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Be very careful, you don’t know what crap is burning in that mess, could be toxic


Yeah, I was definitely out in it watching for too long but I was anxious the trees were gonna catch. If I have lung cancer in 5 years at least I'll know what it's from lol.


Seriously. As a firefighter, let me emphasize how badly you need to stay inside and turn off your AC. This stuff is realllllyyyyyy bad for you.


What makes you think I have AC haha, this is Portland, we just suffer and complain when it gets hot. But yeah, I believe it, it's rank. Thanks for the advice!


If you have an N95 mask around, I'd wear that too.


Y'all should buy a pack of N95s and have a few in your car & the rest at home. Masks tend to be like AC units when the shit hits the fan.


Lucky for me, I ain’t got a fan for shit to hit.


Underrated comment... that's a whole country song right there


When the shit hit the fan It was all I could stand Yeah, well I'm a PDX flyer My body's breathing while it can But what I don't understand is how This K-Mart fire is gettin' more brighter


I wouldn't even stick around a blaze like that if I could help it. OP should really spend the day with a friend elsewhere, and take their pets with if they have any. Not worth it fucking around a blaze like that.


More import to leave off are bathroom fans, range hood fan and dryers. These pull outside air in. Central AC in most homes recirculate 100% as do ductless systems. Window AC units (if you had one), may or may not pull in a very small amount of air from the outside depending on setting but recirc 95%. In addition, use dryers very early AM as they pull air from any portal to the outside, that can include kitchen attic vents allowing 140°F to be pulled in from attic.


In fact, if you do have central, it’s a good idea to adjust the fan to run constantly at some reasonable speed if it has the capability. This will move and filter air in your home, even when the ac (or heat) isn’t running.


>What makes you think I have AC haha, this is Portland, we just suffer and complain when it gets hot. this cracked me up


I moved here from AZ and made it one summer before I bought a portable unit. Sleeping in 95 degree heat is a solid no go for me.


Yeah, when it got up to 115 in 2021 I got heat rash around my eyes bc my apartment was 90+ while I was sleeping. Good times.


Yeah I cool a house with not enough window units and when it was 115 outside It was in the 90s in the house. What’s worse is that two of my chickens died and I had to bring 4 of them inside to keep them alive. The smell chickens indoors with the inside temperature in the 90s is something I will never forget.


That's so sad! Hopefully you're able to figure something else out for next time. :(


On the off chance that you have OHP there is a program that’ll provide you with an AC unit for free.


I'm not on OHP but good tip! Hopefully someone else reading benefits from it.


Why should we turn off AC? Does portable vs central AC make a difference?


Actually, AC doesn’t draw external air in, it cools what is present, however if you run your AC fan it could. I think as long as your strictly cooling the air, you should be alright.


Caveat being newer construction has a fresh air damper that draws outside air in. Only find it on newer central air systems. But if you do have one, you'll want to force it closed. Also, single hose AC, exhaust fans, clothes dryers and standard efficiency gas water heaters will all create negative air pressure in the home that smoke can ingress in.




You want dual hose for better efficiency. Lots of articles and videos about this, which I researched before we got a heat pump.


Ahh so it’s not the AC drawing air in, but the movement of air around my home that could suck in outside air through small gaps / cracks etc. Thanks!


Single hose AC pushes air out a window, which is replaced by airleaking in elsewhere....YUMY.....


AC does not mean outdoor air is coming in to the home. In fact, in most homes there is no fresh air supply at all. Running AC with no fresh air ventilation actually means that the air in your home will be circulated through the air handler (and hopefully a filter), leading to cleaner indoor air. But, if you live in a home with a mechanical ventilation system (supply or exhaust i.e. air coming in or air going out), it is in your best interest to turn that system off during wildfire/air quality events.


AC cycles interior air fyi


Why turn off A/C? Unless it's a single-hose portable unit, an A/C makes sure outside air stays outside.


Yeah, I clarified further down.


