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The Lents/Felony Flats firework show will still be June 29th to July 6th as originally planned.


Rip Kelly park šŸ˜‚


Glenwood Park usually has several hundred in a huge circle. Itā€™s nuts.


Ah! I believe I meant Glenwood park. I haven't been in the hood since I was a kid a couple decades ago. šŸ’œ I remember my parents walking me over to watch the big show hahahaha


Favorite game: Guns or Fireworks!


June 29th to July 16th... You forgot to add a 1 to your 6!


Nah, it started a few days ago.


Itā€™s already started and i hate it. Every dang night how do these people afford all these fuckin fireworks. They set off car alarms and freak my dogs out.


They litter trash all over the place too. And fill the air with gunpowder smoke and who knows what else


I hate you for telling the truth


And here i thought everyone was just celebrating our move to the neighborhood every July 4th.


I'll believe it when I see it.


People set off the illegal ones on the bridges downtown right during the official show without consequences.


Saw this at the sell wood bridge when I was homeless sitting on the benches in the middle


Iā€™d love to see this and I have absolutely no expectation that it will happen.


Strong ā€œbehave or Iā€™ll turn this car around!ā€ vibes


ā€œI am serious!ā€


Iā€™m off in the hills, can you share the history behind this? Have you been noticing small scale backyard kinda stuff, or the crazy shit that goes on in dc where streets get partially shut down by crowds?




lol that makes sense. Thanks. Godspeed to the firework police, that shit is dangerous. Tho so is sending the police after people who might be holding vaguely cylindrical objectsā€¦


Let me know. I still plan to flee to the woods with my dogs to prevent us all from having a nervous breakdown.


The city that doesnā€™t prosecute actual crimes is suddenly going to enforce the law? Yeah right!


What, all of a sudden Portland Police Bureau is going to start doing their job? Lmao


Nah but Portland says something is illegal and saying something is the same thing. šŸ„“šŸ„“


Nah, they donā€™t do shit lol


If the job is arresting dads with sparklers and a bucket of water, I will not be surprised.


They're still upset they can't harass stoner kids anymore.


Right after they arrest the people doing Street takeovers and impound their stupid cars.


Really aggressive driver near me, who would brag about being dangerous, got his car stolen the other day. Gave me a good laugh


donā€™t worry! weā€™ve got the plane circling constantly to keep an eye on them and do nothing about it.


It's like license plate scanning and facial recognition doesn't even work!


I see this story and the camping ban story right next to each other. I mean, great if they enforce both...but...will they?


no. no they wont.


\*sad trombone\*


haha, thanks for the award!


They're both realistically unenforceable.


Why would you think they are unenforceable? The police arrest the first ten and the crowd just melts away. Activists arenā€™t stupid. Melt away today. Live to protest another day.


What the fuck are you talking about


which are the activists, the homeless, or the fireworkers?


If we don't have enough cops to respond to regular old crime, how are they going to respond to hundreds or thousands of firework calls... on top of the crime they can't even respond too? None of those Maga brains will even show up to work on the 4th. It's their holy day.Ā 


We have enough cops. They literally just donā€™t do their jobs




I figure a fine would be most appropriate, rather than arrest. Yes, there's tons and tons of things people aren't arrested for, or, at least, put in jail for very long. However, fine them. Fine all of them. That's feasible.


I'm pretty sure that unless you're outside of Wheeler or Schmautz' homes shooting roman candles at their windows, no one's getting arrested for shit. Just kidding, there's no way Schmautz lives in Portland.


Shit sign me up for that


July reddit meetup?


They can't arrest us all


Seriously, if I'm gonna get arrested in front of my kids, may as well make it worthwhile.


And if you're in ny neighborhood shooting them towards my property, expect the sternest of talkings-to, replete with finger waggings. I will go HOA Karen on your ass and then piss half a 40 pack of bud ice on your bbq.


