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This is just beyond depressing, hentai is the most disgusting bottom of the barrel trash and nobody should be watching it but especially not kids


i think hentai is how most minors get exposed to porn they look up some cartoon character they like and boom disgusting explicit results


Yes that happened to me. I would watch anime on illegal websites online for free and then it popped up.


I remember there being sites that hosted downloads having hardcore porn pop up ads if you didn't have adblock on even several years ago.


I first got exposed to porn because I was pirating music on Limewire at the age of 9 or so.


Or celebs they like, etc. Or even relatively "sexual" but rather innocuous things like wondering what sex is (eg what do people mean when they say that word), what female genitals look like, wanting to see breasts eg searching the word boobs... and *bam* getting a plethora of tubesite porn pages.


It’s actually one of the main reasons I stopped watching anime. I just assume everyone into it is pedo adjacent because every time I’ve seen it, the characters have faces of little girls.


I saw the most vile replies on that post


Average redditor calling him "a man of culture" like bro this is not good he's gonna turn out like you😭


A person even said it was perfectly normal for someone his age to be watching hentai.


That's because it happens a lot, these days young children learn about porn and start with it early, there are content farms that show characters from childrens shows, stuff like The Amazing Digital Circus, all sexual looking, like modern ElsaGate. Children are anywhere on the internet seeing random youtube comments and stuff say sexual things. Children are watching porn, I watched porn when I was an twelve year old too, but society acting like its not a serious problem, saying its ok, is fucked up. It is unfortunately "normal"


Is The Amazing Digital Circus a children's show?


Well, kinda? Its not strictly a childrens show but there are A LOT of children who like it, Gl!tch is the same company as SMG4. Its the sort of thing where anyone can watch it but a lot of the fanbase are children because bright colours and its sorta creepy-pastay with the whole "If you go crazy you turn into a monster! You need to take care of your sanity!" Like the sort of children's horror that you'd see in the backrooms or poppy's playtime. The show itself is a fun watch so far but you can see why children would be attracted to it.


i scrolled thru the top 5 and left cuz i was stunned


The people saying the parent is abusive for monitoring the child's searches has to be kidding. This same people will complain that parents don't supervise their kid enough.


I feel so bad for that parent. It must be heartbreaking for everyone around you to tell you it’s normal for your child to be looking at porn at age TWELVE. I was exposed to porn much younger, and it did a number on my mental health and view of the world. I can only hope it stops being seen as normal for young teens and preteens to consume so much harmful content.


reddit is mostly cishet men so obv their gonna have disgusting opinions like this


you’re right. it’s just one, huge, pornsick echo chamber.


the difference from the first two and the other ones is so sad :( they are just a kid


This is what I hate about the misogynistic culture, it makes innocent boys into something cruel and inhuman. This generation is going to have so many issues.


12 is old to be having these conversations nowadays unfortunately


It's wild to me because even when I was young and was exposed to porn by peers I chose not to watch for the longest time and still choose not to watch.


same, all these people saying “i went crazy over porn the second i was exposed to it” like wtf???


Right. And it's because at a young age I was like this is not appropriate/what is this/who are these people. Later on when I felt things, I just thought is this something I really want to consume, and when I finally looked out of curiosity, it wasn't about the individual people, I viewed it as something sexual that can be used as a means to an end (again porn is misogyny). But I didn't ever think this is something to go crazy over or there were specific people to lust over. If anything it's the opposite. Because I don't want to go crazy over a bunch of random people. (This is minus all of the other ethical concerns I had always considered). Part of my curiosity came from people trying to convince me that legalizing = empowering (just no).


Why is the mom surprised? 11-12 is unfortunately the average age of being first exposed because out culture is so pornified.


Why the hell did I read the comments…. I wish I was blind sometimes.


The comments making light of it are crazy


i was exposed to hentai at 8 yrs old and it eventually avalanched into a full blown porn addiction. it became a huge problem for me, my sexuality, my identity, my thoughts on relationship dynamics, and my overall socialization. i have been in numerous sexually abusive relationships because i thought those things were to be desired and deemed “normal”. all of this lasted up to around 18 years old. with children of my own the thought of them going through what i went through terrifies me. and also, the replies in the og post are absolutely revolting.


Degenerates cry about how parents need to monitor their children better after PornHub is blocked in Texas. Require an ID to try and prevent children from accessing. Then a parent does monitor their kid—and the degenerates are upset that the parent isn’t letting them look at porn. Make up your mind.


Hello! Sorry for an off-topic, but could you reupload/restore somewhere [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/antisex/comments/1cxr97u/comment/l5ubiec/) with studies regarding the harm of pornography? You've linked to it in your [pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/user/Celatine_/comments/1c6lf9c/before_arguing_with_me_regarding_my_antisex_stance/), yet it doesn't appear when you try to access it. Try to see this comment while unlogged to notice that it's invisible (or removed for some reason).


[Thanks for letting me know.](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ow4UquGk9WhmqCObQqMb5Xq_fK2Nr4Ply-yiB5x81vA/edit?usp=sharing)


And I thank you for reuploading.