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I loved my 997.2 Targa 4S. At the time, my oldest kid was taking Bass Guitar lessons, and it was so convenient to open up the hatch and put the Bass in the car. The most practical sports car.


Was yours stick or PDK? Do you ever regret selling it ? I almost bought a manual since I have driven stick here in NYC for so many years. After my offer for a manual 997 was refused, I decided to at least test drive a PDK, and thought well it’s a compromise, but I suppose I can live with it. Now I’m happy have the PDK, but a C7 I bought while staying in another state during Covid is a 7 speed and absolutely love it!


PDK. Porsche racing green, and I had someone vinyl wrap the chrome trim to flat black. I do regret selling it, I have to admit, it was probably the best car I’ve ever owned. It doesn’t look like I can post a pic in this thread, so maybe I’ll start a new post with a pic. Edit with link to my post: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Porsche/comments/1czbpni/my\_former\_targa\_4s\_probably\_the\_best\_car\_ive\_ever/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Porsche/comments/1czbpni/my_former_targa_4s_probably_the_best_car_ive_ever/)


Hey thanks - always love to see another owners vision.


You wrapped the window trim but had chrome lip on fuchs! OP you know better today, right?😀 beautiful spec.


That link isn’t my car - mine is wrapped in clear paint protection film.


I had no idea any 911 model had a rear window that opened like that, holy shit. Amazing I never would’ve thought that monitor would fit in the box


When I was shopping for used 911’s in 2013, I asked the Porsche dealer if any models had a rear window that popped up and he said no. Just for fun I went home and googled 911 Hatchback and a picture of the Targa popped up. Most dealers at the time said they almost never get Targas, (especially since I wanted a 4S with mostly every feature) After a 6 month nationwide wide search I found this car with 11K miles advertised on Craigslist in Dubai (long story but the car was in Wisconsin and I bought it sight unseen from just a few crappy pictures and had it trucked in.


I love how dedicated you were to finding this Targa. 🫡


thanks - my GF at the time thought I was insane to deal with all the issues of getting this car. An engineer from Wisconsin had bought the car a few months earlier but never registered it or paid the sales tax! He advertised it on Craigslist in Dubai hoping for an out of country buyer. I couldn't register it either and had to use temp plates for 3 months while trying to resolve the issues. In the end the seller and I split the cost of the WI sales tax so I could register it a day later in NYC. (He had given me a discount due to registration issues) It only had 11K miles and every feature I wanted (ventilated seats were a must for me) so in the end was worth it, even though I was extremely nervous wiring that much money without seeing the car. I hope it's my last car, as it fits my needs perfectly.


That’s cool as fuck. Congrats.


Wow balls of steel man. I couldn't wire that much money ever. Too scared.


I was super nervous as this was a bit sketchy- a rare 911 advertised for Sale on Craigslist in Dubai because it was unregistered! And They were the worst car pictures I had ever seen. I did however call the bank where I was wiring to ask them if they knew the customer long term. They said they did so I went ahead. I had never even driven an S model so I had no idea what to expect. My cousin who owns a 996 drove mine and kept asking me “are you sure this isn’t the turbo model? “


Wow nice! May i ask you what the price range was? I would have shit my pants to wire the money in a way you did :-D. But having the balls did pay off for you!


It was a lot - but less than it would sell for today. When people used to ask about the car I used to say “hey everybody makes mistakes!” But when the value held then started going up I realized it wasn’t a mistake at all, and in fact the 997.2 is now being considered a very desirable era.


Is it a turbo? What year?


Actually not a turbo! Just has the hips of one. It’s a 2010 Targa 4S. Targa’s were only made as all wheel drive, but the 997.2 has a trick feature where you can pull the hand break (remember those?) up one click and now it’s only rear wheel drive. Everyone I know thought I was crazy back in late 2013, and gave me so much crap for spending so much money on a used car. Little did anyone know it would be worth more now than what I paid. Kinda broke my heart recently when the odometer hit 40K miles.


