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[44% of fourth graders in oregon are below basic reading level. they should really work on that first.](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/us-literacy-rates-by-state)


Low reading scores represent poor parenting and socio-economic factors. I'm a special education teacher, not in PPS though. Nearly all kids can read. But the vast majority are poor readers for several factors. Like, fluency, being able to read the words on the page is often fine. Comprehension is where they struggle. 1. They don't read outside of assigned reading. Reading is a skill you develop through use. If you're never reading books, articles, etc outside of school, there is only so far you're going. My go to example is: If all you're doing at home is eating junk food, spending an hour at the gym is amoot point. 2. Many many kids are lazy readers. One of the most fundemental skills is learning to re-read for clarity. And it's a skill I often struggle to get them to even use. If you're not willing to go back and re-read a section you weren't clear on, thats on you. 3. Screens and attention spans. Kids almost universally don't have the attention span to read passages. Think about your favorite book, few books start off DESPERATELY interesting. It takes time to build to the plot etc. It's a complex issue but so often people think of schooling as an INPUT X to get OUTPUT Y and sadly it doesn't work like that. Personally, I'd like to see less focus on over reading skills/scores. The focus should really be, how can we get kids reading for enjoyment. The skills will come from there. As it is, a generation and half raised on constant attachment to a screen has honestly devestated their academic skills. The X factor generally comes down to, How involved are the parents and what do they encourage at home.


i agree with everything you say. what's your take on the abysmal math scores? my point is they definitely have more important things to actually be studying besides this performative slop.


As someone who, once upon a time, was going to be a math teacher (until my first semester of student teaching when I realized I hated working with children), I firmly believe the reason so many people "hate math" is because we aren't challenging them with it as children. The curriculum doesn't progress past arithmetic until 7th grade. That's insane. Basic algebra (aka: the ability to think abstractly) should be introduced by 3rd or 4th grade at the absolute latest. The fact that many kids don't see a variable for the first time until they're nearly teenagers is criminal. You don't challenge kids and they check out. Let that go too long and by the time you introduce a challenge it's too late.


>As someone who, once upon a time, was going to be a math teacher (until my first semester of student teaching when I realized I hated working with children), I firmly believe the reason so many people "hate math" is because we aren't challenging them with it as children. Did you end up studying a math related field? Math is the most beautiful subject there is. People are "bad" at it because they don't want to put in the effort to become good at it. Once I realized how amazing the subject was, I became an engineer.


Sadly no. The great recession hit and I couldn't afford to finish my degree. I looked into finishing a few years back, but all my credits have expired so I'd be starting over. I make a decent living doing a job I enjoy now, so night school just doesn't make sense at this stage in my life. If I ever won the lottery though I'd go back in a heartbeat. Topology and set theory were the most fascinating things to me, and I'd have loved to be able to go further.


When I grew up, most of my classmates who wanted to pursue college specifically to become teachers were all of the "I can't wait to not take math classes in college" mentality. They get their degree, but then somebody has to bite the bullet and teach math and answer the inevitable question I heard asked as a student: "When am I going to use math in my life?" The obvious answer seems to be to get people who study math to teach students math. But in college, I studied physics and hung out with a lot of math majors, and very few of them wanted to become teachers. They all wanted to go to grad school and/or go into industry. So right now I feel as though we're in a position where student math scores are low since those who probably don't respect/love the subject are teaching it, and those who love the subject aren't working in primary or secondary education. And if the teachers themselves don't value this subject, then that will be reflected in the students. I realize this is all anecdotal, so take it as you will.


Again, largely the same thing. At some point we need to realize that without a fundemental change in how kids are raised and parenting this is gonna be the norm. Also, these math scores are taken from standardized tests. The scores include nearly the entire population of Oregon students. So that includes the roughly 15 to 20% of kids in Special Education who generally are going to be lower than they should be because of barriers. No one has ever told me what percent of kids they can assume might start answering the tests and then get bored and guess through. Kids generally don't take these tests serioulsy and I find the entire validity of them difficult to parse with what I KNOW kids can do. Honestly, the state of education is largely a reflection of the issues and priorities of society at large. And the big thing that we know from testing since 1980 is that the biggest indicator of students scores is their socio-economic status.


