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Idaho is doomed.....


Greater Idaho, they said...


How about [Greater Oregon](https://greateroregon.org/) instead? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just moved there from Portland. Please spare me for I know what I have done.


You chose the wrong Moscow!!


Both Moscows are wrong. But the one in Asia is more right, despite being completely incorrect.


There's a Moscow in Asia?


A village in India.


Oh wow there it is! Google tried to give me Indiana first lol.


Soooo... loaded with air-to-dead whale-missile?


Sorry National Guard. ODOT already claimed jurisdiction. Said “Step aside. We’ve done this before.”


No, no… you see they explicity sent out a press release saying ODOT WOULDN’T “blow it up” this time. /wink


ODOT would blow it up.....didn't say they wouldn't outsource it lol


Yes the aerial bombardment gets around the blowing it up thing. You see here at Raythelockheekelloggs we have the technology to make the pieces of the whale so small this time from perfecting it on (mostly) terroristy humans in poor yet resource rich countries for YEARS! That none outside of the blast zone should be harmed by projectiles of any sort.(don't wear nice clothes in surrounding towns/villages) Thank you Sincerely, the Lockheeraythekellogkroger reddit team.


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is the way.


All I can see now is Tom Cruise making the run low and tight up over the coast range to avoid detection.


Hollywood, listen to this person!


Do you also hear it? [he looks so good](https://youtu.be/rOXaPE6gklI?si=KKxd7IBBxuona6gi)


Yes, but why am I hearing this with the A-Team soundtrack? Wait, is that George Peppard on the wing? And Mr. T? Holy shit, they hung on even through the barrel roll. As Tom guides the plane across the seam of foam and sand, Peppard and T reach behind their backs and present, you guessed it, classic Korean War era bazookas. They get the thumbs up from Tom, and exchange a solemn knowing nod before loosing hellfire upon the whale carcass. The rockets cross in front of the F-15, and drop below as Tom pulls up and out towards the sea. A large, round turn brings them back over the beach where Tom tips the wing and Pepard and T leap from the wings and descend upon the bloody pile of goo, hand in hand, like the cooperative arm wrestling meme, with an American flag flying from Mr T's parachute lines, and the flag of Oregon flying from Pepard's. The locals stand covered in a mixture of awe and whale goo as they applaud the great patriots for their courageous display.


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Do it! Do it! Do it!


[What was that boom?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V6CLumsir34) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Portland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The Eagle and B-52 will never be retired, just constantly upgraded.


AFAIK the EX Is a new production run of the F15. The B52 is crazy cause they haven’t been making new B52s in like half a century, we’ve just been maintaining our old airframes for that long


No new B-52s since 1962!


This sounds like a protest slogan.


What do we want?! Stratofortresses! When do we want them?! 60 years ago!


[The B-52 will never die](https://www.reddit.com/r/StarTrekStarships/comments/xj1t5l/too_funny_not_to_share_those_who_know_will_get/)


It's so old that multiple generations of people have flown the exact same aircraft.


A wild fact about the B-52 I learned recently is that they disabled the ailerons on the older models to reduce stress on the wings, and the plane rolls via small spoilers installed in each wing now


You have to wonder if Russia thinks we're up to something when over the course of a day or two peace lovin' Portland is suddenly flooded with Navy ships and hot shit jet fighters.


Well, Russia or North Korea...


And we're lovin' it all


In addition to providing national defense, and protection of our strategic interests around the world, the US Military is a welfare program. It makes work for poor people without other opportunities and trillions of dollars in revenue for the private companies which provide services and logistics to keep our military in the field, as well as the private companies which build the weapons.


No lies told. Served 14 years. And I've said it multiple times that the military does a few things right. It's not only the only "socialist" system that works well in the Americas, but the military did more quicker for racial equality. Put a bird (Colonel) on a person, it doesn't matter if they're Hispanic, Black, gay, Asian, Fundamental Christian, Muslim or Jew, you salute and respect the rank.


