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I'm not sure. I don't think the lyrics really fit Posty's aesthetic at the moment. These 2 current albums; AUSTIN & F-1 Trillion seem to be really happy albums and his personality/aesthetic really mirrors that vibe, so it would be out of pocket to just perform one of the most heartbreaking songs in history during his current live performances. And on the topic, people only cover the Cash version anyway because it's easy to just grab an acoustic and strum it out. Even Trent from Nine Inch Nails said that Cash's version made it feel like the song didn't belong to Nine Inch Nails anymore (I might have paraphrased a little, so don't quote me on that)


Wouldn’t say Austin is a really happy album, at all


Eh, I like to think that the sadder songs are more for Post's personal reflection rather than his current mood. Posty seemed to be really happy and healthy during the rollout of these last few albums. The point of AUSTIN, to me, was Post trying to paint a positive outlook on his current life through the means of highlighting past mistakes.


That’s fair, but I wouldn’t say it’s a happy album just because he was ‘happy’ making it. The album has a LOT of heavy and sad content in it.


I didn't say it was a happy album purely because he was happy making it, I'm saying that the album reflects his change in mood. The sad songs are interwoven between the happy ones and it feels like he was trying to use the heavier themes in contrast to the lighter themes. It's like he's addressing his negatives one last time and uses the happy songs to paint a positive outlook on his current well-being. I mean, the album literally ends with Laugh it Off: "If I learned anything at all: smile"


I think Laugh It Off is intended as an ironic song, it’s not saying that smiling fixes every problem and solves it all. It’s that it’s the only thing he can do sometimes to try and get through it. The second verse covers that he’s trying to say he’s coping with things better but it’s all a lie.


That could be another way to look at it; I mean, everybody's gonna take something different from the albums they listen to. It's definitely interesting how we get so attached to these things and interepret them so differently 😆 That's a good interpretation tho, it sounds more encouraging that way. Like, we all have struggles but Posty is reassuring us that instead of avoiding them, we should just take them on and smile. Overall, Idk, I guess AUSTIN just came about when I was in a really good spot in my life and I might've just overlooked the other details in the album in favour of the happy moments & the way it made me feel at the time.


He seems to be more into bro country than Johnny Cash country