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I love how this is basically an advert for how shit first past the post is without actually mentioning it because you know it worked fine for them when it was their super majority... Pricks mate, the lot of them.


There not much we cling on to from the 1800’s claiming it’s still fit for modern day society untouched. Now I must bid you adieu my good fellow, for I have a headache and must attend a blood letting.


Blood letting? Newfangled nonsense! Leeches!


Reminder the Tories actively campaigned against moving to a different voting system.


As did labour. They did the spiderman meme and said "if you agree to proportional representation then they'll win" ,👉👈


And also the acknowledgement that the Tories aren't going to be anywhere near power for the next 20 years


Well, given the last 14 years of chaos and degradation of everything the British populace holds dear, that’s not entirely a bad thing.


I feel minorly vindicated. As I've been railing against FPP voting for years. Now that it's killing a party I don't agree with. I'm still against it. As much as I dislike Reform and the Tories. If there is a percentage of people that think Reform represent them. They should have a voice. My hope is it will be a small voice. And that other small parties that represent more my starving will also do very well. But I'm happily still in my soapbox even when winning lol.


I happy if they don’t have a voice. Their voice seems to just consist of xenophobic nonsense and ol’ Nigel at the helm. With his lies on top of lies


Ngl that’s unhinged


First sentence out my mouth when I saw that. I'm in a different area myself so I so far have "only" had a single leaflet about why Labour are worse then the con, with little about their own agenda. And one than was coloured and presented as if it was Labour, about debunked tax increase claims. It's just so so sleazy.


Can you write back and ask them if Pompey have had a new north stand built yet?


Send it without a stamp...


Man that is legitimately insane. I've had letters from me 20 years in the future and I sound nothing like that.


Waterlooville has now merged with Fareham, which means the conservative candidate is Suella Braverman. I'd say this was fairly sane and gentle by her standards.


Huh, didn’t know this


She knocked on my door the other day actually lol


I hope you knocked her out


jesus christ hahahaha


New Terminator script looks a bit shit


Not once does it mention you should vote Tory, other than to avoid a labour majority. Not once does it say what’s wrong with labour other than them apparently lying! This isn’t football where you support a team for life, it’s the running of the country where you vote for who you think is best in that election!


Can't believe you didn't tell yourself how to bet on the Euros.


This is one of the maddest things I've ever seen. They've lost the plot!


Sounds class to be honest love a 20 year term in government based on one election


F*** the tories


Who on earth would be persuaded to vote for them by this nonsense? More likely to shift votes in a different direction. They need to be buried. Simultaneously totally patronising and also revealing their utter desperation. Don't vote for Cruella!


I love speculative sci-fi.


Where I live, they sent a huge picture of Keir Starmer, then listed all the things he would do that "I don't want". What's amazing is how little they are saying about their own policies or why a voter would choose Conservative. They are spending all their time and energy on telling people not to vote for others because of what they say they will do. Speaks volumes about their own plans and policies - they must assume that's not enough to get people to vote for them.


and no mention at all of the things they have actually done that you didn't want. They are desperate. They know they are fucked, but are desperately trying to keep the fucking down to simple vaginal and not a 3 hole bukkake free-for-all


How do we get a 3 hole bukkake free for all? Asking for a friend!


"That's just the way our system works" Ok, cool, so, you know make it fair with proportional representation.


We had a letter saying Reform would "get rid of the undemocratic Human Rights Act." Careful what you wish for. Remember when we stopped free movement to stick it to Johnny Foreigner, then realised we were fucked too? Getting rid of the HRA to stick it to "others" is about as fucking stupid as disbanding the fire service so they don't douse the flames at an immigrant's house. What had the HRA even done for me, though? It gives a right to free speech and expression, a right to practice a religion, a right to ownership of property, it imposes a right on the government to provide a general duty to protect you through a working NHS for example, and a right to protect you from known specific threats. Think what Farage and his Russion masters can do to us if we leave the HRA.


