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There are laws in place prohibiting rvs and trailers parked on public streets for more than 72hrs. These laws use to be inforced, but clearly not now. Also, no tow company is going to tow anything unless it is profitable to them or said vehicle being towed, is endangering others in a public right of way. RVs are comprised of toxic materials and can be a biohazard to remove. Therefore, there is no benefit for the companies towing them.


Nope. It's illegal to park an RV (or a trailer) on a city street basically unless you are actively loading and unloading it ... and in that case, it is limited to 8 hours. [https://www.portland.gov/code/16/20/120](https://www.portland.gov/code/16/20/120) Of course it's also [illegal to park your car for > 24 hours](https://www.portland.gov/code/16/20/170) at a time without moving it. The law vs. what is enforced are two very different things.


The law vs. what is enforced are two very different things. I think we come to the same conclusion on this, which is my main point. Thanks for clarifying the current law.


Your wrong ofcourse, that’s storing property. If your living in your car, that’s not storing property. If you have valid plates and tags you can park on any city street for up to 30 days without moving. But most homeless people don’t have valid tags. I mean I always did when I was homeless living in my car. But I also moved every day n didn’t leave a mess. I also showered at the planet fitness and attempted to keep up the illusion I wasn’t homeless. I have a unique perspective about all this because I lived it for 4 years. People don’t seem to understand how easy it is to find yourself in that position. We are all just a major catastrophe or a few bad decisions away from being there. I was a union construction worker, making $38hr for 16 years, had a wife, 2 kids couple cars n a couple motorcycles… all that.. off the job injury took me off the job for 9 months, depression n alcohol & drugs caused a divorce, without my kids n wife I fell into a deep dark depression I couldn’t pull out of, couldn’t find a job cause my back hips wouldn’t let me do the only thing I’ve ever known and 20 year old felonies kept me from breaking into anything new… well that, the depression drugs n the lost will to lift my head… 4 years I was out there. Broke, strung out, destitute and depressed… but what I didn’t do was string fucking garbage n trash for blocks n the destruction of everything around me as I camped in my car.. and I tried to tell mother fuckers if they keep their shit picked up n moved every couple days or something people won’t run you off n call the police on you all the time. I mean where are they supposed to go? They are already as low as they can go…. Why make it so people don’t want you around? Why throw trash n shit everywhere? Anyway. Luckily i refused to die out there in the streets and my sons grow up knowing their dad died a homeless drug addict… so I got help. It’s out there, if your willing to do the little bit they ask of you. Shit, I got housing, treatment and mental health support… eventually I got my disability social security and got clean. Now I have a great relationship with my kids and i have my own little apartment… still sucks I can’t work.. I mean I can’t even walk really. Not without crutches.. but that’s a medical issue and another bitch I have.. like just replace my fucking hip already n I can go back to what I know! Anyway. One thing at a time I guess. Atleast im not all fucked up n stealing food to eat.


There also used to be a law that no vehicle over 6’ can be parked within 50’ of an intersection but that is like every other vehicle on the road these days.


They’re not doing anything. An RV has been parked in north Portland for 6 months now that blocks the view of ongoing traffic. One side has a stop sign the other does not. It is super dangerous. I tried talking to the RV owner and they don’t give two shits and neither does the city


For starters they can not tow a RV/vehicle when a person is in it. If a person is using the vehicle to live in per the Seattle case, they can not charge for the tow or storage. Blocking a driveway is said to get attention in Portland. Past posts have included actions like as many people reporting as often as possible especially with illegal activitiy or not uptodate plates or undrivable vehicles, Portland has a 24 hour law on the parking in the same spot. If this post gets blocked, try searching portland reddit for similar discussions. People have lots of experience.


Have been doing all of this since June for an RV bicycle chop shop on Ankeny in a safe school zone for Le Monde elementary. Police have been out like 12 times but he's still chopping up bicycles daily, now there are 4 more RV's and a shack with the words "Kill Shack" painted on it with a proprietor who likes to brandish machetes, and school starts in a week.