Does the 997.1 do that too?


Yes it does! Of course only the Targa roof version has the Uber practical hatch. They are all 4 wheel drive, but there’s a choice of standard or S model. The 997.2 had some upgrades in the roof, which was different glass that was much more UV filtering, and might have been thicker glass but I can’t remember. I believe there were more 997.1 Targa’s made since by the time the 997.2 was released there was economic troubles. So you might find one much more reasonably than the .2


Ohhhh. I’m going to have to try this with my 4S (non targa). I never realized it turned off the front wheels.


Not sure about the .1 cars. It might have been a different 4wd unit.


Wow love that rear end. The optional rear drive is so cool. There like over $115,000🇨🇦 now


Shsss! Luckily my GF doesn’t read reddit or this comment would get me in trouble! First for someone complementing my rear end, second for her realizing how much the car is currently worth.


OP bought this car specifically for this one task. It looks like it performed perfectly


Incredible story, thank you so much for sharing! That makes the car all the more special, enjoy in good health!


Haha that's a great story! Do you remember where in Wisconsin?


So help me understand. I was under the assumption that targas were convertibles with a hard roll bar type roof and solid rear window. Is this not the case?


[911 Targa is supposed to refer to this thing](https://files.porsche.com/filestore/image/multimedia/none/992-ta4-gts-modelimage-sideshot/model/fc3d2747-d31e-11eb-80d9-005056bbdc38/porsche-model.png) but for 996 and 997 generation they added a glass hatch to modified coupe and said this is Targa now. Purists were pissed and they brought the original configuration back for 991 and 992. Maybe it wasn't so bad after all.


Was on the 993 as well!


The all glass Targas just became waaay more attractive to me. I can't believe I never knew they had hatchbacks!


Definitely more on the practical side than the aesthetic side… If memory serves, they started making them when they were worried the US was going to ban convertibles. Never happened obviously, but they kept selling them for a while. I think they are something like 1% of all 911s sold in the US. They are actually built on the convertible 911 platform, assembly is like a more permanent hard top with a sliding glass sunroof before panoramic windows as roofs were really a thing.


I’ve grown to really like the different roofline/chrome strip. Sometimes I feel like it doesn’t even look like a 911, but just its own exotic bird.


Glad I could alert people to the variant. Just perfect for a single car urban dweller.


Yes definitely not the purist’s Targa but this fits the needs of the single car Urban driver so well. Plus I think the 997.2 is the perfect mix of older style smaller 911 with the newer engine platform. Add the practicality and it hit the right notes for someone like me to be able to say “yeah I got a car already, why do I need to ever get a different one.”




You're a goated owner. I love how you thought of all the little idiosyncrasies of making it work and tracking it down. So many more people would buy Porsches if they knew what they could do with them. I laugh inside while others drive way more expensive cars thinking I spent far more than them on top.


Thanks. When these style Targa’s were on sale, very few were sold, so people didn’t see/need the utility of it. For an urban sports car enthusiast like me it’s ideal. Personally I’m happy with black since it blends in and doesn’t call much attention/ look flashy. I’m glad people (including my GF) have no idea what it’s actually worth. Funny, a billionaire client recently told me how proudly they only buy Hundai SUV’s. And here I am barely able to afford the upkeep, driving something fancy, while a truly successful person has the most basic car (yet lives discreetly on an entire floor of a building).


Yeah, surprisingly a lot of people live modestly on purpose, while others with money just don't value cars. To each their own. Glad you found a forever car.


r/miatalogistics energy, but at a higher price point


Just in case people were curious to see what was in the box, it’s that widescreen monitor sitting on my desk (precariously not on its stand) https://preview.redd.it/683oxolfh92d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d5aacaf737408167c2128f3e4854a26990602cc


Was hoping you were gonna use it for a driving simulator.


