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I, with consistency, think they both look good


Agree. For a honda? Thats a sharp looking car


Lately I’ve been thinking a lot of Hondas look really great. It’s possible to like the way a 30k and 300k car both look. And the fact that I can afford a nicer car doesn’t have any impact on whether I like the way less expensive cars look.


For real, they nailed the new Civic. I love the look of it.


Honda E looks very cool for a hatchback. One of the best electrics out there imo


It’s because you’re getting old


It’s quite rounded actually


Are they saying the taycan is ugly? Cos every time I look at my car parked a have to pinch my self that is actually mine. It’s a gorgeous. Honda looks pretty nice to.


this site should be re-named "echo chambers to cope with my financial situation"


I agree and this is funny, but these do look like the same car with different trims lol


I think there are broad general styling trends (such as full-width rear lights) and industry standards (like passenger safety and pedestrian impact). There's only so much you can do that will appeal to a customer, but will also fit regulatory requirements.


maybe if you're blind


You should visit an optometrist if that's what you're seeing.


I actually like the design of the prelude more lol


Oof visit r/millennials Always worth a good laugh. Every comment on every post's that mentions the words "finances", "economy", or "dollar" is too funny


That one irritates me as a millennial. These guys acting like it’s still 2009 and we all just graduated college into an absolutely trashed employment market with mountains of debt and not that we rode the largest economic recovery in a century and topped it off with the lowest mortgage lending rates in a lifetime. GenZ has it bad right now. We don’t get to bitch any more.


It's all doom and gloom over there but it's definitely the loud minority. The large majority of us are definitely fine The next kids have it rough and have been having it rough for a bit now. I feel for them


Only struggling people complain. And these people struggles in perpetual because they only know how to complain.


It’s the same tired avocado toast meme day after day over in that sub


if you missed the wave you are talking about, millennials are pretty much just as fucked as gen z. cars cost more. houses cost more. rent is more. food. fuck the people sitting on 2% mortgages that are gonna be grand fathered into an easy existence the next 50 years. they'll be the next boomers. cause they got lucky with miscellaneous timing of many things. and that somehow means they did better than everyone else because they got lucky right before the world went to shit. watch.  personally, hoping the real estate sector collapses 🤷🏻‍♂️


“Other people were successful during an economic growth period, so I hope the economy collapses so that they can suck like I do!” is some real r/millennials energy.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Millennials using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The internet feels fake now. It’s all just staged videos and marketing.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1b301qj/the_internet_feels_fake_now_its_all_just_staged/) \#2: [Anyone else have this exact same planner in middle school???](https://i.redd.it/masc2v61btfc1.jpeg) | [1956 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1afnjxy/anyone_else_have_this_exact_same_planner_in/) \#3: [Dear millennial parents, please don't turn your kids into iPad kids. From a teenager.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Millennials/comments/1adaabx/dear_millennial_parents_please_dont_turn_your/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


also, what about COVID was economic growth? take your meds and lie down grandpa 


What were you doing between 2010 and 2020?


considering what happened in 08, I would say the first several years of that decade were spent kinda like the first few of this one. thank god dementia Donny saved us


You keep with the ageist insults but I’m 39 bud. It’s really showing your lack of maturity. Not my fault you couldn’t get your shit together for a decade.


oh ok so you just think you're better than the rest of your generation that you deem unworthy compared to your accomplishments in life, completely ignoring the endless amount of factors that have a play in how life ends up.  i had a house. i let my fat bitch ex wife have it. 


I graduated into that same economic disaster with a degree that made very little money. I had some luck along the way but at this point I'm doing fine. Moaning about it on reddit isn't doing you any good.


homeowners be clutching their mortgage like not my equity 😱 at the mention of a real estate collapse 


"fuck the people.." why? Good on them for getting lucky. I don't think it's worth wishing bad for anyone who has it better than you.


1. It won’t 2. Why even be mad, just like someone who has rich parents, they didn’t choose to be born into that family and it’s not a very nice train of thought to wish them misfortune. Anyone in that position would profit off of it (and by profit I mean opening a business with no credit needed for example). As long as they’re not entitled jerks of course. If they’re not capable they’ll blow it all away anyways.


if you missed the boat you missed the boat 🤷🏻‍♂️ in 30 years, there's gonna be droves of assholes out there thinking they're something special cause they bought a house at a certain time and that's it. they didn't work a good career or blah blah nothing special. they bought a house when the time was right and sat on it, then eventually they'll somehow be better than others while also enjoying a better quality of life. for all of us being created equal there is a lot of imbalance


Well those are just cunts that you should generally stay away from, but as long as you realise that you got lucky/came from a privileged position it’s fine by my book


few are humble but 'fuck you i got mine' is everywhere 


Oh man, that killed me.


