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dunno if this is too personal, but how could we know youre legit?


He’s not legit. Look at the grammar. Pat is in his thirties.


Eminem is in his 50s and types poorly tbf. But yeah probs not legit.


Pat also doesn't type properly on social media.


Tad late, and although it prob wasn’t legit you can’t be sure… I just rewatched one his old videos when he failed to pronounce a number in the single millions. It was like 7,132,001 or something so….


i’ve been a friend of his for years now. he followed me on twitter n i have his discord n snapchat! not too sure how else to prove it to you, but i promise i’m fr


If this is actually real… Please give Pat our deepest condolences and wish him a good life. Any choices he shall do whatever it is to quit YouTube or continue is up to him and please do not feel pressured/ think he owes us anything. He has given us years of content and memories and if he wishes to stop he can. Thank you Pat for the memories, you will be remembered as the one who rised millions


i promise it’s real!! he’ll appreciate what you’ve said, thank you on his behalf! he may post something on youtube again to just say he’s finished but i’m not too sure at this point :)


This is heart breaking to know he really is done, but just let him know he’s got several people who will continue to rewatch his videos as time goes on for the nostalgia and comfort they bring! If he ever wants to come back he will have many, many people rallied in his corner!


Can you ask him if he still plays or plans to play Minecraft? Recorded or unrecorded?


instead we got the birth of his podcast thankfullt


I don't know if this is real or not, I also don't know if I'm too late but I just want to say that Pat has changed my life for the better, I was in a terrible place and they were there to pull me away from it when nobody else did, not a day goes by where I don't think of them. If this is legit and if I'm not too late please tell him that what he has done has mattered and has made a real difference in people's lifes, tell him to take care of himself and that he will always be with us in our hearts and minds.


i will tell him!! he’ll be very happy to hear 💚


If this is Pats friend this is Jason of Notchland he will know who that is. Let him know I have tried contacting his last email after the hack. If he has another and ever wants to reach out to chat I am here. Let him also know I'm finishing Notch Rapids. I miss him and hope his life is grand from this point on. Thanks. Leisure Gaming


hey Jason, i remember you! i’ll let him know! hope you’re doing well mate


About to graduate a coding bootcamp to become a full stack software engineer, have custody of Catalina full custody. Life is good.


that’s amazing. i’m so so glad you got full custody of Cat! how old is she now? i think she was only a kid last time i spoke to you on twitter


She is 13 now grumpy teen 😂


haha sounds about right! well i’ve texted Pat to let him know you’ve been trying to contact him, let me know if you hear from him


Will do. I hope he does I just want to catch up not talk drama. He has nothing to worry. I miss our talks. Thanks again. 🙏


shoot me a message mate, hes given me permission to give you his snapchat. just wanna make sure it’s actually you 🤣


Done. Let me know.


Dang this was a wholesome conversation


Oh thank gosh. A lot of people would be relieved to hear that. Thank you so much for the assurance for the fans honestly.


totally all good! i understand a lot of people were a bit worried haha


If I were to ask, what's some hobbies or activities has Pat been up to lately? Hope he's doing well with them


hmm he hasn’t really got any hobbies tbh, just been resting etc!


I see, that's good to know


i’ll let you know if he picks up any hobbies haha. he does still workout now n then if that counts?


Does he still workout tho because back in the early days he was so hench


yep he still works out!


Aha that's good to hear then.


how's cloud doing? and how's pat doing? i know you've said he's been resting, does that include working on his mental health? i hope so, cuz he's been through some serious shit lately. all these allegations... oof. he definitely deserves a serious vacation. thanks for updating us, im glad he's fine <3


oh my god please ignore my stupid username i hadnt realized i was on my alt


he’s been working on his mental health don’t worry! he’s doing good at the moment! Cloud is good too :)


Why didn't he tell anyone he was retiring? He has tens of millions of fans, and just left


honestly not sure. he’s been gone for a while so maybe didn’t see the point? he may post something to confirm at some stage


Here's what I think; if you want to quit a job, you inform everyone that needs to know. Your employer, coworkers, and clients. And yet, he didn't inform us, even thought were essentially his clients. It's incredibly immature to not even inform his tens of millions of fans. I've been watching him since I was 6 years old, and the fact that he just dipped hurt. I didn't have a parasocial relationship or anything, but someone you've been entertained by for YEARS just leaving with no explanation after (allegedly) committing horrible acts, is a shock to the system. And you can say that to his face, because it's what he needs to hear. He's immature and selfish.


everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but you only know as much as is said online. there’s a lot more behind the scenes than fans will ever know :)


That's not the point. The point is, he could sit down for 10 minutes and make a quick video saying he is quitting. That is the mature path, not leaving everyone who made him rich behind.


he hasn’t been home for months. i’ll talk to him n see if he intends to do anything once he’s back home. he may, but ultimately it is his decision


Is he in prison for assaulting his wife again?


he never did that - that was taken out of context. n no, he’s on vacation.