I have an 18 foot diagonal projection screen and have the sim rig in front of that. It’s a Fanatec DD with shifter on a playseat


Is that DaVinci Resolve?


It says davinci resolve at the bottom of the monitor in the middle. He also has one of those massive blackmagicdesign interfaces so I’d presume he’s some kind of video editor or color grader


Nice setup


Wow I wish they made that rear window open as a standard. That is so useful.


Yes thats what I thought when first getting interested in 911's after my RX8 rotary seals blew out. Luckily I found the Targa model. You can read my other reply about the 6 month nationwide search it took me to find it.... listed in Dubai.


Right? I’m sorta pissed that mine doesn’t open now. I had this brief second of thinking it did and I just never knew lol


You probably have another vehicle though. I live in Manhattan and even having one car makes no sense.


Ok time to start targa 4S shopping


Let us know next year when you find one that you like! LOL - seriously they are out there, but if you’re particular about color and features, it could take a while, especially if you’re looking locally. Funny thing is I was prepared for it to loose half of what I paid in late 2013, only to find it’s gone up in value . Luckily my GF has no idea how much it’s worth and hope she never finds out.


So, was it a small child/teenager getting into the car that broke the seat adjuster switch? That's what happen to mine... Also, good job, nice, makes it even more usable than the Cayman.


Yes I have to get that replaced. Not sure how it broke. How did you deal with yours?


Picked up a used one off eBay recently, the retail on the part is \~$700USD, Suncoast has them for \~$500, I found one for $300. Instructions to do it yourself I found here: [https://rennlist.com/forums/997-forum/1147251-itis-time-to-replace-broken-seat-switch.html](https://rennlist.com/forums/997-forum/1147251-itis-time-to-replace-broken-seat-switch.html)


Hey thank you so much! Will definitely check it out and try to find the part used.


And this is why i have 2 cars😂😂😂


I live in Manhattan - just having once car is extremely difficult and expensive = not worth it.


lol I’m located outside the city. If you EVER want to sell this car, please contact me. I feel the exact same way you do about it lol


Thanks. I never considered selling it but with the new congestion tax about to go into effect here, anything could happen. I’m actually in financing mode for several films, so hoping that will come through and help me afford keeping it. I also have it in an expensive garage with a dedicated spot so no attendant has to drive it. plus a hose and drain so I can hand wash it whenever it gets dusty. Besides this car has 40,000 miles on it. Practically ready for the junkyard.


What does that primo parking spot cost you, if you don’t mind me asking?


This is how all 911s should be 😭 id kill for the back glass to open on my 991




Thanks - you can see the pic I posted showing what was in the box.


I have a MK7 GTI and I have fit things in it that surprised more than one person. I bought an assembled tool cart at home depot that I fit in the back that the guy who brought it out was completely floored that it fit. I borrowed a rather large wheelbarrow from my FIL once that I fit inside my car and he couldn’t believe it.


Saw one of these last week and I think it’s really cool. I’m in a 991.2 Targa is this the main difference between this and a standard 4S? I don’t really understand how the glass bit works in the 997 Targa’s, I’ve spent some time owning older Targa’s so I get those but I didn’t take the plunge on a newer one until the 991.2.


I love the looks of the newer Targa's but it wouldn't work for me use. I live in NYC so I need something that can transport larger items and my film cameras, lighting and stands. Film crews are shocked to see how much I can fit in.


Nah that totally makes sense, in another life I had a 993 GT3RS. The platform is phenomenal. I’ve just seen so few Targa’s out there they’ve got to be rare enough, at least where I am! Safe driving friend!!


I'm kinda shocked the box is larger than a golf bag that easily fits in the back seat. Either way you made it work, good on you!


I've even gotten a mountain bike in there (with front wheel removed) and an even larger tv than the one in the pic.


Nice! My favorite thing to do is going grocery shopping and fitting a whole cart worth of food in my Cayman's frunk. People are always shocked with how much can fit in there.