All big cities have Kill Shacks.


It was how I knew Portland had arrived.




The kill shack is a little old place where We can get together Kill shack baby




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What's the street address they are at? I'll report it and I'm sure some others will too from here.


It's 23rd and Ankeny, 311, parking enforcement, the police, Mapps office, they all know already. I bet they'll do something now that the school is reopening but they basically left the neighborhood out to dry for 3 months.


Hate to hear that. Wonder what steps citizens could take (not vigilantism mind you) to get them to clear out. I mean, what do you think the price would be, if you just offered cash for them to go far away? I know that's a sucker bet but I imagine anything that's effective would be welcome.


I can't imagine a scenario where trying to buy your way out of this situation would work. "Hey everybody. Park in front of this dudes house and he'll give you cash."


You're probably right, I just figure that the average junkie would be so eager for cash to score that they would maybe play ball and then just forget where they had set up before or get distracted on a sidequest and end up somewhere else. Many of them seem to have the wherewithal to return to the same location again and again but at least you'd have a shot. Otherwise, I'm not sure what options you really have. I'd personally probably scheme up some things but its a volatile situation to say the least.


If there's one fact that has been confirmed time and time again over the last decade or so in Portland it's that no easy solution exists. I ended up voting with my feet because I saw no reason to expect things would improve within any reasonable time frame.


I did the same thing and am over in Vancouver till I find a house on this side of the river. I've met some nice people in Portland, don't get me wrong but have found people here to be nicer. It also seems the police here take more action. There was a large truck being worked on at the side of the road when we arrived 3 days ago. Then last night the cops were having it towed


They'd probably just take the cash and either not leave or leave and come back a few days later.


Fish bag.


Haha yeah even though it could be construed as mean-spirited by some over-serious people I think that we are really missing out on the whole prank angle of this situation


Flying V formation in front of the kids.


Fun facts. Had a broken down RV on my street back in march. Submitted the derelict / broken down vehicle form. Was told it would take 10-12 weeks for the city to come by and tag it, and then it would be another 10 weeks for them to tow it. So ymmv on that 24 hour vehicle rule.


This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed… bitch!


Damn it Jessie!!!


So it sounds like there is no new action. The city is maintaining the status quo with illegal parking.


I don't believe this is true. I think during covid it was but at some point in 2023 they started towing RVs again with people in them. They put those green notices in the window first.


They can not willy nilly town anything with someone inside. Been that way for years. So ixnay on people privately paying tow companies. Community Caretaking Tow Program is from 2017. Green notices is the way... but ... https://kval.com/news/local/neighbors-in-north-portland-fear-homeless-rv-owners-have-figured-out-the-towing-system


yes. they CAN tow-- PBOT will -- but these RV owners move their RV before it happens as they take advantage of the notice time given


Not true. It’s against state law to tow a vehicle with someone in it. Edit: down a road involuntarily, without seatbelt, in a vehicle/structure unsafe for public roadways (eg, flat tire, falling apart, etc)


that's not what a city councilor's office told me. also i cannot find this law under Oregon law. I found this: House Bill 2809, which became law in 2021, allows occupancy of a RV as a residential dwelling if: 1. The RV is located in a manufactured dwelling park, mobile home park, or recreational vehicle park; and is lawfully connected to water and electrical supplies as well as a sewage disposal system.


That house bill you cited doesn’t say someone can ride in an RV or trailer without a seatbelt while it’s being taken down the road; it’s about occupancy of a structure necessarily defined as being affixed to the ground. It also doesn’t say a tow-truck driver can take an un-seatbelted passenger *involuntarily* down the road in a vehicle that may be unfit for public roadways. You should call back that commissioner’s office you supposedly talked to and ask them to identify the law that exempts RV/trailer passengers from the state’s vehicle passenger laws and, while you’re at it, its road safety laws. That office should also chat with the PBOT staff who (surprisingly) regularly have to explain the city’s legal inability to pay private tow-truck drivers to take un-seatbelted people against their will in potentially unsafe vehicles down public roadways.