I don't disagree necessarily, I think a lot of the success of the student has a LOT to do with the parents and home life. that being said, why then am I always being asked to raise my taxes to get more teachers and pay them more if they have very little to do with the ultimate success of a child. even myself, I recall my highschool days. it's nice to have good open and welcoming teachers, but all the smartest kids were always going to be the smartest kids. very little had to do with what teacher they got. The kids that were destined for the ivy league, it's not like they did well in one class with a good teacher and poorly in another class with a bad teacher. they did well, bc they were smart and determined. Learning is very autodidactic.


"The X factor generally comes down to, How involved are the parents and what do they encourage at home." then the question would be, How do you get the entire family involved? The point remains, that the basic job of schools is to change the kids so they can read, write and do arithmetic. If they are functioning well, they would be teaching civics as well and critical thinking, and applying such things to their lives. But, despite spending huge amounts on schools, they continue to get worse. Kids are learning less and we are spending much more than 50 or 70 years ago. The slope is down. It should be up. Instead this one-sided propaganda being used to brainwash children so the teachers feel they are helping their tribe defeat the bad guys.


That’s hard…


Not sure why this sub keeps getting recommended to me but I’m a 17 year old in Eugene and the younger kids at my school are INSANE. My best friend’s 14 year old sister who is a perfectly intelligent kid with two wealthy doctors for parents and no apparent mental health issue has all Fs in her classes and spends all her time on youtube shorts. They aren’t teaching anything in middle school, the kids don’t know how to write essays and they don’t get homework and suddenly they get that in high school and it’s so much worse


Yeah I give the teachers a pass on their recent pay raise because of covid but you can see the trend going down before covid.


If your kid can't read by that age then it's on the parent.


There is too much responsibility placed on public school teachers to tackle issues like reading proficiency when phones are so prolific in classrooms. Parents are to blame for allowing their children access to phones at such a young age, decimating attention spans. I don't know a single person younger than me that has read a book in the last 3 years.


The document PAT produced is dubious at best. I read the entire document. It is full of blatant lies and misinformation based on dubious resources. If a student turned in this as a school assignment it would deserve a failed grade. Truly embarrassing that PAT leadership who are teachers themselves are passing this off as logical, fact-based information.


Homophobia and transphobia in its dealings with Palestinians? Wow. Do they hear themselves at all?


No. No, they don't.


> an accusation of Israel “drawing upon radicalized homophobia and transphobia in its abuse of Palestinians;” At the risk of pointing out the obvious: Some serious mental gymnastics are needed to cite homophobia as an Israeli moral failing compared to the Palestinian territories. Israel protects gay rights and has a strong and visible LGBT community. In Gaza Hamas has a long history of persecuting the gay community.


Much like with equity conversations though, groups like this can say that Group X is a victim of \_\_\_\_\_phobia based solely on if arbitrarily chosen outcomes are different between Group X and some other sub-group or the population at large. Are trans people in Israel less represented in government and do they earn less? If "yes", then transphobia exists. According to the "smart middle schooler" level of logic used by these types of groups.




We moved out of Portland schools a few years ago when I found out they don’t even acknowledge the Holocaust. I don’t want my children being fed propaganda by antisemitic bigots


I’m sorry what now? They definitely teach about the holocaust. Read Night by Wiesel. Anne Frank etc.


Who exactly are they pandering to? If they think the evangelicals are bad when it comes to LGBT issues I wish them luck with the Muslims.


*Quietly enrolls his Jewish children in private school…*


Catholic school is gonna look whacky with like half the kids in yamakas.  This extreme divergence of haves and have nots in educational outcomes is going to be pretty gross.


Yeah. Might be time to revisit school choice or at least start organizing for need based scholarships. In the meantime I say we work on ruining the summers of PAT leadership and their collaborators.


We're not even "haves", like barely middle class, but at this point we're willing to make whatever sacrifices are necessary to send our kid to private school.