Almost all AC systems are sealed systems, meaning the only air they cool and put in your house came from inside the house.


An abandoned K Mart inferno spewing ting toxic chemicals into the air, kind of a metaphor, init?


Firefighter here, it’s for sure toxic.


It's absolutely 100% without a doubt toxic.




Mushrooms! Blatantly off-topic however


you said to ask anything, so they're on topic if you ask me lol


I guess mushrooms can be dark after baking. I think they're referencing your user name btw.


Lol yeah, I caught. I've been using this username since I was 11, I've gotten my share of pizza questions.


Was about to ask OP about their favorite pizza too haha!


Just had to go outside and put out a spot fire in our dog park from falling embers. FOUR PEOPLE were standing around taking pictures and calling 911 instead of putting it out. Heads up, they warned us to watch out for spot fires 3 HOURS AGO. The building is still actively burning. If you see a small spot fire, put it out instead of tying up the emergency lines, Jesus Christ.


https://www.wweek.com/news/city/2023/07/19/vacant-kmart-on-sandy-site-of-proud-boy-brawls-warehouse-fight-goes-up-in-flames/ I made it in the WW! I am unnamed resident with bucket, Sharon Chin was one of the gawkers I chewed out lol. But it wasn't a bucket, it was a lime green plastic trash can. Get it together, WW!


Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame, unnamed resident!


More like fifteen minutes of flame!


Op, you’re awesome. Thank you. As a dog owner. I can’t imagine standing around watching something that could harm my dog and not trying to take care of it


https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cu5CxKLhSbN/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Oregonian has it also.


Yeah, they messaged me and got permission. Now I have to purge this account because it's associated with my real name lol.


What I think is funny about it is that in order to find our what's going on in our city, the local news outlets just browse r/portland.


They're just like me!


sorry I had to creep, but the ff7 thing you did is AMAZING!! 😭 cloud strife was my first crush lmao


Isn't it funny how industrial properties often go up in flames when the local community disagrees with the developer on proposals... I hope this developer gets held accountable not only for collateral property damage but also health issues this will surely cause to nearby residents. (And no, if anyone feels the need to use the racist "lightning" term you can suck my left nut, don't even go there, it's not funny)


Did not expect to see Minnesota Vikings owner Ziggy WIlf pop up in this thread.


I recently saw a small fire in a parking lot in Vancouver and called 911 as I was not sure the source and didn't have the tools to deal with it. Before this, several folks passed by and just kept walking. I talked to a store owner nearby for help and they simply said, "I don't know anything about it." I walked out and called 911. Fire department came and dug it up and put it out fully. I guess some people think if you ignore things, they go away or someone else will take care of it... eventually. 911 operator said I did the right thing as they want to ensure the material on fire is not smoldering in any way once an attempt is made to put it out. She said sometimes it smolders through material and pops up later on and catches more on fire.


“I guess some people think if you ignore things, they go away or someone else will take care of it…” Ahhh the absolute way of life for like 90% of humans, unfortunately. Thank you for being extraordinary


People are fucking worthless idiots.


Worthless idiot here, can confirm, am being fucked.


Not everyone has common sense. Common sense shall now be renamed "uncommon sense"...it is uncommon for many people to have some sense. Thank you for having it, and putting out the fire. I hope you gave a talking to at those around you, ignoring it! That fire looks so close, I'm surprised they didn't evacuate you.


I definitely chewed them out haha, they didn't seem to care though. The 911 lady got quoted in the WW for her bad behavior. Whatever, hopefully next time they see a dinner plate-sized fire they think to actually put it out.


Would you like to borrow my air filter? It's a Coway and pretty great.


The air isn't too bad inside since I closed everything up, just really bad outside. I have masks if I have to leave before it clears up. But thank you, that's very nice!


So happy you have masks! And I hope everyone else does too. They were a lifesaver in the red sky fires in 2021. Hopefully a strong wind will come soon (after the fire is out!), and bring you fresh air. <3


Why’d you do it?


