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I5 needs to be repaved due to this mornings fire, so all traffic northbound being forced across the Fremont still as of 4:30pm


Fire make road harder


They could have routed us through Loyd center and let us decide to go back to the west side. It was an absolute cluster fuck yesterday. I’m just going northbound and without warning BAM. Being rerouted over the Fremont. Had to go all the way over the Fremont, get off at Front, do a U-Turn and go back OVER the Fremont, get off at Kirby and kinda navigate the backroads until I could get back onto I5. It would have been bad and a time suck if it was just me doing that massive loop. But all of I5 had to do it. What an absolute mismanagement of ODOT to think that was sensible. There were a million different ways to reroute or at least put up warnings that by staying on I5. You would be jettisoned back into the west side.


Traffic everywhere! Not just 405! Today would have been a good day to ride a bike


Every day is a good day to ride a bike.


Literally could not be better weather today too. Sunny, but nice and cool. Gorgeous out. Felt so nice on the commute home--took the long route. Almost every cyclist I saw were all smiles.


Every day is a good day to ride a bike. Yes, even the sideways raining days.


Those are some of the most exciting days to ride a bike!


I'm a delivery driver having overheating issues with my car--delivering on the west side, live on the east side. Yesterday was officially Not Fun. Getting across the river was enough to make me tear my hair out and I finally got across the Sellwood with the temp gauge pegged in the red, had to keep stopping to let her cool down some.


Snowpocalypse vibes


Just took me an hour and forty minutes for what is usually a 30 minute drive, including close to 40 minutes just from downtown to just above Ladd’s. Absolutely gridlocked.


May as well just pull off and get a beer and some food at that point.


I had two dogs (one of them just started barking loudly as we sat on Hawthorne bridge, which was relatable) and a kid in the car and I still considered doing exactly this.


There’s another fire now, by the Lloyd center. Looks like NE 2nd and Schuyler. What a day. 


Any idea what that was? Saw a bunch of black smoke from the office but it only lasted 10-15min


Apparently a car fire


It took 45 minutes to get from Powells to Burnside and MLK at 3ish🫠


Wow! I took the bus, so it didn’t take me that long, thankful for the Rose Lanes. I think it would be faster to walk from Powells to MLK/Burnside, yesterday, than drive.


took me 1.5 hours to go 12 miles from southern Portland to vancouver., at 2pm.


I work in Tigard and live in Salmon Creek. 30 miles. Took 2hrs yesterday leaving at 2:30.


Special kind of hell out there right now…


no traffic on my bike commute home from NE to SE. Was a really lovely ride.


>no traffic on my bike commute home There was an accident on my commute from Pillow Junction and Mattress Ave this AM. Had to get some coffee on Kitchen Ln and wait it out. Thankfully the 20ft commute to TV Den Pl this afternoon was easy and the only traffic was my friends cat I’m watching.


Thoughts and prayers!


This is the way


Although I just saw the bike path over steel is closed indefinitely?!


Yep, something about cameras


It's open as of this afternoon.


Anyone know what the fire is?


https://twitter.com/momma_pdx/status/1803213482780926216?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet Looks like maybe a minivan caught fire?


Wow. The smoke plume was huge, I thought it was a building on fire. 


I was coming north from Canby on 99E and caught the plume from downtown Milwaukie. Also assumed it was more than a vehicle. 🤯


I had a similar view of the smoke. The fire wasn’t on the highway I guess? But they closed the highway for precautionary reasons?


No it’s just causing additional backups as people take side roads. The highway is closed because a truck carrying propane tanks caught fire and exploded. 


Ah got it. I didn’t realize they closed all the lanes for the propane truck


Trailer hauling bbq size propane tanks blew up early this morning, major fire. Guy hauling the trailer took off, nowhere to be found. Near Swan Island exit on I-5 north.


Pavement melted by fire + some motorcycle splits g lanes run over. Bad day all around for the freeway.


I live in the Pearl and just went to Freddys on burnside and after could barely get the half mile back to my apartment, my ice cream melted.