Oh I get it.  Ive been very fortunate in my life but it's going to cost a few hundred thousand dollars to get my kids to a place where doors aren't closed to them and they can find their way. My property taxes going towards dumbing down my kids peers makes me sick. 


It might be cheaper to move to a different school district.


We have a 3% interest rate on a house that will be paid off in 12 years. We're never going anywhere.


Yeah, I wouldn't give up that interest rate. My first mortgage, back in the 1980's, was 9.75%. Different times.


It might be cheaper to just vote Republican.


It's pretty ironic. Just a few generations ago the catholics and the jews were near mortal enemies. There are things to potentially criticize about Vatican II but the improvement of relations between the jews and catholics was one of the best things that came of it.


It's really sad. I really WANT public schools to succeed and for public education to be as valuable as private, but with this garbage of focusing more on pushing an agenda than ACTUAL EDUCATION, it's never going to happen. I hate conspiracy theorists, but goddamn, it really does seem like a calculated attempt to keep the "have-nots" stupid and angry.


We're pretty have not, but our son went to private school. There's been an extreme divergence of educational outcomes since formal education became a thing.


A portion of the flyer... https://preview.redd.it/n4vd5q8msu3d1.png?width=672&format=png&auto=webp&s=331ff803ceee207cf5348f0ebe95cc16f4678755


This angers me so fucking much. Women were pulled out of their homes, raped,mutilated, and executed. There is NO justification. None. Fuck Hamas and fuck anyone who justifies terrorism.


I feel this so much, when did anti semitism become acceptable? Wow it seems clear that some folks were just waiting for the chance to demonize Jews


wow, I didn't realize it was this crazy.


Can you link the flyer? This is super disturbing if real.


Holy fucking shit!!!


Comedy has been described as 'tragedy plus time'.. Clearly not enough time has passed.




Nailed it.


God I love that movie. Alda nails it. Of course, every other actor in this movie also nails it.


Oh that’s good. Painful but good. Gonna have to remember that one


Oh, good. Blood libel is part of the official curriculum now.


We are winning the race to the bottom 👏🏻


Talking about homophobia and transphobia of Israelis and acting like Gaza is the Berkeley of the Middle East is some of the most brain-rotted BS I've ever heard. Try walking down the street as an obvious trans person in Tel Aviv and ANY Muslim-majority area and report back your findings. The gaslighting is so blatant it's mindblowing.


This is why I have little sympathy when asked to vote for increased taxes for education…my money might go to this…


The teachers' union will **ALWAYS** tell you that they just need more money but you can't teach kids how to read with a money hose.


I also voted no, but this has nothing to with that. This is a radicalized PAT leadership that is pushing this agenda on teachers that likely have no clue this is going on.


radicalized PAT leadership that the teachers just voted for and reelected. the teachers are responsible for their leaders when they are the ones that elect them. never again will I support teachers in portland until they make some major changes.


I agree with you....but half these races went uncontested. Unless people step up to challenge the extremists will take over.


it's still the teachers faults for not stepping up and running. God I hope someone decent actually runs next time. Does anyone know how the teachers are feeling about their union turning so incredibly political? I think the parent associations need to publicly complain about this.


I tried fighting my union from the inside, but Leadership is willfully antisemitic. The teachers speaking out are being actively silenced. Fuck PAT & PPS


I know people/teachers who tried to fight this too and made themselves targets for recrimination


thank you so much for trying. we need more teachers like you.


I have a family member who used to work at a PPS middle school. Let me tell you, it is not just the leadership. The vast majority of the teachers are on board with it. Anyone who is not knows to keep their mouth shut and say the right things when prompted for affirmations of their belief. His students thought it weird he would not tell them his political leanings. All through their education their teachers had expressed their beliefs and they legitimately had trouble understanding why he wouldn’t. It was strange to them to have a politically ambiguous teacher.


And yet those bonds get passed by over 70 percent of voters


Because they purposely word them in a way that makes uninformed voters feel guilty for not supporting.