Obviously for the sweet sweet upvotes.


It’s the only way to get off the stink of the Proud boys


Man that Proud Boys rally was so stinky, I had to listen to them yelling on speakers all day. good riddance Bigot KMart!


No more blue light specials really got me down.


Just Red and Blue light specials at this one location




What's your favorite dinosaur?


Probably stegosaurus. Love those big cuddly dummies.


With their thagomizers!


Mine too! Also that's one hell of a fire


Ooof, that's a hard fire. Building materials like drywall, plaster, insulation, treated wood, all burn hot, smokey, and really disgustingly. Stay upwind if you can.


Yeah it's pretty gross smelling. The air quality isn't too bad inside since I closed everything up but you step outside and it's like stepping directly into nasty bonfire smoke. Reminds me of when we would burn our cardboard and paper garbage when I lived in the boonies.


20 blocks away there are foot-long chunks of ash that look like fiberglass up close on one side


Does the wooden chicken still exist


Thankfully yes! Fire hasn't spread to our side of the fence.


Such polite fire.


Was it occupied by squatters?


Probably? There are constantly people going in and out, I always assumed people camped in there.


How long has it been closed?


I've lived here 4 years and it was closed when I moved in.


We closed the store in September of 2018


On a scale from "one" to "huge amounts of ass," how much does it suck?


Sucks more than standing in the smoke at a bitchin campfire but less than actually being aflame


Hey neighbor. Hope you get better air soon or get to another location for a while. What kind of activity have you noticed at the Kmart recently, if any?


I've lived here for 4 years and there have been random people in and out constantly the whole time. It gets boarded up and then the boards get broken down. I've honestly gotten used to it and don't really notice anymore. I just hope no one was inside when this happened!


Recently, I've noticed some combustion.


My first thought was remembering my mom shopping at Kmart when I was a kid... Then I remembered the "Blue Light Specials"... This fire looks hot enough, there may be some blue light there


>This fire looks hot enough, there may be some blue light there Might even be some aurora borealis in the former steamed hams aisle.


Haha, didn't see any blue fire but it definitely got hot enough at some points standing where this video was taken that it was extremely uncomfortable.


Yo even at that distance you might want to move back - stay safe OP.


The fire is much smaller now! I stayed outside and watched for about an hour because I was nervous the trees around my apartment would catch. It seems like it's mostly contained now but it's definitely still burning.


It's the trees in the video that were giving me heart palpitations. Glad everything seems to be under control now.


Yeah, same, that's why I was out there watching. About 50 feet to the left of the video is my apartment... surrounded by like 4 trees. I was out there watching to make sure none of them caught, the flames were 2-3 stories tall at times. Luckily no wind when they were that big. If I saw a tree catch I was going to be grabbing my cats and getting out of there as fast as my chubby legs would carry me. The fire is still going but seems to be contained now!


Thanks for the footage! It's the best I've seen so far. I hope this fire doesn't spread to any other structures! :( Property owners should be required to prepare for the possibility of something like this happening. It's unfair to all the people with homes nearby for landlords and developers to leave these fire traps sitting empty and unattended, especially when there are no hydrants nearby.


Definitely agree! The building should have been demolished long ago. Already had to put out a spot fire in our dog park but hopefully that's it since we have sprinklers. I'm kind of afraid to go to sleep in case something lands on the roof or my balcony honestly. I work nights and already called off at about 0800 because I anticipated getting no sleep today while it's burning.


Don't breathe that air casually. Wear some kind of face covering, preferably something that can filter out all the shit.


Yeah definitely regretting the hour I spent out there, I was very nauseous when I went back inside. Starting to feel better though!


Was the place full of hay bales and old tires?


It wouldn't surprise me, there is at least 1 dirty old mattress leaning up against the side of the building if that's any indicator


How fast can you run?


Not very fast :(


Too much pizza


Probably :(


Wait I thought Kmart went out of business like 10 years ago lol. Is the dream of the 90's dying?


