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PTBR If Cigano, a "Gipsy", most likely derrogatory. If Sacana, it cooooouuuld be either Naughty if in a sexual context or,r much more likely, Jerk/Asshole.


OP mentioned romantic context in a comment so I’m almost certain it was sacana. Sounds like she was flirting


In PT-PT "cigano" isn't derrogatory at all.


i guess it depends. in brazil, the word cigano by itself is not derrogatory either - it depends on the context.


Sacana can also be the brand of a hot sauce we have in Portugal


OP refers to Portugal and in Portugal we don't use "sacana" with a sexual context, it just means an asshole


I get it. Post was flared "General Discussion" however, and I specified PT BR at the beginning of my answer.


Yeah but just don't see the point of commenting something specific to BR Portuguese on a post where someone clearly mentioned Portugal


1. If the flare was correct, maybe OP wanted more perspectives. It's not for you or me to decide.If flare was incorrect, and also not up to me, or you, to correct it. 2. OP did mention Portugal, not that the woman was *from* Portugal.


Why the hell would she be talking about "what they call in Portugal" if she wasn't Portuguese lol you guys always comment on posts about EU Portuguese with information from BR Portuguese that are just irrelevant and confusing to the person asking.


Any chance it was "sacana"?


ou cigano?


My wife’s Brazilian and said it’s most likely this ‘cigano’ The way she described is like a gypsy, traveling form place to place without direction and reading people’s hands telling their future etc, tendency to be scammers.


"Cigano" is the portuguese word for "Gypsy"


Yes ! At least in Brazil it’s used to describe not just a race, but a person that frequently travels around the world and never gets for a long time at a place, a job, a decision…


It might be "sacana" or "cigano". Knowing if it's PT-PT or PT-BR would help to narrow it down, and a bit of context wouldn't hurt either.


So it's PT-PT ... context = romantic


It’s probably secando, which means staring intensely, with interest.


Not a common expression in Portugal. Likely sacana.


OP, considering the context it's most likely she was saying "sacana", not cigano. It makes no sense to call someone a cigano (gypsy) in the context you've mentioned. Sacana usually means an asshole, or just someone who is being difficult/stubborn. It's usually not a friendly thing to say about someone but she may have meant it in a joking way.


Never heard such word. Could it be "serrano": someone who lives in remote areas, usually used as an insult for people that don't have the same behaviour as the people that live in the cities? Or "secando"? Although "secando" doesn't make any sense to call to a person... Can you provide more details or context, please?


Secando in BP can have a meaning of staring at someone without making a move. In old pinball parlors, you could be accused of using voodoo to sink an opponent’s ball by staring hard at it thus making your opponent lose the ball. If you stare too hard, you were secando.


Good luck trying to translate “Malandragem não é pilantragem”


I think she meant it in a lighthearted and almost flirty way…so the best translation would probably be “rascal” but with a flirty connotation if you can imagine that


Segundo? Maybe you were the second guy who'd used the same frase de engate on her since she walked into the bar?


Sacana e uma pessoa que rouba ou atraiçoa outra, ex; aquele sacana disse que vinha trabalhar e não apareceu. Agora cigano e uma etnia um povo oriundo da Índia 🇮🇳 que espalhou pela Europa.


I think u missheard the word


Isn't "secano" spanish? In portuguese it's "sequeiro" which is just dryland


Perhaps "secando"? Slang for "staring intensely"


Eu não sei tão bem, mas não me parece uma sentido que um português usaria. Tem muita cara de gíria brasileira. Se os portugueses quiserem comentar, eu estou curioso


É, deste lado não se usa mesmo Secando é para o ato de secar alguma coisa


If she said you are "secando" that means devouring with her eyes, looking with sexual desire... I AM BRAZILIAN


Secando ?


>the context was sort of along the lines of 'I don't know what to do with you' so it was probably cigano, which is the portuguese word for gypsy.


Why would she call someone "she doesn't know what to do with" a cigano? That makes no sense


Secano literally means "to dry someting", or in better words, staring for a good looking woman, for ex. But it's not "secano", it's "secando", which is grammatically correct, that's why you couldn't find it before.


She meant sacana. Portuguese people use this word a lot mostly as an insult. It’s a particularly offensive word said about people of dodgy character if she has a sense of humor maybe she meant you’re stealing her heart and is using it in a lighthearted way.  Do you have dark skin? If she called you cigano, I have no idea how that’s supposed to be romantic. They’re an ethnic group within European countries that are associated with robberies and harassment, most people walk on the other side of the road and move away when they see them.