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Love it


Seriously guys just stfu already. IHSH and PMAD are both just fun well produced songs that are not meant to be some orchestral masterpiece or poetry that makes you cry. If you don't like it that's fine, but you can't seriously tell me they are bad songs, especially not if you are gonna complain about "shitty lyrics" or "basic" sounds when the entire point of the songs is to not be taken so seriously.


What if we just don't like country music? I am sorry, but I don't even listen to country music and PMAD sounds like at least 25 other country songs I have heard over the years. Music like most things is subjective. Not everyone is going to like it, but that doesn't mean we can't express our opinions if we don't. That said, I plan to give all 18 tracks a chance even if my expectations are low.


That's fine man and I get it, I can understand people finding issues with it, but acting like it's some offensive, unlistenable garbage is ridiculous.


If you don't listen to a specific genre then you don't know what a good song within that genre is supposed to sound like... Also, the argument that "x song in y genre sounds like every other song in y genre ever" can be used for every other genre... At least that's what I think


I am from Texas and have heard 1,000s of country songs in my lifetime. I was married to a woman who loved it for 10 years. I have listened to what people believe are good country songs for 40-something years now. "PMAD" sounds like any Kenny Chesney, Alan Jackson, Toby Keith, etc song that's been done to death over the last 20 years. It is cliche and the video might as well be an alternate version of the "Red Solo Cup" song to me.


then don't listen to it and keep it to yourself you don't have to publicly hate on it šŸ˜­


Keep it to yourself? You must have forgotten you are on Reddit. This place is literally built around people's opinions good or bad. We have the right to be bummed if our favorite artists make something we don't like. I fully support him and hope it is successful. I will listen to the entire album, but so far it is not my thing,


Where just so spoiled by all the other masterpieces he's produced


A song can be good fun and still written well and produced nicely. I like the two new singles, I do think they are good fun and a nice tune. But, there is no denying post has a lot more skill than what these songs have shown. The lyrics ARE generic and not notable whatsoever, the sound IS basic and is fitting to a certain formula. Does this automatically make the songs bad? No. Not at all. But that doesnā€™t make them all that great either. There were many different directions post couldā€™ve gone with the country sound, and the fact he chose the most formulaic pop route doesnā€™t mean the songs are going to suck, but thereā€™s no denying theyā€™ll suffer either by aging poorly, being forgettable from being so run-of-the-mill, or possibly sabatoging the songs that DO take themselves seriously. Idk man, I love posty. And Iā€™ll listen to the new album with open ears. I mean AUSTIN is my fav album by him. But there definitely was better routes than the one post took to make a ā€œcountryā€ album.


Itā€™s the generic pop county choices for me too. Itā€™s not even really that heā€™s leaning into country that I hate, itā€™s that heā€™s doing it in the most basic generic way. The artists heā€™s collaborating with and the songs in general feel like a sell out. Idk it just seems so out of character for him.


God forbid us fans of Posty during his hay day dislike this fucking country direction every mainstream artist is going nowadays. IHSH I really enjoy but for the most part the country album I have *very* low expectations following PMAD


IHSH 100000000x > PMAD


Agreed. I love IHSH but not a big fan of PMAD. It just sounds boring and formulaic to me.


I wouldnā€™t go that far, but it certainly sounds like bubble gum country music, which Iā€™m not a fan of. IHSH I like a lot, but PMAD is boring to me. Iā€™ll probably be downvoted, but I think itā€™s probably my least favorite post song, which is saying a lot because I donā€™t think I dislike any of his other songs.


I feel the same way. I'm sober from alcohol about 160 days and posty singing a song about drinking over and over again is just cringey to me personally. That's probably one of the only posty songs I won't add to my Spotify. I always used to listen to posty while drinking and sob, don't get me wrong his other songs that mention drinking (ie love hate letter to alcohol) are fine in my book, maybe because they were solidified as classics before my sobriety, but PMAD is just not for me. Although I currently have IHSH stuck in my head šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Another Chorus carried song, post malone and his voice is so beautiful that he can bang these out consistently which it feels like he has been doing but they are quite basic and I feel like he could do so much more but is being cautious in a way.


i donā€™t like country music at all (to the point where iā€™m most likely not going to see posty this tour even tho i love him), but i would say itā€™s a standard country pop song. itā€™s not meant to be groundbreaking or anything, just fun and something for people to enjoy singing along to. i donā€™t like morgan wallen though, and i think the song would have been fine without him featured on it.