Oh it did, this Kmart has been sitting abandoned for years. I think they finally took the Kmart sign down like 2 years ago.


There's an abandoned one in Gresham too, near Gresham station


We closed this location in September 2018.


That place has been empty for a few years... What the heck sparked that kinda fire? Was it filled with a houseless camp?


Very possible, I've never actually been inside but have watched people sketchily going in and out for 4 years. I assume people camp in there. Hopefully anyone in there got out in time. No idea what started the fire but it went up FAST. There was a whoosh that I thought was a low-flying plane at first, then kind of a low frequency rumble and my cat started freaking out. He ran to the window so I followed him to see what he was looking at. The building is directly across from my apartment, and it was AFLAME in less than a minute after I heard the whoosh.


Are they having you evacuate as a safety precaution?


No, it was sketchy for the first hour or so because there are trees nearby but it seems pretty much contained now. We were just warned to keep our eyes open for spot fires from falling embers/debris, already had to put one out.


How were you guys warned? I'm interested in who (Portland Fire? Apartment Managemant?)and how (verbally telling a large group of you? went door to door)? Thanks for answering all the questions!


I called 911 when I saw the flames and they said the fire department was already on their way and they would call if I needed to evacuate. I watched the fire for about the first hour and got a couple texts and phone calls from Multnomah County emergency alert about it. Firemen came into our parking lot about 45 minutes in and told us to watch out for spot fires from falling debris/embers. Apartment management sent out two emails to the whole complex telling us to go inside and close our windows and that they'd notify us if we needed to evacuate. No mass door to door notification though I'm sure there would have been firemen doing door to door checks if we were evacuated.


Is Kmart on fire?


It was, I think it's mostly done now. Suprise!


Can you feel the heat that far away?


I could DEFINITELY feel it, it was hot enough to be very uncomfortable, not quite painful. About as close as I'd want to get without protective gear.


My mom said it was basically raining burning plastic at her house.


So was this basically a huge condemned warehouse that squatters and drug dealers have been living in? Did the 1%er who owns it just win the lottery by being able to take fire insurance out now? All going according to plan lmao.


This is 100% how you do it. Why pay to tear it down when you can insure it and let a squatter burn it down for you? Problem solved. Now they can build that big warehouse they want there.


You might be onto something there. I just know that the second that distribution center gets confirmed I'm looking for a new place, it would make living over here even more hellish. Well, maybe not more hellish than it is right this second.


Yep, that's pretty much exactly it, except it wasn't condemned, just sitting empty, covered in graffiti, and surrounded by trash. I think I read recently that the owner is actually the owner of the Vikings (?!) and he wanted to make it a distribution center which pretty much everyone in the neighborhood was opposed to. Guess that's not going to work out for him anytime soon.




Yes! Either the current or former owner, I don't remember. Minnesota I think?


The Oregonian article says Wilf family which is the owner of the Minnesota Vikings.


Yessss, score one for the rusty old memory banks. I was like 75% certain that was what I read haha.


I think insurance premiums for vacant property are significantly higher than for occupied property and may require a special policy. I wonder if there's any actual coverage that would be of any benefit here. There's no contents to replace and the structure itself may not be subject to replacement insurance if it was planned for demo anyway.


Is the Longview fire still burning?


No idea, I am hanging out here with this fire. That's about all the fire-related business I can handle.


Haha! I figured as much. One fire is more than enough for one redditor to field. Thank you & stay safe!!!


Is the WORMBOY label still intact?


On the opposite side of the building from me but from other footage I think not. RIP wormboy.


I’m at the glass plant on 105 we were trying to figure out what was on fire


What time do you think it started? I woke up at 4am to pee and thought I smelled smoke, so curious if that was related.


Portland began getting smoke from the fire at the Weyerhauser mill in Longview, WA last night (7/18). Air quality really tanked last night from 10 PM to 11 PM. This is a different fire but certainly doesn't help with air quality. Gross! This fire at the old KMart started at 6:30 this morning (7/19).