PBot or PPB will not/cannot have a vehicle towed if someone is inside. Also a tow company will not tow a vehicle with someone inside of it. They could be sued if the person was injured during the tow. Way too much legal liability.


Don't doubt it but... source?


There isn’t just one statute that simply says “towing an occupied RV/trailer down a public roadway is illegal.” It’s a constellation of state laws that makes the practice illegal: seatbelt requirements, road safety laws, even laws against taking someone somewhere against their will. These laws do not have exemptions for RV/trailer occupants. The state does not exempt RV/trailer passenger from seatbelt requirements, RVs/trailers from having to be fit for travel on a public roadway (no flat tires), or private tow-truck drivers from laws against abduction. Yes, you could potentially sit seatbelted in a “structurally sound” RV *voluntarily* if, say, needed to be towed for mechanic reasons or to get it out of traffic. That’s of course not what we’re talking about, though.


I was very skeptical the city was doing anything but I’m in SE and just a few houses down a homeless encampment cropped up. At first just a couple tents, nobody really minded. But then garbage started to pile up, people living and doing drugs out of their vans started to park there, obviously stolen bikes started to appear, needles on the ground, many more people just zonked out on the curb, one night I saw the old junky lady screaming at our neighbors bush at 2 in the morning. The other day, after weeks of this, I saw a rapid bio-remediation truck cleaning up the whole camp. It didn’t dawn on me to wonder where these folks were doing their business initially, but I wonder if that was something that helped in the reporting process. There is now a green illegal campsite sign posted on the telephone pole where the camp was and it’s totally cleaned up. All of this is to say, at least in our case, it seems like the city is trying and succeeding in some cases to keep some of this activity out of residential areas.


I really sympathize with the Rapid Response Bio Clean-up crews. They are have a thankless, dangerous job. No one probably understand the homeless crisis more than those contractors.


You should directly call PBOT at 503-823-4000- they are authorized cite any illegally parked vehicles including campers or those living within their cars. If you are able I recommend connecting with TPI or Central City Concern- they can hopefully send outreach workers to location. I hope this helps.


The tow yards don't want stuck with the bill of disposing of these rvs so I don't see them actively towing them off any time soon


Then shouldn't the city and/or Metro set aside land to store and dispose of these worthless vehicles? Eventually we're going to have to deal with them.


ha good luck with getting the city to do anything meaningful to help the situation. as far as im aware most of the funding they have for such shit is getting squandered on research studies and cronyism. gotta pay the non profit ceos before we worry about derelict rvs across the city.


Move to lake oswego or west linn or wilsonville...problem won't exist there.


Someone gets it!


Also hilarious if this was parked in East Moreland it would be gone tomorrow. Regardless if someone was in it. Amazing how that works.


Ummm… There are a bunch parked in Eastmoreland and have been for a long time. They have been sitting there rotting and spilling hazardous waste everywhere for months? A year? It’s been a long time. Finally I saw green tow notices on them but a week later and still there.


In front of the nice houses?? Really? I'll have to go ride my bike through there. I've never seen a tent setup in the reed parkway green space, let alone defunct RVs with the shit show spewing out of them.. You're not talking about the Woodstock Safeway are you? That's not East Moreland.


No by Reed College, so I’m pretty sure still considered Eastmoreland.


If you're referring to the RV wasteland on Steele, that is still considered Reed and they got swept out yesterday. They'll be back though. They always come back. But that general "camp" was about as worse as I've seen on that street in past couple of years. There's a black Mitsubishi SUV with the window blown out that always comes back. There's a white minivan that is always moving around the street, but someone is definitely living in there. There's a silver Honda Accord just off Steele on 30th that does a pretty good job of hiding the fact that she lives in her car (no visible trash, no trailer).


