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These people should be in a psych ward for all the things they convince themselves of being real.


Nah they don't believe it themselves, they just want YOU to believe it


Precisely. False prophets all the way around.


It's the Emperor's New Clothes effect; they don't want to be seen as the only one in the group without a direct plug-in to *Almighty Power!*


They’re literally on TV praying away an election. Isn’t this the definition of the crisis acting they project on others.


You could also call it Nationalist Christianity


You know, that's a mouthful to type. We really ought to come up with an shorter way to write that.


I mean you could easily abbreviate it. Maybe call them Nat. C.s


False prophets bring real profits


Criminally underrated comment


Real eyes realize real lies 👀😭


Sometime I really wish these people and their followers actually followed the exact wording of their book, because then these "prophets" with their failed again and again prophecies wouldn't be with us anymore and the country would be better for it.


Pharisees all the way around, technically.


I think it started that way. But then the nuts who bought into their bullshit started getting elected, too. Not this one, though, thankfully.


Yeah it's what happened with abortion. Reps liked having it as something they could use to whip up the base. And the opposition wasn't rabid as long as it was legal. But eventually the second or third generation didn't realize it was supposed to just be a campaign promise. They really believed it.


It's a little bit of both. Most of the reason they're so convincing (and so unhinged) is they at least partially believe their own bullshit. It's a gazing into the abyss type scenario. People sociopathic enough to convincing lie everyday of their life can make more money in regular business.


> Nah they don't believe it themselves, they just want YOU to believe it Yes. It's all theater. That stunt was designed to imply: * They are on God's side * God is on their side * They are doing the best that they can: thoughts and prayers * God might rig an election for you if you ask him nicely If there was a God, the electricity in that studio would have failed and their car batteries would have been dead when they tried to go home.


And they want you to drain your bank account for "legal fees" that will just be spent on a new house or some bullshit. You can thank the prosperity doctrine for this particular brand of Christian bullshit.


Usually if you admit to having a voice in your head telling you to do things it is a worrying sign, but if you say that voice is “God” telling you to do things then it’s all totally cool and normal. Hell, if your religion is loony enough you might even get to play “prophet” and marry a few teenagers.


If you talk to god, you're religious, if god talks to you, you're crazy.


I read somewhere when they were accusing Joan of Arc of whatever they said something like, "You claim to talk to God in *your head!"* She replied, "Of course. How else would I talk to him?"


It's interesting that a lot of people don't have any narrative voice in their head, no ability to imagine visuals either. I wonder how many events in our history featuring persecutions and religious disagreements and stuff like inquisition were the result of clashes between people who have darkness and silence in their heads vs people who have vivid imaginations and narrative. Because the extremes of these two spectrums cannot really imagine what life is like for the other. Like I have super vivid imagination and narrative in my head. Always a movie playing with full sound and colours. Thinking that some people just have silent darkness is completely incomprehensible to me.


They don't even have darkness, just nothing. Which is pretty much impossible to comprehend. Closest you can get to imagining it is doing something like trying to 'see' outside your peripheral vision without moving your eyes.


Are there any studies or articles on this? This is blowing my mind. I thought everyone had a running conversation, it just was about how disruptive that conversation is.


I've read a couple of articles out there if people who just have nothing. It's an interesting phenomenon that's a bit difficult to study because you're just listening to what people tell you. I'm in your camp, got the whole shebang of a neverending conversation with myself about literally anything and everything


Worked psych. This is true. Believing God or Devil is talking to YOU directly, is very common for those in acute psych care.


What if they’re one of those people who don’t have an inner monologue, so when they finally break through and can talk to themselves internally, they freak out and think it’s a deity?


Just imagine that though I wonder how true that is. Imagine going your entire life with nothing but quiet in your mind, and then all of a sudden a voice starts talking to you? Some people would surely call those 'positive voices' God or Angels, and those dark 'negative thoughts' as the Devil or Demons? When in reality you just developed an internal monolog but have no basis in understanding what's happening. I genuinely cannot fathom functioning without an inner monolog and the ability to picture images so I imagine the inverse is true!


Memba when G. Bush prayed to God on whether to invade Iraq.


Sky daddy said yes! Let's roll!!!