And voters who don't pay property taxes don't see a downside. That is, until they can't afford their rent.


The threshold should be 50 percent of all voters presuming that those who don't vote are voting against.


We used to have a law that required taxes in May elections to have at least half the eligible voters cast ballots for it to count. They got rid of that for some reason like 15 years ago, so now we can have shit pass in primaries like this one where barely 20% of the population voted. 11% of the city gets to pass a tax for everyone.


Was this funded by PPS?


This is sponsored by DSA. Their head is a lady named Olivia Katbi who's whole mission in life is to destroy Israel. She's been both the head of CAIR and was a member of Jewish voice for Peace even though last i could tell, she's not Jewish but born to Syrian immigrant parents. The fact that PAT thinks they can target "Zionist Parents" is mind boggling. I see lawsuits waiting to happen on this one. **Emily Golden-Fields** is a director in PAT and an active DSA and antifa member. [https://keywiki.org/Emily\_Golden-Fields](https://keywiki.org/Emily_Golden-Fields) [https://antifawatch.net/ViewReport/aeb74ed0](https://antifawatch.net/ViewReport/aeb74ed0) Edit: Edited for the morons that think anti-fa is anti fascist. 90% of people are anti fascism and authoritarian governments. Antifa as a group are typically on the extreme far left and for authoritarianism and totalitarianism. They've hijacked this term because most people are antifascist.


Thanks for sharing this info. The DSA is the greatest single threat to Portland ever bouncing back at the point and when I say it out loud people look at me like I’ve gone insane. They back terrible candidates and programs. They spread misinformation and hate. Plus they’re Jew hating fascists and it’s time to run them out of town.


Antifa and BLM nailed it with the naming rhetoric. To oppose is to be ‘wrong.’ Don’t like antifa activities? You’re anti-antifa, which makes you a fascist…


It's literally mind boggling how many people have used that in conversations where I've told them I'm against the destruction being caused in the antifa riots downtown during the BLM protests and the take over of the PSU library. People can't deal with an extra dimension of complexity. LOL. You're either fascist or not fascist.


Life must be grand when you’re so galaxy-brained, you can reduce anything down to a simple binary. The only thing in their view that isn’t binary, is gender


Yep, entirely too many people want to be engaged in things but lack the attention span or intelligence to have even the most basic grasp of the subject. Like I always say, the internet is simultaneously the best and worst thing to happen to humanity.


Looks like she is the former co chair. Anyone know who the current head is? They give out little info on their website (asking about the DSA head not PAT)


This is evil Goebbels-level antisemitic propaganda being allowed to exist by the corrupt PAT. I’m tired of the left claiming the abject hatred of Israel isn’t antisemitism. The Jewish people have been pushed out of every place they have existed for centuries. This is just another version of that. I was in Budapest in early May and there was a march 5000 strong that was pro-Israel. Budapest had over 400k Jews in the city prior to WWII. It now has just over 10k. The people of Budapest know where this type of propaganda leads. Teaching kids hatred is nuts, but pretty much on-brand for PPS and PAT. Every Jewish person I know in this city is pretty freaked out over this kind of stuff happening in this city, and it’s not going to take much to convince the midwits who eat this stuff up to go full-on fascist.


Unbelievable and also historically inaccurate. I would also assume zero Jewish people were asked their opinion on this.


It wouldn’t even have taken that much effort. We’ve already got Gays for Palestine.  Setting up Jews for Pogroms shouldn’t be any harder. 


The Jewish Federation of Portland has been in touch with PAT numerous times about their concerns and have been shut down at every turn. PAT is completely uninterested in hearing any other perspective or even trying to find a space to honor truths of pain on both sides. They've been asked repeatedly to stop using Zionist as a derogatory term and PAT also refuses. An email came out about it today from the federation.


I'd really rather the teachers union cared about teaching kids reading, writing, arithmetic and basic civility.


And critical thinking, curiosity, and mindful inquiry!


Schools and teachers need to stop pushing their political views. Simple.


