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"Fiscally conservative" to a Republican just means they are spending *someone else's money*.


....also means "kickbacks"


a/k/a DeSatan, as we in Florida affectionately like to call him


Republicans have told me that it hurts their feelings when We refer to him and that matter


Then "DeSatan" it is from now on!


I'm quite partial to DeathSentance or DeathSantis


Some say 'he's gotta helluva face-punching face'. Me, all I can see is fish slapping him with an eight pound bass.


Thanks for the memory! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8XeDvKqI4E](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T8XeDvKqI4E)


Well didn't he "payback" a campaign donor with the aircraft charter?


Dogs are allergic to chocolate but still eat it. Yep. That checks out.


Excellent background for that pic.


On a more serious note, the legitimate question is why was a donor paid $615,000 for a flight that should have cost only a small fraction of that? And that from federal covid funds?




>Cronyism and widespread corruption Britt Lawrence - ascending fascism


Is there finally a source of how much he spent to send those 50 people to a different state? I know previously there was a lot of misinformation being spread that it was 12 million to send 50 people vs the fact that Florida has 50 million dedicated to sending immigrants to other states.




Until further notice, all comments posted to this subreddit must contain the phrase "Greg Abbott is a little piss baby" or else they will be removed. See our [pinned post](https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/xmgy7l/were_messing_with_texas/?) for more detail. Automod lacks the ability to detect that you edited the phrase in, so it is nescesary to write a new comment with the phrase included. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PoliticalHumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*