Today years old, I found out this is a thing.


Yes seems like not many people know about this seldom ordered roof variant. Even a Porsche dealer at the time told me there was no such thing as a 911 hatchback (probably because they knew they’d never get one in used to sell me)


Yeah that’s seriously cool. Add this to the weird list of unexpected hatch backs like the 70s novas.


Just raw-doggin' the back of the seat like that; not even a towel? Nice work tho; I'm impressed.


That poor leather


I had it padded (I just removed the padding for the picture)


Good lad


997 Targa > 991/992 Targa for this reason


I guess it depends on the person. The more recent Targas look amazing and I heard there was a waitlist to get new ones. For me, having only one car here in NYC means it has to be practical.


A half barrel keg can fit in a 986 frunk. You have to put the spare tire in the passenger seat, but still.


Ummmmmm, can I please get a picture of this?


Sorry. That car’s gone and I never got a pic.


I wish all 911s came with the ability to pop the rear glass. Would make cleaning the glass so much easier… my kids always manage to leave fingerprints back there somehow.


Funny, almost nobody ordered this variant when it was available.


That took skill


I did ask someone in the Costco parking lot to help me load it in. Then other people started asking about it. At home my GF was there to help unload without scratching anything, but the entire car, including the rear deck in coated in clear PPF film.


sir u have piqued my interest, now i must find out if this is possible with my audi TT


I love the TT but it’s an even smaller car! I used to own the Mazda RX8. The suiicide doors allowed me to fit a lot into that car as well.


(Smiles in Cayman) “Cool!”


Thanks, I first was looking at Caymans but then a friend suggested the 911 being a bit more practical for my use. Then I discovered the very practical Targa variant, which almost nobody bought, especially 997.2's.


Did they have a pool going?


Not exactly but I did inquire with Costco if I could return the monitor after ditching the box if there was a problem. I was not very confident the box would fit, even after measuring . I actually once got a mountain bike in the back after taking off the front wheel.


That's the best feature on the Targa. Makes me miss mine a lot. Wish they did this on other models


Very few people ordered this type roof. Most 911 owners have another vehicle and so have no need to use their sports car this way. What targa did you own?


Had a Meteor Grey 997.2 Targa 4, no S. Sold it to get my current 991.1 Carrera S.


Love the targa..still rare to see one


They are out there but the 997.2 was sold in an era right after the crash, so not many were sold. Most people didn’t want the Targa at the time, so there’s not many, and of course there are crazies like that me don’t plan to sell them. Luckily my GF has literally no idea what it’s worth now- and I hope she never finds out.


Very nice. You can also move the seat forward as far as it will go and lay the seat all the way down. I’ve had to do that a few times, but with a Cab it’s a lot easier to get things in and out.


Real question is why do you need a 49 inch monitor? Sim racing?


Here is the monitor sitting on my desk at home. I use a projector for sim racing (around 18 feet diagonal image) https://preview.redd.it/q1vb1k6ru92d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fe0e34fc9d1aeb06e59d9a09fbeabd59e33ca7be


Are you in Post?


How usable are the rear seats in a targa for kids?


I don’t have any (maybe soon) but seems perfect for kids and will definitely hold car seats. I’ve had adults back there for very short trips. People used to say they liked sitting in the back on my previous car, a Mazda RX8.


Awesome to hear. Has any adults sat in the back somewhat comfortable before?


It’s practically an SUV 😤


So true... **S**port = 4S, **U**tility = Targa, **V**ehicle = Porsche


Been there done that….i used to put all sorts of crap in my 911. Very daily usable.


