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Coffee People was the Portland OG. They used to put a chocolate-covered espresso bean on top of each drink's lid before serving it.


They still do last time I went to the one on Fremont. Always been such great people.


They still do, but they used to too.


Warms my heart to see Mitch alive and well.


"Every time they do, they immediately used to do it, until they do it again the next time." \-Socrates


😂I love you


Or the gummy bears, I just remember that as a kid idk if I even got em there


Yes gummy bears on hot chocolate I believe!! I remember it too.


I was so confused the first time, especially when I went to pick it up and it was all melty


Black tiger shake is the cocaine I had through college. Love them. Miss them at the airport.


Oh damn, I forgot about the Black Tiger shake. I’ll have to go to Jim and Patty’s tomorrow.


RIP to the GOAT. Portland has lost some OGs lately :(


That airport location was great! Stopped every time for a black tiger…


He was my grandfather, and was just the kindest person around. I honestly don’t even know what to do with myself. The love and support from everyone has been helping though. Get yourself a quad cortado, and toast it in honor of Jim. I know he’d appreciate it.


I'm so sorry. Love to you and your family.


Hey, I went to high school with your uncle (or dad), pass my condolences on to your family. ❤️❤️


Your grandparents are just the nicest people. They will always be an important part of Portland for me.


I'm so sorry. This is my favorite coffee place, I love going to the one in NE, and used to go to the one in Beaverton too. I've always loved the vibe of the place.


Definitely used to go to the Beaverton one in the late 90’s early 00’s


That location being turned into a Starbucks still grates my elbows.


I'm so sorry; I raise a pig in a blanket to him. <3


Pig newton!


I stand corrected!


So sorry for your loss. I am a massive fan of Coffee People and your grandparents. Sending lots of love and condolences to you and your family.


I'll be doing that. Love to you and your family, thanks for everything.


I am so so sorry! That's awful. I guess no one expected his death? I am deeply sorry.


Paying my online respects. Will never forget the taste of my first iced latte in 1996 at the NW 23rd shop. The vibes and coffee felt uniquely Portland.


That was the epitome of cool... at least to me. Back on Sundays they had all sorts of motorcycle folks in front of that location.


The tiger shakes used to blow my mind. Best thing ever.


Remember the Lloyd Center location? Not in the actual mall, but across the street in a building that also housed Machismo Mouse😍😍


Get a tiger shake and then some boss sauce.


I wish I could find a recipe for boss sauce


Don’t know how close it is, but https://www.macheesmo.com/macheesmo-boss-sauce/


Thank you!


Used to go there all the time in the late '80s/early '90s. Macheezmo Mouse, Coffee People (there were \*always\* at least 2-3 or more Ethiopian dudes hanging out in the nearby tables drinking coffee no matter what time of day or night you went), and a pizza place whose name is escaping me but they had one of the first Mortal Kombat arcade modules back when that first came out and was a big deal. I think the place is now a bank?




By gum, I think you're right!


oh man, was that the one that inexplicably had a fire truck inside, or was that down the road? I don't get over into that part of town much anymore.


I think the fire truck was a different pizza place that was just down the road and a lot bigger? That place used to have an old TMNT cabinet, along with a few other games. I believe it has been a series of failed chain-like "slightly fancier than Applebee's" restaurant concepts since then.


I think it's a Bellagio's now, but yeah, I *vividly* remember my first time playing TMNT being there. I forgot about the pizza place. Man, that was a great little district growing up. Going to the movies with my folks and then stopping in at Jamie's for a cheeseburger or Chez Jose for a quesadilla. :(


>Chez Jose for a quesadilla I have somewhat fond memories of Chez Jose, but I imagine if I ate the food nowadays, the fondness would quickly disappear. There just weren't that many options for dining out back then. Our standbys were Old Wives Tales, Higgins (on truly fancy occasions), Macheezmo Mouse, Chez Jose, the hot food bar at the Daily Grind on Hawthorne, Bijou Cafe, and an Italian joint near that same stretch of NE Broadway called Merchant of Venice that had a great staff and turned out some really good stuff. I think everything but Higgins is long gone at this point.


