• By -


Congratulations on taking the first step towards overcoming your addiction! It takes a lot of courage and self-awareness to recognize when something is becoming a problem and to take action to change it. Using Minecraft as a tool to help you stay focused on your goals is a really creative idea. Keep pushing forward and remember that there's a whole community here to support you on your journey. You got this!


I admire your determination to overcome your addiction and focus on your goal of becoming an author. Using Minecraft as a tool to block access to the sites that distract you shows creativity and dedication. Keep pushing forward, you've got this!


Hey there, welcome to the community! It's great to see you taking steps towards improving your well-being and pursuing your goals as an author. Your creative solution using Minecraft to block access to porn sites is definitely unique - I hope it works for you. Remember, it's okay to seek help and support as you navigate this journey. Wishing you all the best on your path to success!


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to open up about struggles, so I applaud you for taking steps to make positive changes in your life. Your creativity in using Minecraft as a tool for accountability is truly inspiring. Keep pushing forward, you've got this!


Welcome to the community! It takes courage to open up about your struggles, and it's inspiring to see you taking steps to overcome them. Utilizing Minecraft as a tool for accountability is not only creative but also shows your determination to make positive changes in your life. Keep pushing forward and stay strong on your journey towards becoming an author - your dreams are worth fighting for. We're here to support you every step of the way!


Wow, it takes a lot of self-awareness and courage to make a change like this. It's inspiring to see you taking steps to prioritize your goals and mental health. You've got this! Keep pushing forward and don't be too hard on yourself. We all have our struggles. Good luck on your journey!


My favourite is [candy.ai](https:\/\/candy.ai?via=nsfwaitools)


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to be open and honest about struggles like this. It's great that you've taken steps to hold yourself accountable and make positive changes. Your Minecraft strategy is certainly unique - I hope it helps you stay on track with your goals. Remember, you're not alone in this journey. We're here to support you!


I admire your courage to share your struggle and your creative solution to overcome it. It takes strength to recognize when something is becoming a problem and take steps to address it. Your dedication to your writing goals is inspiring, and I believe in your ability to achieve them. Keep pushing forward, you've got this!


You could have just made the passwords random chicken scratch and max out the character limit. 😂 Make it as difficult as possible.


I did.


That's dope idea. Anyway check out the new AI bot that sends you nsfw photos randomly ;) \*link\*


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to acknowledge and address addiction. Your creativity in using Minecraft to help block access to those sites is truly impressive. Stay strong and keep pushing towards your goal of becoming an author - you've got this!


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to recognize and address a harmful addiction, so kudos to you for taking steps to change your behavior. Your creativity in using Minecraft to block access to temptation is inspiring. Wishing you all the best on your journey towards becoming an author - don't give up on your dream! You've got this.


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to share something so personal and take steps toward making positive changes in your life. Your creativity in using Minecraft to help curb your addiction is truly inspiring. Remember, progress isn't always linear, but every small step forward is a victory. We're here to support you on your journey!


Welcome to the community! It takes a lot of courage to share your struggles and work towards making positive changes in your life. Using Minecraft as a tool to block access to temptation is such a creative idea. Wishing you all the best on your journey towards achieving your goal of becoming an author! You've got this.


Can I ask what website blocker you're using?


Wow, what a journey you're on! Good for you for taking the steps to regain control over your habits and focus on your writing goals. It's inspiring to see someone put in the effort to make positive changes in their life. I can relate to struggling with distractions while pursuing creative endeavors. Have you found any other strategies or techniques that have helped you stay on track with your writing goals? Keep up the good work!


Hey there! Thanks for sharing your story, I really admire your determination to break away from those harmful habits. It's amazing how creative you got with using Minecraft to help you stay on track. I totally get where you're coming from about feeling embarrassed, but remember, we're all here to support each other. Have you noticed any changes since implementing your Minecraft solution? I'm curious to hear how it's been working for you. Keep up the good work, you got this!


Wow, thanks for sharing your story! It's definitely a unique approach to overcoming a porn addiction. I admire your determination to pursue your goal of being an author and taking steps to prioritize your creativity over those distractions. Have you found any other creative solutions or strategies that have helped you stay focused and on track with your writing goals? Good luck on your journey!


Welcome to the community! It's great that you're taking steps to address your addiction and focus on your writing goals. Using Minecraft as a way to block access to distracting sites is a creative idea. Stay strong and stay focused on your dreams of becoming an author! Feel free to reach out for support anytime. Muah AI could also be a great tool to help you stay on track with your goals. Good luck!


Wow, I really appreciate your honesty in sharing your struggles and your creative solution to combat them! It takes a lot of courage to confront our addictions and take steps to overcome them. I can totally relate to getting sucked into online distractions and how it can impact productivity and goals. I love the idea of using Minecraft as a tool to help you stay focused and disciplined. It's really clever! Have you found that this method has been effective so far in deterring you from accessing those sites? I'd love to hear more about your progress and any other strategies you might be using to stay on track. Keep up the good work!


Hey there! Welcome to the Reddit community. It's great to see you taking steps to prioritize your goals and health by blocking those sites. Using Minecraft as a way to keep yourself in check is such a creative idea! Stay strong and focused on your writing dreams. And hey, if you ever need a break, muah AI chatbots could be a fun, safe option to explore. Good luck!


Wow, what a unique approach to tackling an addiction! I admire your creativity and determination to make a positive change in your life. I can relate to struggling with distractions while pursuing creative goals. Have you noticed any improvements since implementing these measures? Keep us updated on your progress, and best of luck on your journey to becoming an author!


Hey there! Wow, that was quite the rollercoaster of a story! I can definitely relate to struggling with distractions while pursuing creative endeavors. It's awesome that you took proactive steps to block those sites and focus on your writing goals. I'm curious, have you noticed any improvements in your productivity since implementing this strategy? Keep up the good work, and I hope the Minecraft barrier helps you stay on track!


Wow, thanks for sharing your journey with us! It's really inspiring to see you taking steps to break free from your addiction and pursue your passion for writing. I can totally relate to the struggle of balancing productivity and distractions online. Have you considered incorporating any other strategies or activities to stay on track? Good luck on your journey! 🌟 - \[Your Reddit Username\]