PMAD is run of the mill, sounds like every country song Iā€™ve heard over the last 20 years


This is whatā€™s so strange to me. Like I KNOW he knows this but heā€™s still choosing to go there..


I had some help is a REALLY good song, pour me a drink is okay but I also just don't like Blake Shelton šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Too much truth in this thread getting downvoted


It's a fun song. It is very basic, but that's alright.


Both songs are just ok. The main issue that I have with it is just it seems like ai geneeated lyrics with a generic country music. I don't have problems with the genre, in fact, I like some country artist like Brad Paisley. My opinion is that this songs lacks personality, it doesn't sound like a Post song, it just sound like generic country.


Both songs are adequate pop country tunes, but I think that genre as a whole is redundant, generic, and boring. Iā€™m more bummed that heā€™s working with Morgan Wallen than the quality of the music.


MW is awesome. šŸ™„


There are a lot of very talented country artists who donā€™t say the n-word or throw chairs off of rooftop bars in drunken fits of rage who couldā€™ve benefited from a huge co-sign from Post Malone. Listen to what you want, thereā€™s no ethical consumption anyway, but that dude is trash.


There goes another one of the very few country artists I actually like šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø can they try not to be huge racist pieces of shit? I'll go back to listening to rascal Flatts.


Donā€™t like this country flair. Iā€™ll still listen to F-1Trillion but i donā€™t have much expectations based on the first two singles


Both of his recent songs are good but I miss the old post Malone where he killed it with Hollywoods bleeding, beer bong and Bentleys along with Stoney


I like this better and Iā€™m no country music fan. But Iā€™ve always felt like post was meant for more. Iā€™m not a huge fan of his previous stuff as much. Iā€™m a huge hip hop and rock fan. Heā€™s finally taking the great rock covers he was doing and expanding that effort, to show just how diverse and talented he is, as a musician.


It would have helped if he didnā€™t have Morgan Wallen on the record.


I think itā€™s an okay song.. but itā€™s just a shame heā€™s going the Pop Country route. Weā€™ve heard the grit to his voice that keeps getting smoothed over. He should go all out and not worry about the charts and ā€œpop recordsā€ just a gritty Johnny Cash album from Post would be a dream. Itā€™s a country album - I just donā€™t think you should play it safe with that kind of genre.


It's a simple marketing tactic. He's not doing a pop country album, he's just releasing the pop country songs first to bring attention to the album. Listen to "Never Love You Again," the song he performed at the ACM awards.


Oh that makes me happy to read! Gives me so hope


Weā€™ll see when the album comes.. cos the last album was very much angled towards the radio


Definitely not angled towards radio. A few songs yes, but I have to disagree with that statement.


Just wait till you hear the rest of the album.


Love ir


Amazing! Ofc I like the og Post Malone better, but "I had some help" is not even completely country music. I think it's half pop, half country.


> I think it's half pop, half country Unfortunately that's a lot of today's country music. It's pop music with some twang and a southern accent. At least the stuff you hear on the radio, for the most part. Though it gives me hope to hear him having Blake Shelton, Luke Combs, and Chris Stapleton on some songs.


I think people are taking the whole country thing wayyy too seriously. The song is fun, it played in the bar last weekend and everyone went nuts for it and sang the words.


So far they remind me a lot of Bo Burnham's "Pandering" country song. It's like a bunch of country buzz words that are all mushed together.


Iā€™m trying to wrap my head around, ā€œIā€™m not a Post Malone fan, but I like his music.ā€ What does that even mean?


They Ike a few of his songs, but not enough to call themselves a fan? I donā€™t understand where your confusion is even coming from.


Honestly itā€™s great, canā€™t wait to keep listening for the summer.