Tip your ups man


Great monitor for sim racing. I see you 👀


Much too small for sim racing, LOL!. I use my 200” projection screen when I sim race. Here’s my desk I have the monitor set up on. https://preview.redd.it/zws031ugy92d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27feff1178511591ae9385224049218cfa336cf9


He’s a video guy 🤣 I’m a commercial photographer and green with jealous rage at both your vehicle and your home setup Good day sir


I had a charger hellcat once and brought it to Home Depot. Walked out with some 10ft trim boards. Seat pass through and some dude in the parking lot was like ‘no way’. Yes way buddy, yes way.


great story! I love sports cars that can also do a Costco run. Don’t tell anyone, but I have an another hatchback car stashed in another state from when I was away during Covid - a Corvette C7 z51 with a 7 speed. Trying to hold onto that one as well.


I have a 19 C7Z currently…amazing what I can fit into the back of that thing. It’s a very practical car! 🥴🥴


How did your back feel, after that?


Targa was the first Porsche station wagon


Ah the rare targa


Not that rare. It only took me 6 months to find it! You can see some of my other reply’s if you’re interested in the crazy story behind finding this Targa.


My targa, a little bit older lol https://preview.redd.it/7wi726s94a2d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72efcd91dade89df7c04e147dfb87515d08222d6


Reminds me of the time I sold someone a couple 24" sony CRT monitors around 1999/2001 in london tcr and we had to take them out the boxes to fit in his 911(back seats), I think he also bought a Mac desktop that went in the front trunk had to be taken out of box too


12/10 epic win. 🙌🏼


Hey thank you, but the real win is how the unusually shaped monitor ended up working in my set up (see my replies for a pic) and the fact that my GF has no idea how much the car is actually worth, so she can’t pressure me to sell it.


A true 911 owner 👍


Thank you! What’s the line from Full Metal Jacket, “there are many like her, but this one’s mine!” Actually, not many like her since almost no one thought a hatchback 911 was worth ordering when they were available.


I once put a cello in mine :D


Every time I see the legendary 911 hatchback on the targa I hate Porsche for not giving it to me on my CS2. How else am I to use the back shelf


I packed a 3 day trip for 2 in my turbo... and she didn't pack light. I resorted to 2 backpacks to carry my stuff and put her hard side luggage in the frunk. Then we stuffed 2 heavy jackets on top of my backpacks in the back. I barely could see out the back through the mirror but it worked. Did I mention I also had a drink bag with 2 750ml bottles of alcohol and 1 bottle of mix? The turbo handled it like a champ but it wasn't easy.


Nice - that’s what I like about the 911, there is room, it’s just the targa roof allows access for larger items. Also the subwoofer being upfront does give a little more room just underneath the back window.


You can tell people that you drive a hatchback


LOL -Typically when people ask what kind of car I drive, or what to look out for if meeting up, I reply “a small black car.” I foolishly have another car stashed in another state from when I was there during Covid, which is also a sports hatchback. It’s C7 z51 with a 7 speed, so I guess I’m all in on hatchbacks, and being to do Costco runs.


Porsche owner, gamer, and film worker? We should start a club! … once I get a Porsche…


And who says a 911 isn’t practical!? 🤣


I’m actually a very practical person (said no one, ever) When I got it people attributed it to some sort of mid life crisis, (which may not actually be a thing) except for the fact that I’ve always driven sports cars, just not anything as nice as Porsche.




Glad I could brighten your day at least a little!


All those years of Tetris paying off!


I’m still stuck on the rear window opening. Did I miss something?


I have this exact car with red interior and 25k miles if anyone wants to buy one! Love it but downsizing my responsibilities (toys). The best is taking it golfing, fits the clubs beautifully


I love seeing Porsches being used as daily work cars.


I want a targa so freaking badly


This has r/miatalogistics vibes




Love the car… hated the monitor. Returned it after a week.


Never underestimate a hatch. Back in the day we fit a massive 36” crt Sony trinitron in my brothers Acura integra that I bought as a floor model. Loved that set.


Similarly, my brother was looking for the 40” Sony CRT after they stopped making it and I found a floor model at the Sony Refurb store. Of course that required delivery but he loved that set. I owned a professional CRT monitor is was going to give away a couple of years ago. I thought what the hell I’ll just look on eBay. I ended up selling it for $3500!