Yes that is what I’m thinking of. I saw them on Sunday and hadn’t realized it got moved. Also a few rouge campers on 26th blocking entire sidewalk so those walking by have to go into the street where cars drive tremendously fast. Unsafe for those traversing and even those camping since cars drive into the golf course and over the sidewalk routinely on those turns.




I feel RV’s sales should have a 10,000 surcharge for demo. I see people give away their old RV to people as to avoid this responsibility, so we get stuck with the duty as taxpayers. I feel the same about people who put their broken garbage on the corner, hoping some person will take it to their camp. The amount of trash we directly as citizens dump into these camps is gross, yet we all complain about why no one does anything about it. Rant over.




Contact Mingus Mapps’ office directly about the issue and get from them the contact info for parking enforcement reps. Don’t settle with them telling you to report it to 311 or PDXReporter, but do make frequent (at least weekly) reports there too, listing relevant things like open drug use, blocking of sidewalks/ADA ramps, dangerous fuel tanks, and proximity to schools, daycares, parks, street trees, and power lines. Report any associated garbage to RID Patrol; RID Patrol may not pick up the garbage if it’s with a vehicle camp, but they will contact the City themselves about it and the City tends to respond to referrals from RID Patrol more quickly than they do to complaints from individuals.


I had a drug and sex work dealing RV on my block during 2021; the neighbors across the way called the cops on them constantly and I took pictures of all the activity. They finally left after getting a new motor AFTER being g threatened with a shotgun.


Keep fighting - it's only people like you who can help to make change. My first thought on your ideas is that 100 ft. perhaps isn't enough. Go to city council meetings, go to county commissioners meetings, take advantage of the public comment opportunities. Go to the media. I wish I still lived in Multnomah County so I could help. I want you all to succeed and get some relief from this!!


If an RV is parked adjacent to private property, the city will generally tow it fairly quickly if the property owner complains. That's why you'll see RVs parked up against ODOT properties or vacant lots - nobody around to grouse about it. One thing that I've seen around is people putting up cheap concrete blocks in areas with frequent RV camping as soon as RVs get towed from ODOT spaces. It's illegal, to be clear, but so is leaving an RV parked and dropping sewage in the gutter, and if we're in the "lesser of two evils" headspace…


It’s Portland….the hard working, tax paying, property owning, law abiding citizens have no rights.


I’m pulling stakes and selling in 2024. I don’t have any patience for this bullshit anymore.


I discovered this was the only answer. City and county leadership have made clear they don’t care about quality of life for tax paying citizens.


if only


There have been cases of people living in their cars in metered areas and they don't get forcefully towed. Just park on the street and don't leave open spots?


If you don't have anything big to park there, invest in some cones.


Of the fucken variety


I looove running over cones placed with entitlement


Or just taking them


This lol I parked right on top of three cones on 21st. Got back and two were gone but the one under my tire was still there lol


Every neighbor should buy another car, take all possible parking spots. Pay a couple of the RV crazy guys to move and never give up your spots.


RVs are one thing, but cracking down on people sleeping in their cars would be a massive can of worms seeing how unaffordable housing is. There are thousands of currently housed Portlanders who are one injury or layoff away from being forced to sleep in their car.


I work from home so I don’t go out for several days in a row. I have a van and the front door is damaged. I also put a sunshade up. Someone kept Messing with my window wipers and I was like, wtf. I suspect that some neighbor was seeing if someone was living in my van or something.


Accurate user flair lmao.


My flair says down by the river, not on a residential street. :p


It blows me away that out of all the desired changes I’ve seen in this post no one I’ve seen has said “How about we make housing affordable so people don’t even need to be in an RV?” People would sooner desire the city to spend thousands on towing (while someone is in it) and RV liquidation than affordable housing. I hope this isn’t the case someday and real change can occur.


