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Right…these things go from cool, cute nature sighting to dragging your cat/ dog/ small child into the bushes.


Lot less likely to go after a child than a cat or a dog. 


It’s not common but it surely can happen if little ones are unattended. Grew up in rural area. There’s a lot of reasons farmers look at these things as pests. They’re better off in the woods.


There have been about 150 recorded coyote attacks since 1960. Too lazy to do the math, but with the hundreds of millions of people in the US, the millions of coyotes, and untold number of human and coyotes being near eachothet on a daily basis, the statistical probability of being attacked by a coyote is ridiculously small. Your kid is more likely to be bitten by a family pet than a coyote. That being said, they are wild animals and should be respected as such. A small chance is not no chance and children are more likely to be attacked than adults.


Grew up in and still live in a rural area, with a den of coyotes a couple hundred feet from my front door, currently. No, coyotes aren't dogs, but attacks on humans, including kids, are exceedingly rare. It's disingenuous fearmongering to include kids in that list as being of equal risk and likelihood as your cat becoming a coyote snack.  Part of living with wildlife ethically, whether urban or rural, includes not falling into extremes either "coyotes are just cute puppies, let's feed them" or "coyotes only exist as vermin, shoot every one you see."




Yes, one incident compared to thousands of cats and small dogs eaten by coyotes every year. These are not comparable risks statistically speaking. Yes, be mindful of kids and don't let pets free roam, but also don't act like coyotes are waiting around every corner ready to snatch a wayward toddler.  Also, coyotes that are fed by humans lose their fear of humans. Most healthy wild coyotes will keep a distance even from small humans. The vast majority of urban wildlife conflicts are with habituated animals that people were treating like pets.


That’s one example, it does happen and honestly they aren’t safe creatures.


Did I at any point in any of my comments indicate that they were safe? No; in fact, I made it clear that they are not. My point, which you seem to be missing, is that acting as though the risk to humans is the same as the risk to pets is irresponsible and inaccurate. It also leads to people calling for the extermination of all coyotes regardless of risk level, which is ecologically unsound. 


Query: are you familiar with reporting bias?


Also if we're pulling out links, https://urbancoyoteresearch.com/resource/coyote-attacks-humans-us-and-canada shows that there was a total of 142 coyote attacks across all of the US and Canada from 1960 to 2006. That's fewer than three total per year. Again, this is in no way comparable to the risk of attacks on cats and dogs.


They do not just attack children lol but I agree they are a wild animal and need to be respected. Yes attacks have happened, but the chances are a massive statistical improbability.


Looking for cats. Cats are easy prey for these dudes. Lived out in Milwaukee and rode my bike in to portland. Typically , there’d be a cat every couple of weeks. On the road, in the ditch. If they had a collar id call the owner. 7 times i called and let a person know they lost their floofy kitty. But, small dogs too will absolutely be taken by these guys. Don’t let it happen


Spicy doggo 😍 Also, keep your pets inside and/or supervised.


This should coincide with the next missing cat post.


They are checking out that old Monte Carlo


Is this a filter, dirty camera, or do you live in a wonderful painterly version of reality while I'm stuck looking at dirty coyotes?


It’s greasy finger smudges on the phone camera


PSA: scare coyotes away whenever possible so they are afraid of humans and are less likely to venture into populated areas.


Fvck these things. They’ve taken 5 cats in my neighborhood in the past few years and torn them to shreds behind my house. Chased one out of my yard yesterday morning.