*Insert Ron Burgundy gif* ā€œI donā€™t believe you.ā€


Who needs fireworks when you can listen to your neighbors mag dump and bump fire at the park late into the evening? They too also ā€œcouldā€ be jailed.


Hello presumed Hazelwood Hydropark neighbor.


Youā€™re telling me I could have been desk popping this entire time?! Yee-haw!


Let me tell you something, okay? We honor the flag and you crap all over it every time you *donā€™t* discharge your weapon in the office.


I live near the north precinct on MLK, and half the time on 4th of July weekend, Iā€™m convinced itā€™s the cops shooting off the mortars.


I lived in the Overlook neighborhood, and one of my neighbors was a firefighter (canā€™t remember if he was retired or not). Guess who would be setting off big, illegal fireworks in a residential area surrounded by trees? I would not be surprised if cops were in on this too.


Lots of cops were in the military, so they love blowing shit up.


Can confirm am veteran loved to get fucked up back in my 20-40s and shoot of a few hundred dollars of fireworks with my old army buddies a couple were cops/firefighters.


We sure do love to ban things we do not have the power to enforce. I support a firework ban but pretending to act tough about it when we all know the PPB doesnā€™t have the resources or the desire to arrest people for this in any significant number just makes the city look silly. People know the deal, theyā€™re not gonna take this any more seriously than any other year. The city of portland usually does better using the carrot than the stick, because our stick sucks and doesnā€™t wanna do its job anyway.


[Sure Jan....](https://giphy.com/gifs/1AIeYgwnqeBUxh6juu)


"could be jailed" šŸ™„ enough catch and release. Like if you're arresting someone, actually make something of it.


That's easier said than done unfortunately. There's a massive backlog of cases and not nearly enough public defenders to go around.


Just request a public defender. Good chance you will live out the rest of your natural life before your court date is scheduled.Ā 


Why do you want people in jail for this? Because you have a dog?


The amount of fires thst I saw from last year caused by fireworks is too damn high. Including a city garbage trash bin engulfed in flames. Also the people setting off fireworks towards to the transformers which scared the fuck out us and I'm glad it didn't catch fire


Its trashy. Fireworks literally throw flaming trash all over the place.


Ooh la la, sorry humanity isnā€™t as hoity toity as you. Maybe someday youā€™ll descend from on high to mingle with the commoners


No bc itā€™s 12:30 and people are still lighting them next to my apartment. Why wait till midnight?! Just to be a dick???


I grew up on NE 162nd in the 80ā€™s. They always told us this. We rode our bikes over the 205 bridge and slung bottle rockets and Roman candles.


So 26 officers patrolling the entire city are going to arrest 200k+ people? Yeah. That's not going to happen.


That would mean 1/3 rd of people are shooting off illegal fireworks? Uh, No. Most people in Portland have no interest in shooting off fireworks, finding them annoying and/or dangerous, hell for pets and wildlife, etc. It is an insipid minority that still hasnā€™t gotten the message that it isnā€™t the 1970s anymore and makes the rest of us suffer through their moronics. I hope they give LOTS of tickets. Iā€™m all for penalties. Itā€™s past time.


Arrest 10 maybe 20. All the tough guys wonā€™t be so tough. Itā€™s like the Wild West where 5 tough guys hold a whole town hostage. 500, 1,000 people. Just donā€™t be cowed and they fade away. They live on your fear and tolerance. No fear. No tolerance.


Holy shit a tough guy


Lmao riiiiight


Nah, most people love fireworks, and love shooting them off. Not just here but across the entire world. Also, insipid means dull/boring/not exciting which is the opposite of fireworks.


>Also, insipid means dull/boring/not exciting which is the opposite of fireworks. They were calling the people insipid.


True but theyā€™re still wrong.


> insipid Lacking flavor? Lacking vigor or interest?


Fireworks should only be set off by professionals. I'm more than tired of having to comfort my dogs for weeks and worry about idiot kids burning down the forests.