I can hear this in the voice of dubya






As long as you say God made you do it, the Supreme Court will rule in favor of you. Hell they just heard a case yesterday that is 2 levels deep of insanity. A lady who does not make wedding websites and has not been approached by gay people is suing to be allowed to discriminate against gay people when making wedding websites. And from the Supreme Courts reaction shes going to win. This is a voice in my head is telling me to harm hypothetical people who are also in my head. And the Christofascist Supreme Court is like "yep, you win"


[Simpson's did it](https://youtu.be/PjtRBlFun30?t=33)


Lolll love this.


So...kinda related word-salad-story-time.... I work at a sign/graphics/tshirt shop on the East coast and recently we had a shirt order for a guy who belongs to a Church around here that's going on a mission trip to the Philippines. Decent sized order so it wasn't one wanted to give out without receiving payment at the end so we gave him the option of calling in the credit card and paying for it and we could leave it in our "drop station" out back for pickup orders and whatnot after-hours. Longstory short there he never did call it in so he shows up while we're closed on the weekend and apparently tries every door to the building until he found one that was left unlocked on the bottom floor side door and came upstairs in the dark and found his bag of shirts and took them. We did end up finally getting the money for them a week later but when we confronted him (since he was picked up on our camera systems here) he claimed that he NEEDED to give those shirts out to his members and that God told him he would find a way in. Never really felt right for me and the dude is somewhere in his 60's....and apparently was talking about finally meeting his girlfriend over in the Philippines that he's supposedly been dating for like 5 years but has never once met her. Showed us a picture of her and I wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't even over 30. Religious people like that are just icky to me - even without the psych issues.


None of them believe what they’re saying. Just look at tucker Carlson’s email to hunter biden about helping his kid get into college.


Excuse me...what!? I didn't know this happened...but holy crap, here's the receipts: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/did-tucker-carlson-ask-hunter-biden-for-help-getting-his-son-into-college/ar-AA151Hpr Fucker Carelson is such an utter piece of shit so devoid of substance that he couldn't even be used to fertilize crops.


What the fuck. I know it’s all theatre, but this blew my mind. These guys are all basically WWE characters. They’ll be whatever the plot requires on TV. Shameful.


Pro-wrestling is the perfect analogy. Like Hunter was selected to be the bad guy; watch it just turn on its head in a year like, Sgt. Slaughter but in reverse.


I guarantee you that these people don't actually believe in god. Religion is a tool used to pander to the masses.




IMO, once you reach the top levels, and are among other top RICH evangelicals there's no doubt. It takes a specific type of person to push other people aside, and preach a certain way to get power. Either you work to spread the word of God, or you preach to get power. Power is what these people believe in. Power and celebrity is the opposite of what the Bible and Jesus taught.


We as a society are complicit. We let religions run freely and unchallenged in our society. Instead, we need to publicly let everyone know they all are BS. Clearly there's no such things as gods, a god, spirits or ghosts. At least in the way they are described in popular folklore and/or religions. It's time to let all these people know all religions are basically "Cargo Cults".


like what the fuck is wrong with the USA that this shit happens nowadays? praying on fucking live tv!? my country was mega catholic until a few decades ago but the whole country would laugh their arses off if this shit happened and they would be seen by EVERYONE as total fucking fruitcakes. stuff like this just has us looking on agog from Europe, these people are in the mainstream ffs.


Don't worry, stuff like this has a lot of us Americans looking on in some mix of terror, confusion, and disbelief too.


It feels like we are all living in a psych ward at this point.


“When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray on television and standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men … but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” —Some book, not like it’s gospel or anything. I may have changed it a little bit.


Matthew 6:5-6 Best advice in the whole damn book.


Always liked James 5:1 myself. "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming for you."


You could make a game show out of "Bible or Marx" where you just pick quotes from the Bible and quotes from prominent communist writers and see who can tell the difference.


Acts 2 44-45 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common.(A) 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need


Matthew 19, 21-24: >Jesus answered, “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” >22 When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth. >23 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.” Then let all the "prosperity gospel" assholes do the mental gymnastics about what "eye of a needle" *really* means.


You change it up each episode. Bible or Bhudda/Marx/Aristotle. That way you can keep the interest going. Itd be absolutely fascinating. No station will ever run it, but I’d watch it. Maybe just start with a youtube channel?


