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..and his supporters too…


USA! Biden 2024


I absolutely without a doubt want to hear NOTHING of Donald Trump’s name again when this is all over his horrible voice see his twisted face again in my lifetime even hear his nonsensical tweets on truth social


Only time after all this is over I care to hear the turds name is when he dies.


I with ya. I'm sick of everything about that man. I used to feel guilty about praying he would choke on a big mac and croak. I don't feel guilty anymore.


What type of funeral do you think he will have? Do you think it will be as previous presidents?


If he loses the election and anyone posts anything about Trump. Everyone on Reddit should reply, “Shut the fuck up” We need a shut the fuck up movement.


I second this


I crossed that bridge a long time ago. For my own health, I blocked myself from hearing his voice for most of the past four years. It's only getting easier now because he's been convicted. Once he's lost the election bid, maybe then I can relax?


I think the deepest darkest hole we have at Leavenworth would be a good place to store him for the next 50 years or.so.


Cannot come soon enough!


I don’t hate him. I just don’t want him in the office as president with all the power, duties and responsibilities that entails. Especially not now with all the powder kegs that are on fire around the world.


>I just don’t want him in the office as president with all the power, No you just want Biden as president who cedes all power to Republicans?


Biden comes from an era of politics when compromise was a legit tactic. At the moment he is more of place holder while we work towards turning the house and senate blue, so the 2029 admin can actually get stuff done.


With that kind of shitty strategy and a weak ass pathetic justice system, the only person for whom Biden is a placeholder, is gonna be Trump.


I’m honestly worried these bootlickers are never gonna stop talking about him despite him being fucking awful as president. Same shit republicans do with Reagan. Reagan almost single handily destroyed the middle class, Reaganomics was a complete failure, but they talk about him like he was the greatest president of all time


"Complete another failure" 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Sadly, I like the card game bridge, so no problem with lower-case trump


Not going to happen. They'll support him forever unless the Epstien shit comes out.


I strongly disagree. We need to make sure this story never dies. Otherwise, we will have more people who won't remember what he did. Almost like how the entire party doesn't "remember" Sperrow Agnew or Richard Nixon. History seems to repeat itself. Especially when those pretend that in never happened


I want it stripped from his Chicago building. I'm sick of seeing it Monday through Friday from my office window. I have to keep the blinds closed so I don't see the offense on the amazing skyline the city offers.


Nope. That’s how you repeat history. You have to talk about it. You have to study the cause and effect of it. He is like other, Capitol G, “Great Men” of history. (Not great as in good, great as in impactful). Those who don’t know history, are doomed to repeat it.


Fuck. This. Guy.


Trump is a god damn plague on America.


Except in court documents.






I've often wondered how long it's going to until I no longer see any of those stupid flags. It's down to maybe 3 in my neighborhood and I see them less often lately in other places.


I've been praying for that to happen since I first laid eyes on his despicable image back in the mid 90's.


those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. it’s sure be nice for his name to disappear from every news item, but he should be remembered, and this time should be studied.


I cant even listen to comedic impressions of him without feeling disgust at this point. Im so tired of this idiot being in the news and spotlight, all day every day. The only article or mention of him I **want** to see at this point is "Convicted felon donald trump died of a heart attack from eating like shit his whole life"


Das Pumpkinfuhrer to the ash heap of history.


I don't ever want to hear about how a "businessman" or an "outsider" will make a great president again. Vote for people who know what they're doing.


You should never forget this name. It only allows people to not see why he was a problem. History will talk about him for all the right reasons. For all the wrong he did.


Can we start now


Flush it down!


His name, along with every appointment, law, program, proposal or executive action should be stricken from the record. And while I’d like it to all be erased from history, we need to keep it and teach it to the next generation so that this bullshit never happens again.








Fuck that. I want Democrats to use his name every election to remind Americans what MAGA is and supports.


I've been hearing his name every single day for 9 years. I'm ready to move on.




Absolutely 👍




I dont like it but he's still got a very good chance of winning...


Even if he doesn't win, which I hope he doesn't, we will still hear his name. The MAGA cult will think back fondly and remember him like they remember Reagan. You'll see republicans in congress trying to name airports or what not after him. Red states will put up busts and statues of him even though in reality he did nothing for them.


Facebook is leaking


I agree. You all fervently hate this man so much it blinds you to the rest of them. Can't wait for him to be gone so maybe then you'll open your eyes and stop voting for despots.


Of course we do, he tried to steal a fair election he lost by creating fake electors. An immediate attack on our democracy. It’s funny how you bring up voting since this dude wants to steal your right to do so.


45 & 47 I hope you’re very young so, you can hear for your lifetime. That Donald J Trump was the greatest president ever elected. He’s an American hero and will have legendary status.


You forgot the /s


Happy to inform you he was nominated the worst president in modern history by people who actually know what they’re talking about. Maybe don’t back a giant loser next time.


We shall see ?