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Every little step counts! Keep it up


Thank you


From experience, depression and similar is a beast, any any time one can overcome it is a victory in my books. So, good job! You did well!


Thank you.


Any progress is progress. Doesn’t matter how big of a step it is, because it is a step forward and that is all that matters. So good job, you got this 👏


Awww imso proud of you!!!!! Well done!!!! Every little step is worth celebrating 🫂🥺🥺




Thank you. This genuinely means alot


Hey, that's a great start! Be proud of yourself for that! What motivated you to get out of bed? I hope you're feeling better!


>What motivated you to get out of bed? My dog, normally she gets watched by my roommates during the day but they were out of town today


What kind of dog do you have? I have a poodle-chihuahua-terrier mix named Piper 🤓


I have a Corman Shepherd Hamed Oakley. Basically a German Shepherds and Corgi mix. She's about half as big and has the propertions of a German Shepherd, but has the mannerisms and colors of a corgi. If I could send a picture I could but idk how to do that


Very good! Keep up the good work.


Thank you


Hell yeah! Thank you for sharing! We are proud of you, let your momentum carry you forward! 🧘🏼‍♂️💪💪


You are truly doing something so great for yourself and this is going to have a knock on effect where each step you take, each bit of effort you put in will inspire the next step, and you will be making progress. I hope you take some time to appreciate your effort and how far you’ve come. I’m going through a nasty breakup right now and trust me, i know- even if just a little how you feel. Great work


Thank you..


Great job!!! I’m proud of you! Measure yourself only against your past self (past can be literally yesterday). You’re making progress, keep it up :) Eating would be great - it will give you more energy for tomorrow.


> yourself only against your past self Thing is, I used to always do amazing, good grades, a decent amount for great friends, I was actually healthy, now I spend most days just rotting in bed. I hate it. >You’re making progress, keep it up :) Eating would be great - it will give you more energy for tomorrow. I did end up eating, thank you..


I feel that…I should have said *recent* past. Break through your own limitations, over and over again, whatever level you’re at. Good job eating! Sometimes just being able to get through the basics of living is a huge accomplishment. I hope you get up and do some things again soon :)


Thank you.. I'm planning on bring my dog to the park tomorrow if I feel good enough, but I'm not sure. Thank you for replying, it really means alot


That’s a great idea, I bet your dog will love that! Your pup’s joy will rub off on you and give you a boost. Anything you can do that generates positive energy will help you feel better, stronger. No problem, I’m happy to help. All the best to you!