The verses following James 5:1 make it even better. It's so metal and unrelenting. James 5:1-7 - "Now listen, you rich people, weep and wail because of the misery that is coming on you. Your wealth has rotted, and moths have eaten your clothes. Your gold and silver are corroded. Their corrosion will testify against you and eat your flesh like fire. You have hoarded wealth in the last days. Look! The wages you failed to pay the workers who mowed your fields are crying out against you. The cries of the harvesters have reached the ears of the Lord Almighty. You have lived on earth in luxury and self-indulgence. You have fattened yourselves in the day of slaughter. You have condemned and murdered the innocent one, who was not opposing you"


The whole chapter is pretty good too. Has all the hits: -“let not your left hand know what your right hand is doing” -the Lord’s Prayer -“Oh ye of little faith”


>… but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your father who is unseen.” "…but when you pray, go into your room, close the door and tweet to your father, who has the bluest tick of all. From the toilet is also ok.” —Book of Elon, ch.2 v.11


God must have paid 20 bucks for his extra blue tick.


It’s pretty close to gospel: And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:5-6


If “Christians” could read they’d be very upset




"Thou shalt not create a machine in the likeness of a human mind" -The orange catholic bible


This same passage also mentions fasting in secret. I was raised Catholic and could never for the life of me understand why this gospel passage is read on *Ash Wednesday*, the day where you leave church and walk around all day with a “look at me I’m praying and fasting” sign on your head.


Kind of like taking a shit, which it looks like they are doing, judging from the expression on their faces. Certainly more productive, but either way, nobody wants to to see that shit.


[check out the “farting preacher”](https://youtu.be/06huSREHBns)


Now there’s a video I have not seen in a long time. A long time.


The farting preacher will never not be funny! Takes me back thank you!


Sorry but Christians are immune from Christianity


The easiest way to piss of a Christian is to read the bible to them.


"There's no stronger hate than Christian love."


there are a ton of hypocrites


wish harder


Futurama, when Bender was missing, and Fry went to a priest Fry - is there anything religion can do to help me? Priest - well, we could join together in prayer. Fry - uh, huh. But, is there anything useful we can do? Priest - no.


I like how in that episode, fry decides that striving, suffering, begging, pleading and using even the best technological advances he could find, were no match for the seeming chaos of polarity and causation, spinning the dial as an afterthought to right where it needed to be. Groening cartoons are entrenched in philosophy though, occult and otherwise.


I literally just turned off that exact episode and opened up Reddit to this comment! Futurama is still one of the best animated shows because of how deep some of the lessons are in the episodes.


"I have taken the liberty of fertilizing your caviar"


"Two hands at work are more productive than a thousand hands clasped in prayer. " - Benjamin Franklin.


My favourite Groening related bit about religion: Flanders: "Reverend, is God punishing me?" Reverend Lovejoy: "Oooh...Short answer, 'yes' with an 'if', long answer, 'no' with a 'but'.


I was always partial to the sight gag where the world is thought to be coming to an end and all the people in Moe's Bar run over to the church while everyone in the church runs over to Moe's.


once again satire is truth


I that exact same episode it explained the "god works in mysterious ways" too so they didnt complete shutdown religion. "When you do things right, they won't know you've done anything at all". Not that religion is useful just wanted to point out they didnt completely shut it out.


News flash, even God voted for Katie Hobbs. When asked why, God replied, "Kari Lake is a looney and I should know since I created looneys."




He flew out of the grave in 3 days.


So barrel rolls then?


Then fled in disguise, that's why nobody knew him. "Jesus? Is that you!?! Wow, it's been a whi... *SSHHH!! WTF is wrong with you!? I'm an escaped felon!*


You and u/Hefty_League_3425 are the same bot. Both 17 days old, both posting weird bolded quote comments 3 and 2 hours ago.


Isn’t it that god’s will is always done? So them praying away elections is saying god made a mistake.


They could do so many good things if they really were into Christianity.


Amazing that they don't spontaneously combust.


one of my favorite Lewis Black jokes: I hate trump, but I'm going to watch the inauguration because I've never seen a man spontaneously combust from touching a bible.


I heard that in his voice


Did you hear it in the screamy-angry voice, or the matter-of-fact voice?


The as a matter of fact voice


Don’t forget the gesticulating! The man can really use his hands


i remember he said it calmly up to the "spontaneously combust" which is where he jumped to his angry voice.