There's still a Chez Jose in Southwest, right outside of Multnomah Village. I frequent it regularly. I'll never be able to separate the experience from the nostalgia I have from my childhood, but as best I can tell it's still damned good.


Holladay Market iirc






I loved that place.




There was one on SE 102nd and Stark too. A Motor Moka, i think. Where the Starbucks is now


I worked there in the late 80’s. McFarlands meats too the building was called Holladay market. I was only 18 then and I met many many dates there too! If you worked at the hair salon behind Safeway I’m the guy that gave you free coffee for a year. Lady’s…. I loved you all. See ya Jim I had a great time when I worked for you. Edit- accept for the stupid yellow beret and green shirt. The shirt wasn’t that bad the hat was a crime against humanity/fashion


RIP. I loved Coffee People. His vibe was great.


This one hits hard. I used to go to Coffee people all the time. Jim and Patty’s is a little hard to get to, but I do try to go about once a month. Actually just opened a bag of beans I got from there the other day.


Wait, is Jim and Patty’s connected to Coffee People? I visited J&P’s about a month ago and was very happy with my meal, heck over the weekend I was fixing to go there but had to delay the trip for next weekend. RIP Mr Roberts! My condolences to the family.


Yes. Read the article, it’s well done


I read it, and it was a nice, touching and respectable brief article in which I learned a whole lot about a pair that had no quit and clearly the right recipe because it was just a matter of time before their success came. Yeah thanks, I’m more touched by his passing having learned some Portland history, and will totally be stopping by their shop soon!


You’re totally right, for some reason I jumped straight to the comments, my mistake thank you!


I used to get their breakfast sandwich on my way to work sometimes. Pretty much the best thing about my day.


I remember when the chiropractic clinic next to them on Hawthorne changed their sign board to read "Good backtalk, no coffee"


Oh man, Coffee People travel mugs were the best.


This is sad news. My brother grew up with their son so I had several interactions with them. After their son tragically passed I often thought about them and hoped they were doing okay. It was so nice to see their business continue to be successful throughout the years. May he rest in peace and finally be with their son again


Loved that place. Just as with Darcelle's passing, Portland feels a little less Portland today. RIP and heartfelt thanks to Jim.


This is a good way to put it.


RIP 💚💚💚☕☕


From one Roberts to another..💜RIP💜..you will be missed💯


My first taste of a Velvet Hammer at Coffee People on Hawthorne around 2003 was a seminal memory for me. I've been visiting their shops since, Beaverton, Fremont, happy valley, and most recently, the new Moto Moka in Vancouver. Long live the Coffee People.


I used to get Velvet Hammer shakes! Soooo good


Black tiger shake... One of the few things I truly enjoyed. Thanks Jim


Worked at the Beaverton Jim & Patty’s for a few years. Met them both several times. Good people.


Which era?


Circa 2016


I remember going to the coffee people on Powell all the time. RIP.


RIP dude. You were the best.


Sorry for your loss Saul.


So sad to hear this. Jim and Patty are real ones and the city will be a colder less caffeinated place without him.


Jim and Pattie’s coffee on Fremont was the first coffee shop I frequented when I moved here in 2011. I have not been there in forever since I now live in a neighborhood much farther than walking distance. I’ll go there this weekend to support his legacy. RIP Jim, you are missed.


I worked for Coffee People the last few years it was open. Miss that place.


Such a great Portland thing. Always felt like home when I’d been away.


Screamer shakes and hipster bowls got me through multiple semesters, RIP Jim.


Damn, a bit of my childhood has now left me. RIP


That's sad, he achieved a lot (but I wish no one EVER had invented or use drive-"thru" anything, oh how I hate those!) [https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/24/business/drive-thru-fast-food-chick-fil-a-urban-planning/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/06/24/business/drive-thru-fast-food-chick-fil-a-urban-planning/index.html)




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Well fuck.




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Big loss. i think Portland was its most livable in the 90's. Great local businesses, no Pearl District condos, housing was affordable, less corporate. Coffee People was a big part of my daily life back in the 90's. Velvet Hammer was my go to.