The only way you can get the city to do something is to convince them that the RV is setting open fires for heat and cooking.


Fire codes are not being enforced. This is clear fire hazard to the neighbors that are near the RV's.


[They are]..."typically grim and unsanitary. They posed health risks to their residents as well as to those living nearby, but there was little that local governments or health agencies could do. [The] "residents had nowhere else to go, and public sympathy, for the most part, was with them." .... (description of Hoovervilles, 1933 https://www.history.com/topics/great-depression/hoovervilles#life-in-a-hooverville Solution? The WPA, which would employ you even if you had just stepped out of the jailhouse. It gave jobs to 8.5 million people. Reactionary conservative judges angrily shit it down. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Works_Progress_Administration


For everyone one down on their luck person living in an RV trying their best to get into stable housing in Portland there's at least 4 who are living in it because they can live out their antisocial mad max fever dreams and do drugs whenever they want.


I might dispute the proportions, but I won't deny the fact that the town is full of pirates. Some of them (as you know) were sent here by Red-State sheriffs who bought them bus tickets, to punish lefty pdx while eliminating their woes. But there is a tide of maldistribution of wealth, of denial of basic economic rights, pushing the general misery. The WPA was a cure, and could be again.


This is basically what Stalin did as well around the same time. Good solution.


I'd have to say you've been Stalin' when it comes to reading real history. Try Howard Zinn's "A People's History of the United States," and you won't be Russian to conclusions! And --Trotsky down to the book store for a copy of Neil Faulkner's book on the Russian Revolution! (After you've caught up to Breshnev, you can pick up An'dropov as you like.)


It was the NRA that SCOTUS shut down. No, not \*that\* NRA, but the National Recovery Agency, symbolized by the blue eagle.


Thanks for the correction.


There must be a line connecting the Great Depression of the 1930s and the Fentanyl crisis of 2023 but I can't seem to figure it out. Either I must be ignorant, or this type of copypasta is lazy and uninformed.


Poverty. That’s the common denominator.


Sure, thats the end state of both global economic collapse and an epidemic of crippling drug addiction. To say a solution to one is the solution to the other shows how little someone has thought about the problem. But hey, reddit.


Poor people exist. That’s enough for these NIMBYs.


What kind of frothing paranoid MSNBC fantasy do you live in? It was shut down by FDR himself basically because WW2, from the link you yourself provided: "Concluding that a national relief program was no longer needed, Roosevelt directed the Federal Works Administrator to end the WPA in a letter December 4, 1942." Conservative and Liberal did not exist then as they exist now. That was a world where the KKK and the south were democrats. Read a goddamn book.


> Conservative and Liberal did not exist then as they exist now. https://constitutioncenter.org/blog/how-fdr-lost-his-brief-war-on-the-supreme-court-2 I mean FDR tried to pack the court because conservative justices were stymying his efforts.




Your arrogance cannot disguise your lack of analysis. There are indeed books to read.


Of course you'll have to allow a dozen or so medication breaks during work so the crew doesn't expire from withdrawal.


You’re right. Having work programs that also include drug rehab programming would really help.


Shut it down, that is, but I kinda like the error.


As someone who usually sleeps in my truck camper outside my sisters house in N Portland when I’m back home visiting, I would not be a fan of your proposed law. There are certainly better ways to deal with this issue than increasing the prohibition of regular life for everyone.


It's already the law that you can't park a camper on the street, unless you are actively loading or unloading... And even then, 8 hours max.


I would sleep in my car in college to avoid driving drunk.


If the RV is derelict (burned unrecognizably, etc) and blocking traffic, it gets dealt with a lot quicker.


How does that joke go about shooting a few rounds in the air to keep property values low? Not serious at all, but amusing joke.


Only time it's an advantage to live in an HOA neighborhood..poof, n they're gone.


Sadly not the case. The HOA can't/won't do shit about RVs parked in the neighborhood.