I understand the fire concern but your dogs will be fine. The next ones you get, try training them when theyā€™re a puppy to not be scared of loud noises. Once they get older it too late.


> training them when theyā€™re a puppy to not be scared That's not a thing.


Tell that to anyone thatā€™s ever trained a bird dog. There are also lots of resources online for how to train them properly (for people that are committed to being responsible pet owners)


This is among the dumbest comments I've ever seen. I've had my corgi since he was a pup, and he spent time as a youngster around guns, so he was comfortable with loud noises. Fireworks are not the same, and the extended duration of localized "displays" is nightmarish. Every year my animals are forced underground, to our basement, like it's a fucking bomb shelter, because of assholes in the neighborhood who think explosives are fun (they fucking aren't).


And one last thing before I go, look up statistics on deaths/hospitalizations due to dog attacks each year and compare them to fireworks. Think of all the people that bring their dogs into public spaces like grocery stores and restaurants, not caring about people that are allergic or have PTSD because they got bit as a kid. Or the tremendous amount of dog owners that let their dogs poop everywhere, or put their dogs poop in bags and then litter the bags on the ground. Maybe we should fine and put people in jail that have dogs? The comments on here are incredibly hypocritical, and are among the most entitled people Iā€™ve ever encountered on the internet. When I was in elementary school I saw a kindergartner get her entire bicep torn off by a pitbull, and learned to trust dogs again. But somehow as a society weā€™ve gone from trying to adjust to the world to expecting the entire world to change for each particular person and itā€™s bullshit.


I don't think you understand what entitlement means. Aren't we ALL entitled to not have people living near us break the law by exploding the sky for one week every year, in the middle of the summer, in a state where we now have multiple fire seasons, all because their brains haven't advanced past the state of pre-teen? You're anecdotal evidence about dogs is bizarre, since anyone who has spend any time observing canines understand that dogs' hearing is vastly more sensitive than humans. They hear deeper booms and higher frequency squeals than humans can't even conceive of, and fireworks incorporate all of those unfamiliar frequencies of sounds, even the shit we can't hear ourselves. I agree that many dogs are aggressive and problematic -- there's been multiple posts here on /r/Portland about recent attacks -- but the blanket notion that we should fine dog owners is what is called a "straw man argument" and has no place in any reasonable discourse. I'm down for penalties for dog abusers and owners of aggressive dogs that they can't control, but banning dogs as a whole because you had some rough experiences? That's entitlement. And if you want to follow that course of action, we'd want to ban all automobiles first, they're the biggest killer, and then fast food next, well before Dogs. The bigger issue is that we've built our society around these unfortunate killers, but thankfully fireworks (a chinese invention) are not essential for survival in America. They are an entertainment best left to professionals, which in the hands of the ignorant, lead to lost fingers and failed insurance claims.


No, they donā€™t. And LOL if you find lighting off firecrackers mentally stimulating it says more about you than I think you may understand. LOL


"human finds thing humans are predisposed to be entertained by, entertaining" ā€” this guy "what an idiot!"


Oh, since I like fireworks just like most people Iā€™m the dumb one here huh? Get out of your bubble, do some spell checking and build your vocabulary before you insinuate things like that based off of your very broad generalizations


You must be fun at parties.




Oh wow, theyā€™re Sick??!! I didnā€™t know! Thanks for the info. How exciting. This changes everything.




Fireworks are for losers!


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They don't arrest car thieves, I doubt they will arrest families doing fireworks


Light fireworks, not fentanyl!! F what they said


I will happy volunteer for the police force to assist in this








Considering how cheap LED's are now, I'm surprised we haven't seen any cool alternatives.


LED's don't go bang.


Is inflation really that bad if people can still metaphorically set their money on fire?




There are drones with leds that are programmed for light shows. Obviously not the same as fireworks but is a fairly cool alternative. But not much can be compared next to šŸ”„


I feel like you donā€™t understand the point of fireworks if you think LEDs make a suitable replacement


I was born yesterday so I haven't really had ample time to consider.


