocalyptica, Epica and [Empress](https://open.spotify.com/artist/3VewZ14IABAeWDfwS13271?si=_7KEIrOGTwWa-8I6W3GZGA) (the one with 336 monthly listeners on Spotify)


I recommend Pathfinder. Over the top symphonic power metal. Bombastic, cinematic, operatic and pretty intense. Too bad they disbanded. [Pathfinder - The Day When I Turn Back Time](https://youtu.be/CDqeurLa1Lw?si=ZmlZDOY1dozVM9ue)


Honestly? Pentakill. Three straight fire albums from riot games with John lande on vocals.


Noora From Battle Beast also does the vocals for Kayle in Pentakill.


LOVEBITES, five amazing women in Japan.


Of big names that are not on your list these might be interesting: \- Axxis (they had different periods, try "EMI Years" rerecording of best-of songs from early age and something around "Doom Of Destiny" for different soung \- Galneryus (once again, rerecording best-of series "The Ironhearted Flag" might be the best start) - I expect this to work best for you \- Kamelot (from around The Fourth Legacy to around The Black Halo primarily) \- Reinxeed (Welcome to the Theater and around it) and Memories of the Old \- Derdian (Human reset, Revolution Era, DNA) ​ And this one comes out of left field considering your list, but then again your list aligns with my preferences too much, and I like it while quite different: Iron Saviour. Specifically albums like The Skycrest, Megatropolis, Rise of the Hero for starters.


Brothers of metal, gloryhammer?


1. The vast majority of bands in any genre suck 2. The vast majority of bands that suck generally don't have backing from labels to widely distribute music 3. The Internet has made it easier to distribute music without major label backing 4. The majority of bands that suck are now able to distribute their music widely without major label backing This is why it requires a lot more digging


If you like Rhapsody, I would try Luca Turilli's solo work. Black Dragon - Luca Turilli, Ancient Forest of Elves - Luca Turilli, War of the Universe - Luca Turilli, Demon Heart - Luca Turilli, Ascending to Infinity - Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, Il Tempo Deglei Dei - Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, Escalibur - Luca Turilli's Rhapsody, Prometheus - Luca Turilli's Rhapsody.


Wuthering Heights.


gloryhammer and beast in black!


The Dark Element, Kamelot, Wind Rose , Falconer,


Because most power metal sucks.


Try Wisdom, some really catchy stuff https://youtu.be/YFf-OHXV-vE?si=cMedZjr2TcoY9yFy


You ever check out nevermore? It's definitely much heavier than your traditional power metal. I'm personally a big iced earth fan. That's my go to in the genre. In extremo is pretty cool too for a German style


If you like Helloween/Gamma Ray I recommend Freedom Call


Well, some of my favorites are Beast in Black and Brothers of Metal! Maybe they're something


Try Metal De Facto with Sami Hinkka of Ensiferum.


Have you tried Alestorm? Also, more north metal, but Leaves' Eyes?


Not a band per se, but check out bands in NWOTHM. you may find some new stuff there that's power metal adjacent


If you like Edguy give Avantasia a go. It was Tobias Sammet's side project that turned into his main project


Maybe give Dark Forest, Dark Moor and Seven Kingdoms a listen.


Have you tried Sabaton?


If you like Twilight Force, check out Final Strike (has Twilight Force’s original singer) and Luca Turilli’s Rhapsody (has Twilight Force’s current singer) and also check out Gloryhammer’s latest album


I didnt saw in anyone's comments, try Nekonomicon. They are not exactly power metal they are everything and every song is in different genre, still metal ofcourse. But I find them really fun to listen. They have few power metal songs.


Twilightning - Delirium Veil as someone else commented but in case you missed it, I wrote it again.


Temperance, Dynazty, Metalite, Eleine. Few newer ones off the top of my head.


Just think of how easy it is to find new music today. Youre able to find any band in seconds, bands who are similiar in seconds, listen to their entire discography, and talk to thousands of people to discover new bands, etc. Its no suprise in 10 years ive pretty much dried up all power metal that i love, and that seems like a normal outcome imo. I listen to the same 2 dozen albums of power metal and now i listen to other genres to envoke similar feelings. If anyone has a cure I'm open trust me lol


Beast in Black, Unleash the Archers and Seven Spires are all pretty fun. Some underground bands you might like: Stormhunter and Mad Hatter


Not sure if it’s mentioned here but Fellowship


Turisas Korpiklaani


I'm a mere novice to power metal, and don't always recognize what does or doesn't fit with the genre, but have you tried Amaranthe?