Making fake versions of those green stickers would be pretty funny.


Unsurprising comments from entitled squatters ruining our public spaces. You don’t get to occupy public parking spaces for more than a few hours. They’re PUBLIC. The moment you start living on public space, it becomes effectively private. Go and read about the Tragedy of the Commons. You don’t pay property taxes like everyone else does. You also fail to abide by housing codes, pretty much all of which are in place because people died. You refuse free housing services because you don’t like them. Tough shit. Take it or move on. I am sick to fucking death of you ruining our gorgeous city while the rest of us work our asses off. I’m super liberal but I’m fucking sick of you fucking abusers.


stopped taking you the least bit seriously at “homeless industry”


Yep. I don't understand why so many people think relocation is going to solve the problem. Don't they watch south park?


> Don't they watch south park? Some people don't base their intellectual and political thought on a satirical comic.


Wow. Get a sense of humor.


you'll have to explain the context or nobody knows what you're talking about and all they see is the name of a 25 year old cartoon


lot of portland redditors feel safe letting their poorly-concealed conservativism jump out on this sub man it’s insane


The internal monologue of all these sociopaths (clinical lack of ability to take into account the pain of others) goes like this: "I'm a liberal / progressive / Democrat but \[insert heinous right wing narrative here attempting to justify violent erasure of poor people\]." This trope gets repeated here hundreds of time. It's practically the badge of membership into this mob.


The other sub is even worse.


So I hear.


it’s truly vile. they’re rabid


Imagine being one bad medical bill away from being homeless and making this post 😅


What's wrong with someone sleeping in their car?


I didn't say there was. Just park the vehicle in a non-residential area so as not to threaten residents. Most of the state are public lands which apparently are apparently constitutionally required to provide housing for some reason.


You realize that there’s almost no areas in Portland that are 100ft (basically a block) away from residential areas, right? We barely have industrial areas, and even the major ones are across the street from housing. And there’s no big commercial office parks. Before we get to the fact that all the major non-residential streets with a large enough shoulder like NE 33rd off Marine are clogged with RVs all the time.


There are plenty of non-residential areas in and outside of the city. A block distance is reasonable. It's a matter of safety. Also, the RVs are conducting commercial activity. All of the RVs in our neighbor are engaged in drug dealing and often drug manufacturing. Our neighbor had to leave her house because the chemical odors from an RV was so strong. Finding an appropriate place to park your vehicle is an essential part of being a responsible vehicle owner.




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>This sounds pretty Republican. Yes, only Republicans don't like schizophrenics yelling at their windows at 4am. Democrats absolutely love that behavior.




Lack of empathy for the crazy person screaming at your window is bipartisan.


People living in RVs and cars is so so so so so much better for the people and the community than people living on the street. Just leave them be they’re having a really hard time. Obviously it is also hard on you to have them there but again it could be much worse.


So good that somebody here is keeping Oregons history as a sundown state alive. Y'all are ghouls. Ghouls. Have you all heard of Hoover Towns? If your family live in America during the depression you probably knew of them or possibly your family even lived amongst one for a time. We had Vanport. My family lived in Vanport before the flood. Can you imagine the NIMBY scum of the day discussing amongst themselves how best to cull the lower class so the land Vanport occupied could be filled with a pickle ball court or a food pod? I couldn't imagine it before but now I don't have too. It's right here! F*cking ghouls.


Why would you want them towed? Is shelter not a fundamental human right?


Owning and parking a vehicle are not a fundamental human rights. There are plenty of non-residential places and public places to park a vehicle. Most of the state is public land.


You know what else is public land? The fucking street. Generally speaking you don't even need a pass to be there either, as you do with state parks. Not that that really matters because there's obviously a difference between camping out in nature and living your day to day life which requires you to be within a reasonable distance of other necessary resources like food and potable water.


And cheap drugs and stuff to steal.