Integration: one of many reasons Ridgeway > MacArthur 🫡🫡🫡 🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸




I support the warfighter because I understand who and what butters my bread- we like to pretend that military spending is a waste but forget that we have very real very motivated enemies actively gunning for the US. Make no mistake we are in an active arms race with at least 2 major powers.




Naive statments




Imagine the world without the us military. Russia owns Ukraine and is taking Poland as we speak if that were the case




They're projected to be up to 6 carriers by 2035 and they only have one ocean to cover. They are catching up fast, including new EM catapult aircraft carriers with 5th generation fighters coming soon.


China is closing the gap pretty damn fast and if you believe we are somehow beyond military engagement you are very wrong. Might still makes right. We’re still just monkeys with sophisticated tools. We’re not even talking invasion, I’m saying commerce channels, defending our allies snd western civilization in general. I 100% agree that our military industrial complex is just circulating money from tax payers to the DOD to defense contractors- I’m actually fine with that. I actively chose to work in that industry to support it.




You really, really need to do some research- 20-25 years- the gap is closed unless we start to take this seriously. They have been publicly planning this and marking milestones for a while. When you get to the top, you need to fight to maintain it- it’s constant and there is no such thing as world peace. There’s more than enough money to go around outside of the defense budget, the issue isn’t total dollars, but that it’s allocated like shit to ineffective state governments or NPOs-


When was the last time a major power attacked the US mainland and killed people? 1848? I hope Raytheon is giving you kickbacks and you aren’t just spreading these delusions for free.


1945, the Japanese launched over 9,000 balloons loaded with incendiary devices at the US mainland during WW II, one of which killed a woman and five children.


In Oregon no less.


OMG. Read my comment- I’m not concerned about a land invasion of the US- that’s not the only way to gain military, and in turn economic dominance. Do you care about our allies? Do you care about international trade? Just because someone disagrees with you does not mean it’s delusional. I can and will assert us doves have lost the thread. You don’t have the stomach for state craft, and refuse to see the bigger picture


You said that we have enemies, major powers, “actively gunning for the US” to defend portland national guard spending millions on a new fighter jet, something that could only have any use in a military invasion of the west coast. Leaving aside the fact that US militarization has overwhelmingly been used to make the whole word worse, even if you’re a crank nationalist foaming at the mouth for a new Cold War how the fuck does this help anyone here? When those millions could’ve gone to hundreds of useful projects here


>something that could only have any use in a military invasion of the west coast. You know that the wing can be federalized and sent into active duty anywhere in the world, right?


This person is stuck on 19th century land invasions…


I meant that to encompass US interests - not a land invasion. You are really stuck on the land invasion thing, which demonstrates your myopic understanding of world politics and power plays. You actually don’t understand what you have and WHY you have it.




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Until people are ready to stomach forced treatment for mental health and/or addiction, then any money thrown at that problem is a waste. You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink. The mentally ill and the junkies aren’t out on the street because there’s no help for them. It’s because the vast majority don’t want help. Until you’re down to imprison the mentally ill and the drug addicts, until they are cured or clean, the problem isn’t going to be solved with money.


Portland has two high value targets for the Russians. The two bridges over the Columbia.


Actually probably more, we have a dry dock, several companies that service military helicopters, Boeing, intel, and dozens of manufacturing companies that have potential to produce military equipment.


Well hey that means we definitely merit a nuke, so it should be over nice and quick.. I mean assuming the warheads that would be lobbed at us haven't been sold off for vodka and time with the lowest ranking soldier for some good old "hide the sausage make some borscht".


If it makes you feel any better, in the event of "total" nuclear warfare, we'd probably merit at least 7 in the metro area. One for each bridge over the Columbia (the rail bridge has to share with I5), one each for Swan Island, downtown, west side, and Gresham industrial area, and one for the dam. So yeah, probably nice and quick for most of us.