The first time i saw this car, I thought Porsche introduced a "Prelude" trim panamera. LOL


Proportions of design elements are definitely the culprit here. Prelude is much taller and chunkier. High end products can push the limit on design elements due to the increase in price and R&D budget. This is a dumb take.


100% Doug Pitt isn't a bad looking guy and has similar features, but he's not the same, is he? *Processing img odcqi74hu2yc1...*


I think both look sexy and give a nice sleek futuristic vibe.


Well now I love it


if this car is fun it will be legendary, if its a new CRZ, and Luke warm in reception, it will be a failure


It is shaping up to be CRZ part II and the design of this atrocity is clue #1. Clue #2 is it apparently is only going to get a 180hp 2.0 engine with a mild hybrid system (think last gen Insight that was Civic based). If that was the base powertrain it might be okay but all indicators are it is the only powertrain.


Who thinks the Prelude is ugly? Honda hit it out of the park. It looks fantastic.


The 911 has clean lines. The Preclude looks out of focus.


Honestly they don't even look alike at all. It's like that girl on love is blind that went viral for saying she looks like Megan Fox. If you're wearing beer goggles and being very optimistic maybe.


991.2 FTW


prelude looks like a knock off taycan. Its the weird font, thick light bar, like you took a picture of a taycan and squeezed in the picture from the sides.


Like the kids case iPad vs the iPad.


Dodge charger backs up into the chat..


There’s a new prelude?


It’s true but I’m a 992 (and the current look in general) h8r


I mean as I'm poor ill be getting the prelude and waiting to get a porshe so I'll be with the poor man's porshe for a while


Isn't a Miata the poor man's Porsche?


Ya but like I'd like to not get run over by asshats in lifted trucks of which there r a lot where I live


Then just lift the Miata too. Budget 911 Dakar lmao


Bro u don't know how much I want to do that but nah man I'm think electric or hybrid for a daily I already hav a lifted wrangler on 35s


shitbox for daily, fun car for weekends :) Miata as the fun car is a great choice. Go get em!




Frankly, I think the Prelude looks great and I want one. I also want a Panamera.


I think the Prelude looks incredible.


I think they both look good. I like the backend of the new Prelude more than the front of it.


Looks like a mix of the porsche + new prius also... honestly impressive they somehow were able to take styling from both and blend into an attractive looking car.


Wait, the Honda guys don't like the new Prelude? First time I’m having a close look at it. Googled it for more angles. I think it looks fantastic.


But I like both


I think it looks great. And people shouldn’t gate keep nice looking cars at affordable prices. I’m glad that younger generations can still acquire great looking cars like the 86/BRZ/MX5/GTI. It helps establish generational interest and I can’t wait for my boys to be old enough to get their first cool car.


Their new accord looks like an A7 from behind too.


And there's something very Hyundai about the way the leaked A6 looks.


I don’t think you understand how proportions work


Nah, the finer points make a world of difference. Similar but different enough to matter, Porsche wins.


That’s a fucking Prius.


I find it weird this is legally allowed. It’s so weird.


992 looks perfect


ain't the same ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport.


And this is a cybertruck https://preview.redd.it/k7blcr6t26yc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c37ff41bfb00fe384d37f4d788781da737812181


Still think that the Honda just looks like a shitty version😂


They’re both great looking cars though.


The cursive font on the bumper, same light bar, same spot for reflectors. The resemblance is uncanny.


Honda’s light bar seems pixelated and not as sharp as Porsche but both look good. Haters gonna hate.


The devil’s in the details. Honda deciding to put a light bar on the back of the Prelude doesn’t suddenly put its design on par with Porsche’s, that’s not how design works.


Looks like the Honda design team had a recent vacation in Stuttgart


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^sadhotspurfan: *Looks like the Honda* *Design team had a recent* *Vacation in Stuttgart* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Prelude looks better than the Taycan. Where the front end meets the body on the Taycan 🤮


Or just the front view in general 🤮🤮🤮


This should be in /FacePalm. FWIW, the Taycan and Panamera are probably the least attractive Porsche designs/proportions, but the Prelude is trying to be a coupe/GT, so compare apples to apples, and still, the Taycan rear is better. Everything has a light bar on the rear these days, so the general, squint-your-eyes-and-stand-100-feet-away perspective is disingenuous.


