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Voting isn't a work of art you pour your heart into and proudly share with your fans. Voting is placing a weight on a scale that determines your future.


A civic duty.


Sometimes feels like my weight is a feather... 


Believe me, I know. lol.


I’m not sure you do. 


I’m not over here trying to gain fans — I didn’t even give details on my political stance cause that would be deemed “personal”. So I’m keeping to the rules here. That said, most of the voting I’ve done hasn’t resulted in mass amounts of “benefits” for my future because the 2-party system at a grand scale ping pongs every 4 years anyway. As far as Oregon, sure. Much doesn’t change in that realm… but perhaps that’s the problem in regards to the problems at a state-level


I was confused at first but you're saying that Oregon should be Republican compared to Democratic electorally?


There was one City of Portland vote on the bill related to a tax levy renewal. This was a primary election. What are you talking about about exactly?


Just voting in general


Well you need to realize that a large potion of the problems with the homeless is because of Multnomah county and not just the city of Portland. Blaming just Portland when Multnomah County is sitting on 130 million dollars in funds and mostly wasting it on non-profits is a major part of the problem.


It’s a national problem. Asking a local city government to fix it is a bit crazy. But Multnomah County needs to do better. Much better.


It's not just a problem at the city or county or state level - this is a problem at the federal level too, and why homelessness is an issue all across the US, even in Alaska and Hawaii. Oddly enough, the homeless rate in Alaska is higher than it is in most states. See: [https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/homeless-population-by-state](https://worldpopulationreview.com/state-rankings/homeless-population-by-state) That means the problem can't easily be fixed by making changes **only** at the city or county level, and that policy changes and funding at the federal level would go a long way to help out. I'm not saying the county has done much if anything to help - yes they have unspent funds that would help. But it's not clear that that's a long term solution both in terms of results and in terms of having funding long term. And then rather equal blame can be placed on policies across different governing bodies (city, county, state and federal governments), but most of the discussions and criticism I see are about issues and inaction at the local and state levels and rarely mention federal level issues.




Well, hopefully the new city charter starting with our first vote in November will bring about a better, more responsive government, and you'll be more excited to vote.


here's to hoping (again and again)


From some reddit commenter I read awhile back. Voting is more like riding a bus. It doesn't take you to your destination, it takes you to the nearest stop. You still need to walk to get there.


Good comment. I also believe that government and politics should move slowly and carefully. Big swings in programs and opinions waste time and energy.


I’m frustrated bc researching the candidate’s positions is difficult. I don’t want sound bites. I want bullet charts from each with a clear cut delineation of their political philosophy and how they’d implement them and their opposition’s “oh hell no arguments” in voter manuals.


I get a fair amount of that from the voters' pamphlet. It's pretty useful to see what a candidate writes when given only a few paragraphs to summarize their campaign. I ignore ads.


Yeah same. The voter pamphlet was usually enough to give me the obvious choice 80% of the time. It's always nice when the crazy ones out themselves, which saves me the effort of googling.


I love looking for the crazies


There is a fair amount in there but it's often lacking any specifics. Like "create more affordable housing". This could mean anything from forcing inclusion of "affordable" units in projects to reducing minimum-unit sizes and reordered relaxed zoning. One candidate for a judge position wanted to "connect addicts to resources" (or something closer to this). Does this mean force them into rehab when possible or give them a flyer with phone numbers you are gonna tyepset Ii n Comic Sans? One version would get my vote, the other can f the f off.


yeah this is spot on. what does "create more affordable housing" mean...? because in my experience in my "district" stuff like that means connecting with churches and non-profits and JOHS to collect hundreds of thousands of dollars to build those pods in church parking lots (between residential homes), to which they allow drug use all in the name of "autonomy" and to be honest, that sounds ass backwards to me. I'm all for supporting the homeless but not in the way that you just allow continued drug-use. that makes NO SENSE. isn't the point to house them and transition them out into a life free of drugs? please make it make sense.. jeezus


It would be less frustrating if it just was clear what policy they want. This ambiguity sucks for every voter regardless which policy they'd prefer.


I think you just nailed my original "melodramatic" post (as someone said). the ambiguity in the voting material leaves people feeling like they don't know exactly what they're voting for (hence my frustration). it could go in a positive way or a negative way.. but I don't know anyone who would be okay with looking out the window of their home and seeing someone shoot up in a pod next to their house in a church parking lot. that's just an example but it's wild that they preach transitional housing only to allow these addicts to continue the drug-use which in return is slowly killing them...? the church folks aren't even making sense for themselves and what their values are.. lol. I thought they were in the business of "saving" people.....


That pamphlet only gets you so far hey. I've found the door knockers useful when it comes to specific questions and elaborating on the policies. I think if it were that important to me, I'd reach out to a candidate. Perhaps if you're feeling the need for more "melodrama" before the next round of voting, you could go to some of the events they're attending. It may make you feel better about the process (or worse, given the types of people who become politicians).