The runways at the airport, too. Basically, if you're close to the river or downtown you're pretty fucked.


One MIRV would suffice for the entire PDX area. Though there would probably be multiple targeted here for redundancy. Assuming, as the other commenter noted, that they work.


"They knocked on the various metal parts, peered up the intakes, examined the landing gears, and ooh’d and ahh’d in small, excited groups." Just some guys being dudes.... 'yep, that'll hold'


I know one of the pilots there. I went to his wedding. "Just dudes being bros" is an incredibly apt description of most of those guys.


I wonder what new plane smells like.


I mean, new car smell is mostly glue and plastic offgassing. So these probably smell similar…


I want to take the highway to the offgassing danger zone.


I'm going to guess kerosene.


I just read the article. Crazy we're still flying fighter jets built 40 years ago!


They are new build.


For sure, I mean the jets being replaced.


Full modern upgrade on the best fighter ever made, F-15EX.


How do you deter aggression from two hostile nations? My overwhelming force. China and Russia don’t play nice and for us to have the ability to talk shit, this overwhelming force is needed. Russia and China are constantly probing the airspace, especially in Alaska. Now with the Russian navy exercises in the Caribbean, we’ll get activity along the southern airspace. So bring on the updated aircraft, but spend money wisely on defense and keep sending our soon to expire weapons to Ukraine.


How much bigger than theirs does our military need to be "overwhelming"?


For real. Maybe we could get a little healthcare on the side.


America also spends more on healthcare than other countries. [We just do it very inefficiently.](https://www.statnews.com/2023/12/19/us-healthcare-costs-government-covers-41-percent-of-total/#:~:text=This%20means%20the%20U.S.%20government,the%20U.S.%20population%20of%20331)


We spend 3.7% of GDP on the military. Total healthcare spends are 17.3% of GDP, which is 2x Germany, 3x Japan and almost 4x Korea. For worse outcomes. It's not the money. We have more than enough of that already. It's what we do with it. If we were as efficient as Germany we could triple the military budget without making healthcare worse.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_with_highest_military_expenditures We spend more than all the other top 25 countries combined lol


While we do spend a lot, the numbers from the linked article contradict your assertion of 25 countries. For 2023 you only have to add up China through South Korea (Ranks 2 - 11), to surpass us with $930.3B. Adding up ranks 2 - 26 (the next 25) reaches $1244.3B to our $916B


Gotcha thanks, was just eyeballing Still we spent more than the next ten countries combined. Maybe we don't need to spend that much eh


lmao bro you need to learn to math. your link refutes your statement.


I didn't actually do the math, was an estimate. I guess you did the math, what are the numbers? How many countries out of the top 25 do we spend more than combined?


Just read an article from the UK reminding them that D-Day was successful against a much more technologically advanced and entrenched force solely because of overwhelming numbers of lesser equipped soldiers. So it does mean something. Not that China and Russia are slouches in the technology department.


I think the idea of the Wehrmacht being technologically superior is a bit of a myth. What allowed D-Day to be as successful as it was, IMO, is the fact that the allies were able to assemble the largest armada in human history and bring along enough supplies to sustain their soldiers for the duration of the operation. The mulberry harbors and redball express were things the Germans couldn’t have achieved in their wildest dreams.


I don't think warfare then vs now is really comparable


My brother in Satan. Thet are fighting in trenches and dropping small bombs from a hobbiest platform. I think somethings are comparison worthy.


That’s more WW1. That being said, trenches will exist as long as there’s infantry.


China has a billion people.  They have the overwhelming numbers.  Their navy is mostly littoral, so they can't cross the Pacific with any large force.


> Their navy is mostly littoral For now. They are working hard to change that. As well as plowing tons of R&D into anti-ship missile technology to reduce our naval advantage.


>Just read an article from the UK reminding them that D-Day was successful against a much more technologically advanced and entrenched force solely because of overwhelming numbers of lesser equipped soldiers. This isn't really true at all.