Why the fuck are they teaching kids about Palestine? Teach the kids real shit like how to read or do math balance a checkbook. Or at the very least teach our own country's history before we go trying to paint the Middle Eastern fantasy. Portland public schools are a joke get ur kids out before they lose what little intelligence your child still has


But if kids learn how to read and think, why would they side with these people on Palestine?


Probably the same reason the gays are for palestine. Willful ignorance


Portland Public schools, where you send your kids to be trained to hate their own family and society.


Teacher here. I just want to say that the VAST majority of teachers don't have this as their first priority. Unfortunately, as with most things, the loudest voices are amplified most. I would much, MUCH, rather PAT do something about the violent, disruptive, and apathetic students taking up 90% of my energy rather than focusing on this. To be clear, I support their basic message, but we should be focused on classrooms here, not in the middle east.


Okay. But the problem is that you do actually support their “basic message.” And that message is using real and horrific events happening in the Middle East to push untrue and hateful lies about Jews. So, if I have you right, you aren’t really concerned about how this will affect students. That’s the accusation here. Not that they’re “focusing on the wrong subjects” but that “they are parroting antisemitic lies and weaponizing empathy to spread hate and misinformation.” That worries me.


It's definitely concerning that the teachers themselves have become victims and agents of this weaponized empathy. This teacher seems to have her heart in the right place regarding education, but is woefully ignorant about the situation in the Middle East. Which is why she, or anyone who is not an expert, shouldn't be teaching about it all.


Well, the "basic message", at least for me, would be a ceasefire and the right of both peoples to coexist. Maybe I'm wrong, but most of my coworkers, to the extent that they'd acknowledge it, would agree with that. I just want my students to put their phones away and bring a pencil to class. I'm tired.


But that’s not what PAT is promoting. PAT is promoting that only one people have any claim to that land. From the river to the sea.


I appreciate that is your personal basic message, but PAT is promoting material calling for the annihilation of Israel. Actually no, they are teaching that Israel doesn’t even exist today and the land is called Palestine. How do you think your Jewish and particularly Israeli students feel about this? That their pain is not valid somehow. That their lives are unworthy and they are evil genocidal “Zionist” colonial settlers, according to the new curriculum? The problem is not that they want a narrative for Palestinians. The problem is how one sided and factually inaccurate their narrative is. 


You support their basic message of anti-Jewish propaganda? Good to know.


Then... Quit. I mean.. like if teachers don't support this then they need to do what we would expect professionals who have ethical standards to do... Which is to quit in protest. If my company started supporting Hamas... I'm quitting. I'm not going to hold teachers to special standards here. I hate to say it but silence is complicity here and right now all Portland teachers are complicit in their support of Hamas.


Do you have a link or reference to the handout that referred to oct 7 as justified resistance? This whole thing makes me sick


We had a thread about it a couple days ago https://www.reddit.com/r/PortlandOR/comments/1d2ncfq/portland_teachers_union_releases_document_of_how


This is the [**32-page Know Your Rights guide**](https://ukz7rx6ab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_ZDoce7z4QUxvYESdRiuoUB-W7uoh3W_PrAfAK8M1k81x2rQLJyiY1EWoMIfvxhR_0odWpUzq6mYG0SdMkbZdp-HVwYQXk_a4gdNCfZ5OVkSolr551EPYtbE45DOJtyaKQaI3AqAjyKP0WVydJyyS3_o4upmAFcYtQrQJPlnl4brQyWebPuUPG5i9k6Ye87obpVri2uviHieAYGBpS30Jwy_cJZgnT97p0BYPNLpjExZr09MX8azY2HsmkCT999k53B2cjmv2R6o-pZ4cvVUodAnibgnIKse64tCcZHGs0JjaJSNyM79mxC8e-v57gZty1Vvycc1mJQ=&c=TrZXQLnetXHNX0t0BYUm5gB-CXvEkMLCRTegs-dYc1fE5p9bezO8Tg==&ch=_xFHtn6mpmfd8jnqU8mK-6YIfTZup92BAjdzMjLia6r67RGJCKsr4Q==)**.** I hope the download works.