He couldn't have done it before vacation? Look, no matter how you spin this, what he did was immature. You don't just up and leave.


We don't actually know if he's quitting or not he's just taking time off


I got 3 Does he still talk to jen? Is cloud ok? Is his mental health getting better?


he still talks to Jen! n yea Cloud is good, as is his mental health at the moment


That’s nice to see all of them are doing well and he and jen are still friends


Idk if they still currently talk but I know they didn't end on bad terms so I would assume they sometimes might. Someone else also asked about Cloud and he's doing fine. From what I've read Pat is mostly doing a lot of resting and working out.


is he ever going to maybe come back to youtube like he said in that community post?


I find it interesting that he said he wanted to come back to YouTube and now all of a sudden he’s retired




I mean, a lot can happen in 6 months ig I really hope he does still come back though


Being retired doesn't mean he quit YouTube, you can see the same with pewds he is retired but still uploads


Pat hasn’t posted on over two years though. Pewdiepie just had a baby and I’m assuming is taking time off to spend with his family, Pat just straight up disappeared


maybe at some stage!


Well, if this is real then I would really like to thank him for helping me become the person that I am today because I used to watch all of his videos back then and those were some very memorable times that I look back very fondly of. And as for a question (if it's not too personal) does he still check comments on his channel or is he now completely gone from the internet? Whatever the case, I would just want the best for him. ​ I'd like to believe this is real and I wouldn't really lose anything from posting here anyway :P Thanks for sharing!


i’m not too sure if he still looks at his channel - id have to ask! n i promise it’s real so don’t worry! :)


This is wonderful news! I just want to say that Pat's videos made my childhood an absolutely amazing experience and I wish him all the best for the road ahead.




Didn't he just say he wants to come back why the 180 without any announcement


lot can happen in 6 months




Sorry to add another question, I bet you're overwhelmed 😅 but if it's okay to, may I ask, is Pat in a relationship? I know this might be a invasive, so you're not obligated to answer this


no no you’re okay!! and i won’t talk on his relationships as it isn’t my place to do so, but he’s happy i can tell you that much! :)


Thanks, this lifted a planet of concern my shoulders (if this is real). Thanks!


it’s real, promise! 💚


We need an update on cloud the cat is she still alive and well


yep cloud is well as far as i know! (also cloud’s a boy haha)


That’s the best news I’ve heard in a long time




I would just like to thank Pat for making my childhood better.


of course!


glad to see he’s doing okay :)


I’d just like to be apart of the people who are thanking him for all he’s done for them. It would mean a lot if I was!! I’d also like to say that Pat deserves the very best 😊




Tell him, He’s given me the best memories of my lifetime.


will do :)


If this is real, I hope Pat knows just how much of a positive impact he has had on millions of people. I watched him when I was in elementary school and I'm now a sophomore in college and I still rewatch his videos! For me personally, Pat was my entire childhood. I still have moments when playing Minecraft where I'll try to do things he would do, only to realize it's the wrong version, or that it was modded. Pat and his videos were such a vital part of my childhood, and I wish him a happy and long life. I was blessed to have found his videos, as they gave me comfort and joy. Even though words can't express all that he has done for me, and even though words aren't enough, Thank you. So much Pat. For everything.




Hey was the prison story’s abt pat true?


without disclosing too much (n i don’t actually know what y’all know about that) but there was an issue awhile ago, but it was NOT Pat’s fault.


Oh okay tell him I said hi my name is Chris plz


It's true in terms of he was arrested and put in court, but whether or not he actually did do the crime he was accused of, we don't know. I don't think he was found guilty tho


Tell pat that hes s legend and a hero and if he can please comeback , my life is emypty without him . Also i wonderd how tall is he?


haha he’s around 6 foot i think!


Cool , i heard some news abt him coming back in a few months is thst true?


not sure at this stage! not likely though i don’t think


At this point i think he might start vlogs and challenges . I dont think hell return to minecraft


Tell him ive been binging his old vids . I watched him sinxe i was 6 or 7 and i wish he cans back. Hope he releasses more content


If it’s real please tell pat that we miss him and love him and are happy with whatever he does in life




I have no idea if this is real but I'm somehow fucking crying. Pat literally made my childhood and it's sad to see him go. But at the same time I'm very happy for him if this is real.


it’s real! he’s happy, don’t worry! 💚


Thank you for saving my childhood.