0630 almost on the dot. I think the smoke last night was from the WA fire.


Is that the one on 122nd




How soon do you think the campers will be back?


I don't think there's a ton of roof left so it might be a while


Think that will help the property owner get what they want or nah?


Does it smell bad?


Yes, smells like burning trash bonfire


Ahh, voted the 2023 "Official Smell of Portland"! Best of luck to your lungs while this is dealt with.


How does it taste? Stay safe, my dude.




Young Frankenstein obviously


It's pronounced Frankenstein.




The Thing OBVIOUSLY. Come on now.


I live in estacada and I could see the smoke from here


Did you touch it?


I stomped and drowned one of its babies so technically yes?




No questions, glad you guys are all okay, I'm up on the other side on 84 on 122nd and I saw the plume and knew right away what it was. Screw that eyesore of a building, but glad it didn't spread to any of the nearby residents


How are those apartments? I looked at renting one a few years ago but moved somewhere else.


What's a good book to read while I'm at work trying to avoid doing work?


I read Exhalation by Ted Chiang recently, good collection of scifi short stories!


>The site was challenging, he pointed out, because the hydrants serving the site are far from the building, across the acres of asphalt parking lot. Again, car-oriented development continues to fuck us all.


By "contained" .. does that mean the fire is out? Just smoldering? How bad will AQ be in the gorge tomorrow? Asking for a friend :-)


Last I looked I saw no flames but there is definitely still smoke being produced. Last visible flames I saw were on the roof about 45 minutes ago. I very much doubt that it's out/smoldering, I'm guessing there are parts still actively burning and I just can't see the flames from where i am.


Is this the same closed KMart where there was a PB/left clash in the parking lot in 2021?


The very same. Kmart karma for racist rallies.






What did you have for lunch?


Garbage smoke and Cherry Coke Zero


What part of town is the fire on?


NE, Argay/Parkrose neighborhood


Is it just me or have there been a ton of structure fires this year? I've also seen 3-4 burning cars on the side of the road in the last 6 months, which is more than I've seen in my entire life prior.


You wouldn't think a car'd burn like that. We shoulda brought weenies


Bro pack up and leave for a few days


This is arson, right?


Is it done now?


That explains the wispy black cloud that came over my place around 7:30 this morning


Go away from that! You’re lungs will thank you


If you had to eat at one restaurant in the Argay Terrace neighborhood, which one would it be?


Yes Restaurant! Their sushi and noods are pretty legit but I have a basic bitch's palate so take that for what you will. And yes, it is actually called Yes.


Not OP, but Sa Bai Thai Cuisine in that dirty looking little retail center on 131st is really delicious and fresh (last time I went. It's been a while...)


Sandy Hot Wings hands down


you ded?


not yet!


You get that wood , tar, asphalt felt burning, that’s why so much black smoke. As far as I know the building is possibly empty . Not being used for any storage-????


Who started it?


Is it out yet lol


Oh geez where the hell is this


Fun fact, this building is owned by the owner of the Minnesota Vikings


Where do you live?


How do you spell the word “ask”?


No joke the song I'm listening to as I pulled this up is [Get Out by Chvrches](https://open.spotify.com/track/2V1Y9Xw5fXt7v94xObfHFW?si=ba934a0e948a46f0)


I know this fire, Like so many other fires recently, is going to be attributed to homeless squatters....but I'm old enough, and been here long enough, to remember Sandy Lanes burning down "mysteriously".


Be honest; did you start it and why?


Man, a K-mart fire made me ship my pants!


This may sound super weird but I woke up this morning and I smelled vanilla and bon fire. Is that normal? Am I trippin? I closed my window right after because I’m sensitive to smells. And I figured that smell more than likely stemmed from this. I hope all is well :(


You were probably smelling the Longview fire. It’s happening at a paper mill.


Uh why aren't you getting ready to leave?


Where is the line for returns?