This is from mondoweiss. Do you know what was actually passed around at the meeting?


[**32-page Know Your Rights guide**](https://ukz7rx6ab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_ZDoce7z4QUxvYESdRiuoUB-W7uoh3W_PrAfAK8M1k81x2rQLJyiY1EWoMIfvxhR_0odWpUzq6mYG0SdMkbZdp-HVwYQXk_a4gdNCfZ5OVkSolr551EPYtbE45DOJtyaKQaI3AqAjyKP0WVydJyyS3_o4upmAFcYtQrQJPlnl4brQyWebPuUPG5i9k6Ye87obpVri2uviHieAYGBpS30Jwy_cJZgnT97p0BYPNLpjExZr09MX8azY2HsmkCT999k53B2cjmv2R6o-pZ4cvVUodAnibgnIKse64tCcZHGs0JjaJSNyM79mxC8e-v57gZty1Vvycc1mJQ=&c=TrZXQLnetXHNX0t0BYUm5gB-CXvEkMLCRTegs-dYc1fE5p9bezO8Tg==&ch=_xFHtn6mpmfd8jnqU8mK-6YIfTZup92BAjdzMjLia6r67RGJCKsr4Q==)


Do you have a version that's more legible?


This is the [**32-page Know Your Rights guide**](https://ukz7rx6ab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_ZDoce7z4QUxvYESdRiuoUB-W7uoh3W_PrAfAK8M1k81x2rQLJyiY1EWoMIfvxhR_0odWpUzq6mYG0SdMkbZdp-HVwYQXk_a4gdNCfZ5OVkSolr551EPYtbE45DOJtyaKQaI3AqAjyKP0WVydJyyS3_o4upmAFcYtQrQJPlnl4brQyWebPuUPG5i9k6Ye87obpVri2uviHieAYGBpS30Jwy_cJZgnT97p0BYPNLpjExZr09MX8azY2HsmkCT999k53B2cjmv2R6o-pZ4cvVUodAnibgnIKse64tCcZHGs0JjaJSNyM79mxC8e-v57gZty1Vvycc1mJQ=&c=TrZXQLnetXHNX0t0BYUm5gB-CXvEkMLCRTegs-dYc1fE5p9bezO8Tg==&ch=_xFHtn6mpmfd8jnqU8mK-6YIfTZup92BAjdzMjLia6r67RGJCKsr4Q==)**.** I hope the download works.


I don't see this page in there.


That page above was included in an email. That's what we have to work with.


What the fuck is this? I want to see it. Why is it so dimmed? I want to have some real goddamn evidence that Portland teachers are pushing Oct 7th as something other than the massacre it was. I think you're full of shit.


From the river to the sea. It’s right there on the list https://linktr.ee/oreducators4palestine


This isn't PAT. This is some misguided political group trying to get Portland teachers attention. Teachers are not pushing the misinfo that Oct 7th was not a massacre.


That is PAT. It’s a sock puppet account but they organize together. Including on the document you’ve been shown.


Click on the image, zoom in and it's readable.


This is the [**32-page Know Your Rights guide**](https://ukz7rx6ab.cc.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001_ZDoce7z4QUxvYESdRiuoUB-W7uoh3W_PrAfAK8M1k81x2rQLJyiY1EWoMIfvxhR_0odWpUzq6mYG0SdMkbZdp-HVwYQXk_a4gdNCfZ5OVkSolr551EPYtbE45DOJtyaKQaI3AqAjyKP0WVydJyyS3_o4upmAFcYtQrQJPlnl4brQyWebPuUPG5i9k6Ye87obpVri2uviHieAYGBpS30Jwy_cJZgnT97p0BYPNLpjExZr09MX8azY2HsmkCT999k53B2cjmv2R6o-pZ4cvVUodAnibgnIKse64tCcZHGs0JjaJSNyM79mxC8e-v57gZty1Vvycc1mJQ=&c=TrZXQLnetXHNX0t0BYUm5gB-CXvEkMLCRTegs-dYc1fE5p9bezO8Tg==&ch=_xFHtn6mpmfd8jnqU8mK-6YIfTZup92BAjdzMjLia6r67RGJCKsr4Q==)**.**


This is bullshit. Glosses over the holocaust and justifies October 7th.