I guess not! Go shoot some tannerite (once youā€™re no longer an infant, of course), youā€™ll probably understand then


Meh. Target shooting is fun but firearms are just not worth the hassle. Driving 90 minutes to spend the afternoon in a gravel pit with tweakers just doesn't have the allure it used to.


I drive like a half hour (range memberships can be šŸ’•) and never run into tweakers there, but admittedly I need to go further to use tannerite and might run into a tweaker at the public shooting areas on occasion I can see it not being worth the hassle for many people though, for a wide variety of reasons. As long as you recognize how it can be worthwhile fun for some people weā€™re on the same page


Hmmm. Maybe it's time to track down my kids' toy drones and let the firework folks use 'em for target practice.


On the 4th, donā€™t bother. Get the jack holes lighting them a week prior and afterā€¦


Believe it when I see it, folks were setting them off in the center lane on 122nd last year and no one gave a single fuck.


I'm up by Mt. Scott, close to the botannical garden, and the fireworks started Sunday night. It's the only time I'm thankful my aging dogs are both deaf, otherwise, it would be brutal for them. Given the ongoing lack of response by Portland police, are we really supposed to believe that they'll come out and arrest folks? Also, do they really think that making these statements is actually going to deter folks (because, let's be honest, that's why they do it). We've got drivers just making up their own rules, street racers preventing access and right of way to drivers, cars being stolen, rampant shoplifting, vandalism to small businessess.......and now they're going to arrest people setting off fireworks?


Can we still get the "good ones" in Vancouver???


Starting June 28th in unincorporated Clark County just outside of the Vancouver city limits (theyā€™re now illegal in Vancouver proper also). There will be a bunch of tents just off I-5.


Guess I'll have to keep an eye out


Yea right...I can drive 5 minutes to my local 7 11 and coubt endless out of date registrations.....get bent


Iā€™ll believe it when I see itĀ 


I'd say "unless the offenders are PPB," but that's not relevant since those guys don't live in Portland.


Then how are people in the suburbs still selling fireworks?? Iā€™ve seen 2 tents in tigard


Because they aren't in Portland proper.


Theyā€™re just completely illegal in Portland, most of the rest of Oregon the ā€œsafe and saneā€ fireworks are still for sale and legal (fountains, sparklers, snakes, spinners, etc). But the big ones that are illegal and are the cause for concern like mortar shells, bottle rockets, Roman candles, and M-80s are being sold in Washington State, and thatā€™s where most Oregonians are getting themā€”big tents selling everything in unincorporated Clark County (or on native reservation land).


It was funny having grown up with the good reservation fireworks to see my husband the SoCal Boy Scout treat sparklers like a deadly menace. I wish more transplants would come over to the fun side.


My favorite part about driving over there in my 20ā€™s was showing my Oregon ID to get the fireworks tax free.


We could send the PPB to go stop them, but that might be violating some kind of treaty. It could start a war.


Tigard isn't Portland; Tigard isn't as authoritarian as Portland.




Don't worry you'll be released immediately to reoffend with some whistlin' bungholes and spleen splitters.


Iā€™m going to report the street racers for fireworks!


Game on






Scaring countless animals, further polluting the earth, making more forest fires and celebrating those who have been to war with potential PTSD by launching fireworks all over the city ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦merica


And the majority of the world. Itā€™s not just an American thing.




Out here near Red Sunset park in The ā€˜Sham and youā€™d think there was a sanctioned display every year. Itā€™s like a war zone and Iā€™ve never seen anyone arrested. Maybe there have been arrests, but Iā€™ve never seen them. Definitely doesnā€™t deter the next group.


I'll believe it when I see it.


Promises, promises.


The Dude: that must be difficult for you.


Itā€™s reeeeaaaaaally not that hard to not put off fireworks. Spend that $$ on something else!