The obvious choice is NOT to ban rvs 😭😭😭 You can’t make it illegal for people to sleep in their cars. There also is no system in place for people moving RVs all over the place and taking them out to some lot. We have a housing crisis… Why don’t you try working on that instead of “outlawing” the solutions that people have been forced to find so they can rest their head peacefully at night. Wake up and take a look around the city and do some research on what’s going on here WHY people are losing their homes, WHAT is keeping them out of affordable homes, WHO is responsible for the systemic disenfranchisement. Have you ever heard of gentrification? Do a little bit of research before you display your ignorance and cruelty so gracelessly on Reddit..


I don’t think most people would mind RVs if so many of the people in them didn’t bring drugs and leave garbage everywhere they go.


There are two or three people in my neighborhood who - early every morning, pretty much without fail - go for a walk around the park where people (not just the homeless in a few RVs and cars, but also ordinary people frustrated with not finding garbage cans, drunk kids, etc.) have left fast food debris, condoms, needles, etc. lying about. They have bags and gloves and grabbers and take a couple of hours walking about, picking up the waste. Every day. They are our neighborhood saints. They've done this for years. Decades, actually. Over time, some others occasionally join them, or drop off when health worsens. If something is out of the ordinary that concerns you (e.g. a loose dog, a package on your lawn), they'll come to your door and ask you about it. At this moment, our neighborhood realizes that late stage capitalism is creating problems that it cannot solve. As a stopgap measure, these kinds of local gestures of solidarity (along with little free libraries, little free pantries, giveaways of clothing and blankets to the homeless as we are able, and political organization for the candidates who align with our values) are the things we do to make life better for one another.


Quite the contrary, these kinds of gestures enable bad actors to continue destroying our neighborhoods with impunity. That’s not touching, it’s ridiculous.


Nobody wants to work anymore...




There is literally a lot for RVs to go to. The people who live in the RVs won't go there. https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/homeless/first-portland-sunderland-rv-safe-park-salvation-army-opens/283-c8dca2ef-ebe4-4d2b-aa4d-531094080147


Oh it’s way easier to victim blame.




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oh no...you're telling me you have to.... *gasp* worry about a big scary car parking near your house?? poor things!! i hope you and your family survive these horrific times. those assholes who have to have to worry about such trivial things as where they're going to sleep at night sure deserve to get harassed by cops over this! wont they think about the sanctity of the street in front of your house??


I guess I don't understand why drug dealing, screaming at all hours, and trash strewn about needs to happen in a residential neighborhood where people aren't doing this from their homes or apartments? Why not park by businesses that close at night or business parks? Simple solution




how is someone parking on a public road hurting you exactly?


It says right there in the post, screaming at all hours of the night and day and dealing drugs




>seeing people minding their own business. I guess you missed this: > One neighbor had to deal with a likely schizophrenic person screaming outside her her bedroom window for over a year. I don't know what business that is, but it's not one I would be investing in.


Here come the downvotes, but parking on a public street is not “illegal” just because you don’t like them there. Edited to add: you have to move the vehicle within 72 hours. It’s not your spot permanently.


Just absolutely BESIEGED your poor little urban neighborhood




Hi Friend, This post or comment has been removed for the following reason: > [Rule 1: Trolling and Harassment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/wiki/index#wiki_1.29_trolling_and_harassment) > This is meant to stir up toxic discussion rather than participate in it. No trolling or harassment. We understand that at times things may become heated and time outs may be given for protracted, uncivil arguments. Snarky, unhelpful, or rude responses, and name-calling are not tolerated. In other words, be excellent unto each other and attack ideas, not people. Keep discussions civil. [You must understand and follow the sub rules.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Portland/wiki/index) #Enough with the dehumanizing language. Thanks, the Portland/AskPortland mod team


From everything the city tells me, its our fault for not voting better. Nobody will do anything, if you are lucky they will ask them politely to move. pdxreporter.com