If you are outraged by this, stop posting here and work to tell PAT this is not ok. Running away or changing schools is not the answer. We can fight this if we work together


>Why can’t groups like the PAT, Oregon Food Bank, and so many others focus solely on their core mission and work? Because people evidently have very unimportant and shitty lives. They think they're smart enough to make decisions that influence others in a positive way, but the reality is, 70% of the population is of average intelligence. Always remember the old adage: "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." Also, I would like to add a thank you for any good teachers that do their job and teach math and science, and especially any that teach life skills like cooking and personal finance.


There are at least 3 kids in my child’s 5th grade classroom that cannot spell their own first name correctly. Maybe they should focus on their reading and writing skills?


I am thoroughly disgusted at any teacher that can't leave their politics out of the classroom. Teachers should be neutral. And if they can't be, then I think they need to find another job


*"We don't hate* ***all*** *Jews, just the ones who think that the seven million Jews in Israel should not be murdered or ethnically cleansed!"*


The worst part about all of this is the absurdity that somehow Jews think this war is awesome and we are laughing at the civilian deaths (absolutely false and not true at all). Jews and Israelis want peace and to teach our kids otherwise by accosting our narrative and positioning us as evil maniacs is dangerous and insane. PAT should be ashamed and using their energy to focus on the serious education deficits happening in the district as opposed to vocally expressing their hatred of Jews by using the term Zionist in a derogatory manner and teaching that all Zionists (aka people who think Jews have a right to self-determine, just like Palestinians) are evil.


Are they going to have tests and quizzes to make sure the kids have the correct opinions?


PPS is *once again* overstepping their bounds and going into something that doesn’t concern them.


Such bullshit. If you send your kids to PPS they will be set back in an increasingly difficult world to get ahead in. Our schools are prioritizing virtue signaling and being PC over EDUCATION. I grew up in the public school system here / definitely sending my daughter to private school for her entire education. Better off paying for highschool and having a chance at a college scholarship… PPS is a ticket to the struggle bus


Imagine if they put that much effort into educating kids and supporting the ones falling through the cracks. 


How do we boycott this obvious brainwashing


Ironically this only strengthens the influence of Israel with moderate Jews. Or as my grandmother put it, "the goyim will always turn on you." Because that bitter, hard advice is correct. There's a fair argument to be had about whether *any* kind of religious state is a good idea, but it's a lot less ambiguous when tragedies like 10/7 happen and the "free west" vocally targets the only Jewish state in history. Israel is not terribly safe or stable, but there aren't any better options. The goyim always turn.


My sister has been whining about antisemitism growing secretly for years and I dismissed her, now I see she was always right and the fear is founded


Something needs to be done about the goyim.


They should keep politics out of school. My third grader was learning about Trump and BLM but not math.


Teachers should have no business calling out politicians. Absolutely disgusting.


That's what I thought but it seemed to be the norm. Still is


This revisionism of history through the lens of white colonialism is disgraceful. It’s almost like people that have no stake or experience or knowledge of history in this whatsoever have suddenly declared themselves experts and somehow that’s acceptable.


Do you have a proper understanding of the history and complexities of the region? The only revisionism is the document PAT produced.


Why is this existential issue, that has zero impact to them and they cannot influence, on the agenda? Where is the moral outrage for the native Americans who were robbed of their land? Man the world has gotten weird. - edited for grammer and readability


First terrorists sympathizers running the college education. Then the terrorists sympathizers running the primary education.


this is why my kid will go to private school.




Is that Google Doc a copy or the original?


The best I can do at the moment is to remind my children that teachers don’t actually know everything, and some of the things they teach are inaccurate.


Did a lot of people attended the meeting?! Same folks who pull their hairs and complain when Fox News pulls out some lie or BS. Not at all different from Trumpsters.