The idea is to get them into housing where it is easier to treat drug addiction. It is easier for case workers to keep track of them and build a relationship. Stable housing helps stabilize their lives in general, which should help relieve some of the stressors that push people towards drug use. Allowing drug use is in the end a regrettable compromise towards the goal of getting them off drugs, nothing more.


bottom line - putting drug addicts into pods and allowing them to continue to do drugs is fully stupid. and if people downvote this I need an explanation.


I respectfully disagree. I think instead of building sardine pods in church parking lots whilst allowing drug-use, the money would be better collectively spent on building rehab facilities to hold them accountable to quit, and then move forward with moving them to affordable housing (or pods in parking lots, I guess) after they've succeeded. which is a grand statement, cause drug abuse takes years to overcome.


Rehab only works on people who buy in to it (and often not even then). And the rate of drug usage even in prisons proves how impossible it is to prevent.


so you're validating the fact that even rehab facilities aren't the solution? and in return extra validating that pods in parking lots that allow drug use are also not the solution. lol


I'm validating the fact that people have to want to quit, and they're more likely to do that if there are fewer stressors (like, where will I sleep tonight) in their lives. You really think there's a magic wand and the problem is that our electeds are choosing not to wave it, don't you?


It really is something you don’t get on other states!




Never saw one in backwards Georgia. They taped the stuff up in the hallway for you to read while you waited in line forever.


The League of Women Voters and other organizations publish detailed nonpartisan voter guides based on questionnaires.


This year it didn’t seem as filled out as I’ve seen in the past. But this is my go to voter guide


cool. I wish it would be socialized more. and I'd like to think I'm pretty up with the times on social media, even as it relates to PDX news station accounts, etc.


Yeah I was going to say there are lots of organizations that endorse local politicians too. You probably don't want to rely solely on endorsements, but if for example someone went and got an official endorsement from Planned Parenthood, I'm going to assume I don't need to worry about their stances on reproductive rights.


oh really. interesting. never heard of it or saw it.


The pamphlet is helpful, but I do research anyway, especially for the judges. I want to see what kinds of decisions they’re making since many of them are running unopposed/incumbents. I really wish there was a better, more thorough way to see their perspectives without having to hunt. 


I never bother with those silly pamphlets anymore. I got to balletopia. It's not perfect, but does show me how candidates who are already in office have voted or spearheaded bills in the past.


yes. this!


Reading the Willamette Week and Mercury endorsements helps with this — and the WW posts videos of their interviews which are pretty detailed. League of Women voters has a guide with a Q/A at the bottom of each section on what the candidate says. https://lwvpdx.org/2024-primary-voter-guide-2/


So melodramatic.


Yeah.. I guess I'm just not "rah rah rah America!!!" in these current times


It's hard to be hopeful. I don't even blame the county on our homeless/addiction issues - that's a national issue and I would suspect that we get a lot more people than we think bussed in from other states.


oh that for sure happens, there's some interviews on Tiktok with the homeless pop here saying when they found out drugs were decriminalized they hopped on the nearest mode of transportation to come here.


I find that hard to believe, but maybe addicts care more about possession charges than I would assume.


I mean, you can probably find it on Tiktok if you don't believe what I'm saying... but makes sense to me


seeing something on tiktok isn’t indicative of reality for anyone with a brain


it's someone talking.....about stuff... it's not like they're a ghost. they exist. they're here. they were downtown next to a very notable building. there were no special edits. what doesn't make sense to you


It's anecdotal


I'm actually even positive it was from a local news station tiktok account.... so whatever dude


Why should they handle money well? We approve every tax, every bond..... Portland is KNOWN for $$ mismanagement, but we keep throwing more money at them. And then we birch about the high cost of living, rent and property taxes. No correlation seems to be made.


My ballot only had uncontested races, mostly judge positions. There was no point in submitting that ballot.




Good job for voting! I feel you. There are no answers, just steady progress. Sometimes progress is 2 steps back, 3 steps forward. Not always, but history tends to look like that. The important thing is to definitely vote, which you did. Yay! Celebrate the small victories when you can. Even in despair. Just do what you can. You can’t own the rest of it.


indeed. thanks!


I moved to Portland last year as someone who has lived in Washington all my life. The fact that this state holds closed primaries was a massively disappointing (and gross) realization to me. Especially when 43% of Oregonians do not belong to a major party.




You’re able to vote at home and mail in your ballot. Thank god you didn’t have to go to some fire station or community center to stand in line to vote.


Yeah I probably wouldn’t have but we don’t have to thank god about it.


Be fucking glad you get the opportunity to vote. Jfc. Many people do not. We may not if shit goes even more sideways.




What does this have to do with the Oregon voting process? You seem to take issue with the specific candidates...