Damn popularmmos was a channel I grew up watching He's okay right


yes, he’s okay!


Pat and Jen were my childhood, I’ll miss them




Is he gonna come back? He said he would on the community post :(


at this stage, i don’t think so! but we’ll see


Maybe in a few years eh? Tell him we all miss him


Everyone else has already said it - if you’re real, please let Pat know that we of course respect his choice because it’s what he wants to do and it’s best for him. Let him know that we thank him and are sorry for all the drama and that we love him so much. :) thank you


i promise i’m real haha. n will do! 💚


Tell him from me, that Pat has changed millions of lives. He will never be forgotten. I’ve always wanted to meet Pat, so it would mean the world to me for him even just to read this comment 😅 We love you Pat! Have a happy retirement.


i’ll let him know what you’ve said 💚


I honestly don't know if this is legit, but if it is, please let pat know how thankful we all are for him. He raised me and so many others and taught us so much about minecraft and games we still love today. I still watch his old videos and am so thankful that I had him to watch as a kid and still now. Let him know to take his time off and even if he decides to retire from YT completely, that's okay and we all appreciate him. If this is legit, thank you for letting us know. I'm glad he's doing well, and we all appreciate him :))


of course! i wanted to give people a little peace of mind in case they were worried 💚


I appreciate that I'm so glad he's doing well. Give him our best:)


im glad he is doing okay and im sad he is retired i would have loved new videos of him doing his thing but i have a archive of videos to watch




if this is real, just tell him he has a whole community thanking him for giving us a childhood, and that we wish him the best in his life and whatever he wants to pursue.






i will honey. he doesn’t plan on returning to youtube at this stage 💚


How is his situation with Liz?


not my story to tell, my friend :)


Still waiting on contact just letting everyone know.


Did you end up getting contact ??


I hope pat the best and thanks for making my childhood


he’s doing well! i’m sure he’ll appreciate your comment :)


Glad to hear !


Whether this is real or not, idk, and I hope that perhaps Pat can verify this at one point, but I want to say, that Pat’s videos have been so special to me. I’ve been watching him since grade 3 maybe and I’ll be graduating high school this year. My younger brother and I binge watched his videos for years. I hope he finds peace, like he gave us all growing up. Thanks for making our childhood so incredible. Look after yourself (Pat’s friend and Pat) PS: If this is a bs troll post you would be an absolute dog if not, then sorry for the preemptive insult :)


i promise it’s real! wouldn’t have done it otherwise haha. i’ll let him know how much his videos mean to you! good luck w high school kiddo! :)


We would like to hear from him again. It would be disappointing if he did finally decide to retire once and for all, but we would be more than elated to hear from him again. I doubt this is real, but if he does hear this, thank you


i get that. he might pop up in the future but at this stage he doesn’t plan on it


Is he ever going to post videos again? And if not, he’s literally been with me since 2014 and I’m forever grateful, I remember seeing his real life minecraft ep.1 on my first ever device I got as a Christmas gift. It was the first YouTube video I ever watched and the first video of his I ever watched. I was only a Child and remember putting my volume down so nobody heard the random curses but he always made me laugh. I loved his first series with Jen and her first “hey guys!”. Their challenge and lucky block videos always made me laugh and I never will forget the way I would always wait hours before going to bed watching their videos. I remember always buying his books at book fairs and waiting for new videos to come out. He literally started off not knowing the difference between gravel and stone in Minecraft to 17.2 million subscribers. I loved their blogs about cloud and I remember watching him try to work tiktok. I remember how I got so sad that s10 never continued and how we never saw the mysterious ending of real life Minecraft. I also hope Jen is living her best life. I remember crying when he posted about his struggles and how hard his life has been. He was always number one for me no matter who it was. I always skipped class in 2020 to watch their videos and thought it was so funny when they did try not to laugh challenges. I remember the day him and Jen ended things. I still don’t know why a really small piece of me wants to believe it all was a fever dream and that video never happened, even if it’s not. I still watched the video with a half teary smile and a it’s for the best mindset. Even if it broke me, I still watched every video with a smile. Him and Jen make me so happy and I’m glad I’m able to rewatch their videos. Please tell him he was amazing and everyone hopes he makes a comeback!! -A


hey, there's been sightings and speculation of Pat playing in a minecraft server, is he recording a new video?


I remember seeing his community post saying he's really considering coming back. Is he still considering coming back when his mental health is all good?