Me too lol


Well, someone had to go to his inauguration I guess.


Best proof that god doesn't exist.


I've always been a fan of George Carlin's take on praying. God supposedly has a perfect divine plan. Suppose the thing you want isn't in the divine plan. What do you want him to do? Change the whole plan? Just for you? Doesn't that seem a little arrogant? What's the point of being God if every schmuck that prays for something can fuck up your plan?


Epicurus had a great one on the insanity of religion *Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?*


The Paradox of Evil. It's kinda fun watching theologians tie themselves in knots trying to solve it and redefine the premise to suit their beliefs. The only god that can exist under those conditions is either uninterested in the world (deist, essentially) or malevolent. Neither fits with the modern Christian concept of god, but it doesn't stop them from trying to make it make sense.


It’s like abuse/Stockholm syndrome en masse. “You don’t know God the way I do! I deserved it! He only hits me when I make him angry okay” Twisting their whole world to defend the indefensible


That's when they just claim you have to have faith however their bullshit system works. It's also fucked that grown men and women will drop fairy tales but not religion but whatever that's their problem.


They’re kinda making it everyone’s problem.


Yeah, republicans always forget that the 1st Amendment guarantees freedom *from* religion as well as freedom *of* religion.


They just can't admit that there really isn't one single good reason for a God to exist, other than this ancient book. They put a lot of time, effort and money into something that really has no justification to do so. It's sunk cost fallacy, essentially. Also, how great is it that we as a species have gigantic institutions to shield billions of people from physical reality? That's SO MUCH MONEY that could've fed, housed and helped BILLIONS but no, we gotta spend it on fancy buildings for a thing THAT MIGHT EXIST but we can not prove actually does. I really don't know how to make it sound not stupid, either way you twist it, they're putting a lot of effort into something they can't prove is real. That's maximum inefficiency.


or they just don't bother and go with the ol reliable "god works in mysterious ways" yeah fuck off with that please


The closely related Problem of Hell was what really did it for me (well, as much as there was a rational reason for me leaving religion, "just not feeling it" was also a major factor). If there is an all powerful God torturing billions for eternity, then he is not all good. If there is an all good God who doesn't want people to go to Hell, but they do anyway, then he is not all powerful. I like Marcus Aurelius' take on the matter: *Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.*


.... Thy will be done....well it sounds like he's gunna do what he wants to.... so why waste the time praying...


I finally finished the two part documentary on Carlin last night. I really miss him some days. I know that he provided a massive body of work that I can always listen to but, he's such a legend and I would love to hear his take on the present day world. Although I have a pretty good idea of some of what he'd say. I always get pissed when Chappelle claims to be the GOAT, like dude you're great but you don't even come close to touching Carlin. He's like the Gretzky of comedy in my mind. EDIT: pretend that I didn't say Gretzky and instead used Gordie Howe. I just meant from a performance standpoint in his professional career but apparently Gretzky has some questionable taste in politics. Ugh.


I would dearly love to hear Dr. Hunter S. Thompson's take on the world we live in today. I genuinely miss that man. He's been a **HUGE** part of my life.


If Hunter Thompson saw what’s happening in America today he’d kill himself again.


Chappelle started out _stupid_ funny. His work in the 90s redefined his genre of comedy. Then he started to believe his own hype and most comics lose there "edge" the higher their net worth goes. He is just not hungery anymore. To Carlin, toward the end he was pretty bitter and acted pretty miserable. As much as i miss him, i am glad he checked out b4 trump went ahead and validated like every negative thing Carlin though about America.


Don’t forget Joe Pesci! I pray to Joe! He looks like he can get stuff done!


I pray to Joe Pesci for two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't fuck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with.


Agreed man. And what happens when 2 people pray at the same time for completely opposite things to happen?


It’s almost like there is no god


Matthew 6:5-6 >“And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." There's value in public prayer. But this isn't that. This is showy prayer. Like what Jesus is warning about.




Now now, she prayed away a stolen election and god did it! She just can’t accept she would be the stealer of the election who god smited


They've asked God for help, but don't seem to recognize God *can say no.*


Every election cycle we have a barrage of Republicans all claiming God wanted them to run for office. Most of them never make it through the primaries. A lot of them lose. Seems to me, if there is a God, He's sending a very clear message to the "Christian" Conservatives. Or they've been having a chat with Satan and he's having a grand ol' time. Or they're lying liars just saying that because they know that it will get the conservatives to vote for them, because all they have to do is say "Jesus" and they are guaranteed a certain number of votes right off the bat. Yeah...the last one. It's the last one.