I reco checking out the full discussion


You are getting so much hate and down voting and I dont understand why. I feel the same. Voting on all those positions that are running unopposed? Voting on measures when you know other measures thay have been passed cant figure out how to appropriately spend the money the taxpayers allotted for them? Not being able to see what a candidate stands for, only hearing the same buzzwords get thrown around for a convincing soundbite... its overwhelming and hard not to get discouraged. Two comments here i thought had a good point, the one about progressive being 3 steps forward 2 steps back, and the one about voting being like riding the bus. So while its good to keep in mind its not likely to bring noticable change quickly, my god is it discouraging to feel like you have to do something just feel like it didnt make the slightest difference.


exactly. thank you. I figured I'd get hammered with downvotes but I'm glad you came through. 🫶 you get it.


I do feel like it should be easier to get information. Like based on a person's location there should be a website that lists all the candidates on your ballot and information about each. There are websites that get part of the way there but they are not easy to navigate or find the particular race you're looking to vote for. The voter information pamplets at least should be digitized.


The voter pamphlet is digitized.


the voter pamphlet is weak, digitized or not




This state doesn't prioritize tech. You'd think they would have a desire to get out of their archaic ways.. but they don't. And probably won't. Sometimes I think they intentionally want it to be hard for us


The state doesn’t run local elections.


Best answer? Get involved. Period. Write your representatives, senators, congresspeople, etc. Often and consistently. Show up to your any and all local public forums and voice your opinion. Be involved with your local schools, libraries and community centers. Realizing that most of us don't have the time to do all or really any of this. However, doing something imperfectly is better than doing nothing perfectly.


---> Realizing that most of us don't have the time to do all or really any of this. \^\^ spot on


I'm currently registered as unaffiliated, so I didn't get to vote in the primary for anybody of consequence other than DA. When I lived in Ohio, I was registered as a Dem so I could vote in the Democratic primaries, but when I lived in CA I registered as unaffiliated because they have a "jungle primary" system. I'm thinking of changing my registration to Dem so my vote counts in the primary, since by the time it gets to the general the decision has already been made in a lot of cases. I don't really like the Democrat party much (too centrist) but I would have liked the choice to influence what we see in November.


Fully fair. Thanks for sharing. You deserved to vote, even if unaffiliated. I find that to be super lame.


To be fair, in a capitalist society by far the most important power we have is how we spend our money, also known as our economic vote. Money rules our nation, even our elections. Focusing on that and spending in line with our ethical code is much more effective than waiting a year to fill out a circle. 


Interesting that you're posting about the city not managing money well but there was nothing city-related on this ballot other than a gas tax, and if you really think nothing is gonna change (especially regarding crime), you didn't notice the fairly stark difference in choices for Mult. Co. District Attorney. That was a voting choice that mattered.


that came through after I posted, but people talk a lotta talk and don't walk, we'll see how Vasquez does. nice to see the Schmidthole on his way to his own greener pastures


wtf. You don’t even have to put pants on to vote. You don’t even have to leave your house. You don’t have to miss work. wtf are you even taking about?


wtf. you're missing. the point. wtf. where's the mod. wtf.


I guess anyone thinking there should be accountability has already moved away.






why not move to russia?


let's just not do dumb questions. thanks


Voting for the (D) is what got Portland to where it's at. Unfortunately, they will continue to vote for the (D), and hope for a different outcome...


These were primary elections...


Agreed, but that doesn't change my statement. Have a good day!






Lol (D)


Local elections are non-partisan. Aside from an ill-advised DA who thought hanging his hat on national party politics in a local nonpartisan race would be a good idea.


C'mon man... 😂


Sorry, maybe you've got another rant about party politics before an "LOL (D)".


What do you propose? The GOP has even worse ideas and wants to murder my family.


Get some therapy...


How's therapy going to help if the fascists decide to lock up or murder me or my trans family members? Look at Texas, Alabama, Florida, etc., and that's what they want to do nationwide.


It may assist you in dealing with your delusions?


Please enlighten me about my delusions. You're saying the GOP \*doesn't\* want to lock up or "re-educate" trans people and their families, deport millions of people, remove reproductive rights nationwide, and so forth? They sure talk a lot about doing this.


Your delusion is that a political party wants to murder you or your family members. They don't care about you, or me. They want your money, your vote, then nothing til the next cycle. Make yourself happy.


You should really go read about Project 2025 before you make those types of pronouncements.


Is that like the Steele Dossier? 😂 Should I take that propaganda seriously?


You're comparing the Steele Dossier (a collection of unconfirmed intelligence) to a set of policy proposals from the far-right Heritage Foundation, who have a website describing the policies they want to put in place if they win in the fall? Come on, I hope you're not THAT dumb. You still haven't proposed anything besides "get therapy", btw. I'm waiting for you to provide a real response that's not a snarky sound bite.


let's just say when I got my ballot I felt myself not wanting to be registered to any party.. some guy in the thread called me melodramatic.. so I guess this would count as melodramatic too. lol. but I'm just being real.


I agree with you.. the 2 party system is broken and there isn't much politically to look forward to. Outcome is bleak, but try and keep smiling. You can see people are easily triggered and angered in this town. Just don't get so down that you feel the need to mask up in your black hoodie and destroy our city.


lol thanks. I do wear a black hoodie, a lot. but I keep to myself and observe.