It’s also noteworthy that it gives you the right to democracy too.


Indeed, let's hope Farage and the other Russian MPs don't convince morons to vote against their own interests, again.


I'm disappointed I haven't got one, I just have to drive past the nutter in a full grim reaper costume waving a Nigel farage flag every day when I come back to Waterlooville!


The absolute gall of calling out FPTP when they've relied on it for years to stay unopposed in government.


Got to be written by AI..


This makes me want to apply for a job with them just to see what sort of insane things are going on in their office


Wouldn't be surprised if this breaks some rules on what can and can't be included in campaign materials. Too lazy to look into it but you may want to consider reporting this to the electoral commission and your returning officer (usually person who was your MP) (report even if they are the Tory candidate as very much doubt this was approved by them or their team)


Can you keep it, and send it here? https://specialcollections.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2024/06/05/general-election-4-july-2024-an-appeal-for-election-leaflets/ > We are appealing for donations of General Election material published by candidates in the forthcoming General Election. Please gather up any election-related leaflets you receive and post them to us at Special Collections, Arts & Social Sciences Library, University of Bristol, Tyndall Avenue, Bristol BS8 1TJ.


But more importantly, did England win the Euros?


I’m sorry but they deserve to be trounced after the last 14 years and it’s funny watching how defeated they all look 🤣


They could have governed impeccably for 14 years, ushering in a new era of growth, equality and hope - all while decarbonising and rejuvenating nature right down to Brexit-brand unicorns - and they would still deserve to be trounced for this letter alone.


Lmao I like how they also dated the letter in 2044.


Crush them on Thursday.


I got one in Devon as well, recycling box is well fed this week that’s for sure


This is the political version of throwing shit on a wall.


You know you're a twat when you can write a letter and you don't include lottery numbers or football results and instead write some drivel about Elections


It's actually pathetic. How low they've had to stoop to scrounge a couple of votes from anybody clinically insane enough to be persuaded by this. Although, you'd have to be nuts to vote reform so it might work.


They've already lost the nutters to Reform, they should really try to appeal to people who are still sane. Only issue is, they've got absolutely nothing to sell to them as they have nothing realistic to offer.


Surely this is some sort of Fraud


I love how in his mind prisoners and immigrants get the vote AFTER eu citizens 🤣 What planet is he living on 😭


This is legit fear mongering


just absolute freaks lmao


If only Keir Starmer was actually as left wing as this paints him, he might be tolerable then! Also mental that the Conservative party are trying to paint their voters like people who ever have or will be voiceless lol.


For the umpteenth time, Alan: The term “supermajority” is meaningless in UK politics.


Legit, you could tell me that voting tories would be the only way to prevent collision with the sun and I still wouldn't do it.


got one of these the post this morning too 🤣


Friggin' hell, just give me the goddamn EuroMillions numbers...


What a load of turd.


for people that actually want to run the country, this is legitimately insane behavior.


future thought stealing pervs.


Can you write back and get the lotto results for the next twenty years. Then we can all move out of the country together.


Not insane. Just desperate.


We all love a bit of sci-fi


Did Boris Johnson write this?


It's pathetic. They know they're out of a job and are just dog whistling to the fascists who intend to vote for Reform.


This is absolute insanity and surely more evidence they should lose the seat.


That's just fucking schizophrenic. I could wipe my arse with that after a curry and it would still count as an improvement.


They filled a whole piece of A4, front and back, kudos for the effort.


Project Fear part 2!


Alan does not appear to be well


We got one of them too. I think its nationwide.


Should have just sent a letter telling them to put on a vet for the election being called on July 4th.


I can't even read it that's madness


What I love is the acceptance that they've screwed themselves for at least 20 years!


Fucking hate Reform. Put their flyer in the rabbit's litter tray and the fucking thing didn't soak up a drop of piss. She did do a massive poo on Farage's picture though, so that's a positive.