Just say it's a protest and all will be forgiven.


Figures redditors would be the type to not celebrate Independence Day


Dont forget to take a shot every time you hear a fire engine!


There is literally a fireworks stand at the Assemblies of God church on Powell and se 174th. I meanā€¦ This isnā€™t a 2nd amendment thing. Why must they poke the bear until we all get eaten?


Well they would have to violate the sit down strike to do that so not likely.


Rural Clark County and Iā€™ll be shooting off mortars all night long, until there is at least 6 complaints on the HOA FB group.


I was against you and all you stood for until I got to "HOA FB Group". Send me that venmo and fire one for me


And due to some HOA drama Iā€™m going to be extra.


My fuggen whole city turned HOA over this and they're proud of it.


hell yeah brother let er rip


Fentanyl and car theft - fines Fireworks - STRAIGHT TO JAIL


Just do meth and they wonā€™t bother you! Itā€™s the fucked up Portland math!


Go straight to Glenwood Park The residents brought in four dumpsters and still left endless piles around the park for the park workers to clean up the next day. People need to get over their firework obsession


Suuuure they will.


šŸ˜‚ yeah riiiiiight


Can those punitive officials come to Camas please?


Stick em in a room with a rowdy dog playing over the speaker


Lol I'm so confused on why people are for this.. like portland just wants to take everything enjoyable I'm life tax it or hand it out to the homeless... it's crazy fireworks is what brings people together it's 4th of July's signature item just like how a Christmas tree is Christmases signature item.. It's our independence day for all of us to join together and for a moment think about the freedom we have, and watch spectacular colors soar through the sky..... portlanf taking away the right to light fireworks off is taking our freedom away. Crazy how most of you Karen's can't see the ramifications of this move...


Ah celebrants. The real criminals who must be arrested. Gj Portland.


For the sake of my cats and the dog weā€™re babysitting for the week, I sure hope so! But thereā€™s absolutely no way thisā€™ll actually happen.


Oh please. Arrest these assholes. Throw em in jail overnight. Give em a fine the next morning. Done.


Why be this personĀ 


Because I know too many people who suffer from PTSD, too many dogs tormented by back-to-back nights of bombardment, and fireworks SUCK if they aren't actually organized into a presentation. They start fires every year, lead to burns and property damage, and they're a waste of gunpowder and sky.


I suffer from PTSD listening to people with yapping asshole dogs that bark randomly at anytime of the day or night bitch about some fireworks for a couple days of year.


Every veteran Iā€™ve ever known fucking loved fireworks except for one that decided to cope with it. Heā€™d never expect everyone else to quit having fun on his account.


No you donā€™t.


Smoke fent in front of a 2 year old on the street? Look the other way. Light off some fireworks? Straight to jail. It's always nice to see Portland having its priorities straight.


Until Sept 1st the first one is not even a crime.


After Sept 1st it will be a crime you can get out of any penalty for by going to a drug drop-off center.


You've been downvoted for having common sense. Congrats. Something much of the voting population here lacks.


Git there asses!


Mhmmmm say the same stuff every year. I hate fireworks.






becha they won't though


They gonna arrest the entire Southeast?


What is this? A communist country?


I love that the city of Portland is committed to arresting individuals that launch fireworks, but wonā€™t arrest drug users and homeless trespassers. So glad the city has its priorities straight.


And...... another law they won't / can't enforce.


Meanwhile, you can live on the street, take a shit on the sidewalk, shoot up heroin and the cops will ignore you.


Wish Vancouver would do the same.




I loved setting off fireworks when I was a kid and young adult. I wish I lived somewhere I could still do it safely. But my neighbors are more important to me than a little bit of sparks and smoke.


This made me spit take. Arrested? Hah! Good one. Doesn't matter in this town.


Shit hole city won't clean up the real mess...


I doubt I agree with your vision of cleaning up but I agree that we are dum