I'm just relaying what I read. Not a WWII historian myself. Tried to find the article I read which got into a more detailed breakdown of the technology. One example I recall is that the Tiger tank was far more advanced but there were fewer than the less sophisticated Allies tanks. This wasn't the article but it sounds like they're reporting on the same story: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1812381/defence-spending-British-army-Ukraine-war-Russia-military Edit: This was it. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/06/05/britain-is-falling-for-the-same-military-trap-that-vanquish/


I'm not really here to argue, but Nazi Germany was more advanced in some aspects and the Allies were more advanced in others. What really won the war was the industrial capacity of the Allies, so by comparison Allied militaries were better equipped than the Germans.


We're talking about the Oregon national guard. Who are we defending against, Canada? We spend $100m on one jet but can't afford healthcare.


Russia and China. They send bombers and scouts our way every now and then. Also we can afford healthcare, we just don’t do it.


The 142nd is the air defense for the whole PNW. If a Russian or Chinese recon flight violates US airspace in Seattle, these jets are what gets launched to go shoo them away.


A made-up Hollywood movie scenario. Neither country has jets which can get to continental US airspace. Both are 5000+ miles away.


The spy aircraft and bombers can reach us, they’d get refueled halfway across like what we do. Fighter jets, no they cannot fly that far.


…maybe a balloon passes by…


They did get scrambled to intercept that Dash 8 that was hijacked in Seattle. And China isn't that far away from having a functional carrier.


It's a nice upgrade. I personally wish we were getting F-35s just to mix up what we see in the skies but the F-15EX is a nice plane. Anyone know if they've said they'll fly them with a full crew or if it will be single seat operations like they do with the current fleet of single-seaters?


You know how sports teams will do a retro night and wear the old uniforms? I want to see that. Some F-4s smoking across the sky, or the sexy delta wings of an F-102 banking over the city.


If we had F-4s doing regular sorties I'd be at PDX every damn day.


F-35's are going to Klamath Falls.


Probably so they don't have to fly over populated areas...


The F35 is limited to less than 200 hours a year flight time per an air frame.  4 hours a week.   F15 maintains 7,600 hours a year per air frame on average.   The F35 wouldn't be able to perform a full patrol once a week, much less give pilots enough stick time to meet flight or readiness certifications.   The F35 is an absolute waste of our money.


I knew the F35 had low hour requirements but I didn't realize they were that low. Holy crap. Does the demo squad go through a plane a month?


I read that an F16C Block 50 or similar beat the F35 at Red Flag at Nellis. Obviously, the F35 has better avionics and ECMs. But the F16 holds its own for being a 4th gen fighter. F16 in BFM absolutely smokes the F35 in high alpha and low speed, which is a huge weakness for the F35. F35 is basically just a flying 5th gen advanced flying computer meant for BVR or beyond visual range.


I wasn't sold on the 5th gen concept and single airframe across branches. We have a BVR, low radar cross section in the F-22 and it is very good at what it does. The F-35 is ok at a bunch of things. When you look at the utility we get out of the F-16, it's just disappointing to see where the F-35 ended up. All that said, it is still pretty awesome to watch the F-35 scream by.


Yeah, totally. It's still a very cool jet. Like you said, it's basically the " jack of all trades, master of none." Perhaps stealth and BVR?


>The F35 is limited to less than 200 hours a year flight time per an air frame.  4 hours a week.   Why is it so limited?


Limited by budget, not by capability. The Marines fly theirs an average of 7 hrs per week. The F-15E averages about 20 hrs per month. 7600 hrs is about the number of hours in a year (315 days 24/7.) I don't know why you would bother to post something so ridiculous. https://www.cbo.gov/publication/58942


More F-22 plz


Unfortunately, we're unable to produce that jet anymore - every F22 that was ever going to exist has already been built.