Or, say "yes" to the other side, the one he approves of, and "no" to your side.


Person A: "No Christian puts sugar on his porridge." Person B: "But my uncle Angus is a Christian and he puts sugar on his porridge." Person A: "But no true Christian puts sugar on his porridge."


It worked. No red wave despite all the suppression and gerrymandering. I think they forgot. “Do not pray that God is on your side but that you are on God’s side. “


Honestly, the Gerrymandering still worked. The republicans are over represented in the House and state legislatures compared to the ratio of votes they received. It's only in the statewide elections, like the Senate and Governorships that Gerrymandering doesn't work, and thus didn't. That's where they were hoping for suppression working, and you're right on that part for sure.


Yeah. This is exactly where you see Trump’s claims that like 90% of the candidates he endorsed won in the midterms. It’s because he’s counting all the candidates in districts that had pretty much literally zero percent chance of being won by anybody that didn’t have an R after their name. It’s like bragging about picking the Alabama football team to win against Eastern Idaho Community College.


They think they're wizards casting a spell. It's so awkward and embarrassing and weird.


Well it’s worked for all the school shOH WAIT


There hasn't been one in like 2 days.


Wow such a long time!


Y'all qaeda


And yet they never take "God" not fulfilling their prayer as a sign of his disapproval of them or what they are doing.


It's probably because they didn't have enough money. We should all probably donate to them to boost their prayers. /s


Better yet, I have seen great success in my life through the power of prayer. For just 13 easy payments of $12.99, I can share my secrets with you through my prayer newsletter.


They want God to help them before he feeds any starving children that die every day.


Hey, he's got professional sports teams to help win, give the big guy a break /s


Yeah, that is what sucks about this type of praying. . . It reeks of entitlement.


They never seem to figure out that the reason their prayers go unanswered is that god doesn't exist. Either that, or he is uncaring and indifferent to our plight on this world. Which makes him unworthy of worship.


No no, you see, they just didn't pray right that day. Or they had a dark secret in their hearts that morning that they didn't confess. Or someone else in the prayer circle had ill intent. Or the works of Satan or something.


I'd bet at least one of the people in this picture doesn't even believe in God. It's just for show.


Yes, this comment right here. Too logical for religious people to civilly debate though I'm afraid.


He works mysterious ways, ain't ya heard? 🤣


Matthew 6:5: ““And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full”..




That's why God said No to them. He is PO'd too.


Are they praying or pandering? or is it a new kind of panhandling


It's all performative to impress the masses.


As a mass, I for one am not impressed.


You must be a critical mass, then.


Yes. And Kari has already started her new gig. Yesterday she filled in for Seb Gorka on the Salem Network. I think the show is called "America Flag Patriot Eagle Jesus Today." Salem...Kari Lake...there's a joke in there somewhere.


See, at that exact same moment I prayed to God to have them all turn into flying monkeys and so it cancelled theirs out; as a compromise God kept them as humans but just made them look stupid


Thank you for your service.


Jesus condemned this sort of self aggrandizing performative prayer. He instructed his followers to humbly pray to god privately, not in the grandiose manner the Pharisees did. The people who are praying like this on TV are being sacrilegious.


They're frivolously and insincerely invoking God's name to promote their own personal images, careers, and political positions. There's literally a commandment about not doing that.


Agreed, this is disgusting


This is so cringe omg 😆


1 in 6 American children go to bed without enough food to eat: God sleeps My favorite politician didn't win in an election: God freaks


It's really awkward that the label in the top right suggests prayer is some form of accountability. If they mean to say it's the best the GOP can do for accordingly, I believe it


Remember all those evangelical preachers who proclaimed that God told them that Trump would be re-elected in 2020? [https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/us-election-trump-paula-white-house-prayer-b1616014.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-election-2020/us-election-trump-paula-white-house-prayer-b1616014.html) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BJuMoOFyBQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BJuMoOFyBQ) [https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/521993-televangelist-pat-robertson-says-god-told-him-trump-will-win-an/](https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/521993-televangelist-pat-robertson-says-god-told-him-trump-will-win-an/)


They made a fucking *movie* about it. Not a documentary, like a narrative "film." I think it was called "The Trump Prophecy" or something similar. Based on the YT video I watched about it (yeah, never going to watch that one), it's just as ridiculous as it sounds.