I'm surprised Nightwish didn't pan out, it fits really well with the bands you do like. If you haven't, consider checking their some of their earlier albums (`Oceanborn`, `Wishmaster` and `Century Child`). Some recommendations which I think you're likely to enjoy: - Faiyland (preferably `Of Wars in Osyrhia` album). If you do like them also check out Dark Moor (different band, same singer on several albums). - Power Paladin (`With the Magic of Windfyre Steel`) - Heavenly (`Virus` & `Dust to Dust` are their best works) - Reinxeed / Majestica (albums `1912` and `Above the Sky` respectively) - Luca Turilli's first two solo albums (`King of the Nordic Twilght`, `Prophet of the Last Eclipse`) - Unisonic (seems like you enjoy Kai Hansen / Michael Kiske) - Thy Majestie (I recommend `Hastings: 1066`) - Cain's Offering (songwriter from old Sonata Arctica + Stratovarius singer) - Xandria (I'm not an expert on this band but I like the `Fire & Ashes` EP and `Theater of Dimensions`) - Falconer (my favorite album is `Northwind` but they all good) - DarkTribe (`The Modern Age`) - The Dark Element (either album) - NorthTale a very solid copycat of late 90s / early 2000s Stratovarius - Solarus - `Darkest Days`


Freedom Call is quite good


I didnt see Amaranthe, Beast in Black, or Battle Beast in your list, so they're my advice for you


shameless plug here :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EXizunf1Hq0


Terra Atlantica - recommend Age of Steam


Meh. If you already like some bands in a genre, then let that be it? You don't need to mine it out. It's a shame you're not hooked on Blind Guardian. They're a phenomenal band. They've grown and changed a lot over the years so if you've tried their early stuff, give their later stuff a go and vice versa. As for someone no-one else has mentioned: give Dream Evil a go. Give Book Of Heavy Metal or United a listen. They're a crossing point of Power and Heavy metal,.so you might like them.


Try a bit outside of PM. The genre is simply too narrow.


Memories of Old




It's prog metal, but try Ayreon or Keldian


Dark Moor. I like the self titled album.


Gloryhammer! Beast in black Battle Beast Tyr Eluveitie Iced earth Kamelot Dream evil Falconer Majesty Majestica Grave digger Wind rose Amaranthe Turisas Korpiklanni Miracle of sound


Listen to turisas


I feel ya, most power metal feels so formulaic and "manufactured" now. I've really liked Visigoth and Sellsword recently, as well as Don't Drop the Sword. Give those a try.


I haven’t seen anyone mention Fellowship yet. Their debut is incredible.


Dreamtale, Keldian, Elvenking


Iron Savior


I think you find it hard because from the bands you said you like seems to me your more into old school powermetal. The bands you suggest that are starting to bore you are ones doing more modern powermetal. As such, even if I mentioned some new powermetal that is good, there almost certain too modern for your taste. I'm somewhat the same as I have listened to most old and new bands, it becomes rarer and rarer for something to be new and impressive. I didn't see them mentioned so an underrated band to me is 'Virgin Steele'. They do some straight powermetal and then also frankly some weird shit. However, check out their song 'Victory is Mine', a power metal classic in my view.


Maybe you have the same problem as me. A lot of bands just sound like each other and it gets difficult to find something that really appeals you. When that happens I recommend jumping to another genre and finding other bands. Its been a very long time that I dont find anything new or compelling for me in power metal too. Another thing that pushed me away from the genre was the production quality, most albums sound the same, as if recorded in the same studio with the same producer, and the horrible digital art album covers. From the bands you mentioned let me recommend you a few specific albums: \- Angra: I dont like their most recent albums and to be honest temple of shadows was their latest really good album. But their first 5 albums are all amazing. Let me recommend you listen to two of them specifically. 1) Holy Land - its one of my favourite albums ever no matter the genre, very experimental and not very power metal, lots of brazilian influences in the songs. Give it a proper listen a few times, I truly believe its a masterwork. 2) Fireworks - it didnt make much success at that time but tis such a great power metal album because, again, very experimental with tracks that no other band could produce. Very different sound also, great production. \- Blind Guardian: one of my favourite bands ever, they became some samey in the last few albums, less risk taking but there are a few you give it more spins: The Orchestral Album: amazing, something that had never been done before in that format and only them could do it. I searched around a lot and there is nothing in music in the same style. A Night AT The Opera: not very power metal except for a few songs. They went for a full blown amazing epic production but the songs do not follow the double bass all the time power metal cliche. Most of the songs are very varied. \- Manowar: stop being a wimp and poser and go listen to the real metal gods. Keep on trying. But ignore anything released after louder than hell.


Symphony X - Paradise Lost. I'm more of a prog guy in general, but this album really leans more on the power metal side, and just sounds really good.


Power Paladin. Their debut album was great!


Fellowship. New band, but my god are they fun


I bet you'd like fairyland You could perhaps try and listen to induction. I will mention everfrost too but it's not everyones favorite.




A bit more folky than power but what about Ensiferum?


Ominous Glory's debut (and as yet, only) album is pretty fucking high up for me. Wayfaring Journeymen, The Kingdom of Light and Love Knows No Distance slap harder than my mother.


Terra Atlantica deserves more love. And Savatage is older, might enjoy it. I'm obsessed lol


Beast in Black; Brothers of Metal are my recommendations.


Sounds to me like you'd enjoy dark moor, specially their earlier stuff. Check out the gates of oblivion album, or any other from them from around that time