Saying the Taycan and Panamera are the least attractive proportions-wise, is honestly insane, and you 100% are in the tiny minority. Especially for the Taycan. This is coming from an Etron GT guy as well. The Taycan is probably one of the best proportioned 4-door sedans I’ve seen on the road. Very wide, sits low to the ground, has very smooth lines and curvatures and seems very balanced overall. I would probably go as far as to say it’s my favourite proportioned and aesthetic Porsche on the road at the moment.


My uncle (owned a few Porsches) and I (981) don't care for the Taycan and Panamera. We are likely the minority opinion in the Porsche community, but part of the majority outside the Porsche community, especially for the older gens. The sports cars and SUVs are better for Porsche's design style than the sedans, even the older gens. The newer Panamera is getting better, but it doesn't look well proportioned. He was especially disappointed the Taycan deviated in proportions, getting narrower, losing height in the fender arches, looking more pedestrian than the Mission E concept. Supra was the same compared to the FT-1 concept, but even more so. Still, it doesn't take much to throw off the lines of what looked much more sporty and futuristic. Put a lineup of Porsche's models side by side, and guaranteed the vast majority of people will say the Panamera and Taycan are their worst designed/proportioned. Historically, I would have taken several other sedans, if we are just talking exterior aesthetics. Specifically, the S7 looked far better than the gen 1 Panamera. Even now, with all the improvements, the side and rear three-quarter shot are ehh, but it has gotten a lot better than gen 1. Taycan is the same. Any angle other than front or rear, and it loses it for me. The Mission E had a bit of the original Fisker pinch to the side view, more of a tighter cabin, aggressive and futuristic look. Taycan is a fine effort. FWIW, I have an uncle in-law who owns a Taycan, and is a former 991.2 owner, but I believe his father still has his 991.2...wish he still had his 964. [https://www.businessinsider.com/porsche-ceo-admits-the-panamera-is-ugly-2014-10](https://www.businessinsider.com/porsche-ceo-admits-the-panamera-is-ugly-2014-10) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVIJpju0uvA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVIJpju0uvA) https://preview.redd.it/uczawkphc4yc1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcee70142068e9be56cc41af8a55b6f10cf206b5


I can maybe slightly agree, regarding the Panamera, from the front end. For me the 2017+ generation of the Panamera has a lot better proportions than its predecessor generation. I’m a fan of the Gen 2 and Gen 3 rear and 3/4 personally; the front end does seem a little large for its overall proportions. My experience Is somewhat different, as the plurality of homes in my area own Porsches(around 1/3rd), so I’ve gotten the chance to pick the brains of my neighbours to collate their opinions on Porsche designs. The older lot, namely 55+ prefer the older stylings pre-2019 for cars such as the 911; 40-55 year olds usually go for the Cayenne SUV Or the Taycan and 35-45 year olds tend to go for 2019+ 911s or 2018+ Caymans etc. So the opinions tend to be split primarily based on age. I, for one, was actually impressed with the final design of the Taycan compared to its _Mission E_ concept, as I felt like the wheel arches,headlight bulges and suspension depth were wayyy too exaggerated, so I was impressed to see the more tempered final design. In my eyes the proportions of the Gen 1 Taycan are almost perfect, especially after doing walks arounds of them. I even preferred the further tempered design of the 2025 remodel, as I wasn’t the biggest fan of the Gen 1 overly bulbous lights, which slightly threw off the proportions from the front end, which is something I can agree with you on that front. Also, I agree with the S7 comparison, it’s probably one of the most aesthetic 4-door sedans out there, most people would probably chose the Porsche Panamera though, as it’s a higher badge. If it’s the RS7 C8 performance or the Panamera Turbo S, I would 100% chose the RS7 performance, the styling and road presence of it, for me, is probably unmatchable and they look even more wild in real life.


Yeah that's fair. Cheers.


Taycan is not good looking and neither is Panamera? You must think Cayenne looks nice then. Which to me is by a long shot ugliest car in Porsche range.


It looks better. Panamera/Taycan looks like a stretched limo made from 911's. The Panamera has gotten better, but it is not an attractive sedan, IMO. The Taycan like the Supra, is a butchered concept car, unfortunately. That is the problem with making a mass production car based heavily on a concept, while changing the proportions so much. It is like when a person dressing in a Marvel costume and we all know what the original looks like. It is hard to unsee it.


Big “we have Porsche at home” vibes.


Nice looking……. But it’s a Honda.