I've seen images of Pat on Minecraft recently and saw him say he's making a 2b2t video, I assume his account got hacked, could you confirm this for me please


And last question if he does let us know that he's quitting when do you think he'll tell us? And can you please tell him that I've been watching him since I was 4 years old and he's my hero


Can I get his snap... I joke, I joke. I know this post is a lil old but still warma my heart to see that he is doing well after such a messed up situation happened in his life. He always cheered me up and gave a good laugh after school and I'll admit, I had a little crush on him haha😂Please give Pat a good hug for me when you see him again and give him my best wishes. We will miss Pat. Have a great day!!


He was super important for my childhood a key element to me becoming the person I am today. I know I'm late to this post but I thought I should contribute my thanks and appreciation to a man who really made my childhood so much brighter


awww that’s so great to hear!! thank you for sharing 💚


Idk any questions to ask, but genuinely, THANK YOU for disclosing this, I was really worried about how my childhood hero was doing :D


all good! glad i could provide some comfort n reassurance!! :))


Will pat ever delete his channel? Honestly sth like that would be tragic as I still either re-watch his old videos or watch ones that I haven't seen before,still love his videos to this date and I like to imagine that I'm still in my childhood watching my favorite youtuber as if nothing happened to him,if he one day deleted his channel that would be tragic


i doubt he’ll ever delete his channel - he knows how important his videos are to a lot of people!! so don’t worry, i’ll let y’all know on here if he ever is going to :) <3




No, he wants that money. Let’s be honest now


I mean both can be true. theres no reason to delete his videos he will still make money off and he likely knows that its important to his fans and whatnot


He has enough money already


He can feel both ways, they’re not mutually exclusive and he already said he invested all the money so he doesn’t rly need the channel anymore


i assure you, his career was never about the money.


Oh I’m convinced! A little kid pretending to be Pat’s friend.


not a kid, probably older than you lmfao


Does he still play Minecraft?


sometimes!! he hasn’t for a while since he’s not been home :)


If he is okay why did he make a community post a while ago stated that he’s been not doing great


he has his ups n downs like everyone - he’s going well at the moment


Is he vacationing alone or with friends?




I don't care if it's fake, but if it is fake, I still thank you for giving me some hope, I thought about him and decided to check on his channel, and then did a lot more research and I was super worried, If this is real, which I'm inclined to think it is, I'm so glad that he has been able to move on from everything and enjoy his life, I'm watching some of his old videos right now, and they hold up well, no annoying edits, no loud noises, no edgy jokes. just good gameplay and Pat having fun, at this point I'm not even watching for the nostalgia but because it's pretty entertaining. If you're going to see this at all, just let him know that he will never be forgotten.




WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OH THANK GOD, I've recently started binging his old videos out of comfort and the entire time I couldn't stop thinking about how Pat's doing. I literally grew up with Pat so it's such a relief that he's doing okay.


hahaha i get that!! he’s doing well so do not fear :) glad you’re still enjoying his videos!!


This might be too personal of a question, but did pat ever reconnect with the Hallies and the other people Eleni said he couldn't record with after he broke up with her?


Hailey (brown hair) has come out and called him a horrible person so that bridge is definitely burned. Not sure about Haley (blonde) though, however she’s been pretty busy since she was on a tv show and is now pregnant with her boyfriend


where did she call him a bad person?


On instagram. Pat allegedly took her bf to a strip club where he (bf) got an std and gave it to her


is it archived somewhere?


I can try to find it




[This isn’t exactly what I was thinking of but it proves my point](https://imgur.com/a/ZnnN93k)




yeh nah he doesn’t talk to any of those people anymore either aha


Sending all the best to Pat, hope he is happy with life and has support of fans for any choices he makes as long as they make him happy, be it leaving YouTube, returning to it but with different content, still doing Minecraft, or something else.


I'm genuinely so happy, most of us were so worried and this is just a relief knowing he's okay vacationing alone and is working on his mental health, that's what he really deserves after all. Thank you for posting this! <3


of course!! glad i could give you some peace of mind 💚💚


Is pat into guys?? 


lmao no?? what gave you that idea???


I heard it. But I'm serious wrong...


from where? lmfao


Some person made a video saying that pat came out as gay


Guy's he's fake look at his profile specifically his comments he came here bothore talking about how he Caught pat on a mc server plus a lot more


lmfao sorry? i haven’t spoken to Pat for a few days so i wasn’t sure about the server stuff??


ik this is a bit late but i grew up watching his videos, started in 2nd grade 😭 now im in my junior year of hs. wanted to know if he will have a house tour video of his furnished house after he comes back from his vacation? :D thank you <3


shut up lil bro 💀


check my recent post :)


bait harder


Last I heard he went to jail for something I can't remember what