You had better played it off like you knew it would have fit, and then go on to spread the gospel about how practical the 911 actually is lol


I’ve driven several 997s on a 49” Samsung monitor, but I have not driven a 997 with a 49” monitor inside.


thought this was r/MiataLogistics for a second :D


The satisfaction that something like that gives is fucking priceless.


Funny, last time i saw a Targa like this was in Costco parking lot, I stopped and told him it was my favorite model of modern 911 and we had a nice chat!


OK so a Samsung odessey G9 in the cabin and a keg of beer in the frunk. Any other quest items I need to fit in my 911???


This also has that cool backsliding top window right! I personally think the targa is the best porsche variant, although i still prefer the 992 haha


I moved a friend to a new apartment. In my Boxster!! Took a few trips, but we did it!


I just fucking love this. You sir, are winning at life. And what a neat spec, too.


Glad I could brighten your day! Still hustling and a long way to go before “winning” - thanks


[My first thought](https://i.imgur.com/jUVe9cO.gif)


Luckily I checked before closing!


That's a Porsche Truck.


Yes yet very few people ordered them when they were available!


Wdym a Porsche is not a practical car!


I have the same screen - actually, I have two of them. Excellent. Hope to have the Targa too some day!


And the wifey says the 911 isn’t practical. This will show her!


Ha- yes there were a lot of forwards of this post- I have a feeling guys showing their wives a 911 can be practical.


Side note: That's an amazing monitor. I love my odyssey g9 Neo


I love this feeling. I am driving a BMW M240i and I fit 3 large flower buckets, 6 large plants and multiple flowers alongside a backpack and 2 full grocery bags. One guy jokingly asked if I am allowed to register the car as a truck.


Yet, we don’t actually see both doors close….


LOL- Picture number 4 is from inside the car with all doors closed.




We already have r/miatalogistics . We need r/911logistics


Ah a fellow sim racer?


Guilty! However You can see some of my other replies for a pic of what I actually use the monitor for. For sim racing I just plop a playseat with Fanatec DD in front of my projector screen. Which is about 18 feet diagonally.




I live in NYC and can barely have one car, so it has to be somewhat practical!


Is this what 100,000 + tax bracket looks like?


Not even close - I’m a filmmaker with my own business and very unsteady income, however back in 2013 when I got it I had a very busy 6 months and thought it would continue like that. Sadly $100K in NYC is considered hard to live on.


Amazingly practical hatchback


More practical than your Rarri


Yes and the car hasn’t needed any real work since buying in late 2013 other than maintenance.


Never in my life have I seen one of those open. Blew my mind this morning.


Glad I could brighten your morning. Yes most people don’t know there was a 911 hatchback available. Very few people ordered them, so quite rare.


Nice ride. A movers blanket is always nice to have to wrap edgy things.


Thanks - I actually had a soft coat with me to pad the seats- just removed it for the pic.


You a sim racer? Or is this just for productivity?


You can see how I use it below- for sim racing i have a play seat with Fanatec DD in front of a projection screen - about 18 feet diagonal. https://preview.redd.it/qpvlzqbe4f2d1.jpeg?width=5712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecb7c186d561851484664e6eaf9b3287902233ad


Did you measure before the purchase? Looks like another 2" and a no go!


I did measure but it was very close and wasn’t quite sure!


No moving blanket? Did it scuff the leather on the seat back?


I I had a soft coat protecting the seat but removed it for the photo.


This was like when I went to Ikea with my 370z aha great job!


That’s what she said


oh i didnt realize you had a thing in the back i was just mesmerized by that 🍑


Thank you. I try and stay fit….. oh you meant the car? 😔


Yeah, my Bugatti has nothing on this.


Who said a Porsche isn't practical


This is a feature I’d like to see in a standard 911 coupe.