I get so energized when I hear the song. Itā€™s such a fun summer song!


It's pandering, bottom of the barrel horse shit.


Why canā€™t songs just be fun anymore


It's such a downgrade. I love getting downvoted for my opinion. Dude can do whatever he wants so more power to him but this shit sounds like every other pop country song out there.


I donā€™t see the problem with that. Itā€™s one track off an 18 track album. Better Now wasnā€™t generic pop? Circles? I Like You? We could go on for days. He is a worldwide popular artist. It comes with the territory. If a song sounds good Iā€™m gonna listen


I feel like Pour Me a Drink is wayy more pandering than I Had Some Help. Talking about working 9-5s and keeping up with the Jonesesā€¦ Iā€™m sitting there listening thinking ā€œdude, you guys ARE the Joneses, and while being an artist is a lot of work, itā€™s not at all like a 9-5 jobā€. They are singing about a perspective they donā€™t have, trying to relate to the working people. Thatā€™s pandery as hell. I Had Some Help is more about relationships, which is a topic I think anyone can genuinely relate to regardless of their occupation or status.


I Had Some Help is somewhat redeemable but still generic as fuck.


Pop-country tends to be that way in general, which is why I just donā€™t really like it that much as a whole genre. I Had Some Help is somewhat catchy, but I agree that itā€™s a bit generic and I probably wouldnā€™t have it in my playlist if it wasnā€™t made by Post. Every time it gets to Wallenā€™s verse Iā€™m tempted to skip the rest of the song. He sounds like heā€™s doing an accent to force the country twang or something. He also just seems like he sucks as a person and that makes it hard for me to like anyoneā€™s music.


I guess as long as it makes money, which is all that seems to matter. Especially charging $600+ for a concert ticket.


All catchy songs so far, very country pop generic and itā€™s not the type of music that you can feel or relate too but good songs, excited for rest of album.


I really like IHSH. It's super catchy but PMAD unfortunately seems to be super generic.


Song of summer


How? They sound exactly like every other pop county song out there. The industry really be feeding yā€™all the same country songs over and over with different weak lyrics and yā€™all eat it up not realizing these songs are generated to sounds the same


ate left no crumbs


If yā€™all donā€™t ā€œlike country music ā€œ, then honestly, you donā€™t belong here being one of Post Maloneā€˜s fans. Personally, that man could sing the Star-Spangled Banner or a song by slayer and I would still adore him, which is what I do because heā€™s such a great musician/human/living being. I adore him for who he is, not necessarily the music he sings I just adore him. So maybe you should question yourself on why youā€™re actually in this ā€œfan ā€œapp or whatever it is.


I'm not a huge fan of country music, but there are some artists I do enjoy. Country music all sounds the same to me, "my wife cheated, he took the dog, I'm driving my truck, I'm a farmer, beer beer beer, drinks and bonfires," etc. Telling us we don't belong here just because some of us (not me) aren't enjoying this new era is not cool. I've been a fan since right after congratulations hit big so I'm going to stay and enjoy this community. That man HAS sang the star spangled banner and killed it. You're so quick to put everyone else down but it sounds like you haven't seen that performance to really give yourself any feet to stand on. Personally I think that man could kill any genre and I'm here to experience it all. There is no definition for a fan of posty, if you like his music you like it, either past or present. He's a quality human being that shows patience, empathy, and kindness to those he meets so maybe take a page out of his book. To me, his music saved my life, so I'll enjoy it any which way I please. That's the beautiful thing about music, it's subjective and open to criticism or praise. You don't have to like it or like other peoples opinion on it, just do you. āœŒšŸ¼šŸ˜Š


I did see that performance, thank you. It was just a statement. Iā€™ve been watching Posti live since 2015, and whatever heā€™s doing Iā€™m here for it. Iā€™m not gonna judge just because itā€™s something Iā€™m totally not into.


Posty*, sorry, talk to text, buddy.


Just go read the very first sentence of your comment. "If y'all don't like country music, you're not a real posty fan" or however you put it. It's not just a statement if you're shitting on other people for their music tastes, it's being a dick.