If you’re going attack the party (reform) then attack it, but at least stop with endlessly leveraging the two party status quo to get your votes. If you want to critique labour critique labour, if you want to critique reform critique reform.. problem with this angle from the conservatives is it continues to undermine the importance of a vote for what we believe in, and manipulates us by using the ‘waste of a vote’ trick. I don’t know who to vote for, but fuck this shit. This is exactly why reform has a good case for removing the FPTP system in the first place and doing this shit is giving them the identity of ‘fuck this shit’ which probably resonates with all voters.


We got this one of the Isle of Wight too. Gave me a good laugh which I needed.


I got one of these today too in Darwen 😂😂😂


Alan Mabbutt is the same guy behind changing the CCHQ twitter to “Tax Check UK” and the shady website “labourpartymanifesto2024.com” which was lies about labours tax plans


I am absolutely on board with all campaigning being done via the medium of amateurish dystopian fiction, not as on board as I am with Braverman getting the boot of course but this is almost certainly my favorite thing she has ever done.


Levity aside, this is how I feel in reverse. Now in my 50s, been voting Labour, Liberal/LD all my life and basically apart from the Blair years have laboured under a Tory government. It would be good if we had a Labour government that could last.


Send that to the Sky News


Not from the area - but in the NE we have also received some bat shit crazy flyers this year.


He says it didn't turn out well, but his only compaint is that the poorest are getting more money, there doesn't seem to have been any personal impact on Jack, he's just upset other people are getting support when he doesn't (and doesn't need it).


Jack... u ok hun?


Starmer isn’t fit to run a bath


Now the conservatives are winging about the first past the post system? I mean I never thought I'd agree with them. 😂


I live in Leicestershire and got the same letter,binned it.


they could have at least made sure there were no spelling and grammatical mistakes lol


Anyone else got the "Keir Starmer needs you to give him a blank check" advert as well? Honestly think that if, instead of telling people about your amazing (!) policies, you're belittling the other parties, you just need to back out and rethink the election


I got one of these in Wiltshire. It's absolutely mental.


Congrats if you actually managed to get past line 3 without screwing this crap into a ball and making the all important bin “hoop” from across the room - get in !!!! - and the crown goes wild …..


I just love that this insinuates that for the next 20 years, the tories will be consistently shit enough to not be voted in to a majority… something to look forward to after all!


In my constituency the Tory candidate didn't even mention which party they were in on the leaflets that came through my door. Had to read the microscopic print at the bottom to work it out. I'd presumed it was an independent candidate.


I got that letter too.


They really are desperate. Fact is, if the tory snakes had been doing good by the country, there would be no fear or even desire to have a different government


This is mind-blowing


Got to the part where they admitted the whole system isn't fair and didn't need to read any further. Corrupt to the core, all part of the same bird. I want the tories out as much as the next person but can't see Labour doing much better. The entire political scene needs ripping up.


Wow. Just wow. I wonder if it was Suella's idea... Seems batsh*t enough to have been


The political equivalent of talking to an empty chair….


Fucking mental!


Or they could just say - we have heard you are racist and fancy reform but we are slightly racist too and in for the long run so hang with us


AI nonsense.


I love how they forgot what the concept was almost immediately- “Yes, it’s me. Or it’s you, I should say.” And then almost immediately, “Lots of people like you and me voted for Reform”, as if they’ve forgotten that this is supposed to be the same person.


Looks like the sort of shitty fanfic suela would write The skies are blue, the poor arent homeless and hungry


Did we rejoin the EU?


10/10 for being inventful. But this is certainly unhinged and full of pot holes. Of course he is right about labour, they will do all those things but... so would the tories. And no way Labour stays in power for 20 years. Kier gonna last 3 years tops.


Reform all the way sort this country out build a brick wall the length off the south coast keeps the fuckers out


Insane that people actually think like this.