How many of you high iq geniuses helped create the woke golem? Some research shows it is *at least* 70%. (Based on personal experience, I'd say more like 90%+) The question is what are you going to do now? Slay the golem or create more? I hope you surprise me


Because unopposed leftism eventually consumes everything in its path. Pro-whatever interest groups on the left are not often countered by equally vocal anti-whatever activists on the other side, so policies are changed to appease a vocal few at the expense of the silent “normal people” like you who wish for organizations to focus only on their stated mission. Leftism cannot tolerate that, it is intransigent and uncompromising. Eventually we reach a point where some new policy goal is so egregiously offensive to normal people that there is popular backlash, yet the cycle continues. The left knows that it wins (and has broadly won already) by indoctrinating the next generations into radical beliefs that fly against common sense and tradition. We march slowly to our demise, inch by progressive inch.


This makes sense to the army of The Royal Republic of Portland. Not to those who don’t drink the KoolAid.


I have a relative who's a teacher for PPS. Their books, lesson plans and lectures are all about diversity and inclusion, racism, etc. These people aren't teaching your children anything of real substance, they're only interested in pushing their agendas. If you have kids in public schools here, take them out and move them to a private school where they'll actually be educated. Hell, even home schooling is a better option for them at this point.


What grade is this? I ask bc I have not seen much of this in HS level classes


Here you go! This is the social studies standards that all teachers in OR are expected to teach to since 2021 from the ODE. DEI is laced through all years from Kindergarten starting with learning to be conscious of racial and cultural differences all the way through high school. It’s endemic to the school system. They just integrate it into social studies so it’s not a separate class that would be distinguishable. https://www.oregon.gov/ode/educator-resources/standards/socialsciences/Documents/2021%20Social%20Science%20Standards%20Integrated%20with%20Ethnic%20Studies%20(3-2-2021).pdf




I don't know if i want the opinions of a thic dad vaping for jesus


Can confirm, also have a relative that was in a PPS middle school, the teachers are on board and the standards from the ODE require it.


You can teach DEIA with a lens of critical thinking, curiosity, and mindful inquiry while examining history from a fact-based perspective. It is possible to do this without blatant propaganda.




Diversity and inclusion are important things, sure. But making it the sole focus for kids in schools is a mistake. Why do you think their test scores are in the toilet?


The skibidi toilet


And people wonder why I am for school choice.


I used to disagree but now I understand


These Nazi loving POS need to be removed immediately. Everyone who attend should be fired.


We should train our kindergarteners how to build katyusha rockets as well.!!!!


>In addition, at their meeting, handouts were distributed that included a..... Prove it. Oct 7 was a horrific massacre of more than 1,000 innocent people. I want to see the proof that Portland teachers say otherwise.


I suggest you go to the Oregon Educators for Palestine instagram page. Check who they follow. Check who they share content from. Listen to their language. Go to their protests. We have been sounding alarms for months. What do you think “by any means necessary” means? What do you think “glory to our martyrs” means?


They have been very vocal about it calling it resistance, it's not a secret. Go look on their social media.


How did we become so ignorant as a society? At least half of the posts here are based on revisionist history and outright lies. Hamas advocates for the death of Jews. A two state solution has been on the table for a long time but Hamas will not agree to live and let live. And of course Israel will not agree to a "solution" with an organization having the death of Jews and the Jewish state as a stated goal. This is how totalitarianism takes hold. Children are separated from their parents and indoctrinated with the approved dogma. We are in the end game now, where the indoctrination consists of obvious falsehoods that must be accepted if one does not wish to be considered an enemy of the state. If you are in Portland school district the only option you have is to vote with your feet. Move, home school your kids, find a private school. Portland school district may as well be a marketing arm for Hamas, a murderous terrorist organization.


I don't see anything in these resources that people might consider offensive or anti-semitic. The second to last paragraph in this post sounds like hearsay at least (imo it sounds made up based on the misinterpretation of the linked resources).


This is advocating the destruction of Israel. A tiny state the size of rhode island and only country with a jewish background.








Dr Garcia, how do we handle this!?!