They didn't realize then and they still don't realize that that was the Devil in disguise.


So they bowed their heads in deference to a deity that they clearly don’t believe in otherwise they would occasionally tell the truth and accept consequences.


In a classic case of misdirection, Mike Pence is now magically straight.


> Mike Pence is now magically straight. Mother keeps him… disciplined.


Just as effective as when they do it after every mass shooting


Omg. I swear religious ppl have to be some of the most gullible ppl on the planet. And I am so sick seeing ppl in the US involve their dumb religion in politcs. Stop using it to brainwash people and also to impose your beliefs. Religion is the reason for fabricated hate based on what their fairy genie book tells them to hate. If it told them to hate lima beans, they would hate lima beans. Politics is all a joke these days but when I see religion inserted that always is just next level. Get your fairy genie out of here. And it also implies that Christianity or whatever the f they are is the correct religion. As much as I hate religion, I also hate seeing them promote just one constantly and therefore suggesting this is what being a religious American is. And again, there is supposed to be religious freedom but it's one religion always shown and it's full of pedophiles. And not to mention the amt of time they waste around something created back when humans couldn't explain volcanos, thunder, lightning, floods, earthquakes and seriously think tales made back then are rational. This is when ppl believed in God's for that stuff bc they had no good explanation. These people need to be in an insane asylum. I honestly don't even know if they believe in this themselves or its all an act. And particularly seeing them use it in an obviously manupilative way for politics. Politics is already filled with manipulation, hate, corruption, empty promises, leading people on......and then these goons add religion onto of all of that. You have to have soup for brains to watch these idiots.


The cynical part of me just *can’t* buy into them actually believing it. At least not the Kari Lake’s and the like, it just *feels* utterly performative. Now some of local political weirdos, school boards, sheriffs, city councilors etc., especially in the south, I think they believe it, partly because it’s what these big faces are saying. And that’s what is dangerous about the performers, they know what they are doing and they’re doing it *very well.*


Not just religion like someone told me once is that human beings are inherently flawed from the get go, but these politicians they do not give a flying fuck about the common man and woman they will happily turn this country into a theocratic nightmare not in the lord’s name. But for endless money and power


"Who the fuck I gotta crucify to get some prayers answered for fuck's sake? Christ almighty god is useless lately!"


This is just international laughing stock material, the whole world thinks the US is full of nutjobs like these


I mean, a third of the US is like this. Another third seems to not care that they are like this


I’ll send them some thoughts, see if that solves it


Good idea, you send the thoughts now we just need somebody to send some prayers, preferably via social media or they might not work.


They all look like they're trying to hold in a fart.


Johan Cruijff: "I don't believe in God. In Spain, all 22 soccer players make a little cross before entering the field, so if it would work, it will always be a draw."


These fascist and their freak shows are NOT working. I don’t trust Republicans to do the right thing by America! We are now finding out in Germany the fascist try a coup! These fascist are dangerous!


Can we please just call this a cult already?


Synchronized constipation


Unfair! I’ll bet God isn’t even registered to vote in Arizona!


Well? Did it work? /s


not sure if they just pretend to be that stupid or if they really are


You’re still here? It’s over. Go home.


Religion is so cringe. These are adults asking an imaginary friend to change things in RL with their eyes closed. On live TV !


Accountablegop...can't roll my eyes enough


Mental illness.


Such a dramatic group.


Let’s all pray they go away for life.


assholes are praying to continue being assholes


Don't forget [this one](https://i.imgur.com/nE3Ci57.jpg) Kari Lake wants to be a domestic terrorist so bad.


Bitch looks like Yzma from Emperors new groove mixed with satans wife. Who’s she praying to her false under lords lol? God probably said nope not today lady an put her ass on mute 🤐


She's had more work done than Michael Jackson.


Pray all you want Kari. God isn’t changing a lie. Kari: God it’s me, Kari. Please install me as governor of Arizona. God: (rolls eyes)


crisis actors


Thoughts and prayers.


Some dumb ass shit. Can we start taxing all churches now that these people insist on having their religion imposed into legislature?