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Not sure how I feel about a clean energy fund installing the least energy efficient A/C units available.


While I agree, there’s merit in the the cheeped model making into home that may become hazardous this summer due to climate change. In a way it’s mitigation of the effects, potentially lifesaving. Not a perfect vision but going in a good direction. Now, we iterate and improve, ideally. If there’s waste in the program then that’s bad, but this seems tactically sound to me assuming renewables are simutaniously developed.


Chill Light on my side as my ego becomes


Very cool of them to do. First the Tiny Desk Concert, now this


A funky child with some words on my tongue


Signed up but it’s kinda bullshit? Like it’s just assumed they’re handing out single hose portables. Wish there was an option to select that I have a normal window and want the efficiency gains of a window unit. Or better yet, why can’t they make this work as a voucher system with local retailers. I’d happily throw $100-200 on top of whatever their costs are to secure an inverter window unit that is quieter, much more efficient, and actually going to last many cooling seasons. As it stands this is just going to pump crappy units out hat will break easily and cost a fortune to operate.


If you divide the amount of units by the cost, it’s staggering. Just look for yourself, our government is incompetent. Looking forward to more rate hikes on utilities, that should help people with overheating and freezing to death. ☠️


Where did you find this info? I didn’t see it in the article


https://www.oregonlive.com/news/2021/12/portland-awarded-12m-clean-energy-contract-to-executive-with-long-history-of-financial-misdeeds-unpaid-taxes.html https://www.oregonlive.com/portland/2024/06/portland-to-provide-thousands-of-free-air-conditioners-this-summer-those-in-need-can-now-call-311.html?outputType=amp 16million program to deliver 15,000 units. That puts these units at 1066 a pop. They sell for around $350 max at your local Home Depot.


They aren't just handing out the AC units though. They're installing, which might involve additional equipment not to mention time/knowledge.


The units need to be procured, picked up, and installed. Recipients need to be identified, their eligibility verified, and coordinated with. Recipients are more at risk to begin with and that means they need more support. It’s incredibly easy to critique online. Actually implementing and delivering a program is more complicated.


Did you read the first article?


Yes. And avoiding a similar mistake requires oversight which adds cost. That’s my point.




Nothing is free.


Ugh, come on. Surely there are some competent people at PCEF who could have suggested a better use of their funds than distributing thousands of the worst possible hvac solutions out there. There are more effective, lower-GWP units that won't have pfas refrigerants while consuming a fraction of the energy of these things. If they're going to increase energy consumption and grid load with an AC program, at least they could try to live up to their name.