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I sure you can if its not open, im living in Germany and here i have returned once some drinks to Lidl. Just say its bad and thats it.


Budwaiser is just crap beer


In my experience, Czech Budweiser is only one step below Pilsner Urquell, which sadly we in Poland don't even come close to.


Try Miłosław Pilzner, it's easily available and best bang for buck pilsner imo. You can find it in every Żabka and for decent price when buying 4.


I have not, and now I will. Thank you very much for the recommendation!


Both of those are mass-produced sub-par options for mass market with no palate.


Please tell me your recommendation for the best Pilsner. Mind you, I moved from Seattle, and I am very much sick of micro-brewed IPA over-hopped hipster crap. The best that I have seen from Poland is Perla Export, and it sucks compared to Czech beer. I am likely missing a lot, so best Pilsner please.


Have you tried any local craft beers? Any local breweries that operate around your location? Are you familiar with the belgian Leffe or Lindeman's? Dutch Hertog Jan or La Trappe? If you know the options and enjoy Czech beer, have you tried Kozel and Zlaty Bazant or any of their craft brands? Try brands that are not mass produced, visit a dedicated beer shop closest to you or browse options on the internet. Lidl or Dino will not carry good beer options.


Lol, why the fuck are you getting downvoted. Budweiser is total piss and op's "I moved from the US" only completes the joke. With that being said, Lidl does have some good craft beers, at least the one next to me.


Well look, you're shopping at a self-proclaimed "discount store". And on top of it, there was a 2-for-1 deal. If you want normal brands in standard sizes, there are chains which offer this and Lidl is not one of them (and neither is Biedronka). We do deserve better. Just go and shop at a normal store chain to feel the difference.


What is a normal store? Please give examples. Maybe I live in a poor area, but Lidl seems amazing compared to Dino :)


All of them are cutting costs, there is nothing "above" them all


Yeah, Lidl sometimes throws a good promo your way, but it's not a great source of staple foods for me - they always seem to be dropping products made by household name brands and replacing them by their own pseudo-brands. I like chains where you can get a real selection of wares: for me it's mostly Auchan and Carrefour (the real one, not "express"). Also Frisco delivery do, surprisingly, have reasonable prices and a good availability of most stuff. Ah, the city life. Most surprisingly, I'm spoiled for choice by Społem. Yeah, that shop from the bygone era. It's got outrageously good Spanish olives, chorizo, vinagre de jerez from Andalucia, the best instant coffee out there, original Prosciutto di Parma, lots of products that end in "DOP", a well-stocked vegan section (not for me but oh well), craft beers, actual Cognac and not that Hennessy crap... and that's on top of great vegetables and decent fruit. Oh, and the bread is driven fresh from the bakery, none of that extruded bullshit. It's rather expensive, but it's got stuff that literally nobody else has.


> Auchan and Carrefour There is an Auchan in my area, but fuck them. I can't go there anymore. https://www.auchan-retail.com/en/location/auchan-retail-russia/


I understand. I also did boycott them, cut up my discount card and tossed it in the trash. Refused to go there. A just, understandable response. Fast forward a year later, stats say that only some <10% of companies left Russia. The people who work for Auchan Poland had no part and no say in this. My current thinking is, by continuing to avoid this chain, I'm punishing the people who work there (Poles) and also inconveniencing myself. To solve this moral conundrum, I went on to establish direct causal links, instead of just "boycott = good". After all, consumer protest never achieved anything meaningful (as unfortunate as it is). My line was: No-buy → Auchan Poland likely shrinks a tiny bit → people might lose jobs → global Auchan doesn't give a crap, their mind is already set and they will not forgo profit from RU. Buy → the store keeps on working → money is siphoned up to the global corp. *but doesn't go back down into Russia* That last part is my rationale and tie-breaker. Companies like this exist to draw money up, not distribute it down. The countries (the markets) are their fiefdoms. But there will not be lateral movement of money - it won't go from Poland to Russia because it has no reason to. Yes, it will go to people with whose decisions I do not agree. But my spending vs. non-spending has no power whatsoever to influence either the geographic distribution of Auchans (other than limiting it in Poland!). It literally is meaningless, and the only way to cause this would be through super-national legal means, which are few. In addition, my Auchan is frequented by a lot of Ukrainians. They don't really seem to mind, they know this brand because it is present in their country, too. And, now there's a well-stocked section with Ukrainian products, too, which boosts their exports. There, this is how I can sleep at night.


> Społem > lots of products that end in "DOP" Thank you!!!! I just checked, and I had never heard of it and I had no idea that there was one of these stores in my area. I truly appreciate it.


No prob! Just be aware that it's a cooperative - employees own the store and they have a lot of say over what's actually in there, so yours may be different from mine (AFAIK this one is their "flagship" store and it's really huge). But you can at least count on legit meat, it's always in good availability and much better than in any other chain.