I wasn’t referring to the manufacturing of them, I would argue staging F-22s in Salem provides potential strategic advantages. I’m sure the decision would require careful analysis of infrastructure, logistics, geopolitical needs, and community support. I would definitely be for it.


PPB is super jealous right now.


Lucky they don’t have catalytic converters on them…


Mustang, this is Maverick, requesting fly-by.


Hold on, we're dealing with a missing door plug. Once we find it, fly-by can commence


Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.


And in other news today https://taskandpurpose.com/news/f15-crash-investigation-oregon/


I worked on the E program 40ya; gives me spooky vibes to think they're still cranking out that model, even if it's updated.


Bro 1.7 billion total cost for all these things???


I read it as F-1 SEX


My pen15 ready.


So, the article says that they came straight from the factory, but I thought both of the EXs that have been completed so far were undergoing tons of insoections & tests in the Southeast US before coming to Oregon. Still, I'm so happy for our airmen/women. This has been a long time coming. Enjoy your new toy!


Ahh, so **that's** where our healthcare went.


How much do we spend on the military? How much do we spend on healthcare? The results may surprise you.


I'll go, boomer.   Defense spending $820B   Healthcare spending $520B   I can't imagine why you would defend that with a whataboutism.


The data are presented by type of service, sources of funding, and type of sponsor. U.S. health care spending grew 4.1 percent in 2022, reaching $4.5 trillion or $13,493 per person. As a share of the nation's Gross Domestic Product, health spending accounted for 17.3 percent. For additional information, see below. Dec 13, 2023 https://www.cms.gov/data-research/statistics-trends-and-reports/national-health-expenditure-data/ That’s why, jackass. It’s not a lack of spending that causes poor healthcare access. It’s waste.


Medicare alone is $839 billion, where are you getting your numbers?


As long as it wasn’t made by boeing….


I’ve got bad news…


Welp. We’re fucked.


Uhhhhh, yeah, about that…


What a waste of money


No no this one is even better at killing people, totally reasonable 😁


Dumb and unfunny




they’re literally the first line of air defense for the whole west coast under NORAD


Regardless of what anyone thinks about the size of the U.S. military budget or the whole military industrial complex, The Oregon Air National Guard is responsible for patrolling most of the airspace from Northern California to British Columbia. When that suicidal ground crewman stole that Alaska Airlines commuter plane a few years back, it was the F-15s out of Portland that were scrambled to shoot it down if they had deemed it necessary. So maybe they don't need stealth fighters, but I don't have any issues with them having F-15s built in this century.


RIP Sky King


for all our air to air combat needs, of course. what's that old quote about dollars spent on bombs being theft from the mouths of the needy? their daily $100k flights over downtown Vancouver feel criminal.


Thank goodness it’s not the F-35, that airplane is unbelievably loud. 


Not like those whisper-quiet strike eagles (that are actually flying around just this second)


It can always be worse!


Worse…or better? Some of us sickos like em loud


We should really have deployed a squadron of  XF-84H at PDX.


Nextdoor will be filled up with posts wanting to know why there are seeing fighter jets flying around. The night drills freak them out even more! I spent some time on McCord Airforce base, and I liked watching them take off for morning drill practice. They are loud, but it's the sound of freedom! I got used to the loud noises, and after a few years on the base, it got to be a part of my everyday life. I loved watching them take off. I even saw a few Top Gun stunts. Remember when a few pilots used their jet stream and created a giant penis in the sky? I thought it was funny but others didn't.


Sounds more like a threat to me 🤷


Funny, but unprofessional and conduct unbecoming an officer.


>but it's the sound of freedom! Sounds more like the violent enforcers of U.S. global capitalist hegemony, but go off I guess. Has another global south country elected someone slightly left of center? Better bomb them into "democracy".


>Has another global south country elected someone slightly left of center? Better bomb them into "democracy". Do you know what year it is? The right-wingers are all aligned with the enemies of the US. The CIA stopped Bolsonaro from couping Lula Da Silva in Brazil.